• Aucun résultat trouvé


when reviewing the output from step 2, always make special notes of iP addresses that include some type of remote access service. ssH, telnet, ftP, Pc Anywhere, and Vnc are popular choices because gaining access to these ser-vices often results in the complete owning of that target. Upon discovery of one of these services, hackers typically turn to an “online password cracker.” online password crackers work by attempting to brute force their way into a system by trying an exhaustive list of passwords and/or username combinations.

when using online password crackers, the potential for success can be greatly increased if you combine this attack with information gathered from step 1.

specifically you should be sure to include any usernames or passwords you discovered. the process of online password cracking literally requires the attacking program to send a username and a password to the target. if either the username or password is incorrect, the attack program will be presented with an error message and the log-in will fail. the password cracker will then send the next username and password combination. this process continues until the program is either successful in finding a login/password combo or it exhausts all the guesses. on the whole, even though computers are great at repetitive tasks like this, the process is rather slow.

You should be aware that some remote access systems employ a password throttling technique that can limit the number of unsuccessful log-ins you are allowed. in these instances either your iP address can be blocked or the user-name can be locked out.

there are many different tools that can be used for online password cracking.

two of the most popular tools are medusa and Hydra. these tools are very similar in nature. in this book, the focus will be on medusa, but it is strongly encouraged that you become familiar with Hydra as well.

medusa is described as a parallel log-in brute forcer that attempts to gain access to remote authentication services. medusa is capable of authenticating with a large number of remote services including AfP, ftP, HttP, imAP, ms-sQl, mysQl, netware ncP, nntP, PcAnywhere, PoP3, rexec, rlogin, smtP-AUtH, snmP, ssHv2, telnet, Vnc, web form, and more.

in order to use medusa, you need several pieces of information including the target iP address, a username or username list that you are attempting to log in as, a password or dictionary file containing multiple passwords to use

when logging in, and the name of the service you are attempting to authenti-cate with.

one of the requirements listed above is a dictionary list. A password dictionary is a file that contains a list of potential passwords. these lists are often referred to as dictionaries because they contain thousands or even millions of individual words. People often use plain english words or some small variation like a 1 for an i, or a 5 for an s when they create passwords. Password lists attempt to collect as many of these words as possible. some hackers and penetration testers spend years building password dictionaries that grow to gigabytes in size. A good dic-tionary can be extremely useful but often requires a lot of time and attention to keep clean. clean dictionaries are streamlined and free of duplication.

there are plenty of small wordlists that can be downloaded from the internet and serve as a good starting point for building your own personal password dictionary. there are also tools available that will build dictionaries for us.

However, fortunately, the fine folks at Backtrack have already included a few word lists for us to use. You can find these dictionaries in the /pentest/pass-words/wordlists directory. there is also a small list included with the John the ripper located at: /pentest/passwords/jtr/password.lst.

once you have your password dictionary, you need to decide if you are going to attempt to log in as a single user or if you want to supply a list of potential users. if your reconnaissance efforts were rewarded with a list of usernames, you may want to start with those. if you were unsuccessful in gathering user-names and passwords, you may want to focus on the results of the e-mail addresses you collected with the Harvester. remember the first part of an e-mail address can often be used to generate a working domain username.

Assume that during your penetration test you were unable to find any domain usernames. However, the Harvester was able to dig up the e-mail address ben.

owned@example.com. when using medusa, one option is to create a list of potential usernames based on the e-mail address. these would include ben.

owned, benowned, bowned, ownedb, and several other combinations derived from the e-mail address. After creating a list of 5–10 usernames, it is possible to feed this list into medusa and attempt to brute force my way into the remote authentication service.

now that we have a target iP address with some remote authentication ser-vice (we will assume ssH for this example), a password dictionary, and at least one username, we are ready to run medusa. in order to execute the attack, you open a terminal and issue the following command:

medusa –h target_ip –u username –P path_to_password_dictionary –M authentication_service_to_attack

take a moment to examine this command in more detail; you will need to cus-tomize the information for your target:

the first keyword “medusa” is used to start the brute forcing program.

“-h” is used to specify the iP address of the target host.

the “-u” is used to denote a single username that medusa will use to attempt log-ins.

if you generated a list of usernames and would like to attempt to log in with each of the names on the list, you can issue a capital “-U” followed by the path to the username file.

likewise, the lowercase “-p” is used to specify a single password, whereas a capital “-P” is used to specify an entire list containing multiple passwords.

the “-P” needs to be followed by the actual location or path to the diction-ary file.

the “-m” switch is used to specify which service we want to attack.

to clarify this attack, let us continue with the example we set up earlier.

suppose we have been hired to conduct a penetration test against the com-pany “example.com.” during our information gathering with metagoofil, we uncover the username of “ownedb” and an iP address of After port scanning the target, we discover that the server is running ssH on port 22.

moving to step 3, one of the first things to do is to attempt to brute force our way into the server. After firing up Backtrack and opening a terminal, we issue the following command:

medusa –h –u ownedb –P /pentest/passwords/wordlists/

darkc0de.lst –M ssh

figure 4.1 shows the command and its associated output.

fIGURE 4.1

Using Medusa to Brute Force into SSH.

the first line shows the command we issued; the second line is an informa-tional banner that is displayed when the program begins. the remaining lines show a series of log-in attempts with the username “ownedb” and various pass-words beginning with “[1B].” notice on the 11th log-in attempt medusa is suc-cessful in accessing the system with a username of “ownedb” and a password of

“!power.” At this point we would be able to remotely log in as the user.

depending on the level of engagement and goals identified in your authoriza-tion and agreement form, you may be done with the penetraauthoriza-tion test at this point. congratulations! You just completed your first penetration test and suc-cessfully gained access to a remote system.

Although it is not always quite that easy, you will be surprised at how many times a simple tactic like this works and allows you full access and control of a remote system.