• Aucun résultat trouvé

Chapitre 6 Conclusion

6.3 Poursuite de la recherche

Les profils identitaires que nous avons pu identifier ne sont, en réalité, qu’une esquisse qui pourrait être peaufinée en menant d’autres études s’intéressant plus spécifiquement à l’identité de base construite à l’issue de cette formation. Il serait intéressant de se pencher sur l’expérience des étudiants ainsi que sur la perception qu’ils détiennent de leur identité professionnelle, un peu comme l’ont fait Beauchamp et Thomas (2009), qui ont étudié cette question auprès d’étudiants québécois.

Dans un autre ordre d’idées, il y a lieu de porter un regard sur les enseignants qui ont terminé la formation initiale et qui travaillent en milieu scolaire. L’identité professionnelle

s’altère avec le temps et en fonction de divers facteurs. Il serait donc intéressant de voir comment s’épanouit l’IPE de ces enseignants après leur passage en formation initiale.



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Colliot-Thélène, C. (2006). La sociologie de Max Weber. Paris: La Découverte. Combessie, J.-C. (1996). La méthode en sociologie. Paris: La Découverte. Copans, J. (1998). L'enquête ethnologique de terrain. Paris: Nathan Université.

Jakku-Sihvonen, R., & Niemi, H. (2007). Education as a societal contributor: Reflections by Finnish educationalists. Frankfurtam Main: Peter Lang.

Jakku-Sihvonen, R., & Niemi, H. (2006). Research-based Teacher Education in Finland: Reflections by Finnish Teacher Educators,Turku : Finnish Educational Research Association.

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Peretz, H. (2007). Les méthodes en sociologie. L'observation. Paris: La Découverte.

Riopel, M.-C. (2006). Apprendre à enseigner: une identité professionnelle à développer. Saint-Nicolas: Presses de l'Université Laval.

Van der Maren, J.-M. (1995). Méthodes de recherche pour l'éducation. Montréal : Presses de l'Université de Montréal.

Chapitre dans les ouvrages collectifs:

Aho, E., Pitkänen, K. & Sahlberg, P. (2006) Policy development and reform principles of basic and secondary education in Finland since 1968 (Washington, DC, World Bank). Beauchamps, C. (2012). Un cadre conceptuel pour mieux comprendre la littérature sur la réflexion en enseignement. Dans M. Tardif, C. Borges & A. Malo (dir.) : Le virage réflexif en éducation. Où en sommes-nous 30 ans après Schön ? Paris : De Boeck, 21- 46.

Cochran-Smith, M. (2008). Teaching for social change: toward a grounded theory of teacher education. Dans M. Fullan, A. Hargreaves, D. Hopkins, & A. Lieberman (dir.): The international handbook of educational change. New York: Springer Publishing,

Jakku-Sihvonen, R. (2007). Curricula for majoring in education. Dans R. Jakku-Sihvonen & H. Niemi (dir.) : Education as societal contributor. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 207–225.

Jakku-Sihvonen, R., & Niemi, H. (2006). Introduction to the Finnish education system and teachers’work. Dans R. Jakku-Sihvonen & H. Niemi (dir.) : Research-based teacher education in Finland – Reflections by Finnish teacher educators. Helsinki: Finnish Educational Research Association, 12-28.

Kansanen, P. (2007). Research-based teacher education. Dans R. Jahkku-Sihvonen & H. Niemi (dir.) : Education as a Societal Contributor. Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang. Kansanen, P. (2006). Constructing a research-based program in teacher education. Dans F.

K. Oser, F. Achtenhagen, & U. Renold (dir.) : Competence oriented teacher training). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 11–22.

Karsenti, T. & Demers, S. (2004). L'étude de cas. Dans T. Karsenty et L. Savoie-Zajc (dir.) La recherche en éducation: étapes et approches. Sherbrooke: Éditions du CRP, 209- 233.

Kincheloe, J.L. (2012). Teachers as researchers, good work, and troubled times. Dans J.L. Kincheloe (dir.) : Teachers as researchers : Qualitative inquiry as a path to empowerment. New York : Routledge,

Krokfors, L. (2007). Two-fold role of reflective pedagogical practise in research- based teacher education. Dans R. Jakku-Sihvonen & H. Niemi (dir.) : Education as a

societal contributor. Reflections by Finnish educationalists. Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang,

Niemi, H., Jakku-Sihvonen, R. (2011). Teacher education in Finland. Dans M.V. Zuljan & J. Vogrinc (dir.): European dimensions of teacher education. Similarities and differences. Ljubljana: Faculty of Education; Kranj : The National School of Leadership and Education, 33-52.

Niemi, H. (2012). The societal factors contributing to education and schooling in Finland. Dans H. Niemi, A. Toom, & A. Kallioniemi (dir.) : Miracle of education. The principles and practices of teaching and learning in Finnish schools. Boston : Sense Publisher, 39-54.

Roy, S.M. (2010). L’étude de cas. Dans B. Gauthier (dir.) : Recherche sociale. De la problématique à la collecte de données. Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec, 199-225.

Sahlberg, P. (2011). The Finnish dream: equal educational opportunities. Dans P. Sahlberg (dir.) : Finnish lessons : what can the world learn from educational change in Finland? London: Teachers College Press.

Tardif, M. (2012). Réflexivité et expérience du travail enseignant. Dans M. Tardif, C. Borges & A. Malo (dir.) : Le virage réflexif en éducation. Où en sommes-nous 30 ans après Schön ? Paris : De Boeck, 47-72.

Watier, P. (2005). Compréhension et savoir ordinaire. Dans D. Jeffrey et M. Maffesoli (dir.) : La sociologie compréhensive. Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval, 17-43. Zeichner, K.M. et Tabachnick, B.R. (1991). Reflection on reflective teaching. Dans R.

Tabachnick et K. Zeichner (dir.), Issues and practices in inquiry-oriented teacher education, London: The Falmer Press, 1-21.

Publications scientifiques:

Anadon, M. (2006). La recherche dite «°qualitative°»: de la dynamique de son évolution aux acquis indéniables et aux questionnements présents. Recherches qualitatives, 26(1), 5-30.

Anspal, T., Eisenschimdt, E., Löfström, E. (2012). Finding myself as a teacher : exploring the shaping of teacher identities through student teachers’ narratives. Teachers and teaching: theory and practice, 18(2), 197-216.

Beauchamp, C., & Thomas, L. (2009). Understanding teacher identity: an overview of issues in the literature and implications for teacher education. Cambridge Journal of Education, 39(2), 175-189.

Bengtsson, J. (1995). What is Reflection? On reflection in the teaching profession and teacher education. Teachers and Teaching, 1(1), 23-32.

Bouissou, C., Aroq, C. (2005). Mémoires professionnels et développement des enseignants en formation: étude des rapports aux savoirs et des rapports à l’action. Revue des sciences de l’éducation, 31(1), 15-31.

Broadfoot, P. (2000). Comparative Education for the 21st Century. Comparative Education, 36 (3), 357–371.

Byman, R., Krokfors, L., Toom, A., Maaranen, K., Jyrhämä, R., Kynäslahti, H., et al. (2009). Educating inquiry-oriented teachers: students' attitudes and experiences towards research-based teacher education. Educational Research & Evaluation, 15(1), 79-92.

Chaubet, P. (2010). Saisir la réflexion pour mieux former à une pratique réflexive : d'un modèle théorique à son opérationnalisation. Éducation et francophonie, 38(2), 60-77. Cochran-Smith, M. (2006). Teacher Education and the need for public intellectuals. The

New Educator, 2(3), 181-206.

Correa Molina, E., Collin, S., Chaubet, P., & Gervais, C. (2010). Concept de réflexion : un regard critique. Éducation et francophonie, 38(2), 135-154.

Dobber, M., Akkerman, S., Verloop, N., Vermunt, J. (2012). Student teachers’ collaborative research: Small-scale research projects during teacher education, Teaching and Teacher Education xxx, 1-9.

Evans, L. (2010). Professionals or technicians? Teacher preparation programs and occupational understandings, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 16(2), 183-205.

Gohier, C., Anadón, M., Bouchard, Y., Charbonneau, B., & Chevrier, J. (2001). La construction identitaire de l'enseignant sur le plan professionnel: un processus dynamique et interactif. Revue des sciences de l'éducation, 27(1), 3-32.

Jakku-Sihvonen, R., Tissari, V., Ots, A., & Uusiautti, S. (2012): Teacher Education Curricula after the Bologna Process – a Comparative Analysis of Written Curricula in Finland and Estonia. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 56(3), 261-275.

Jyrhämä, R., Kynäslahti, H., Krokfors, L., Byman, R., Maaranen, K., Toom, A., et al. (2008). The appreciation and realisation of research-based teacher education: Finnish students' experiences of teacher education. European Journal of Teacher Education, 31(1), 1-16.

Korthagen, F.A.J. (2004). In search of the essence of a good teacher: Towards a more holistic approach in teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 20, 77–97. Korthagen, F. A. J. & Wubbels, T. (1995): Characteristics of Reflective Practitioners:

towards an operationalization of the concept of reflection. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 1(1), 51-72.

Krokfors, L., Kynäslahti, H., Stenberg, K., Toom, A., Maaranen, K., Jyrhämä, R., et al. (2011). Investigating Finnish teacher educators' views on research-based teacher education. Teaching Education, 22(1), 1-13.

Lambe, J. (2011). Developing pre-service teachers’ reflective capacity through engagement with classroom-based research. Reflective practice, 12(1), 87-100.

Lopes, A. L., & Pereira, F. (2012). Everyday life and everyday learning: the ways in which pre-service teacher education curriculum can encourage personal dimensions of teacher identity. European Journal of Teacher Education, 35(1), 17-38.

Maaranen, K., Krokfors, L. (2008). Researching pupils, schools and oneself. Teachers as integrators of theory and practice in initial teacher education. Journal of Education for Teaching: International research and pedagogy, 34(3), 207-222

Maaranen, K. (2010).Teacher Students' MA Theses-A Gateway to Analytic Thinking About Teaching? A Case Study of Finnish Primary School Teachers. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 54(5), 487-500.

Maaranen, K., & Krokfors, L. (2008). Researching Pupils, Schools and Oneself. Teachers as Integrators of Theory and Practice in Initial Teacher Education. Journal of Education for Teaching: International Research and Pedagogy, 34(3), 207-222.

Malet, R. (2011). Frontières, traduction et politiques de la différence: la tâche herméneutique de l’éducation comparée. International Review of Education, 57, 319- 335.

Mockler, N. (2011). Beyond 'what works': understanding teacher identity as a practical and political tool. Teachers & Teaching, 17(5), 517-528.

Nóvoa, A., & Yariv-Marshal, T. (2003). Comparative research in education: A mode of governance or a historical journey. Comparative Education, 39(4), 423–438.

Parkinson, P. T. (2009). Field-based pre-service teacher research: facilitating reflective professional practice. Teaching and Teacher Education, 25(6), 798-804.

Rudduck, J. (1985): Teacher research and research-based teacher education. Journal of Education for Teaching, 11(3), 281-289.

Sahlberg, P. (2006). Education reform for raising economic competitiveness. Journal of Educational Change, 7(4), 259–287.

Sugrue, C. 2004. Revisiting teaching archetypes: Identifying dominant shaping influences on student teacher’s identities. European Educational Research Journal, 3(3), 583– 602.

Simola, H. (2005). The Finnish miracle of PISA: historical and sociological remarks on teaching and teacher education. Comparative Education, 41(4), 455–470.

Toom, A., Kynäslahti, H., Krokfors, L., Jyrhämä, R., Byman, R., Stenberg, K., Maaranen, K., Kansanen, P. (2010). Experiences of a research-based approach to teacher education: suggestions for future policies. European Journal of Education, 45(2), 331-344.

Toy, B.N., Ok, A. (2012). Incorporating critical thinking in the pedagogical content of a teacher education programme: does it make a difference? European Journal of Teacher Education, 35(1), 39-56.

Trudel, L., Simard, C. & Vonarx, N. (2007). La recherche qualitative est-elle nécessairement exploratoire? Recherches qualitatives – Hors série (5), 38-45.

Tryggvason, M-T. (2012). Perceptions of identity among Finnish university-based subject teacher educators. European Journal of Teacher Education, 35(3), 289-303.

Tryggvason, M-T. (2009). Why is Finnish teacher education successful? Some goals Finnish teacher educators have for their teaching. European Journal of Teacher Education, 32(4), 369-382.

Uwamariya, A., Mukamurera, J. (2005). Le concept de «°développement professionnel°» en enseignement: approches théoriques. Revue des sciences de l’éducation, 31(1), 133-155.

Westbury, I., Hansen, S.-E., Kansanen, P. & Björkvist, O. (2005) Teacher education for research- based practice in expanded roles: Finland’s experience. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 49(5), 475–485.

Zeichner, K. M. (1983). Alternative paradigms of teacher education, Journal of Teacher Education, 34, pp. 3–9.


OPM (Opetusministeriö, Department of Education). 1994. Educational studies and teacher education in Finnish universities: A commentary by an international review team. Helsinki: Ministry of Education.

OECD. 2001. Knowledge and skills for life. First results from the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2000. Paris: OECD Publications.

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Mémoires et thèses

Beauchamps, C. (2006). Understanding reflection in teaching: a framework for analyzing the literature (Thèse de doctorat, Université McGill, Canada).

Deschenau-Guay, A. (2007). La «°société du savoir°». Résonance et performativité d’un discours de légitimation du capitalisme (Mémoire de maîtrise, Université Laval, Canada). Morales, A. (2012). Étude comparée de la formation initiale des enseignants du primaire au Québec et en Finlande. (Mémoire de maîtrise, Université de Montréal, Montréal).

Poulin, M. (2010). Les représentations sociales de l'identité professionnelle d'enseignants du primaire pratiquant dans une école alternative. (Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal).


European Commission: http://ec.europa.eu/education/higher-education/bologna_en.htm Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture: http://www.minedu.fi/OPM/?lang=en

Finnish National Board of Education: http://www.oph.fi/english/education University of Helsinki: http://www.helsinki.fi/university/index.html University of Helsinki - Department of Teacher Education:


Annexe A

Canevas d’entretien destiné aux professeurs des cours disciplinaires

Professeur : ____________________________ Autre fonction : _____________________ Cours dispensé (s): ________________________

1. Comment le contenu du cours est-il déterminé (en équipe, par vous-même, par le programme, etc.) - How do you determine what is to be learned in the course? 2. Si vous deviez donner une note de zéro à cinq, zéro signifiant que vous n’avez jamais

recours à la littérature scientifique et cinq signifiant que vous y avez toujours, quel chiffre décrirait le mieux votre cours - Giving a note from 0 to 5, 0 meaning never and 5 meaning

always, how would you grade your use of scientific literature among your course?

3. Comment choisissez-vous les lectures / activités à caractère scientifique qui seront faites dans le cadre du cours et pourquoi - How do you choose the research-based readings and

activities to do in class, and why?

4. Comment choisissez-vous la formule pédagogique pour aborder un article / ouvrage scientifique - How do you decide of the way to use those readings?

5. Quel est votre objectif quand vous présentez un article / ouvrage scientifique a vos étudiants - What are you aiming to do when you introduce research-based literature to your


6. Quels sont les travaux que les étudiants ont à réaliser dans le cadre du cours (en référence au travail autonome)? Quels sont vos objectifs par rapport à ceux-ci -What is the

independent work that students have to do within your course? What are your objectives related this type of work?

7. De par vos expériences, comment les étudiants participent-ils au cours en général - How do

the students participate in class?

8. Pensez-vous qu’ils bénéficient du contact avec la recherche? Si oui, comment? Si non, pourquoi - Do you think pre-service teachers gain from the research-based approach? If so,

how? If not, why?

9. En somme, votre cours contribue-t-il, selon vous, à la formation à la recherche des

étudiants? Justifiez - Would you say your course contributes to the research training of the

students? Why?

10. Autres questions en lien avec les observations réalisées en contexte de classe, le cas échéant – Other questions related to observation sessions.

Annexe B

Canevas d’entretien destiné aux professeurs en formation à la recherche

Professeur : ____________________________ Autre fonction : _____________________ Cours dispensé (s) : ________________________

1. Comment expliquez-vous l’importance/ la nécessité de la maîtrise dans la formation des enseignants - How would you explain the importance/ necessity of a master's degree for


2. Le curriculum offre cinq cours de formation portant spécifiquement sur la recherche en éducation. À quels moments ces cours sont-ils placés dans le curriculum - The curricula

offers five courses related to research studies in education. When are those courses taking place?

3. Quels sont les travaux que les étudiants ont à réaliser dans le cadre de ces cours (en

référence au travail autonome)? Quels sont vos objectifs par rapport à ceux-ci - What is the

independent work that students have to do within your course? What are your objectives related to this?

4. Qu’est-ce qui distingue la thèse du baccalauréat de la thèse de la maîtrise? Ces deux projets s’articulent-ils ensemble? Si oui, comment - What are the distinctions between the bachelor

and the master’s thesis? Are those two projects related somehow?

5. Quel est le support offert aux étudiants pendant la réalisation de leurs thèses (baccalauréat et maîtrise) - What kind of support is given to the students during the writing of their thesis? 6. En quoi consistent les séminaires de recherche -What are the research seminars like? 7. Les projets de maîtrise dans le département de la formation des maîtres sont-ils soumis aux

mêmes exigences que dans le reste de la faculté? Si non, quelles sont les différences - Are

the evaluation criteria the same among the different departments of the faculty concerning the writing of the master's thesis? If not, what are the differences?

8. Diriez-vous que le programme de formation des maîtres cherche davantage à former des producteurs de recherches scientifiques, des consommateurs ou les deux? Pourquoi -Would

you say that the research-based approach tends to train producer or consumer of research, or both? Why?

9. Pensez-vous que les étudiants bénéficient du contact avec la recherche? Si oui, comment? Si non, pourquoi? - Do you think pre-service teachers gain from the research-based

approach? If so, how? If not, why?

10. Autres questions en lien avec les observations réalisées en contexte de classe, le cas échéant – Other questions related to observation sessions.

Annexe C

Annonce de recrutement

Dear Madam or Sir,

My name is Laurie Dorval-Morissette and I am a master’s student from Université Laval, Canada. I am currently in Helsinki in order to study the functioning of the research-based approach within the teacher education program at the University of Helsinki. The objective of this research is to better understand the application of the research-based approach within the curriculum. This study has been approved by Université Laval’s research ethics committee, approbation number 2011-283/ 06-01-2012.

As part of my research, I am currently recruiting professors from the Department of teacher education to realize 45 to 60 minutes individual interviews. This interview is meant to collect information on how the research-based approach is taking place within the teacher education program. Interviews will be recorded to facilitate note-taking. A second interview could be done if necessary with the agreement of the participant. As a complement to the interview, a series of three to five observations in class could also be done with the agreement of the participant and its students.

Your collaboration to my project would be much appreciated. It would contribute to the development of knowledge related to teacher education. The interview can be realize whenever suits you the best.

Thanks for taking time to participate to this research project. You can show your interest to this project by sending an e-mail to the following address: laurie.dorval-morissette.1@ulaval.ca

Best regards and thank you for your collaboration, Laurie Dorval-Morissette

Annexe D


RESEARCH PROJECT: The functioning of research-based teacher education: a case study of the University of Helsinki

Dear Madam or Sir:

I am a Master’s student at the Faculty of Education (Département des fondements et pratiques en éducation) at Université Laval, Canada. I am presently studying the research-based approach within the teacher education training at the University of Helsinki. This project is undertaken independently by the University of Helsinki. It is supervised by madame Annie Pilote, professor and researcher at Université Laval.

As part of my research, I am currently recruiting participants for a study. The objective of this study is to document the application of the research-based approach among the courses offered in teacher education at the University of Helsinki. This research project should lead to a better understanding of the research-based approach and a better understanding of the training offered to pre-service teachers within this institution.

The research method consists of one individual interview with the student-researcher (myself). This semi-structured interview, lasting between 45 to 60 minutes, will take place at the University of Helsinki during winter session 2012. An audio recorder will be used during the interviews to facilitate note-taking. The recordings will be reserved exclusively for the research study and will not be made available to any other individual or organization. A second interview could be realized if necessary with the agreement of the participant.

As a complement to the interview, a series of 3 to 5 observations in class could be realized with the agreement of the participant and its students.

Please note that all research activities will be carried out with strong adherence to rules of ethics and that this study has been approved by the university’s research ethics committee, approbation number 2011-283/ 06-01-2012. I ensure confidentiality to all participants in the study, by using fictional names in the research report and in any other distribution of information. A code will be used in all research documents and only myself will have access to the list of codes and names. If quotations (excerpts from the interviews) are used, we ensure that it will not be possible to identify interview participants or other parties mentioned during the interview. Material collected during the research will be kept locked or inside electronic files to which the access is protected by a