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REQUESTS the Director-General to make every effort to: (i) release the funds required to finance the special programme of cooperation with the Republic of Chad


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral



The Regional Committee,

Considering the gravity of the health situation existing in Chad at the present time;

Hoping that peace will soon be restored in that country by the present hostilities;

Affirming that emergency health assistance is essential,

1. DECIDES to create a special programme of cooperation with Chad;

2. WELCOMES the solidarity shown by neighbouring states towards Chad and invites all Member States in the Region to give support to this programme;

3. REQUESTS the Regional Director to:

(i) use the funds from the Regional Director’s and Director-General’s development programmes to meet the most urgent requests;

(ii) convey this resolution to the Director-General for submission to the Executive Board and the World Health Assembly;

4. REQUESTS the Director-General to make every effort to:

(i) release the funds required to finance the special programme of cooperation with the Republic of Chad;

(ii) seek, for this purpose, extra-budgetary sources of finance.

September 1980, 30, 22


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