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INVITES the Regional Director to continue investigating all the possibilities with a view to the establishment of pilot teacher training centres


Academic year: 2022

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The Regional Committee,

Having considered the report on education and training in Africa submitted to it by the Regional Director at its seventeenth session,

Taking into account the discussions that have taken place on this subject,

1. NOTES with keen interest and deep satisfaction the realistic and dynamic efforts exerted by the Regional Director to implement the provisions of resolution AFR/RC16/R3;

2. WELCOMES in particular the suggestions put forward for giving assistance in the form of equipment and staff to those Member States wishing to establish teaching institutions in their territories;

3. REACTS very favourably to the proposal that subsidies be granted to the education and training centres of Member States in order to cover the cost of awarding fellowships to their nationals;

4. INVITES the Regional Director to continue investigating all the possibilities with a view to the establishment of pilot teacher training centres;

5. REQUESTS the Regional Director, acting through the Director-General, to draw the attention of Member States, possessing medical or paramedical teaching institutions to the importance of ensuring that the level of recruitment and training of candidates always conforms to the standards required in their own countries;

6. REQUESTS the Regional Director to transmit this resolution to the Director-General and to report to the Regional Committee at its eighteenth session.

September 1967, 17, 4


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