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REQUESTS the Director-General and the Regional Director to provide Member States with increased support in: (i) translating their national strategies into specific plans of action


Academic year: 2022

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The Regional Committee,

Having considered the evaluation report of the Regional Director on the implementation of strategies for health for All by the year 2000;

Noting that the report is the synthesis of the reports on evaluation of national strategies carried out by member States;

Noting once again the lack of relevant information on the multisectoral aspects of the data to be collected, which are intended for estimating the indicators necessary for evaluating national strategies;

Referring to resolutions WHA35.23 and AFR/RC32/R7, whereby member States adopted the plan of action for implementing national and regional strategies,

1. INVITES Member States to:

(i) improve intersectoral coordination by finding adequate means of communication at the central level between the health sector and the other relevant sectors;

(ii) determine what is needed for implementing their strategies in order to mobilize national and external financial and material resources;

(iii) strengthen existing health information and epidemiological surveillance systems and, specify indicators, adapted to their conditions, for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of national strategies;

2. REQUESTS the Director-General and the Regional Director to provide Member States with increased support in:

(i) translating their national strategies into specific plans of action;

(ii) carrying out studies on the 12 global indicators, and any others that the member States may formulate, in order to refine them and make them suitable for monitoring and evaluating national, regional and global strategies;

3. REQUEST the Regional Director to continue to provide practical training for national and WHO staff in health management and particularly in the information support essential to that process;

4. INVITES the Regional Director to transmit document AFR/AC35/12 to the Director- General as the regional contribution to evaluation of the global strategy for health for all and to the Seventh Report on the World Health Situation

September 1985, 35, 8


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