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REQUESTS the Director-General : (1) to provide technical assistance to governments, on request, in planning projects relating to the control or utilization of water and the development of arid land


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral


WHA4.17 Development of Arid Land, and International Co-operation on Water Control and Utilization The Fourth World Health Assembly,

Noting resolution 402 (V) on the development of arid land, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 20 November 1950, and resolution 346 (XII) on international co-operation on water control and utilization, adopted by the Economic and Social Council on 9 March 1951,16

1. RECOMMENDS to Member governments that plans for the control or utilization of water and the develop- ment of arid land should be so framed as to include measures to prevent the introduction or aggravation of disease ;

2. REQUESTS the Director-General :

(1) to provide technical assistance to governments, on request, in planning projects relating to the control or utilization of water and the development of arid land ;

(2) to co-operate with the United Nations and other specialized agencies concerned with such projects.

(Second report of the Committee on Programme, adopted at the tenth plenary meeting, 24 May 1951) [A4/R/44]


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