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RECOMMENDS to the Director-General that the following projects be financed under the Technical Assistance component of the United Nations Development Programme for the period 1970-1973


Academic year: 2022

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AFR/RC18/R9: 1970-1973 The Regional Committee,

Having considered a report by the Regional Director on the decision of the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme regarding the future approval and financing of inter-country and inter-regional projects, and

Considering that these projects are vital to the orderly growth and continued development of the health programmes in the African Region,

1. APPROVES the inter-country programmes contained in the Regional Director’s programme and budget estimates for 1970, document AFR/RC18/2;

2. RECOMMENDS to the Director-General that the following projects be financed under the Technical Assistance component of the United Nations Development Programme for the period 1970-1973;

Treponemtoses Advisory Team (AFRO 0125) Onchocerciasis Advisory Team (AFRO 0131) Leprosy Evaluation Team (AFRO 0171)

3. ENDORSES the following inter-regional activities proposed by the Director-General for financing under the Technical Assistance component of the United Nations Development Programme for the period 1970-1973;

Integrated Public Health (IR 0156)

Cholera Control Teams (IR 0276 and IR 0445) Cholera Training Course (IR 0228)

Tuberculosis Training Course (IR 0113) Community Water Supplies Consultant

Services (IR 0113)

Health Training in the USSR-under which the following components are planned for 1969;

Travelling Seminar on the Disposal of Solid Wastes Travelling Seminar on Industrial and Agricultural Health

Travelling Seminar on the Organization of Mental Health Services Travelling Seminar on Medical Care

Training Course in Epidemiology


4. REQUESTS the Regional Director to transmit this resolution to the Director-General of the World Health Organization.

September 1968, 18, 6


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