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AFR/RC29/R5: The Regional Committee, Having considered the biennial report of the Regional Director


Academic year: 2022

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The Regional Committee,

Having considered the biennial report of the Regional Director1 and the report on activities for training socialists in Africa,2

Considering that the work of the Regional Office during the year 1977 and 1978 was in conformity with the new programme policies and the instructions of the Regional Committee,

1. CONGRATULATES the Regional Director on the excellent presentation of his clear, precise and concise report, which constitutes a genuine tool for evaluation;

2. APPROVES the excellent biennial report which truly reflects the fruitful work carried out by WHO in the African Region;

3. CONGRATULATES the Regional Director and his team on their continuing competence and dedication;

4. REQUESTS the Regional Director and Member States to use the information contained in the biennial report for 1977 and 1978 and the Alma-Ata programme policies when preparing the programme budget for 1982-1983;

5. THANKS the Minister of Health of the United Republic of Cameroon for reminding the Regional Committee about the importance of the training of specialists in Africa;

6. INVITES Member States to strengthen collaboration between ministries of health and education, and to provide the Regional Director with any information useful for ensuring the training in Africa of health sciences specialists and teachers;

7. REQUESTS the Regional Director to:

(i) develop the training of specialists and teachers in Africa and, with the Director-General, seek international funding for such activities;

(ii) organize a joint meeting of ministers of health and education in order to study ways and means of integrating and rationalizing the training and use of health manpower;

(iii) continue the task of clarification to make the concept of primary health care better understood;

(iv) intensify malaria control and the control of diarrhoeal diseases;

(v) strengthen cooperation with the liberation movements recognized by the OAU;

(vi) increase support to Member States for the effective use of managerial processes in health development;

(vii) develop the mechanisms for technical cooperation among developing countries (TCDC);

1 Document AFR/RC29/3.

2 Document AFR/RC29/18.


(viii) promote research and improve the dissemination of information on research work in Africa through the mechanisms of African Advisory Committee on Medical Research (AACMR) and technical cooperation among developing countries (TCDC), as well as of other regional or international organizations such as CAMES,1 UNESCO, FAO, etc.;

(ix) continue the efforts required to reduce bureaucracy and strengthen technical cooperation at country level;

(x) formulate concrete proposals enabling representatives of the Member States of the Region to visit health programmes in various countries during the period covered by the term of office of the Regional Director.

September 1979, 29, 7

1 CAMES – African and Malagasy Council on Higher Education.


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