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Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral


Contrˆ ole d’une instabilit´ e spatio-temporelle affectant les ´ electrons relativistes dans les centres de rayonnement synchrotron

C. Evain 1 , C. Szwaj 1 , E. Roussel 1 , M. Le parquier 1 , M.-A. Tordeux 2 , M. Labat 2 , F. Ribeiro 2 , N. Hubert 2 , J.-B. Brubach 2 , P. Roy 2 and S.Bielawski 1

1 Laboratoire PhLAM/Universit´ e Lille , 2 Synchrotron SOLEIL.

0 1

0 500 1000 1500



(a .u .)

Turn number n

E n e rg y p E n e rg y p

z z z zz

(a) (b)


Naturally existing bursting solution

Coexisting regular solution (but unstable)

Induced terahertz emission

n=50 n=550 n=1050 n=1550

n=50 n=550 n=1050 n=1550

Bunch ph ase-spa ce evolution (d) Electron storage ring

Terahertz coherent synchrotron radiation

Relativistic electron bunch with micro-structures

[R´ esultats ` a paraˆıtre dans Nature Physics et en ligne sur arxiv.org/abs/1810.11805]


Dispositif exp. & r´ esultats num´ eriques

-2 0 2

-30 0 30 (e)

Energy p

t (ps) -30 0 30t (ps)

-30 0 30t (ps)

0 0.20.4 (h)

ρ(a.u.) (i) (j)

-1 0 1

-10 0 10



z (mm) -10 0 10


z (mm) -10 0 10


z (mm)

(f) (g)

-1800 180

-2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000

ΔV (kV)

Turn number n 4.8

5.0 σz(mm)


1 0 4 8


(c) (d) PTHz(a.u)

Time (ms) (a)

Feedback OFF Feedback ON

THz power Rms bunch length Feedback signal Feedback electronics

(FPGA board)

ΔV t

σz V


THz detection (bolometer)

P (t) THz

RF wave used for feedback control

t V Standard RF wave destined to acceleration

Electron bunch Electron bunch

Storage ring

THz pulse

n=-2075 n=-1700 n=7300

R´ esultats exp´ erimentaux au synchrotron SOLEIL

0 0.1

0 200

-10000 0 10000 400

Feedback OFF Feedback ON (a)

Bolometer signal (V) Feedback signal (kV)

Turn numbern

0 0.1

-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20

0 200 Feedback ON Feedback OFF 400 (b)

Bolometer signal (V) Feedback signal (kV)

Time (ms)


0 1 2 3 4 5

Feedback ON Feedback OFF (c)


Frequency (kHz) 0.0001

0.01 1 100

0 1 2 3 4 5


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