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Establishment of an African institute for economic development and planning: Ethiopia, Senegal, Tunisia and the United Arab Republic


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Establishment of an African institute for economic development and planning: Ethiopia, Senegal, Tunisia and the United Arab Republic"


Texte intégral


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Dt.t r. LlJlITiOD

EjCN,l,/L,12<i 1 " reh 1&62 Jl"O..I .. ll

Or 11'1na l l FRlJH:a





IlCOlkllo'lC COIJlI,s"IO. PeR URIC..

PllurUI •••.ton

Mdt ' Ababa, hbruarl _ Jlarch 196 2

A4pnd.a it. . 6

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~th ~"'rh! S"""W'l , -r.1Il1 ~ h "ftd. the lh11t""'- Ar a b R"PUbU ". c1.r" rt 1"1I1I(\lut10n

Tha ic onollll0 CO,,",i ulon tor Af rlea,

ilao -.!Ung a,"u .l ... bI ,. rn "! l.IU on 1708 (XV) or 19 Dotcnbel"

1961, and i t. olO'n rn O!U U OI1I1 16 and 17 (II) ,

NOU Ll.: lllOuova r \11th • U . ta eU on dOCUlllant £/CN .l~/128 on tbe . at, bIb b ..., of an J r loan Inat1\ute tor ..eonol:010 o.yalOfN-nt ..,c1.

J>h.nni 1\&"

Cone1der lng the \,IrS_nt rla . da tor th. n tabl btllun t or an Url oan Ina ti tute tor i:eonolRle Devel op..ent and Plannil'l S h tr a i n t... at att 1nd i.pe.... bl. tor t be aoonoa1c and .oot al .d" ...."._ n 1 or 1M ,U'r la an Sta' ••, 1n .Cc ordance d \b \n• • 'lIdt•• ot \Il. pent! 01 .zpel'''-.

n ll lll'ob lan4 \r&1n1 n8 1n n l& \ 1ng \0 plann1n . and

\0 &c\ in & oonllllt& '1.... S\&\• ,

1."'.1'&1 d11<:1p11 n.I, 1n IlU'U oull. r \boll

n.\ ~on&l ..coolln\ en<:1


, &nd ,b. \ it

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c.P.cit1 tor \b. b<lne t it ot &11 U r1c...

Condde r1ns: til. nee4 tor e.\.bl11b1 n, co-oJll r &U nn and co-nr-dtn l Uon be\" ee n \he ExI ClltiV. ::Olcnt.uI ot


Co-t. .10n ...4 the lJuU\u h ,




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E/CN . l4/ L .l24

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Cond~.r1n" th. d.~C~aion t...n b~ T.be Co...",illa ion at ita

._- _. lIi.dn&, ileld on 28 h bNU'Y 196 2 thn th e head quar te r . or the Inetitu, h 8<10",1<1 b. lit D!J<.u,

ConBidar1n g that tDan ••in at Cai ro II unlven ity tn1'r a- Unlcture llZl.d I1l'l IneU lu te of NaU onal 1'l&ll n i n€ "ll.lcb. cou.ld act lUI II III.lb-ugi onJ.l i nuituUlI

J.. DeCidu that

1, An Afri can Inu itu te of beonoato I:ev&1op:roent and. i'llUlnin g ahall be ., t. blt_had this year ~ith headquarter. at .Dakar ,

2• .o.dvantt.se "hil l b.. taken or the fac i li ti es offare d. t,y tbe Unite d Al'a b n.ini bU e aD the 81te ",r a future oUb-re,;j.onal in aUtute, . nel. or any other BuO-regi onal (. 0111\1. . tb&t

may be ofr er&d by other count r ie a,

). i. etandin.. CO:tlllittu of direction and 11&1 80n al1&11 88t UI', to be COCp0 98d of . i x !."lOber :it aha ele cte d.

Cocuu a e 1on for tliO yea n ,


B. In atru.ct8 the ....xe cuti ve "e cre tl.ry to ai'Po1nt a p*.n. l ot .xpert. to

1. Dra il up ... pr. 11"'1nary draft .tatut. and a ..re~i"'in..ry dratt

= nvonti on for acoeeeion by Zit&t••,

2. 3tud,y forth;dtll til.. ....:to ri. l condit io n. ot t,\. in.tell ation and oparati on 01' til. lnetitu b at DU.r ,

). ::;tud,y tile oondit ion. und. r illl.1cll. til. In.t1tuh ot Na tional Planning at Cairo .cc ukd ••rn all. 8u1)...re.1onal ina titu t.,

C. n8gue G'tII th.. Executi ve ';llore tarl to re port to tile Co""" ha l on at ita (itt h BGaa ion in 1963 on t~e axten t to ileich tll.e foragoing dect.ions have b.."n execute d.

-- - -- -


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Documents relatifs

Considering the Willingness expressed by the Government of the Republio of Senegal to spare no effort to provide appropriate faoilities for the IDEP projeot in order to enable it

.en t b7 tho Direct or at

The 10 members of the Governing Council who serve as representatives of African Governments shall be appointed by the Economic Commission for Africa Conference of African

Requests the ~xecutive S00ret,~y to make sub-regional studies of the economic and social oonsequences of racial disoriminatory practiceB on the mobilisC',tion of all available

Requests tho Exeoutivo Secretary to oarry out a thorough appraisal and analysis of the various monetary systems usod in Africa with roferenoo to thoir impaot on intra-African trado

5. The Governing Council shall meet once a year; it may hold an ., extraordinary session on the request of the Chairman or of three of its members. It shall adopt its own rules

Noting also that while IDEP, as an integral part of the Commission's programme structure, provides training programmes to all African countries free of charge,
