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Draft resolution: the African Institute for economic development and planning


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral




B/Cll.14/ L.331 21 robl"\UU')' 1967


Or i~1..nal; FRENCH




nl.E C O




Eighth oell81on

Lagoe, 13-2.5 February 1967

Agenda :I.tem


C<m':9..--r.1ng. The Arr lc~ Institut e t'or Eoon Olllio Devolop",ent end Planning

::;e::DW'"ed t-: Chad, DeIIIoera.c tio Ropub lie


the Congo, Repub lic of the Congo, Dahomey, lIadagnaoar, Mal i ,Sene ga l , Tunill1ll

con,ld er 1ng resolution


(VI) Md, in particu l <>r, plLr"gl'aph 6 of artiole IV


Par t


Con01d~r1 ng the repo rt of t he Oov"rn~ Council of the Inatitut . (E/CN.14/ 367 )


8 !lov....ber 1966,

Cona l do ri ng the introduot ory Etat. .ent b7 tho Director at the In.Utut . ,

Cone i d,r1ng tha.t the f" rmul ,.t 10n and appl ica tion of • pl an'l.i.n~

poli cy depend "n the exu tenoe of a st aff whi ch ill &deqWlh 1Jl _ b-.r ami qus.l1

t ,. .

Coneld "r1ng the £"'c i 11t 1 00 aVai l abl o in the lnetltute, ~tlcul4rlY in the ti "ld of tr..in in g,

Conll1d"rl ng the prlloent pr ob l oms connect .d V1th the oo~ ol l4at 1on

of the Ine t i t ute,

1.67- 187



E!CN.14! L. ) J1

Paa-a 2

1. "por cv,,!! the report ....bOlttted by -th e Governing Counc il and warm ly commends the Direoto r of the Ineti tute and the other members of the Govurnin g Council;

2. B.~90mm"nds that the Chairman of the Governing Council, consulta tion with the Dir eot or of the Ins ti t ut e, shoul d organize B syst emat io round of informat i on vi ui t e to the GoverMl"ntu of 13ount 1'1"8 which are members and 9B8ociate me~ber8 with a view to these oount1'1e8=

(a) Taking the ne088s ary eeeeur-es to uee the facil it ie o of fe r ed by the Insti tu te as a mat ter of priorit.l'l

(h) Submitting annually the largest pos si bl e number of can di da tes meeti n g the prescribe d requlr~8nte;

(0) Joint ly determining the equi val ent 8tatu8 of the di ploma of the Institute in terms of the ir civi l serv ioe standards;

3. Requests the Dir ec t o r of the Ins t i t ute and the secon d Conf~rencB of Afrioan Pl ann er s to re-ex~i n e the probl ems of the Institut e ~ith a view to meeti r.g the need for eoonom i sts and pl ann~Ds and to est ablishing perman ent working rel a t i oneh i ps;

4. Recomme nde the oontinuatio n, on simil M' bases, of the present sys t am of financing the act i vities of the Ins t itute.


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consider the role of human resources in economic growth and principles a d techniques applied to their development and utilisation (approximately 4 weeks)!. Tho third will be

Agroos that Zanzibar, Mauritius and othor African Associate Munbors of tho .rioonomio Commission for Africa may, if thoy so dosiro, acccdo to the Aer&lt;;.&gt;iacnt ^atatlisl-ing

Considering the Willingness expressed by the Government of the Republio of Senegal to spare no effort to provide appropriate faoilities for the IDEP projeot in order to enable it


The 10 members of the Governing Council who serve as representatives of African Governments shall be appointed by the Economic Commission for Africa Conference of African

Takes__ not~ of the annual report of the Economic Commission for Africa for the period 3 March 1964 to 23 February 1965 and the recommen- dations and resolutions contained in parts

Noting also that while IDEP, as an integral part of the Commission's programme structure, provides training programmes to all African countries free of charge,

, ' •• r the African States, in accordance with the studies of the panel of expertc, Considering that the work of such an institute ought to embrace research and training in