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Draft resolution: Economic co-operation in the North African sub-region


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral


Dbtr. LIIII T.:Jl

:'/C11.14/ L.))5 21 February 1961 :HOLISM

Or 1C11\611 Fa:;:NCH

I:CQIlOJUC COHllISSIOt/ FOil IF,l.IC:' :i&bth '''' BBion

Lagoe, 1)-25 F"b Mll<r,r 1961

Dr~ft R~eol ut 1on

t·" , r


Con cernin g, ::Con 0lll1e eo-opora tioo 111 th" Nor tb :.J'r1el.A SUb-re ,1 0n Spe nBorl1d by, .:.lor-r 1a,


)«)roeeo, T'wlh1a and tb_ UB.it ed .... b


Tho !:nor.tlI.1e Cnllllllh dc n fgr .'frl ell,

Reo all tn!!' tll.at th• •ub-T, p Ol\6l _ .tang On .con_ io oo-op. ration in Nort h ~fr1c 3 bold at Tanp . r in Juno 1966 roc e--ended, Int, .. al1a, that

:C~ ehou1d undortake three at..dle e relating tOI

1) tourioll!

2) lIarl t 1lo0 tr'l.lleport

)) tbe poae1bU i U.e of oo-oporation ...011& the e1:r. oOWltriv.8 of tbe eub-regi on in othe r eoon_ le . ootore,

Awart o~ tbe nood to et iell.1at" tho prooell. of ooooOlll ie co-op erah on . hic:h h... bean initiated "'ODg the a1:r. coun tr1. . of tbo 1I0r'tn .:.t"r ic lUl .v.b-r· Clon,

R!Qv.,..lrr 'the Exeou tive s.are 'ta:',)' to tako all 'the ee e e. . ..l'1 ehpe to enelU'e 'tb. t thi. pr0(1",...e of work. h aarried Ol.lt under the optt.um hcho1e&l cObcl.1tio.-. ani a. epe edi1,f as poea1b le, tbu. ena bll. n! tbe

ao.er'ftlllen t.. coI\.Ce:Mled 'to reoBive th. rel evan't . 'tud1o. befor~ the next el.lb- rep onal conference and to drlUll frOlll 'thelll all the appropriate oono lu. 10n.

tar the prOllOtion of oo-o pe ratioll ....on.; thelll in the . bove_ entionod fiel cl..a•


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