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Draft resolution: economic co-operation in Central Africa


Academic year: 2022

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ECONOi;IC CO:·;j·iIS.SIO.- FOR j~FR I C. 1

Sc:venth sessio!1

Nairobi, 9-23 Fcbru~ry 1965

Dr~ft resolution



E/ CN. 1 4/ L . 3 0 4 20 Febru2.ry 1965 ENGLI SH

Original : FRENCH

Concerning: ~c o n o m i c co-oper~tion in Centr~l ~frice

Sponsored by: The Centr~l ~fricctn Sub-region

The Econo~ic Commission for Afric~,

T.:'.kinp; I!£'~~' of the ,"" - report by the Executive Secret-.ry of the 2c o n o mi c Commission for Afric~,

Reco~r.!ziq~ the import,nce of economic co-oper~tion bet~een the member St~tes of the Commission ~nd, in p~rticuler, the logic~l ~nd pr~ctic~l Q0sirnbility of s~ c n co-oper~tion at the sub-regional level for the pur~ose of f~ci1it~ting the economic integrGti~~~f~fr i c ~ on a sound nnd solii basis,

Commen~G t~~e ,ction taken on the continent by the secretnriat of the Economic CO~~i3sion for ~f r i c, in v3rious sectors of the economy of States :nd its efforts to further economic co~oper~tion ~t the level of groups of Stctcs or sub-~egions,

~elco~es the progr-mmes of pr~ctic cl cetion ~hich the secretariat intends to institute in 1965 ~i t h ~ vie~ to providing concrete ~s s i s t -. n c e

in the economic development of Africa,






Approves the propos~l th~t ~n industri3l co-ordin~tionmission shoul,d be sent to Cerrt r a L J.fricrt in 1965, -md hopes th.rt this mission will visit e~ch of the St,tes of this sub-region at Q suit~ble time with ~ vie~ to determining n~tion~l needs in this respect so th, t the broad lines of co-oper~tion in this field can be established,

Urges th~t the follo~ing problems should be given p~rticul,rly

through examination by the competent divisions of the secretariat, (a) Ro~d ~n d river communic2tions between the States of the


- Ro~d communications: The study should cover the possibility of est~blishing or improving ,rteri~l rOods in order to

incre,se the flo~ of trnd~ bet~~en the States of the sub- region.

River communications: ,~study should be mcde with ~ view to improving the utiliz~tion of inl~nd w~terw~ys ~nd tr~nsport c':\p~city through ~ r~dic~l ~ltere.tion of the present system of operation.

(b) Rail links

The aecretari~t is requested to 2ssist the St~tes of the sub-region in obt~ining the necess,ry funds, first, for the

e~rly est~blishment of the tr~ns-CQmerounline ~nd its extensions, ~n d secondly, for the improvement of ~xisting

rGil networks, in particulqr, the Congo-0cean railwGy.

(c) Problems of industrial co-ordination

The Commission urGes th~t the follouing m~tters should be taken up ~nd be 5iven p~rticule.r ~ttention by the industrial co-ordination mission·~hichis to visit the State~· of the Central African sub-region:

- ~ study of the pouer resources of the sub-region ~nd of the

co~ordin~tionreouired for projects in this category,

· -



Page 3

- scientific investig ~tion, ~nd thorough prospecting of minerGl resources suit~ble for industriQl processing,

- The submission of ~n initi~l industri~l co-ordin~tion project.

This study should ai m at co-ordinating ~ll neR activities, - Concrete assistance in the development industrial est~tes,

to be fin~nced by the United N,tions Special Fund or other bodies normally concerned ~ith such operations,

- A study of the outlets provided by the sub-region, the other sub-regions of nfrica and external mnrkets for the future industrial products of this area.

Requests the sub-regional office to give every help and assistance to the Central African Customs and Economic Union in its task of

harmonizing developffient, so as to ensure that such harmonization is compatible nith the objectives of African economic integration,

Instructs the ECA secretariat to sub~it to the Commission at its Eighth session a report o~ruarizi~the ~ction t~ken under this



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shall be.the duty ()f the Committee to assist the Member States to prolll)te industrial development and co-operation within the Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and sOuthern

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In further sections of this paper, I shall outline briefly the nature of the present international environment which militates against the economic interests of African