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Concerning the development of telecommunications in Africa: draft resolution


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E/CN.14!L.281 16 February 1965 ZNGLISH

Original FRENCH

ECONOMIC ·C01'E;ISSION FOR f,FRICA Seventh session

Nairobi, 9 - 23 February 1965

Draft resolution


FI LE f 6



Concerning the degelopaeAt of telecomounioatlons in Africa

The Economic Commission for Africa

EaT1~~:~ctea the report vnteleeommunications activities submitted by ITU (E/CN.l4/299),

1. Notes with satisfaction the steps taken by ITU during 1964 to develop telecommunications in Africa, both within its specialized organs and under its technical co-operation programmes (Expanded Programmes of Technical ~ssistance and United Nations Special Fund);

2. Commends the Executive Secretary for the fruitful co-operation that he organized with ITU by setting up a joint ITU/ECA Mission at the

Commission's headquarters and requests him to continue his efforts in that direction,

3. Recognizes that the problems of planning and vocational training in telecommunications have been solved or will be solved in the more or less distant future in most African countries,

4. Is of the opinion that efforts must now be concentrated on installing the equipment needed for the establishment of a suitably integrated

.\frican telecommunications network,





E/CN .l4/L.2ol Page 2

5. Urgently recommends the African ccuntird.e s. to': .

(a) Give priority in financing to their telecommunications plans, requesting foreign aid, if necessary;

(b) Participate actively in the planning work carried out within ITU and, in particular, not to postpone further the meeting of the Plan Committee for ilfrica that ~as prepared by ITU for January 1965;

Deal with the numerous telecommunications problems peculiar to the African region at regional meetings of experts and in the framework of the general plan and the world regulations


' .

wo'rked out by ITU; .•

6. Takes this opportunl t;/ ·of warmly· eongtot'tulating ITU on being about to celebrate its centenary, on 17 May 1965. ~hus giving an example of a

• • • • 0,. _ .

century of .unbroken international co-operation, and of expressing the

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hope that ITU will further expand its facilities in order,· particularly, to render the developing countries i~creased·assistance at the

regional level.



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