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Draft resolution: World Weather Watch and Economic Development in Africa


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Addie ,Ababa, 3~14 February 1969

Draft Resolution

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E/CN.14/L. 354 12 February 1969 Originall ENGLISH

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World Weather Watch and Economic Development in Africa

Su~ittod by: Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan, UAR The Economic Commission for Africa,

Recognizing that weather and climate information is a prerequisite fcr sound short-term and long-term planning for the development of the national economy and for the effective exploitation of natural resouroes in Africa;

Convinced that the implementation of the World ¥eather Watch Plan as adopted by the Fifth Congress of the World Meteorological Organization will assist in the promotion of the Meteorological Services in Africa and hence will have a profound interest in the developme~t of the national economy in Africa;

Noting that the recommendations of the ECA Seminar on the Role of Meteorological Services in Economic, Development in Africa presented in conference document E/CN.14/429 cover adequately all the main areas of economic development requiring the application of meteorological informa- tion;

1. Invites member Governments to support the implementation of the World ,leather liatch system in their countries by making adequate provi- sions in their national plans for strengthening their National Meteoro- logical Services and providing them with the manpower and facilities

necessary to enable them to implement fully that system in their countries;



E/CN.14/L.354 Page 2· .

:2. Further invites member G.overnments to establish or strengthen the 1nst1tutional links between the National Meteorological Services and the organs responsible for the planning and exploitation of natural resources within the country so as to derive full benefits from the World Weather Watch for the development of the national economy in their countries;

3. Calls upon member Governments to give their full Bupport to the implementation of the recommendations of the .aemi nar- referred· to·under

"Noting" above, and also to support the ECA and WMO .joint a~an~ts

to implement their reoommendations; and

4. Requests the Executive Secretary to continue and to strengthen the co-operation between ECA and WMO for the overall benefit of African development.


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