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African Institute for Economic Development and Planning: draft curriculum for the introductory planning course


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African Institutu for Economic


and Planninc

Third M0Jting of the


of Direction Cairo, June 1963

-.. \ILE COpy






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Original: FRENCH





Dnft curriculum fer


Introductory Planning Course (Tunis - 1963/64)




Dr:cft ourrioulum for tLo Introc'uotory FL',nnim; Couroe (Tunis - 1963/64)

1. T h e p r - o p o s nLo s o t f ' o . c t l , b'31(;-:T '1ri.3G f r o m th « p r c Li.nu.nu.ry convc.r sc.ti ons held b3tTtTo :.:; n the SGcret .lri_:t of ~CA -ind thc. 'I'urri s i.un Govornment" :it the e nd of April 1963- :P ..1.r'_-:'sT~l,ph 24 cf document

E/CN .14/IDEP/6 ccrrtai n.s '}, rGminQc:r tl~":Lt thi3 COur~1C is to be organized jointly by tho Afrio~n Indtitut~ for Eoonomio D0v81epm2~t ~nd Pl~nninc,

~nd the TuniJian Government.

2. It is the intention th,~~t two se prra't e types of instruction should be ~iven ~t Tunis in 1964 undor the genor~l dosign~tion of the

Introduotory I'Lann i.n.j Cou.r ae

one , in J'anuar-y arid Febru.cry 1964,' on p.l armi n.: to chni.quo s for the benefit of "c o r re oponde nt s " of tho Ministry of the Plan;

tl,e otb e r , of 1 Lc ngth 30 f'a r unde c i.de d , for the rogion:J.l f i.c Ld deve Lopme ut staff.

Only tho fir.3t type of Lnstr-uct i c.n h,:13 d.i s cua s i.on a wi,th tho 'I'urri e i.an 'l..uthori'ti.e s , be gi"Tan rcearding tho ao c ond ,

Course in pl3.nnin(j tec.!::..niLlu':S

boon thu subjeot of Qet'1il,d Very briof indioltions will

3. Tho aim of this course i..:.: to f..,rovido Lnt ans i.vo technical p.re pa.ra'ti.on for the, "ocrrosponJents" of tl,J lhnistry of tho Plan, 'Nho >till ho

re(luir8d to particip.1.to :"luring


in th.: c ornmittcc a r,~3ponsib10 for laying down the Seoond 'I'urri.s i.an Plln (1965-69). 'I'ho cour-so will, in par-t Lcu.lc.r-, ai,n. to f.~rnili':.riz,) the "c o.rr-c c po nde n't s " of t~id P'l.an ~'Tith t~L;

usos of industrial, pub La c :'1:.Ld n.1.tiGD'11 :1cG(!unt~nc;y in the ana Lys i.e of projects arid in pr-cj.rct i ons of t}l'~' ov:.::r'--i.ll 2conoray. Bc sLdes this, .'~

cor-t ui n nurabc.r of Le ctur-e s end S »m no.r s wi'] 1 bo org-;.niz0d for small

eroups on the te chrn.quc a r,::,f uc c't o.ra L .plJ.. nnine- (2J.1.10 ati on , mQnpOi'1Gr, etc •• ) 4. Th~ cour-ee ',rill bo kopt very oonorutomd :"ill b« ba ae d on the;

f'actua l d8.t:1 of' t Lo 'I'urri s Lo.n o o o norny , In prr-ttcu.Lu r , tho toachers T,fiJ.l ::111 bo Lnf'orme.t ~s to the \'1ork ref nati.or.a.L n.ccourrt a and projoctions

car-r-i.e d out by the MiniGtry of 'th.: rlm in 1963. AS sugeostcd in parl.6 of dooum"nt E/CN.14/ID~P/6, ~n ~xport from tho ILstituto . i l l >tork f0r three; months "ith tho 'I'uj i.oi an planning team in 1963 to pr'o pare for the



E/CN.14/IDEP/8 pag,,, 2


T h J "co rr . i . s p o ni on ts " of tho P I ' l . D Tl'Till pa.rt i o L p at o in t h e c ou rs c p::..rt-tir.IG, en tl«: bo..r...;is of throe ricur-s fvl' (l.~;y~ in J'a nua.ry and P.d'J.ru3,rJ~


S:J '13 to g'iV0 ti'lc;r:! tile opportunity of corrti nu i.ng t~h~il' prof3s;;:;icll'l activi ti o c , N,~:nrcrtlwlG.3.3, 'lS t:r~<;:o c curs s is 0I,..Jll to forGign tr'linJ(.;s, it is cLcaz-Ly Und,JI'8t,),y_~_t.Lat i t 31:ould be po s s i.b I.e to organizG a full- time course fer tho Latt o r during- thG s ame po r i.o d ,

6. Tlu CO\J.rG8 i" to be r'iv i.do d into 80 pGri')cls of an hour and '1 h.iLf c n.cr; , tll"'; tir;-;G a.Tloc a't od to clifforont SUbJ3ct;..; b'Jing :;;'3 f'o Ll cws e

A. Introduction


peri cds)

Econor-jic and 30GLJ..1 ~SpGat3 of dove Lv.pmerrt ; Structure of t


'I'urn.si.an e c cnorny,



Economic hlQl sis of industrial ~ccounts

dat:J. derived from COGIL3rci:..."t1 and




Economio an~lysis of d~t~ iorivuQ from public acoounts



D. National ~ocounts and projections (40 poriods)

Basio EQu~tions of n~ticn~l ~ccounts and tho magnitudo of t no differont d:'1t'i of th3 'I'uni si an oconomy;

G,jn~r:l1 obj ccti ve a of t hc 'I'uni.s ian PLan .md tho links

bOtT r l 8 8 D thom :J,.;;3 tLOS8 ='-PI<;,"l.,r i n ac count s and pr-o jc oti.ons ;

Input-Output T~ble:, tLo coofficic:nts and thoir projections;

Manpo'.~T2r a:c.cl vrcductivity


p.u-Lo Is )


EV'i,lu=~tion C)f f/rojucts and. BOlli'COS of finCiDoing (15 periods)


In addition~ 3p8ci~li~0d lectures ~n~ somin~r3 would bo organizJd, out e i.dc tnc proc-Jcling timc-tJ..bl(j, for "corrJ.Jpondonts" of the Plan interootuQ in purt t.cul.'ir s(;ct:'r;:; or ,:::UJp,--;ots of pIanni ng ; oduc at Lon , a,griculturo, [~_1.n;m-f0r, ~'i:;·tltl;" to;..rn-plannin:..-:" .st nti s't Lc a.L dc vo Lo pn.c nt , r3€ional pl~nninc, Afric:~ 3xporiaDco of pl~nninG, transport, etc.e.

Tho org3,niz:1tion of t)U3,) Lc ctur c.s 1fill do pe nd upon tho avai Lab i.Ltt y of Lcc turo r-s , the numbe r of c':irrospondl.Jnts intOl'J;-1ted and tho omourrt cf time that it ,;-ri11 b o po s sibLo to d.evot c tel thc sc pc:.rticulur as pc ct s , It SO.3ms that it should be possible; t o find locturors ho r o and now on

sub jo ct s f'"llinC 1fithin the province of the: spcci a.Li.acd '1e;oncios which co-oporato c Lo scLy 1-rith tllJ Instituto: oduc.rt i.on (tmasco) , manpowo r








Course for the regional field staff

8. Tho Tunisian aut10rities have shown interest in a


of ooursos designod for regional

fi~ld dovelepm~nt

staff (direotors of Co-operatives, regional directors for tho Plan, etc ••• ). This course would be oonceived on somowhat different linos from tho first, :1nd an important placo would be given to dovolopment problems and policies.

9. 'I'he ceurse would be part-time, and could be held, for e xampLc , on two days a w"ek, with regional field staff employed in the different Tunisian provineial administrations b0ing called to Tunis to follow this oourse of instruotion.



The interesting feature of the two typos of instruotion provided for above is that th"y will be directly oonnected with the acrtual prepar- ation of the Tunisian Five-Year Plan. It must be accepted that, as a rosult, instruction will be subject to cortain limitations (particularly of duration), but it will, in compensation, have the advantage of assuming a oonorete oharaoter and effioaoity tho importance cf which must be



Documents relatifs

consider the role of human resources in economic growth and principles a d techniques applied to their development and utilisation (approximately 4 weeks)!. Tho third will be

Considering the Willingness expressed by the Government of the Republio of Senegal to spare no effort to provide appropriate faoilities for the IDEP projeot in order to enable it

.en t b7 tho Direct or at

The 10 members of the Governing Council who serve as representatives of African Governments shall be appointed by the Economic Commission for Africa Conference of African

He continued and noted that the course provided an opportunity for both participants and tutors to delve into the areas of curriculum development and research

5. The Governing Council shall meet once a year; it may hold an ., extraordinary session on the request of the Chairman or of three of its members. It shall adopt its own rules

Noting also that while IDEP, as an integral part of the Commission's programme structure, provides training programmes to all African countries free of charge,

The Conference series is organized jointly by the African Development Bank, the Economic Commission for Africa and the United Nations Development Program.. This year's AEC will offer