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Election of the members of the governing council of the institute for economic development and planning, Dakar


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Election of the members of the governing council of the institute for economic development and planning, Dakar"


Texte intégral







8 December

Original: EKGLISH


ECONOMIC'COMMISSION FOR AFRICA Conference .of African Planners Second Session

Addis-Ababa, 4-15-December Agenda Item 8" - /



''•'"' The Statute of-the African Institute for Economic Development arid Planning-provides for a Governing" Council the members of-which are to"

be elected by the Conference of African Planners. Articles III arid IV of the Statute which cover this point are reproduced in the Annex.

2. It will be noted that apart from"the Chairman of the Governing Council who would be the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, ex officio, a. member representing the Government of Senegal

and the Director of the Institute, the Governing Council is^composed of

seven elected members, two appointed for a one-year term, two for a two- year term and three for a term of three years. The Statute also provides that "except for the members first appointed each member shall be elected for a period of three years and shall be re-eligible«"

3. The present elected members of the Governing Council are the following:

The period forrtiich they were elected are shown against each name North African Sub-r.egion:

East African Sub-region:

West African Sub-region:


Mr- Houssine ZGHAL (Tunisia) (3 years) Dr. Elsayed GABALLAH (UAR) (3 years) Mr. I.K. KABANDA (Uganda) (3 years) Mr. N. NAULUNGW3 (Zambia) (l year) Mr. M. DIAWARA (ivory Coast) (2 years)

Dr. Milton WEEKS (Liberia)(2 years)



page 2

These were elected at the first Conference of African Planners held in ...

Dakar in November 1964 and have continued to serve on the Governing ....

Council, since the Second Conference was not convened until now. ' .

A representative from the Central African Sub-region was not elected at that meeting and the respective member States of the Sub-region were asked to consult among themselves and elect a candidate. This was sub sequently done in I965 at the Seventh Session of the ECA held at Nairobi, as follows:

Central African Sub-region: Mr. G. DIGUIMBA.YE (Chad) (l year)

4. At the time the Statute for the Institute was drawn up, it was perhaps not foreseen that the Conference would be convened only at interval of two years. In actual fact the Second Conference is being convened only after an interval of three years, with the.result.that elections to the Governing Council have not been possible in the sense provided f-or:,:in(;! T.

the_ Statute. . ■.■..-.. ■■{

." -*}'!■:' ■



Exceprt from the Statute of the IDEP Eztrait_du:S.tatut".-de I1 IDE?

III. Status and organization of ' the Institute

. The.Institute shall be an ? autonomous institution under the aegis of the Economic Commission for Africa., ■•

rand'.shall be composed of a, Governing« ,-_

Council, an AdvisoryJBo.ard. on .Studies :h

and Research,^.a director and staff. ... ,

IVY The Governing Council, ■ .,v

.,1. -.The. Governing .Councill shall . be composed of the following-members: -■'

.-. a). The Executive Secretary of;-. ^(.

the. Economic Commission for Af-rica as

Chairman,.ex offi'cio; . ,. __ .OIU-'-c

. ' b); ..A member'representing the.;-,-e

Government of Senegal; ■'

* o) ■ Seven'memtiers elected by the -,- Conference of African ;Planhe!rs'on the basis of personal Competence and .. ..

experience in affairs connected with11--

the work of the .Institute,, who- shall be''1 nationals, of seven different African'' f'L':

countries which are members or associate'

members-of the'Economic Commission for "'

•Africa. They shall be" elected, for a

■period of three years, and'shall'be re--■' eligible. Pending'the election' of the members of ^he Governing;Body at the

first Conference of African Planners, r

the functions, of :the';Council shall be "t exercised..by the-,Standing Committee of I.

Direction; ,-,., . i;- - -

Governing Council and shall participate without vote, in ..its deliberations; he

oha.ll act as secretary of., the Council.

III. Regime .iuridique et or^ani-

" . "aation de l'institut

>. L'Institut .est un' etabiisseinent

autonome, sous 1'egide de la'- Commission

■ economique..pour l'Afrique,--compose

d'un Consei'l d1 Administration, d'un Conseil ,tconsultatif des etudes et de la-recherche, d*1 un: directeur et

du personnels v.. » -j: •■

. .IV:- .,-. Conseil ,d'administration

_ ; _,1-«s.. ■■^je Conseil d'administration

com^rend-j-les membres suivan.ts:

a) ■ Le Sec.retaire:eieputif de la Commission economique'pour

1'Afr.ique, president dedroit;

"' ■" b) '-Un fepreseritant du''-

Gouverneme.nt senega lais; A

-■ ,. 'c). - ■. Sept .■membres~elu*S'"-par la Conference de.s planif icateurs af ricains en raison de le.ur compe- teh'ce' et'de 'leur experience..dans Jdes- domainfer, du ■ressorV.de !(i,'.Institut

et qui dqivGnt .et're" les reisortis- s'ants1'de sept pays africains'^

differents, membres'ou membres

associes de la Commission ecbnomique P?ur , 1'Afriquoi. Us sont"^ elus pour trois;ans e.t-reeligibles.^ -Eni

, attendant-1- election.des..membres du . Conseil,d'administration-a. -laT lere , Conference des planif icateur.si

af ricains, les fonctions dii- Conseil seroht exercees :par"le Cp-J 1"'"

"permanent d1orientation;: tC est membre de droit du Conseil d'administration, participe sans droit de vote a ses deliberations et fait office de secretaire du



E/CN.14/CAP/39 Annox/Annexe

page 2

2. Except for the members first appointed, each member shall be

elected for a period of three years and shall be re-eligible*

3- The seven members first appointed shall be elected in the following manner: two members for one year, two members for two years .and three members for three years.

At every expiry of their respective terms, new members shall be elected

"by the Conference to" serve the normal term of three years.-

4. The Governing Council shall:

a) Lay down general principles

policies governing the operation of the Institute, including the general- conditions of admission; ■

b) Review and approve work

programmes and the relevant "budgetsj

c) Submit ah annual report on the work of the Institute at each ■'

session of the Commission.

5. The Governing Council shall meet once a year; it may hold an ., extraordinary session on the request of the Chairman or of three of its members. It shall adopt its own rules of procedure. . .

6. The Governing Council shall

as early as possible, consider

.suitable met: ods of financing the Institute in order to ensure its continuity upon the termination of Special Fund assistance and shall V submit its proposals to the Commission before the end of its third year of operation at the latest.

• 2. Exception faite du

premier groupe de membres, les &

membres sont elus pour trois ans

et reeligiblesr . . ;■'

3. Le premier groupe de j

sept membres sera elu de la facon suivante: deux membres seront

elus pour un an, deux pour jleux ans, et trois pour trois ans. A .l'ex- piration du mandat respectif de

ces sept membres, les nouveauJs membres que la Conference elira auront un mandat normal de trois

ans.; . . . ...

■ ' 4. Le Conseil c

! ■' a) Formula les principes

generaux et les pol'itiques du

fonctionnement de l'Institut, y

. compris les conditions generales

d'admission; . ,, -.

b) Examine et approuve les

prograrames.de travail.et le.budget s'y rapportant;

c) Prese'nte a chaque . session de la Commission un rapport annuel

sur les travaux de l'Institut.

5* Le Conseil d'adminis

tration se reunit une fois par .an;

il peut se reunir en session extra ordinaire a la demande du President ou de trois de ses membres. . Il:

adopte son reglement interie.ur.

5- Le Conseil dr'adrainis- tration envisagera le plus-tot

possible des methodes de financement de 1'Institut qui assurent-.la

continuity une .fois que 1'aide du Fonds special aura- pris fin1, et

soumettra des propositions a la

Commission,, au plus tard avant' la

fin de la troisieme annee de

fonctionnement de 1'Institut.


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