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On the cohomology of a general fiber of a polynomial map


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On the cohomology of a general fiber of a polynomial map

Compositio Mathematica, tome 85, no3 (1993), p. 299-309


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On the


of a


fiber of a




’School of Mathematics, The University of Sydney, Sydney NSW 2006, Australia; 2RIMS Kyoto University, Kyoto 606 Japan

Received 11 October 1991; accepted 21 January 1992 (Ç)


Let X = C", S = C, and f : X - S a map defined by a polynomial which is also denoted by f. Then f induces a topological fibration over a Zariski-open subset

of S. It is interesting whether we can compute algebraically the cohomology of a generic fiber F =


using the polynomial ring (9: = C[x1,..., xn] and the polynomial f Of course, we can calculate the cohomology using the de Rham cohomology of the (scheme theoretic) generic fiber of f, but it is not quite computable.

In the weighted homogeneous case, the answer was given by [3]. Let Q’

denote the complex of global algebraic differential forms on X (i.e., 03A9p is a free U-

module with a basis dxi ^ ··· A


(il ...


Define a differential D f on

03A9 by

Then we have an isomorphism

if f is weighted homogeneous, where H denotes reduced cohomology. (In [loc. cit.], D f was denoted by


See also (2.10) below.) In this paper, we prove

(0.3) THEOREM. The isomorphism (0.2) holds for any polynomial f.

The proof uses the theory of algebraic Gauss-Manin system which is a generalization of [4] (see, for example, [1]), and also the theory of monodrom- ical algebraic D-modules.

Let ~fOX

denote the algebraic Gauss-Manin system, which is defined by the direct image of (9x by f as algebraic D-module. Let t be the coordinate of S, and ôr = olot. Then we have a natural quasi-isomorphism


(see (2.7)):

Here ôt - id is analytically equivalent to ô, (because ~t-1=et ôt e - in DSan). Let


denote the pth cohomology

of f f

(9x. Its restriction to a Zariski open subset of S is a vector bundle (i.e., a locally free sheaf) whose fiber is isomorphic to the cohomology of the fiber of f (see (2.3)). We take the direct image

of IP

(9x by the

compactification S - P 1, and compute its analytic local cohomology at infinity (see (2.8)). Then we get the assertion using the theory of monodromical D- modules (see (2.9)).

It should be noted that Theorem (0.3) is essentially of algebraic nature, and the local analytic version of (0.3) does not hold. For example, (03A9Xan,


[1] is not quasi-isomorphic to Deligne’s vanishing cycle sheaf, because D f is analytically equivalent to the natural differential d using ef .

1. Monodromical D-modules of one variable

In this section, we gather some elementary facts from the theory of monodrom- ical algebraic -9-modules of one variable, which should be well known to


(1.1) Let S denote the affine line C with coordinate t (i.e., S = Spec C[t]). Let

S* =


with a natural inclusion j : S* ~ S. Let DS be the sheaf of algebraic

differential operators on S [1], [5]. We denote by R the global sections of -9s,

which is the Weyl algebra C[t, ôt]. Let Mcoh(DS) be the category of coherent -9s- modules, and Mfi.(R) the category of finite R-modules. We have an equivalence

of categories

by the global section functor r(S, *).

Let Sa" denote the underlying complex analytic space of S. We have a functor


M ~ Man := OSan ~OS M,

where the pull-back by the natural morphism

Sa" ~ S is omitted. Then the de Rham functor DRS is given by


using the coordinate t to trivialize


(see (2.1.2) below).

(1.2) For M E Mcoh(DS), let M(S) = r(S, M), and


and we have isomorphisms

In fact, tôt is bijective on M(S)" for 03B1 ~ 0, because tôt = a on


with KiM(S)" =


(similarly for a,t).

(1.3) DEFINITION. We say that M~Mcoh(DS) is monodromical if M is generated by M(S)" (03B1~C) over -qs. Let Mcoh(DS)mon denote the full sub- category of Mcoh(DS) consisting of monodromical DS-modules. Then

M E Mcoh(DS)mon is called meromorphic (resp. microlocal) type if the action of t

(resp. ôt) on M(S) is bijective.

REMARK. The condition of monodromical DS-module is equivalent to that

any element of M(S) is annihilated by a polynomial of tôt. So it is stable by

extensions in M coh( !?fis).

(1.4) LEMMA. For M E Mcoh(DS)mon, we have a natural isomorphism

and M(S)" is finite dimensional over C. In particular, the functor M ~ M(S)03B1 is


Proof. The injectivity of (1.4.1) is clear using the action of tôt on M(S). Since the

condition of monodromical DS-module is equivalent to the surjectivity of

the surjectivity of (1.4.1) follows from (1.2.3), taking the global section of (1.4.2).

We have dimcM(S)a oo, because M(S)" is finitely generated over C[N] with N = - (tôt - a).

REMARK. By (1.2.3) and (1.4.1), M~Mcoh(DS)mon is meromorphic (resp.


microlocal) type if and only if

is bijective.

(1.5) LEMMA. Let M ~Mcoh(DS) such that supp M c


Then M is monodrom-

ical, and M(S)" = 0 except for negative integers a.

Proof. The assumption is equivalent to that any element of M(S) is annihilated

by a sufficiently high power of t. Then we can check the assertion using




(tat +j).

REMARK. For M as above, M is a finite direct sum of in the proof of (1.8) by (1.2.3). This is a special case of Kashiwara’s equivalence (see [1]).

(1.6) LEMMA. Let A be a subset of C such that 0 E A and the natural morphism

A -+ C/Z is bijective. Let A’ =


Let CC be the category whose object is a famil y of C-vector spaces V03B1(03B1 E A’) with morphisms u : V0 ~ V-1, v : V-1 ~ VO, and

N: V03B1 ~ V03B1 (a E


such that ~03B1~039B’ V" is finite dimensional, and vu, uv and N

are nilpotent. Then we have an equivalence of categories

by associating M(S)", ~t, t and tô, - a to M E Mcoh(DS)mon.

Proof. This follows from (1.2.2-3) and (1.4.1).

(1.7) COROLLARY. We have an equivalence of categories

where the left-hand side is the category of monodromical -9s-modules of mero- morphic (resp. microlocal) type, the right-hand side is the category of finite

dimensional C-vector spaces with an automorphism T, and the functor is defined by

M - ~03B1~039B M(S)" with T = exp( - 2nitô,).

REMARK. Using (1.6), we can show that the category Mcoh(DS)mon is equivalent

to the category of regular holonomic


(for which an equivalence of categories similar to (1.6.1) holds). The terms ’meromorphic’ and ’microlocal’ are

originally used in this case (see [8]).

(1.8) PROPOSITION. Let M~Mcoh(DS)mon. Then M is regular holonomic [1].

Proof. Since the action of t~t-03B1 on M(S)" is nilpotent, we may assume

03A303B1~039B’ dim M(S)" - 1 by (1.6), taking the graduation of a finite filtration on M

(because regular holonomic D-modules are stable by extensions [loc. cit.]). Then

we can check that M is isomorphic to one of the following:


depending on the a such that M(S)03B1 ~ 0. So we get the assertion.

REMARK. We can show that a regular holonomic DS-module is monodrom-

ical, if and only if its restriction to S* is finite over Us* (i.e., a vector bundle with connection [2]). In fact, we may assume that M|S* is a vector bundle by (1.10)

below. Then the assertion is reduced to case where the action of t on M is

bijective using the localization of M by t (because Mcoh(DS)mon is stable by

extensions in M,.,(-9s), see Remark after (1.3)). Then the assertion follows [2]

(see also (1.11) below).

(1.9) PROPOSITION. For M~Mcoh(DS)mon, there exists uniquely

M’ E Mcoh(DS)mon of meromorphic (resp. micro local) type with a morphism M ~ M’

(resp. M’ ~ M) inducing an isomorphism on S*.

Proof. By (1.6) there exists uniquely M’~Mcoh(DS)mon with a morphism

M ~ M’ (resp. M’ ~ M), such that

for i &#x3E; 0. Then the morphism induces an isomorphism on S* by (1.5).

REMARK. In the standard notation (see [1]), M’ is denoted by

j* j*M

(resp. j! j*M). Here j* is really the direct image as Zariski sheaf (because M’ is the

localization of M by t), but j! is not. In factjt is defined by Dj*D with D the dual

functor (see [loc. cit.]). We have

See also (1.12) below for (1.9.3).

(1.10) COROLLARY. For M~Mcoh(DS)mon, the restriction of M to S* is a free OS*-module of rank 1,,c-A dim M(s)a. In particular, Man|S* is a vector bundle with connection [2], and DRS(M)[-1] Is. is a local system.

Proof. It is enough to show the first assertion. We may assume M mero-

morphic type by (1.9). Then M(S) is a free C[t,t-1]-module of

rank I:aeA dim M(S)03B1 by (1.2.3) and (1.4.3), and the assertion follows.

(1.11) PROPOSITION. Let L be a local system on S* with complex coefficients, L~ the group of multivalued sections of L with the monodromy T, and L03B1~ the


exp(-203C0i03B1)-eigenspace of Loo with respect to 1;, where T = TsTu is the Jordan decomposition. Then there exists uniquely M E Mcoh(DS)mon of meromorphic (resp.

microlocal) type with an isomorphism

where DRs is as in (1.1.3). Furthermore, we have a canonical isomorphism

for a E A, such that - (tôt - a) corresponds to N: = (log Tu)/203C0i.

Proof. By (1.9) it is enough to show the assertion for M meromorphic type. By (1.7), there exists uniquely M~Mcoh(DS)mon of meromorphic type with the

isomorphism (l.11.2). Then Man is identified with a


of j*«(9s* ~CL) generated by

for u e Li with a E A (see [2]), because (1.11.3) satisfies the same relation as the

element of M(S)03B1 corresponding to u E Li by definition of M (and Man|S* and (!Js* Q9c L have the same rank). In particular, Man|S* = OS* ~C L, and the

assertion follows.

REMARK. This proposition shows that we have an equivalence of categories

between the category of monodromical DS-modules of meromorphic type and the category of local systems on S*, in a compatible way with (1.7.1). Note that

the isomorphism (1.11.2) depends on the choice of the branch of log t (i.e., the

choice of a lift of 1 to a universal covering of S*).

Proof. By (1.10), DRS(M)[-1]|S* is a local system, and it is enough to show (1.12.1). Using a filtration defined in the category of monodromical éos-modules

of microlocal type, we may assume 03A303B1~039B dim M(S)03B1 = 1. Then it is isomorphic to M(03B1)=DS/DS(t~t-03B1) if M(S)03B1 = C for


(see the proof of (1.8)). In the

other case, we can check that M is isomorphic to DS/DS(t~t). Then we can check

the assertion (see also [8]).


2. Algebraic Gauss-Manin system

(2.1) Let f:X ~ Y be a morphism of smooth complex algebraic varieties. The direct

image f f

M of a DX-module M is defined by

where 03C9X is the dualizing sheaf, and " denotes the dual line bundle. See [1], [6], [10], etc. Note that, if f is an open embedding,

If M

is defined by the sheaf

theoretic direct image. In the case Y is the affine line S, the direct

image If

M will

be more explicitly expressed later (see (2.6)).

We denote the cohomological direct image

JfP Jf


by Jj

M. For M = (9,, the


image ~f OX



is called the Gauss-Manin system of f [7].

For a DX-module M, let

where 03A9X(M) denotes the de Rham complex as in [1], [2], and an is defined as in (1.1.2). By [1] we have:

(2.2) PROPOSITION. If M is regular holonomic, the cohomological direct images


M are regular holonomic, and we have a natural isomorphism

(2.3) COROLLARY. Assume f smooth with relative dimension r, and


OX is a

locally free OY-module of finite rank (i.e., a vector bundle with integrable connection [2]). Let LP be the local system defined by the horizontal sections of


OX)an. Then

we have natural isomorphisms

Proof. The first assertion follows from the Poincaré lemma. Then the second follows from (2.2.1) using DRX(OX) = CXan [dim X], because (9x is regular

holonomic by definition [1].


REMARK. If we assume that


is a local system, the corollary follows

also from the relative version of [4] using a desingularization of the divisor at infinity of a compactification of f, because we may replace Y by its Zariski-open


(2.4) LEMMA. Let f : X ~ Y be as in (2.1), and assume Y is the affine line S with coordinate t as in Section 1 so that f is identified with a function on X. Let

0 = at-id, and

Then we have a natural isomorphism

where an is defined as in (1.1.2).

Proof. This follows from ô, -1 = etot e - in DanS.

(2.5) PROPOSITION. For f : X ~ S as above, assume Xan contractible and purely

n-dimensional. Then we have a natural isomorphism

Proof. This follows from (2.2) and (2.4).

REMARK. We can apply (2:2) also to the direct image of (9x by X ~ pt and the

direct image

of ~pf

(9x by S - pt. In this case, (2.2) means the commutativity of the

direct image with the functor An in (1.1.2), and follows also from [4] and [2] (see

also (1.9.2) above) respectively.

(2.6) Let f : X ~ S be as in (2.4), and M a -9x-module. We define a structure of éox-module on M Q9c C[~t] by

for g~OX, 03B6~0398X and U E M. It has also the action of R = C[t, ôt] (see (1.1)) by

which commutes with the action of -9,. Then M ~C[~t] is identified with the direct image of M by the

embedding i f

by the graph of f, and u

Q9 G:

is identified



~it03B4(t -

f ) Q u. Here 03B4(t - f ) is the delta function with support

f f




satisfies the relation

which gives (2.6.1-2).

Since the direct image of a -9-module by a smooth projection with fiber X is given by the sheaf theoretic direct image of the relative de Rham complex shifted by dim X (see for example [1]), the direct

image ~f M

is expressed as

factorizing f into the closed

embedding i f

and thé projection. This can be also

obtained by using induced D-modules [9]. Note that, if f is an affine morphism,

the derived direct image


can be replaced by f*.

(2.7) PROPOSITION. For f : X ~ S as above, assume X = C". Then we have a natural quasi-isomorphism (0.4) in the introduction.

Proof. By (2.6.4),


is expressed by


~CC[~t])[n], where the

differential of 03A9:X Oc C[ô,] is given by

See (2.6.1). Then we have a short exact sequence of complexes

where the differential of Qx is D f . Then we get the assertion taking the exact

functors f* and F(S, *).

(2.8) PROPOSITION. Let S = pl with a natural inclusion j’ : S ~ S. Let M be a regular holonomic DS-module, and K = Cone(03B8: M ~ M) for 0 as above. Let U be a

Zariski-open subset of S on which M is locally free over OU, and denote the local

system DRS(M)[-1] luan by L. Then we have a canonical isomorphism

for t~Uan(c C) such that Im t = 0 and Re t » 0. Furthermore,

Proof. Let

V = {t~C:|t|&#x3E;R} ~ Uan

for R sufficiently large, and V’ =


V ~ {~}.

Then (j’M)" 1 v, is an extension of Man|V as regular holonomic DV’-

module such that the action of the local coordinate


is bijective, and

such an extension is unique by [2]. So


is uniquely determined by Man|V, or equivalently, by L|V (see [loc. cit.]). Since V is homotopy equivalent to (s*)an, we may assume U = S*, and M is a monodromical DS-module of

microlocal type by (1.11). Then

by the same argument as the proof of (2.4). So it is zero for any i by (1.12.2), and

we may replace


in (2.8.1-2) by


(j’*K)an) using the long exact

séquence :

By GAGA, we have

where the last isomorphism follows from the exactness of j’. Moreover,

using (1.2.3) and (1.4.3). So the assertion follows from the isomorphism (1.11.2).

Here we identify L, with L~ by taking a lift of t to a universal covering of S*, at

which log t is real valued.

(2.9) Proof of Theorem (0.3). Let

K f

be as in (2.4), and j’ : S ~ S as above. By

GAGA and (2.7), we have

We have the long exact sequence (2.8.4) with K replaced by K f. Let F =

f -1(t)

for t as in (2.8.1). Then it is enough to show a canonical isomorphism

by (2.5.1), because we can check

H0(03A9·, Df)

= 0 so that the morphism

is injective. Then, applying (2.8) to M

= ~pf

OX, the assertion (2.9.2) follows from



(2.10) REMARKS. (i) If f is weighted homogeneous,


(p * 1-n) and

~1-nf OX/OS

are monodromical DS-modules of microlocal type, and the decom- position (1.4.1) by the action of t~t is induced by the grading of Q’ compatible

with f as in [3]. This implies that the isomorphism (0.2) is compatible with the

action of monodromy as in [loc. cit.].

(ii) In Theorem A of [3], b does not induce an isomorphism for k = 0. The definition

of D f

should be replaced by (0.1) in this paper, which is denoted by

D f

in [loc. cit.].

(iii) In the proof of ( 1.8) of [3], it is better to use Coim 0394 instead of 03A9 = Ker A.

(2.11) EXAMPLE: f =


This is a generalized weighted homogeneous polynomial admitting negative weights, and the spectral sequence as in [3] does

not converge. In fact, the Eo-complex is isomorphic to the Koszul complex (QB d f 039B), and is acyclic, but the general fiber F =

f -1(t)

is isomorphic to C* so



C) = 0,


C) = C. We can check

H2(03A9, Df)

= C as follows.

We have fx = 2xy +

1, fy

= x2, and

Let ~:03A92 ~ C

be a map defined by


for 2j +1 i, and 0 otherwise. Then 0 induces the isomorphism

H2(03A9·, Df)

= C.

Added in the proof. We are informed that a similar result is obtained by B.

Malgrange and P. Deligne independently using the theory of Fourier transformation.


[1] Borel, A.: Algebraic D-Modules, Academic Press, Boston, 1987.

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