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correction DM TES janvier


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral


I – COMPRÉHENSION: 100 points

1. Tick the right answers. 3 points

The anecdote takes place  in the country

 in the city

 outside

 inside

 in the morning

 in the afternoon

 in the evening

 at night

2. Fill in the grid with information about the main character. 6 points Name Aisling Justify with one quotation from the text.

Age group  15-23  24-30

 34-40  41-60 “… nearly 12 years to be exact. Since she’d given up work…”

ou “… when she was twenty-two”

Children  yes

 no “If she brought the boys…”

(1 pt x 2) + (2 pts par justification) = 6

3. Whose point of view is the story told from? 4 points

It is told from Aisling’s point of view.

4. In your own words, sum up the three different phases in the main character’s professional life.

(2pts x3) = 6 points ...1) She used to run the motor department of a company. 2) She stopped working and became a housewife. 3) She has resumed working although in a different branch.

5. Match each proper noun with one of the phrases below. (1pt x 4) = 4 points the main character’s relatives / a law firm / a perfume / a chainstore / a close friend / a railway station

Chloé Quinnsworth Richardson, Reid and

Finucade Mum and Jo

a perfume a chainstore a law firm the main character’s


6. Find the words in the text that correspond to the following definitions: (1pt x 6) = 6 points set of clothes: outfit (l. 3)

experienced: seasoned (l. 9)

a thin fast stream of liquid: a squirt (l. 34) exaggerate: overdo (l. 37)

consider : contemplate (l. 47)

a sudden increase of activity for a short period of time: a spurt (l. 47)

7. In paragraph 2, which word suggests that Aisling feels she is being looked at? 4 points

“self-conscious” (l. 6-7).


10. Say whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. 12 points Justify your answers by quoting from the text (2pts ou 0 si pas de justification x 6).

N'exiger qu'une justification par affirmation.

1. Her shoes were appropriate for the occasion. T F

“pinched” / “ bloody shoes” / “ too high” / “ bought for a wedding outfit” (l. 1 to 3).

2. She didn't think she was fit for her first job. T F

“Confident in her ability to deal with any problems in the motor department” (l. 26-27).

3. She commuted to her new job by train and bus. T F

“But after the long walk from Haddington Road where she’d decided to leave the car” (l. 35-36).

4. She was really concerned about the image she projected. T F

“She hadn't wanted to overdo it.” (l. 37). Accepter aussi "She wanted to appear like a working woman"

(l. 37).

5. She was so scared by her first day at work that she would have preferred to be at home. T F

“What she wouldn’t give to be sitting at home right now” (l. 46)

6. She did her best to control her apprehension. T F

“Calm down Aisling, she told herself” (l. 48)

11. Compare the main character’s former and present jobs and her feelings about them.

(2pts x 6) = 12 points 6 éléments attendus:

- run the motor department of a company / have responsibilities (run the place) / be self-confident.

- work for solicitors, work for a law firm / much easier job / lack of confidence.

12. What did Mum and Jo think about her professional qualities? 3 points They thought that she was very good (3 pts, 2 pts si very n'apparaît pas : "as good as Mum and Jo were trying to convince her she was".)

13. Lines 37-39: in your own words, describe her idea of the ideal working woman. 4 points The ideal working woman should be both an excellent professional and a model housewife.

14.In lines 41 to 44, pick out at least four elements that can account for her apprehension. 4 points rich dark green door / brass fittings and gleaming brass plate / proclaiming / solicitors / a magnificent Georgian house.


15.Translate into French from “What she wouldn’t give…” (line 45) 23 points to “… this sheer terror.” (line 47)

Texte anglais Traduction proposée Points

What she wouldn’t give to be sitting at home right now,

Que ne donnerait-elle pas pour être assise chez

elle à ce moment précis, 4

with a copy of the magazine spread on the kitchen table

(avec) un exemplaire (sanctionner copie) de ce (sanctionner du ) magazine

ouvert sur la table de la cuisine, 4

as she contemplated another spurt of decorating.

envisageant de se lancer dans de nouveaux travaux de décoration intérieure (accepter

peinture et tapisserie) 3

Anything, even stripping the wallpaper off the back bedroom,

Tout, même décoller le papier peint de la chambre

du fond, 3

would be preferable to this sheer terror. serait préférable au sentiment de terreur qui

l'habitait alors. 3

Calm down, Aisling, she told herself. Calme-toi, Aisling, se dit-elle. 1

It's your first day, C'est ton premier jour, 1

nobody is going to expect too much from you.

Personne ne s'attend à des miracles de ta part (à

ce que tu fasses des miracles). 2

Hopefully. Du moins, espérons-le. 2

Total traduction 23


Traitez l'un des deux sujets suivants, au choix. (300 mots)

1. You must already have felt apprehension at the prospect of a first day at school, abroad or elsewhere. Write about your experience.

2. How important do you think work should be in somebody’s life?


Guide pour l'évaluation de l'expression personnelle en anglais Baccalauréat séries L LV2, ES LV1, S LV1 et S LV2

Suggestions du groupe d'anglais de L'Inspection Générale des Langues Vivantes Candidat : copie N° _________________

Réalisation de l'exercice et traitement du sujet

4 points

Recevabilité linguistique

6 points Total des


0.5 point

 présentation inacceptable

 écriture illisible

 consignes non respectées

 hors sujet

 contresens

0.5 – 1 – 1.5 point

 inintelligible

 lexique indigent

 erreurs récurrentes de grammaire élémentaire

1 – 1.5 – 2 points

 recopiage du support

 hors sujet partiel

 sujet compris mais traitement plat et superficiel

 construction vague

2 – 2.5 – 3 – 3.5 points

 compréhension possible malgré des erreurs fréquentes

 lexique limité

 syntaxe peu élaborée

2.5 – 3 – 3.5 points

 existence d'une problématique

 effort de construction

4 – 4.5 – 5 points

 erreurs occasionnelles

 vocabulaire adapté

 syntaxe adéquate

4 points

 enchaînement des idées

 développement organisé

 références culturelles

 conviction, humour

5.5 – 6 points

 erreurs rares

 vocabulaire riche

 syntaxe élaborée

 capacité à nuancer

Dans un esprit d'évaluation positive, on n'hésitera pas à bonifier – en seconde lecture et selon une échelle + 0.5 / + 1 / +1.5 – les copies qui se lisent relativement facilement, avec intérêt, voire avec plaisir.

On tiendra compte du soin apporté à la présentation et à la rédaction. On valorisera tout particulièrement les copies dont les auteurs ont réagi au sujet proposé en s'engageant et en exprimant un point de vue personnel.


Barème :

Questions Points

1. 3

2. 6

3. 4

4. 6

5. 4

6. 6

7. 4

8. 6

9. 3

10. 12

11. 12

12. 3

13. 4

14. 4

15. 23

Total compréhension 100

Total expression 100

Total général 200


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