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a 1,a 2,a 3,...berealnumbersgeneratedbythefollowingrule.Therstnumber,a 1,equals 1,andthereaftereahnumberequalsthepreviousnumberplusitssquareroot.Thissimplystated


Academic year: 2022

Partager "a 1,a 2,a 3,...berealnumbersgeneratedbythefollowingrule.Therstnumber,a 1,equals 1,andthereaftereahnumberequalsthepreviousnumberplusitssquareroot.Thissimplystated "


Texte intégral


Épreuve de setion européenne

A simple sequene not given by a simple formula


a 1


a 2


a 3


a 1

,equals 1,andthereaftereahnumberequalsthepreviousnumberplusitssquareroot.Thissimplystated

rule raisesan obvious question :what is thenumber

a n


To get a feel for the question, let us work out

a n

for a few small values of


. We have

a 2 = 1 + √

1 = 2


a 3 = 2 + √ 2 a 4 = 2 + √

2 + q

2 + √ 2


eah new one is twie as longas theprevious one. From this observation it follows quiteeasily

that theexpressionfor

a 12

wouldinvolve 1024 ourenes ofthenumber 2,most ofthem inside ajungleofsquareroots.Suhanexpressionwouldnot giveus muhinsightintothenumber

a 12


Adaptedfrom Mathematis, AVery ShortIntrodutionbyTimothyGowers


1. Translatethe denition ofthesequene

a n

asa relationbetween

a n+1


a n


2. Givetherawformulafor

a 5


3. Explain the sentene Notie that the expressions on the right-hand side do not seem to

simplify,and thateahnew one istwieaslongastheprevious one.

4. Prove thatthe expression of

a 12

wouldinvolve 1024 ourenesofthe number 2.

5. Theaim ofthe following questionsistoount thenumberof squareroot signsin

a n

.Let's denote thisnumber by

u n

,for any naturalnumber



a. Find out the valuesof

u n



from 1to 5.

b. Prove byindutionthat

u n = 2 n 1 − 1


. Use theformulato ompute thenumberof squareroot signsin

a 12



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