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New measurements on time decrease of permeability


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1959

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New measurements on time decrease of permeability

A.J. Bosman, P.E. Brommer, G.W. Rathenau

To cite this version:

A.J. Bosman, P.E. Brommer, G.W. Rathenau. New measurements on time decrease of permeability. J.

Phys. Radium, 1959, 20 (2-3), pp.241-243. �10.1051/jphysrad:01959002002-3024100�. �jpa-00236025�





Natuurkundig Laboratorium der Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.



La désaccommodation des alliages FeSi est mesurée dans le domaine où la cons-

tante de magnétostriction h1 disparaît. On trouve que cet effet a peu d’influence.

Il semble que le carbone soit plus efficace que l’azote pour produire la désaccommodation, tandis

que le contraire est vrai pour le frottement interne.

En remplaçant le 12C par 13C le changement du coefficient de diffusion s’obtient par la mesure

de la désaccommodation. On trouve une diminution de (4 ± 1) %.



The disaccommodation of Fe-Si alloys has been measured. In the region where

the magnetostriction constant h1 changes sign the disaccommodation is little affected.

It seems that the disaccommodation due to carbon is larger than the effect due to a corresponding

atomic percentage of nitrogen, although the contrary is true for internal friction. The ratio of the diffusion coefficients of 12C and 13C in pure iron has been determined, again by measuring the

disaccommodation. We find a value of (1,04 ± 0,01) in agreement with a (m)-1/2 relationship

for the diffusion coefficient.




The time decrease of permea-

bility (disaccommodation) due to interstitials in iron according to Néel [1, 2] originates from a

direct non-mechanical interaction between the interstitials and the magnetization vector. It is argued that a magnetostrictive interaction alone is too small to account for Snoek’s [3] observations.

Brissonneau [4] has brought additional evidence in showing that besides 900 walls, 1800 walls also contribute to the disaccommodation in iron. It

seems worth-while to present more data which

strengthen the theory.

We have measured the disaccommodation of

alloys in the silicon-iron system for which Carr and Smoluchowski [5] have shown the magneto- striction constant h1 (3/2 03BB100 ) (3/2 100 to change sign in a

range of composition in which h2 is small. We also want to stress the différence in disaccommo- dation produced by the same amount of intersti- tial carbon and nitrogen and compare this with the difference in opposite direction in internal friction.

Finally it is shown that the disaccommodation is a tool adapted to measure small changes in rela-

xation time. It can give information about the diffusion process upon which it is based.

Measurements in the silicon-iron system. - Four alloys of Si and pure iron produced by vacuum melting and casting [6] have been kindly put at

our disposal by Professor J. D. Fast of Eindhoven.

Rings made from all of these alloys have been heat-

ed together in an atmosphere of purified dry hydrogen and methane for 30 hours at 1000 C.

After this water was suddenly poured upon the

quartz container to gas quench the specimens.

After 20 hours annealing the 4.5 wt % Si rings

scemcd already saturated with carbon with respect

to the gas atmosphere.

We assume that all alloys were saturated after 30 hours. The carbon contents relative to the 4.5 % Si alloy can then be calculated for all spe- cimens (Smith [7]). The values of the disaccom- modation reproduced in figure 1 have been reduc-

ed to the same amount of carbon in all alloys assuming proportionality between time decrease and carbon concentration. We think that this amount is about 5/1000 wt % of carbon, on the

basis of separate experiments on the 4.5 % Si alloy.

In figure 1 two kinds of measurements are

reproduced : a) gives the change in reluctivity à(l iti)


Ar at 262 °K during 1 hour after dema-

gnetization. For all alloys investigated the relax-

ation is then completed for about 50 % ; b) shows

the change in reluctivity at a higher temperature (290 OK) during very long times of waiting. The reluctivity for t = 0 is arrived at by extrapolating

measurements performed at lower temperatures.

yo (2,6.10-4 Oe, 290 °K) has a maximum value of about 870 for the 6 % Si alloy while for the other alloys it is between 600 and 700. The points in a) and b) indicate that the influence of magneto-

striction on time decrease and consequently inter-

action energy [1, 2, 4] is small.

We have also measured the field of stabilization for iron and the 4 . 5 % and the 6 % alloy. For a

carbon content of 0.005 wt % this field is about

10 times larger in iron than in the alloys. We sup- pose this to be due to the (preferential) occupation

of sites near the Si atoms. We also suspect that the magnetic strain energy due to interstitials is lowered by this.


The fact that the disaccom-

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphysrad:01959002002-3024100



modation in the alloys is larger than for iron while the field of stabilization is small can be explained by a smaller wall area in the case of the alloys.

FIG. 1.


Disaccommodation of Fe-Si’’’’’alloys reduced for

a carbon content of about 0.005 wt % C.

Demagnetization in an alternating current field of diminishing amplitude at t = 0. Measurement in a mean effective field of 2.6 X 10-4 Oe.

a) Change in reluctivity r


1/u during 1 hour after demagnetization. Temperature : 262 °K.

b) Change in reluctivity at 290 OK during at least

10 hours of waiting. The initial value of the reluctivity

has been arrived at by extrapolating the values measured for lower temperatures to 290 °K.

c) Magnetostriction constants after Carr and Smolu- chowski for quickly cooled respectively annealed alloys.

If in contradistinction to internal friction the time decrease of permeability is based on electronic effects, and not on lattice strains due to interstitials

one cannot expect that carbon and nitrogen

influence time decrease and internal friction in a

similar way. Experiments on iron point in this

direction. We find the same disaccommodation and stabilizing field for N and C if the ratio of the

increase in resistivity due to the interstitials is

( -D- ) / R (D.:J =3.8 while according to Dijks-

" 1 C

tra [8] the same internal friction (for single crys-

tals) results if i AR W)N (D.J:) c = 1 .8. B /c Since per

atomic percent the internal friction of C is about

0,8 times that of N [9, 10, 111, it seems that magne-

tically the effect of C is about 1. 7 times that of N.

Measurement of the dependence on mass of the

diffusion constant.


In another paper [12] it has

been shown that the time decrease of permeability

for interstitial nitrogen in iron can be represented by

where the Tk are different relaxation times and the ro, rlk are constant with respect to time. If it is desired to measure a small relative change of a particular T, say T2, due to some external influence,

such as the application of hydrostatic pressure, the relative change of ’t’i can be deduced [13] from the

course of a function Z(t)


rx- rx in a time inter-

r - To val 0.7-ri t 2-ri.

The numerator in this expression for Z is related

to the experiment giving ri, the denominator to

the experiment with the relaxation time



’t’i(1 + 3).

By applying this formalism a small change of temperature leads to the correct change of the

mean time of stay of the interstitials in iron as can be calculated with the known activation energy for diffusion. Also the change of the mean time

of stay due to the application of hydrostatic pres-

sure and the so-called activation volume have been deduced [13].

The same method now has been applied to com-

pare the diffusion coefficients in iron of natural carbon (99 % 12C) and of carbon enriched in 13C

(95 % 13C).

The reason for doingthis experiment is the follow-

ing. Recently in the case of substitutional diffu- sion indications have been presented [14; that the dependence of the diffusion coefficient on mass is much larger than (M)-112 . The current simple theory [15] however leads to a (m)-l’2 relation- ship. We wanted to test this relationship.

Almost the same amount of 12C respectively

13C has been alternately introduced in the same iron rings (0.005 wt %). The relative change

in relaxation time for the same temperature (248 OK) was determined by making use of three

different experiments with 13C and two experi-

ments with 12C. The results give a mean relative change of (4 + 1) %. The (m)-1/2 relationship

would demand 4 % for the pure nuclides.



As a check on the method of evaluating the

results also two experiments with 13C have been

compared giving a relative change of the relaxation time less than 0.5 %.

In performing these experiments we have found

that the method employed did not give reliable

results in some cases, where the unrelaxed initial permeabilities in the experiments to be compared

differed more than 30 %.

The authors are very much indebted to Mr. C. J.

Schinkel, who took part in many of the experiments.

This work has been financially supported by the

General Electric Research Laboratory in Schenec- tady.

The carbon nuclides have been separated in the

F. 0. M.-laboratory for Mass Separation in Ams-



[1] NÉEL (L.), J. Physique Rad., 1951, 12, 339.

[2] NÉEL (L.), J. Physique Rad., 1952, 13, 249.

[3] SNOEK (J. L.), Physica, 1939, 6, 797.

[4] BRISSONNEAU (P.), C. R. Acad. Sc., Paris, 1954, 239,


[5] CARR (W. J.) and SMOLUCHOWSKI (R.), Phys. Rev., 1951, 83,1236.

[6] FAST (J. D.), LUTEYN (A. I.) and OVERBOSCH (E.), Philips tech. Rev., 1953, 15, 114.

[7] SMITH (R. P.), J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1948, 70, 2724.

[8] DIJKSTRA (L. J.), Philips Res. Rep., 1947, 2, 357.

[9] FAST (J. D.) and VERRIJP (M. B.), J. Iron and Steel Inst., 1955, 180, 337.

[10] DAHL (W.) and LÜCKE (K.), Arch. Eisenhüttenwes.,

1954, 25, 241.

[11] PITSCH (W.) and LÜCKE (K.), Arch. Eisenhüttenwes., 1956, 27, 45.

[12] BOSMAN (A. J.), BROMMER (P. E.), DAAL (H. J. van)

and RATHENAU (G. W.), Physica, 1957, 23, 989.


(G. W.), Physica, 1957, 23,1001.

[14] LAZARUS (D.) and OKKERSE (B.), Phys. Rev., 1957, 105, 1677.

[15] See e.g. WERT (C. A.) and ZENER (C.), Phys. Rev., 1949, 76, 1169.


M. Ferro.


Puisque-le spectre de relaxation du C ou N dans les alliages fer-silicium est très large,

est-il possible de tenir compte correctement de cela en vue d’une comparaison quantitative entre

le pourcentage du carbone et l’intensité des effets de relaxation à une température donnée ?

Pour ce qui est de l’effet de la magnétostriction

de l’alliage sur l’intensité de la relaxation, il peut

être intéressant de signaler quelques mesures que l’on a faites récemment sur du fer silicium 6,4%

dans un domaine très étendu de température et publiées seulement en partie (BIORCI-FERRO- MONTALENTI, Instability of Bloch walls in a ferro-

magnetic lattice, ARDC, Res. Rept. AF61 (514) 1331, March 1958).

Ces mesures semblent donner pour les effets à haute température dues au silicium un effet de

relaxation beaucoup plus petit que l’alliage fer-

silicium 3,5 %. D’autre part, dans ce même travail,

nous avons aussi comparé, pour le C dans le fer

.doux, la valeur de l’énergie de couplage magnéto- crystalline par atome de carbône déduite de la valeur expérimentale du champ de traînage avec

la valeur théorique calculée sur la base de la varia- tion de l’énergie d’anisotropie du fer avec la défor-

mation due au carbone (NÉEL, J. Physique Rad., 1954, et aussi KITTEL, Rev. mod. Piaysics, 1949).

Les deux valeurs semblent être en accord raison- nable puisqu’on trouve une valeur théorique de 3,3 10-16 ergs/atom contre une valeur expérimen-

tale comprise entre 5,3 et 6,9.10-16 ergs/atom d’après les différentes données expérimentales

obtenues (d’après Snoek, Brissonneau et les nôtres).

Puisque l’expression théorique de l’énergie de couplage dépend dela magnétostriction

cii et cl2 sont les constantes élastiques, d la

dimension de l’atome interstitiel, h la dimension de l’interstice et a le paramètre du réseau. Il nous

semble qu’une dépendance du traînage de la magnétostriction est assez probable.

M. Rathenau. -a) La figure 1 b montre la

relaxation obtenue après une durée très longue à

des températures comparativement élevées. Pour tous les alliages la relaxation est pratiquement complétée.

b) Il semble bien difficile à ce moment de tirer des conclusions des mesures faites à hautes tempé-

ratures. Même les constantes de magnétostriction

à des températures élevées sont mal connues. Pour

le Fe-Si 3.5 % : xioo(400 °C) > Xioo(20 °C) (0160TUR-

KIN, 1947).

M. Brissonneau.


Dans un travail antérieur,

M. le Pr RATHENAU a montré que la diffusion était correctement représentée par un spectre dis-

continu de constantes de temps. Pour l’une d’elles,

on constate un écart de 4 % entre les valeurs obte-

nues dans la diffusion de 12C et de 13C. Peut-on détecter de telles variations sur les autres cons-

tantes de temps ?

M. Rathenau.


On a des constantes de temps

de très grande durée dont l’origine n’est pas claire

aujourd’hui. Ces constantes ne correspondent pas à un saut simple d’un atome de carbone dans le réseau parfait. Nous ne connaissons pas le change-

ment relatif de ces constantes si 12C est remplacé

par le 13C.


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