• Aucun résultat trouvé

Article 68

Requisition for extradition (1) A requisition for extradition shall be accompanied:

(a) If extradition is requested for purposes of execution of a sentence-by an official copy of the final sentence, showing the grounds therefor, and the text of the legislative provisions relating to the offence committed by the convicted person and the penalty therefor;

(b) If extradition is requested for purposes of criminal prosecution-by a certi-fied copy of the warrant of arrest, a description of the offence stating the res gestae and the text of the legislative provisions relating to the extraditable offence and the penalty therefor; if the offence resulted in material damage, the extent of such damage shall also be specified.

(2) A requisition for extradition shall also be accompanied, so far as possible, by a personal description and biographical particulars of the persons claimed, information concerning his nationality and residence, and his photograph and


(3) The applicant Contracting Party shall not be bound to enclose with the requisition proof of the guilt of the person claimed.

Article 69

Information to supplement a requisition for extradition

If the information communicated is insufficient to permit a decision on a requisition for extradition, the Contracting Party applied to may request supple-mentary information. For this purpose it may set a time-limit of not less than one month or more than two months. Such time-limit may be extended on request.


Article 70

Upon receipt of a requisition for extradition, the Contracting Party applied to shall take immediate steps to detain the person claimed.

Article 71

(1) A person shall be detained pending receipt of the requisition for his extradition if an application is made for that purpose citing a warant of arrest or a final sentence or other appropriate judicial decision and announcing that a requisition for extradition will be made. An application for detention may be made directly by the competent courts or other State authorities by post, tele-graph, telephone or wireless.

Article 68 Demande d'extradition

1) La demande d'extradition sera accompagnde des pi~ces suivantes:

a) Si l'extradition est demandde en vue de 1'exdcution d'une condamnation, une exp6dition du jugement devenu d6finitif ainsi que le texte des dispositions lgales concernant l'infraction qui a donn6 lieu A la condamnation et la peine qui sanctionne ladite infraction;

b) Si 1'extradition est demand6e en vue de poursuites, une expddition du mandat d'arr~t et une description de l'infraction avec un expos6 des faits de la cause, ainsi que le texte des dispositions I6gales concernant l'infraction et la peine qui la sanctionne; en cas d'infraction contre les biens, l'importance du dom-mage caus6 sera aussi indiqu6e.

2) La demande d'extradition sera 6galement accompagn6e, autant que faire se pourra, du signalement de l'individu rdclam6, de donndes sur sa situation personnelle, sa nationalit6 et sa r6sidence, ainsi que de sa photographie et de ses empreintes digitales.

3) La partie requdrante ne sera pas tenue de joindre A la demande des preuves de la culpabilit6 de l'individu rdclam6.

Article 69

Renseignements compldmentaires A l'appui de la demande d'extradition Si les renseignements communiques ne sont pas suffisants pour qu'il soit statu6 sur la demande d'extradition, la Partie requise pourra rdclamer des ren-seignements compldmentaires. A cet effet, elle pourra fixer A la Partie requ6rante un d~lai qui ne devra pas 6tre inf6rieur a un mois, ni superieur h deux mois.

Ce d6lai pourra 6tre prorog6 sur demande en bonne et due forme.


Article 70

D~s r6ception de la demande d'extradition, la Partie requise procddera h l'arrestation de l'individu r6clam6.

Article 71

1) L'individu rdclam6 pourra 8tre arret6 avant reception de la demande d'extradition si l'une des Parties contractantes le demande en spdcifiant que l'intress6 est l'objet d'un mandat d'arr8t, d'une condamnation devenue ddfinitive ou d'une autre d~cision judiciaire analogue et en indiquant qu'une demande d'extradition suivra. Les tribunaux comptents ou autres organes officiels pour-ront demander directement par la poste, le t6l6graphe, le t6l6phone ou la radio l'arrestation de l'individu rdclam6.

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(2) A person may be arrested even in the absence of an application under paragraph (1) if there is sufficient reason to believe that he has committed an extraditable offence in the territory of the other Contracting Party.

(3) When an arrest has been made, the other Contracting Party shall be notified immediately.

Article 72

Release of persons detained pending extradition

(1) If the applicant Contracting Party fails to furnish the information required to supplement a requisition for extradition within the time-limit set under article 69, the Contracting Party applied to may release the person detained.

(2) A person detained under article 71, paragraph (1), may be released if a properly executed requisition for his extradition is not received within two months after the dispatch of notification of his arrest.

(3) A person detained under article 71, paragraph (2), may be released if an application pursuant to article 71, paragraph (1), is not received within one month after the dispatch of notification of his arrest.

Article 73

Postponement of extradition

If the person claimed is on trial for another offence before a court of the Contracting Party applied to, or is charged with another offence by a procurator's office of that State, or has been convicted of another offence by a court of that State, the decision on the requisition for his extradition may specify that extra-dition shall be postponed pending the conclusion of the proceedings or the completion or remission of the sentence.

Article 74 Temporary extradition

(1) In the case specified in article 73, the person claimed may be extradited temporarily on application if the postponement of extradition might result in exemption from prosecution being acqaired by lapse of time or might seriously prejudice the prosecution.

(2) A temporarily extradited person shall be returned after the conclusion of the criminal proceedings for the purpose of which he was extradited.

2) Tout individu pourra 6galement 8tre arrt6, A d6faut de la demande vis~e au paragraphe 1 du pr6sent article, s'il y a lieu de croire qu'il a commis sur le territoire de l'autre Partie contractante une infraction donnant lieu A extra-dition.

3) Les arrestations op~r6es seront imm6diatement notifi6es A l'autre Partie.

Article 72

Mise en libert6 de l'individu arr6t6 aux fins d'extradition

1) Si la Partie requrante ne fournit pas dans le d~lai fix6 conform6ment Sl'article 69, les renseignements compl~mentaires qu'elle doit produire l'appui de la demande d'extradition, la Partie requise pourra mettre l'individu arr~t6 en


2) Tout individu arr~t6 en application du paragraphe 1 de l'article 71 pourra 6tre mis en libert6 si une demande d'extradition en bonne et due forme n'est pas revue dans les deux mois qui suivront l'envoi de l'avis d'arrestation.

3) Tout individu arr~t6 en application du paragraphe 2 de l'article 71 pourra etre mis en libert6 si la demande vis6e au paragraphe 1 de l'article 71 n'est pas reque dans le mois qui suivra l'envoi de l'avis d'arrestation.

Article 73 Extradition diff6r~e

Si l'individu r6clam6 est poursuivi devant un tribunal de la Partie requise ou si une action publique est ouverte contre lui pour une autre infraction, sur le territoire de la Partie requise, ou s'il a t6 condamn6 par un tribunal dudit ttat pour une autre infraction, l'extradition pourra tre diff6r6e jusqu'h ce que l'action soit close ou que la peine ait 6t6 purg~e ou remise.

Article 74 Extradition temporaire

1) Dans le cas vis6 l'article 73, l'individu r~clam6 pourra 6tre extrad6 temporairement, sur demande, si l'extradition diff6r~e risque d'entrainer la prescription ou de compromettre gravement l'instruction.

2) L'individu temporairement extrad6 sera renvoy6 d~s cl6ture de l'instruc-tion qui a motiv6 son extradil'instruc-tion.

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Article 75

Concurrent requisitions for extradition

If requisitions for a person's extradition are received from more than one State, the Contracting Party applied to shall decide which requisition shall be complied with.

Article 76 Limits to prosecution

(1) An extradited person may not, without the consent of the Contracting Party applied to, be prosecuted, punished or surrendered to a third State for an offence which was committed before his extradition and which is not the offence for which he was extradited. Such consent may not be refused if the offence is one for which the Contracting Party applied to is required under this Treaty to grant extradition.

(2) Consent under paragraph (1) shall not be required if the extradited person fails to quit the territory of the applicant Contracting Party within one month after the conclusion of the criminal proceedings or, in the event of his conviction, within one month after the completion or remission of the sentence, or if he returns thereto. Such period of one month shall not be deemed to include any period of time during which the extradited person is unable through no fault of his own to quit the territory of the applicant Contracting Party.

(3) The consent of the Contracting Party applied to shall not be required if the extradited person makes a statement before a court that he is willing to stand trial. In that case, a certified copy of the court record containing such statement shall be transmitted to the Contracting Party applied to.

Article 77 Surrender

The Contracting Party applied to shall notify the applicant Contracting Party of the place and time of surrender. If the applicant Contracting Party fails to accept the person claimed within one month after the dispatch of the notification, such person may be released from custody.

Article 78 Re-extradition

If an extradited person evades prosecution and returns to the territory of the Contracting Party applied to, he shall be arrested and re-extradited upon receipt of a new requisition without the production of further supporting docu-ments.

Article 75

Demandes d'extradition concurrentes

Si l'extradition d'un individu est demand6e par plusieurs ttats, il appar-tiendra la Partie requise de decider quel Etat l'individu r~clam sera livr&

ArticleI 76 Limite des poursuites

1) L'extrad6 ne pourra, sans l'assentiment de la Partie requise, etre pour-suivi, puni ou livr6 A un Ittat tiers pour une infraction, autre que celle qui a motiv6 1'extradition, qui serait ant6rieure h la remise. Cet assentiment ne pourra tre refus6 si la Partie requise est tenue, aux termes du present Trait6, d'extrader l'intress6 pour ladite infraction.

2) L'assentiment pr6vu au paragraphe 1 du present article ne sera pas exig6 si 1'extrad6 n'a pas quitt6 le territoire de la Partie requ6rante un mois apr s la cl6ture de la proc6dure p6nale ou, en cas de condamnation, un mois apr6s l'ex~cu-tion ou la remise de la peine, ou s'il retourne sur ledit territoire. II ne sera pas tenu compte, aux fins du calcul de ce d6lai, de la p~riode pendant laquelle l'ex-trad6 n'aura pu, sans qu'il y ait faute de sa part, quitter le territoire de la Partie requrante.

3) L'assentiment de la Partie requise ne sera pas exig6 si 1'extrad6 d~clare devant un tribunal qu'il est dispos6 1 se soumettre a la justice. En pareil cas, une expedition du proc~s-verbal concernant ladite d6claration sera communi-qu~e l la Partie requise.

Article 77 Remise de 1'extrad6

La Partie requise informera la Partie requ6rante du lieu et de la date de la remise. Si 1'individu r~clam6 n'est pas requ par la Partie requ6rante dans le mois qui suivra la date fix6e, il pourra etre remis en libert6.

Article 78 R~extradition

Si l'extrad6 se soustrait h la justice et regagne le territoire de la Partie requise, il sera arr~t6 et r~extrad6 sur nouvelle demande sans que la Partie requ6rante ait A produire d'autres pices.

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