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United Nations - Treaty Series 1961

Article 60 Objections du d~biteur

Le d~biteur pourra, s'il y est autoris6 par la l6gislation de la Partie contrac-tante sur le territoire de laquelle a 6t6 rendu le jugement dont l'ex~cution est demand~e, 6lever devant le tribunal saisi de la demande d'exequatur (formule ex~cutoire) des objections quant h la recevabilit6 de la demande d'exequatur (formule ex~cutoire).

Article 61

Refus de l'exequatur (formule ex6cutoire)

En dehors des cas vis~s l'article 13, l'octroi de l'exequatur (formule ex~cutoire) pourra 6tre refus:

a) Si les tribunaux de la Partie contractante sur le territoire de laquelle le juge-ment a 6t6 rendu n'&aient pas comptents aux termes de la l6gislation de la Partie contractante sur le territoire de laquelle l'ex~cution doit avoir lieu;

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(b) The respondent did not participate in the proceedings and neither he nor his representative was served in due time with a summons or with other official notice of the institution of proceedings, or he was summoned or notified only by public notice or in some other manner inconsistent with the provisions on legal assistance laid down in this Treaty;

(c) The judgement conflicts with an earlier judgement which has become final and which was rendered in an action between the same parties relating to the same claim by a court of the Contracting Party in whose territory enfor-cement is sought. However, this provision shall not apply if the judgement whose enforcement is sought satisfies the conditions which the law of the court ruling on the application prescribes for modification of a final judge-ment.

Article 62

Delivery of articles

The delivery of movable property to a person domiciled in the territory of the other Contracting Party shall be effected in accordance with the export regulations in force. Moneys shall be transferred in accordance with the ap-plicable currency laws.

Article 63 Costs of enforcement

The calculation and recovery of costs incurred in connexion with enforce-ment shall be governed by the same provisions as apply to the enforceenforce-ment of.

judgements of domestic courts.

Chapter II


(a) EXTRADITION Article 64 Extraditable offences

(1) Each Contracting Party shall extradite to the other on application, under the conditions laid down in this Treaty, persons who are required to answer a criminal charge or to serve a sentence.

(2) Extradition shall take place only for offences which are punishable under the law of both Contracting Parties with deprivation of liberty for a term of not less than one year or with a heavier penalty than deprivation of liberty (hereinafter called " extraditable offences ").

(3) Neither Contracting Party shall extradite to the other its own nationals.

b) Si le d6biteur n'a pas particip6 au proc~s et si aucune assignation n'a 6t6 signifi6e en temps utile et dans les formes prescrites l'intress6 ou son repr6sentant, ou si l'assignation n'a &6 signifi6e que par voie d'annonce publique ou de fagon incompatible avec les dispositions du pr6sent Trait6 qui ont trait h l'assistance juridique;

c) Si le jugement est incompatible avec un jugement ant6rieur, devenu d6finitif, qui a 6t6 rendu, l'6gard des m~mes parties et pour la m~me revendication, par un tribunal de la Partie contractante sur le territoire de laquelle 1'ex6cution doit avoir lieu. Toutefois, les dispositions du pr6sent alin6a ne s'appliqueront pas si le jugement h executer a 6t6 rendu dans des circonstances telles qu'un recours en reformation est permis aux termes de la l6gislation du tribunal qui statue sur la demande.

Article 62 Remise d'objets

La remise de biens mobiliers A une personne domicil6e sur le territoire de l'autre Partie contractante aura lieu conform~ment aux dispositions r6gissant les exportations. Les transferts de fonds auront lieu conform~ment aux disposi-tions applicables en mati~re de change.

Article 63 Frais d'ex6cution

Le calcul et le recouvrement des frais d'ex6cution seront r6gis par les m~mes dispositions que celles qui ont trait l'ex6cution des jugements des tribunaux de la Partie contractante sur le territoire de laquelle la decision est ex~cut6e.

Chapitre 2


a) EXTRADITION Article 64

Infractions donnant lieu h extradition

1) Chacune des Parties contractantes livrera l'autre, sur demande, con-form6ment aux dispositions du present Trait6, les individus qui sont r6clam6s h fin de poursuites p6nales ou d'ex6cution d'une condamnation p6nale.

2) 11 ne pourra y avoir extradition que si les infractions commises sont, aux termes de la l6gislation de l'une et l'autre des Parties contractantes, punissables d'une peine privative de libert6 de plus d'un an ou d'une plus grave (ci-apr~s d6nomm~es ( infractions donnant lieu extradition *).

3) Les Parties contractantes ne livreront pas leurs propres ressortissants.

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Article 65 Refusal of extradition (1) Extradition shall not take place if :

(a) Under the law of the Contracting Party applied to, exemption from prose-cution or punishment has been acquired by lapse of time or on other grounds;

(b) The offender has already been sentenced for the same offence-whether or not the sentence has become final-or discharged for a good and sufficient reason by a court or other authority of the Contracting Party applied to;

(c) Under the law of both Contracting Parties, a prosecution can be instituted only by a private complaint.

(2) Extradition may also be refused if the offence was committed in the territory of the Contracting Party applied to.

Article 66 Obligation to prosecute

(1) Each Contracting Party undertakes to prosecute under its own law, on application by the other Contracting Party, any of its nationals who have com-mitted an extraditable offence in the territory of the latter Contracting Party.

(2) If charges have not yet been filed, the application for prosecution shall be addressed by the General Procurator of the one Contracting Party to the General Procurator of the other Contracting Party. If charges have been filed, the appli-cation shall be addressed by the Minister for Justice of the one Contracting Party to the Minister for Justice of the other Contracting Party. The application shall be accompanied by all available evidence relating to the offence.

(3) The Contracting Party applied to shall notify the applicant Contracting Party of the result of the proceedings; if sentence has been passed, a copy of the sentence shall be enclosed with the notification.

Article 67

Communication in matters of extradition

In matters of extradition the Ministers for Justice of the Contracting Parties shall communicate with each other directly. The General Procurators of the Contracting Parties may also communicate with each other directly in such matters within the limits of their competence.

Article 65 Refus d'extrader 1) L'extradition n'aura pas lieu :

a) Si, en vertu de la l6gislation de la Partie requise, les poursuites p~nales ou 1'ex6cution de la condamnation p6nale ne peuvent avoir lieu pour cause de prescription ou pour toute autre cause;

b) Si l'individu r~clam6 fait l'objet, pour la m~me infraction, d'un jugement devenu ou non d6finitif ou d'une ordonnance de non-lieu qui ont 6t6 rendus par un tribunal ou autre organe de la Partie requise;

c) Si, en vertu de la 16gislation de l'une et l'autre des Parties contractantes, la mise en mouvement de 'action est subordonn~e au d~p6t d'une plainte.

2) De plus, l'extradition pourra tre refus~e si l'infraction a &6 commise sur le territoire de la Partie requise.

Article 66