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Total Primary Energy Consumption by Sectors

Dans le document Energy in Croatia, Annual Energy Report (Page 32-38)

The total energy consumed in Croatia in 2000 was 359.62 PJ and covered the demand within the energy system of the Republic of Croatia. This includes losses occurring in the course of energy conversion, energy sector own use, energy transmission and distribution losses, non-energy consumption and the total needs of final consumers. Final consumers of energy can be divided into three main groups - industry, transport and other sectors.

Losses occurring during energy conversion are defined as the balance of converted energy input and output, as shown in Table 2.5.3. Energy transmission and distribution losses include losses occurring in the elec-tricity grid during the transmission and distribution of electricity, losses occurring in the steam and hot water pipeline systems during heat distribution and losses of natural gas occurring in the transmission and distribution of gas. Among these, the most conspicuous within the total consumption are the electricity losses, which are much higher than the average of developed coun-tries. They are caused by so-called non-technical losses, primarily unauthorised electricity consumption, and differ from technical losses occurring in conductors and transformers that cannot be avoided. It is estimated that the technical losses during 2000 made approximately 65 percent of the total losses. Natural gas losses participated with a share slightly exceeding 21 percent, while steam and hot water losses amounted to 13.5 percent. The rest is taken up by non-technical losses. In view of such a share, in 2000 the technical losses amounted to somewhat more than 63 percent, or approxi-mately 1,308 GWh, i.e. 8.9 percent of the total electricity consumption. There were 822.7 GWh of non-technical losses, i.e. their share within the total electricity consump-tion was 5.1 percent. Accordingly, the share of both types of losses within the total electricity consumption amounted to 14 percent, thus remaining on the same level as in the preceding year.

Neenergetska potrošnja energije obuhvaća potrošnju prirodnog plina za proizvodnju umjetnih gnojiva, kao i potrošnju white špirita, etana, parafina i voska u kemijskoj industriji, bitumena u graditeljstvu i ostaloj industriji, te ulja i masti u različitim područjima primjene. Najveći dio neenergetske potrošnje ostvaruje se u kemijskoj industriji, a samo manjim dijelom u ostalim djelatnostima kao što su promet, graditeljstvo, poljoprivreda i ostala

industrija. Udjel kemijske industrije u ukupnoj neenergetskoj potrošnji u 2000.

godini iznosio je malo više od 83 posto.

Razvoj strukture ukupno utrošene energije tijekom petogodišnjeg razdoblja prikazan je u sljedećoj tablici, odnosno slici. Kao što je već rečeno ukupna potrošnja energije smanjena je za 2,8 posto u odnosu na 1999.

godinu. Pri tome su smanjeni gubici

energetskih transformacija, gubici transporta i distribucije energije, neenergetska potrošnja energije i neposredna potrošnja energije, a samo je pogonska potrošnja energije veća za 1,4 posto. Gubici energetskih transformacija manji su prema 1999. godini čak za 11,4 posto, gubici transporta i distribucije energije za 6,7 posto, a neenergetska potrošnja smanjena je za 2,4 posto.

Neposredna potrošnja energije neznatno je smanjena i to samo za 0,2 posto.

Non-energy consumption consists of the consumption of natural gas for the produc-tion of fertilisers; consumpproduc-tion of white spirit, ethane, paraffin and wax in the chemical industry; consumption of bitumen in construction and other industries and consumption of oils and greases for various • purposes. Non-energy consumption prima-rily occurs in the chemical industry but it is also present in other areas such as traffic, building construction, agriculture, etc. The chemical industry's share in the total non-energy consumption of Croatia in 2000 was 83 percent.

Structural development of the total energy consumed during the five-year period is shown in the following table and figure. As already mentioned, the total energy con-sumption decreased by 2.8 percent compared to 1999. Thereby, losses occurring during energy conversion, energy transportation and distribution losses, non-energy and final consumption decreased, while energy sector own use grew by 1.4 percent. Energy conver-sion losses dropped compared to 1999 by as much as 11.4 percent, energy transportation and distribution losses by 6.7 percent, non-energy consumption by 2.4 percent and final consumption by merely 0.2 percent.

Tablica 2.7.1. Struktura ukupno utrošene energije

1996 1997 PJ % PJ % Uk. potrošnja prim, energije

Total Primary Energy Supply Gubici transformacija

Conversion Losses Pogonska potrošnja Energy Sector Own Use Gubici transporta i distribucije Transmission Losses Neenergetska potrošnja Non Energy Use

Neposr. potrošnja energije Final Energy Demand Industrija

Industry Promet Transport Opća potrošnja Other Sectors

348,19 100,0 347,98 100,0

71,90 20,7 65,32 18,8

34,96 10,0 31,38 9,0

12,36 3,5 10,96 3,1

27,32 7,8 29,90 8,6

201,65 57,9 210,42 60,5

46,93 23,3 50,60 24,0

55,22 27,4 57,92 27,5

99,50 49,3 101,91 48,4

1998 1999 2000 2000/99 PJ % PJ • % PJ % % 353,94 100,0 369,83 100,0 359,62 100,0 -2,8

72,08 20,4 77,31 20,9 68,50 19,0 -11,4

29,44 8,3 30,75 8,3 31,20 8,7 1,4

13,57 3,8 12,22 3,3 11,40 3,2 -6,7

24,49 6,9 27,97 7,6 27,30 7,6 -2,4

214,37 60,6 221,57 59,9 221,21 61,5 -0,2

51,63 24,1 49,36 22,3 50,78 23,0 2,9

60,54 28,2 65,05 29,4 64,90 29,3 -0,2

102,20 47,7 107,16 48,4 105,53 47,7 -1,5

Table 2.7.1. Total Primary Energy Supply by Sectors

Tijekom petogodišnjeg razdoblja u kojem je ukupna potrošnja energije ostvarila trend porasta s prosječnom godišnjom stopom od 0,8 posto, samo je još neposredna potrošnja ostvarila porast s prosječnom godišnjom stopom od 2,3 posto. Ostale kategorije koje sudjeluju u strukturi ukupne potrošnje energije ostvarile su negativan trend. Tako se pogonska potrošnja energije smanjivala prosječno 2,8 posto, gubici transporta i distribucije 2 posto godišnje i gubici energetskih transformacija 1,2 posto.

Neenergetska potrošnja energije bila je u 2000. godini na približno jednakoj razini kao i u 1996. godini.

During the five-year period in which the total energy consumption recorded an upward trend with an average annual rate of 0.8 percent, only final consumption realised an increase with an average annual rate of 2.3 percent. Other categories participating in the total energy consumption realised a negative trend. Energy sector own use decreased by 2.8 on the average, transporta-tion and distributransporta-tion losses by 2 percent annually and energy conversion losses by 1.2 percent. In 2000 non-energy consumption equalled the one in 1996.

Slika 2.7.1. Struktura ukupno utrošene energije


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Figure 2.7.1. Total Primary Energy Supply by Sectors Kao i uvijek dosada s najvećim udjelom u

ukupnoj potrošnji energije sudjelovala je neposredna potrošnja. Njezin udjel u 2000.

godini iznosio je 61,5 posto što je najveća ostvarena vrijednost u promatranom petogodišnjem razdoblju. Udjel gubitaka energetskih transformacija smanjen je od 20,9 posto, koliko je iznosio 1999. godine, na 19 posto u 2000. godini, a neznatno manja vrijednost ostvarena je još samo 1997.

godine. Pogonska potrošnja energije u 2000.

godini sudjelovala je u ukupnoj s 8,7 posto, to je viša razina u odnosu na dvije prethodne godine, ali i malo niža u odnosu na početak razdoblja. Udjel neenergetske potrošnje iznosio je 7,6 posto te je bio jednak kao i 1999. godine, malo je niži u odnosu na početak petogodišta, dok je manja vrijednost ostvarena samo 1998. godine. S najmanjim udjelom sudjelovali su gubici transporta i distribucije energije. Taj je udjel u 2000.

godini iznosio 3,2 posto što je jedna od najnižih razina u promatranom petogodištu.

As always, the highest share in the total energy consumption was taken up by final consumption. In 2000 it amounted to 61.5 percent, its all-time high within the five-year observation period. Final energy consump-tion is followed by energy conversion losses the share of which decreased from 20.9 percent in 1999 to 19 percent in 2000, and a smaller value was realised only in 1997. In 2000, the share of energy sector own use was 8.7 percent, somewhat more than in the preceding two years, but at the same time a little less compared to the beginning of the period. Non-energy consumption amounted to 7.6 percent, as in 1999. The smallest share within the total energy consumed was taken up by energy transportation and distribution losses. In 2000 this share amounted to 3.2 percent, one of the lowest levels during the observed five-year period.

Na prethodnoj slici i u tablici, osim navedenog, prikazan je razvitak pojedinih sektora neposredne potrošnje. Može se vidjeti da je u odnosu na 1999. godinu ostvaren porast potrošnje energije u industriji, odnosno smanjenje u dva ostala sektora. Porast potrošnje u industriji za 2,9 posto u odnosu na prethodnu godinu, nakon višegodišnje stagnacije i smanjivanja, uistinu je pozitivan pomak. Vrlo je zanimljivo i smanjenje potrošnje energije u prometu, premda samo za 0,2 posto, jer je u

dosadašnjem razdoblju potrošnja energije u prometu neprestance rasla. Neposredna potrošnja energije u općoj potrošnji također je smanjena u odnosu na prethodnu godinu i to za 1,5 posto. Također je do 1999. godine i u općoj potrošnji postojao stalni trend porasta, premda ne tako izražen kao u prometu. Tijekom petogodišnjeg razdoblja u sva tri sektora neposredne potrošnje

ostvareni su pozitivni trendovi porasta potrošnje. Pri tome je potrošnja energije u prometu rasla s prosječnom godišnjom stopom od 4,1 posto, u industriji 2 posto i u općoj potrošnji 1,5 posto.

U odnosu na prethodnu godinu u 2000. je povećan udjel industrije, udjel prometa neznatno je smanjen, a smanjen je i udjel opće potrošnje. Udjel industrije iznosio je 23 posto i premda je malo veći u odnosu na prethodnu godinu, još uvijek je malo manji u odnosu na početak razdoblja. Udjel prometa iznosio je 29,3 posto, što je približno jednako kao i prethodne godine, odnosno malo veća razina u odnosu na početak razdoblja. Udjel opće potrošnje iznosio je 47,7 posto, jednako kao i 1998. godine, ali je to ujedno najniža razina udjela ovog sektora potrošnje. Može se zaključiti da su uspostavljeni odnosi glede udjela pojedinih sektora opće potrošnje prilično čvrsti i da tijekom relativno kratkog razdoblja od pet godina ne dolazi do većih promjena.

Sljedećom tablicom i slikom prikazan je razvoj strukture oblika energije u ukupnoj neposrednoj potrošnji. Kao što je već rečeno neposredna potrošnja energije neznatno je smanjena za 0,2 posto u odnosu na prethodnu godinu. U potrošnji nekih energenata ostvareno je povećanje potrošnje, odnosno kod nekih je potrošnja smanjena pa je došlo do manjih strukturnih promjena.

The table and the figure also display the development of individual final consumption sectors. It can be seen that compared to 1999 there was an increase of industrial consumption, i.e. a decrease in other two sectors. Industrial consumption shows an increase of 2.9 percent compared to 1999, and after a longer stagnation and decrease this really is a positive trend. It is interesting to note that a decrease of energy consump-tion in transportaconsump-tion occurred, even though by merely 0.2 percent, as in the previous period energy consumption in transportation had constantly been on the increase. General consumption also saw a decrease compared to the previous year by 1.5 percent. Until 1999 general consumption recorded a constant upward trend, although not so prominent as in transportation. During the five-year observation period all three sectors of final consumption realised positive increase trends. Thereby, energy consump-tion in transportaconsump-tion grew by an average annual rate of 4.1 percent, in industry by 2 percent and in general consumption by 1.5 percent.

Compared to the preceding year, in 2000 the shares of industry grew, while the shares of the transportation and general consumption slightly decreased. The share of industry amounted to 23 percent and although somewhat more compared to the previous year, it was still lower than at the beginning of the period. The share of transportation amounted to 29.3 percent, almost the same as in the year before, i.e. somewhat more than at the beginning of the period. The share of general consumption amounted to 47.7 percent, as in 1998, but this was the lowest share of this sector. It may be con-cluded that the relations of individual general consumption shares are quite solid and that during a relatively short period of five years no significant changes occurred.

The following table and figure present the structural development of final consumption.

As already mentioned, final consumption of energy recorded an insignificant drop by 0.2 percent compared to the preceding year.

Some energy sources recorded an increase, and some were faced with a decrease so minor structural changes occurred.

3,32 1,6 3,32 1,6 3,69 1,7 3,21 1,4 3,17 1,4 -1,3

13,68 6,8 13,55 6,4 12,63 5,9 11,66 5,3 13,41 6,1 15,1 Tablica 2.7.2. Struktura neposredne potrošnje energije

1996 1997 1998 PJ % PJ % PJ % U g l j e n : • •


Ogrjevno drvo Fuel Wood Tekuća goriva Liquid Fuels Plinovita goriva Gaseous Fuels Električna energija Electricity

Para ivrela voda

;Steam & Hot Water UKUPNO

1999 PJ %

2000 PJ



91,87 45,6 96,53 45,9 99,92 46,6 105,67 47,7 107,21 48,5 1,5 32,87 16,3 34,65 16,5 36,06 16,8 36,85 16,6 33,82 15,3 -8,2

37,10 18,4 39,74 18,9 39,97 18,6 42,17 19,0 42,57 19,2 0,9

22,81 11,3 22,64 10,8 22,10 10,3 22,01 9,9 21,04 9,5 -4,4

TOTAL 201,65 100,0 210,42 100,0 214,37 100,0 221,57 100,0 221,21 100,0 -0,2 Table 2.7.2. Final Energy Demand by Fuels

U odnosu na prethodnu, u 2000. godini povećana je potrošnja ogrjevnog drva, tekućih goriva i električne energije, a potrošnja ostalih oblika energije koji sudjeluju u neposrednoj potrošnji je smanjena. Potrošnja ogrjevnog drva povećana je za 15,1 posto, tekućih goriva za 1,5 posto i električne energije za 0,9 posto. Najveće smanjenje potrošnje u odnosu na prethodnu godinu ostvareno je u potrošnji prirodnog plina, a iznosilo je 8,2 posto, potrošnja pare i vrele vode bila je manja za 4,4 posto, a ugljena za 1,3 posto.

Ako se promatra razdoblje od pet godina onda su negativni trend u potrošnji ostvarili ugljen, ogrjevno drvo te para i vrela voda. Pri

In 2000, increase was realised in the con-sumption of fuel wood, liquid fuels and electric energy, while the consumption of other forms of energy participating in the final consumption decreased. The consump-tion of fuel wood grew by 15.1 percent, of liquid fuels by 1.5 percent and of electric energy by 0.9 percent. The largest decrease of consumption compared to the previous year was recorded with natural gas and amounted to 8.2 percent, the consumption of steam and hot water dropped by 4.4 and of coal by 1.3 percent. If we view the five-year period a negative consumption trend was recorded with coal, fuel wood, steam

Slika 2.7.2. Struktura neposredne potrošnje energije

Figure 2.7.2. Final Energy Demand by Fuels

tome se potrošnja pare i vrele vode

smanjivala s prosječnom godišnjom stopom od 2 posto, ugljena 1,2 posto, a ogrjevnog drva 0,5 posto. Trend porasta ostalih oblika energije bio je takav da se potrošnja tekućih goriva povećavala prosječno 3,9 posto godišnje, električne energije 3,5 posto, dok je porast potrošnje prirodnog plina bio najsporiji i iznosio 0,7 posto godišnje.

Najveći udjel u neposrednoj potrošnji energije imaju tekuća goriva. Tijekom 2000.

godine taj udjel je povećan na svoju dosada najveću vrijednost od 48,5 posto. Povećan je još i udjel električne energije, također na dosada najveću vrijednost od 19,2 posto, te udjel ogrjevnog drva na razinu od 6,1 posto, što je još uvijek manje prema ostvarenju na početku razdoblja. Udjel ugljena se nije promijenio u odnosu na ostvarenje u 1999.

godini i zadržao se na vrlo niskoj razini od 1,4 posto. Najveće smanjenje udjela ostvareno je u potrošnji prirodnog plina, tako da je s vrijednošću od 15,3 posto to najniža razina u petogodišnjem razdoblju.

Udjel pare i vrele vode kontinuirano se smanjivao tijekom promatranog petogodišta, a u 2000. iznosio je 9,5 posto.

Na temelju ostvarene neposredne potrošnje energije i broja stanovnika, određena je specifična neposredna potrošnja energije koja je 2000. godine u Hrvatskoj iznosila 1160 kg ekvivalentne nafte po stanovniku. Na

sljedećoj je slici ta potrošnja uspoređena s odgovarajućim veličinama u razvijenim i tranzicijskim europskim zemljama te u Japanu i SAD-u. Hrvatska je relativno nisko na takvoj ljestvici, a manja potrošnja

ostvaruje se u Litvi, Bugarskoj, Rumunjskoj, Makedoniji, SR Jugoslaviji, Turskoj, Moldaviji, Bosni i Hercegovini i Albaniji.

and hot water. Accordingly, steam and hot water consumption declined with an average annual rate of 2 percent, coal 1.2 percent and fuel wood 0.5 percent. Increase trend of other energy forms was such that the con-sumption of liquid fuels increased approxi-mately by 3.9 percent annually, electric energy by 3.5 percent, while the increase of natural gas consumption was the slowest and amounted to 0.7 percent annually.

In 2000, the share of liquid fuels rose to its all-time high of 48.5 percent. Electricity participated with 19.2 percent, also its highest value so far, and the share of fuel wood grew to 6.1 percent, which is still lower than at the beginning of the period.

The share of coal didn't change compared to 1999 and kept its high value of 1.4 percent.

The biggest share decrease was realised in the consumption of natural gas, so that with the 15.3 percent present the lowest level recorded. The share of steam and hot water kept dropping during the observation period, and in 2000 it amounted to 9.5 percent.

Final energy consumption is the characteris-tic value of every energy system and is, therefore, often used when comparing individual countries. In 2000 an average of 1160 kg of oil equivalent was consumed in Croatia per capita. In the following figure the consumption in Croatia is compared to the specific consumption amount of devel-oped and transition countries, Japan and the USA. Croatia is rather low on the list, followed only by Lithuania, Bulgaria, Rumania, SR of Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Turkey, Moldavia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania.

Slika 2.7.3. Neposredna potrošnja energije po stanovniku

7000 8000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 G


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Figure 2.7.3. Final Energy Demand per Capita

2.8. Potrošnja energije u

Dans le document Energy in Croatia, Annual Energy Report (Page 32-38)