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Tidal dissipation and the formation of Kepler near-resonant planets

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Cette lettre pr´esente une ´etude statistique des rapports de p´eriodes des candidats de la missionKeplerau voisinage des r´esonances 2:1 et 3:2 en distinguant les syst`emes proches de leur ´etoile et les syst`emes plus lointains (voir paragraphe 4.2.1). On observe que pour les couples de plan`etes les plus proches de leur ´etoile (P1 < 5 j, cf. figure 4.9 haut), il n’y a aucun syst`eme en r´esonance et un exc`es significatif de syst`emes en circulation externe (P2/P1 > |k2/k1|). Au contraire pour les syst`emes les plus ´eloign´es (P1 > 15 j, voir figure 4.9 bas), il y a un l´eger exc`es de syst`emes en r´esonance et pas d’exc`es significatif en circulation externe.

Ces r´esultats impliquent que le m´ecanisme responsable de l’exc`es de plan`etes en circulation externe dans les donn´eesKepler a une d´ependance par rapport `a la distance `a l’´etoile et n’agit que faiblement pour les syst`emes ´eloign´es. La plupart des scenarii envisag´es pr´ec´edemment pour expliquer cet exc`es ont ´et´e mis en avant justement pour leur absence de d´ependance en la distance `a l’´etoile tandis que le scenario de sortie de la r´esonance par effet de mar´ee ´etait remis en cause pour cette d´ependance. Les r´esultats obtenus dans cet article confortent donc l’importance de l’effet de mar´ee dans la formation de ces syst`emes. Pour renforcer cette conclusion, on discute `a nouveau la question de l’´echelle de temps sur laquelle l’effet de mar´ee doit agir pour reproduire les statistiquesKepler. C’est en effet un autre argument oppos´e `a la th´eorie de formation de ces syst`emes par effet de mar´ee, car le scenario de sortie `a excentricit´es faibles envisag´e pr´ec´edemment (cf.

paragraphe 4.2.2) ne permet pas de reproduire les statistiquesKepler sur un temps raisonnable (Lee et al., 2013). On reprend ici le scenario envisag´e dans Delisle et al. (2014) (voir aussi le paragraphe 4.2.3) de sortie de la r´esonance `a excentricit´es ´elev´ees qui permet de gagner plusieurs ordres de grandeur (entre 3 et 5) sur le temps d’´evolution des syst`emes par rapport au scenario de sortie `a excentricit´es faibles. On en conclue qu’aucun ph´enom`ene dissipatif autre que l’effet de mar´ee n’est n´ecessaire pour expliquer les statistiques de rapport de p´eriodes obtenues par la missionKepler.

Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscript no. DL cESO 2014 May 17, 2014

Tidal dissipation and the formation of Kepler near-resonant planets

J.-B. Delisle and J. Laskar

ASD, IMCCE-CNRS UMR8028, Observatoire de Paris, UPMC, 77 Av. Denfert-Rochereau, 75014 Paris, France e-mail:delisle@imcce.fr

May 17, 2014


Multi-planetary systems detected by theKeplermission present an excess of planets close to first-order mean-motion resonances (2:1 and 3:2) but with a period ratio slightly higher than the resonant value. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain this observation. Here we provide some clues that these near-resonant systems were initially in resonance and reached their current configuration through tidal dissipation. The argument that has been opposed to this scenario is that it only applies to the close-in systems and not to the farthest ones for which the tidal effect is too weak. Using the KOI catalog and the exoplanet.eu catalog we show that the distributions of period ratio among the most close-in planetary systems and the farthest ones differ significantly. This distance dependance repartition is a strong argument in favor of the tidal dissipation scenario. Moreover, as recently demonstrated, tidal dissipation can lead to the breaking of resonant locking while eccentricities of the planets are still important. The subsequent evolution is then accelerated by several orders of magnitude compared to the departure at low eccentricities. This solves the slow timescale objection.

Key words. celestial mechanics – planetary systems – planets and satellites: general

1. Introduction

TheKeplermission opened a new era of exoplanetary sciences by giving the opportunity to perform statistical studies on a con-siderable number of planets. More specifically, the huge number of planets detected in multi-planetary systems allows to test the formation and evolution scenarios of planetary systems. One of the most surprising results was the fact that only a small fraction of planet pairs are locked in first-order mean-motion resonances (2:1, 3:2) whereas a significant excess of pairs is found with a period ratio close to but higher than the resonant value (Lissauer et al. 2011; Fabrycky et al. 2012). We reproduce in Fig. 1 the dis-tribution of period ratio of planet pairs close to these first-order resonances using the Q1-Q16 KOI catalog (Batalha et al. 2013) as well as the exoplanet.eu archive (Schneider et al. 2011). Both data sets contains theKeplerconfirmed planets. The KOI catalog also contains unconfirmed planets while the exoplanet.eu catalog contains confirmed planets detected by other missions/methods.

In both cases we observe as descibed in the literature an excess of planet pairs with a period ratio higher than the resonant value (see Fig. 1).

Different explanations for this observation have been pro-posed involving tidal dissipation raised by the star on the plan-ets (Lithwick & Wu 2012; Delisle et al. 2012, 2014; Batygin &

Morbidelli 2013), dissipative effects between the planets and the proto-planetary disk (Rein 2012; Baruteau & Papaloizou 2013), or in-situ formation (Petrovich et al. 2013; Xie 2014). Here we provide some clues that these systems were formed by tidal dis-sipation in planets initially locked in resonance. In Sect. 2 we perform basic statistical analyses of near-resonant planets. In Sect. 3 we adress the question of the timescale needed for pairs of planets initially in resonance and undergoing tidal dissipation to reach their currently observed configuration.

8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8

·10−2 10

20 30 40




8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8

·102 5

10 15 20 25 30 35




Fig. 1.Distribution of period ratio between pairs of planets close to the 2:1 and 3:2 mean-motion resonances. The distributions around both resonances are accumulated in order to obtain a more important set of systems. These statistics are obtained from the KOI list (top) and the exoplanet.eu archive (bottom). The origin of the x-axis is the exact commensurability of the periods. Negative values correspond to inter-nal circulation (P2/P1<(p+1)/p) and positive values correspond to external circulation (P2/P1 >(p+1)/p). In both cases (KOI list and exoplanet.eu), we observe an important excess of systems in external circulation, withP2/P1(p+1)/p2×10−2.


2. Dependency on the distance to the star

The phenomenon of resonant departure induced by tidal dissipa-tion was described by Papaloizou & Terquem (2010); Papaloizou (2011) and has been analyzed with a particular focus onKepler statistics by different authors (Lithwick & Wu 2012; Delisle et al.

2012, 2014; Batygin & Morbidelli 2013; Lee et al. 2013). These studies showed that for close-in planetary systems a similar ex-cess of planets is naturally produced by tidal dissipation raised in the planets by the stars. The main criticism opposed to this theory is that the explanation only works for close-in systems for which the tidal dissipation is strong. This mechanism cannot explain a similar distribution of period ratio for systems farther away from the star. Rein (2012) divided the sample of planet pairs in two groups depending on the period of the innermost planet. The author used a threshold at 5 days and found a sim-ilar distribution for systems with P1 < 5d and for those with P15d. Using a threshold at 10 days, Baruteau & Papaloizou (2013) reached the same conclusion. Both studies discarded the scenario of a tidally induced distribution of period ratio.

In Fig. 2 we show the results of a similar study on more re-cent data (Q1-Q16 KOI, Batalha et al. 2013). Our findings are in disagreement with previous studies. We use two different thresh-olds, one at 5 days and one at 15 days. When the threshold is set at 5 days, we observe that both subsets present an excess of planets in external circulation (i.e. with a period ratio higher than the resonant value,P2/P1>(p+1)/pfor the resonancep+1:p).

However, the excess seems more significant for the closest sys-tems (P1 < 5d). It is also important to notice that there is not any detected close-in system (P1 < 5d) inside the resonance (P2/P1 (p+1)/p) whereas a significant number of farther systems are found in resonance. When the threshold is set at 15 days, the excess of pairs in external circulation does not anymore appear for the farthest systems (P115d). The number of sys-tems inside the resonance is comparable to or even higher than the number of pairs in external circulation. We obtain the same results using the exoplanet.eu catalog (see Fig. 3) instead of the KOI list.

Therefore, we conclude that the distance to the star does have an impact on the distribution of period ratio of planet pairs. Very close-in systems (P1<5d) are never found in resonance and are much more often found in external circulation, whereas for the farthest systems (P1 15d), both populations (resonance and external circulation) are equivalent with a probably insignificant excess of systems inside the resonance. These observations thus reinforce the explanation involving the tidal dissipation.

3. Timescale of the departure from resonance A second argument that have been opposed to the tidal dissi-pation scenario is that the process of departure from resonance is too slow to explain the typical distance of planet pairs to the nominal resonance (P2/P1(p+1)/p 2×102) on a rea-sonable timescale (Lee et al. 2013). In Delisle et al. (2014), we showed that tidal dissipation raised by the star in the innermost planet induces an increase of the amplitude of libration in the resonance. If the initial amplitude of libration (at the time of dis-appearing of the proto-planetary disk) is significant, the system is able to cross the separatrix and leave the resonance while the eccentricities of the planets are still important (e1&0.15). The subsequent evolution of the period ratio of the planets is in this case 3-5 orders of magnitude higher than in the scenario consid-ered by Lee et al. (2013) (and also Lithwick & Wu 2012; Delisle et al. 2012; Batygin & Morbidelli 2013) because the tidal

ef-−8 6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8

Fig. 2.Same as Fig. 1 (with the KOI list) but the statistics are computed using different subsets of KOI pairs depending on the period of the inner planet (P1). We use thresholds at 5 days (top two graphs,P1<5d and P15d) and at 15 days (bottom two graphs). When using a threshold at 5 days, we observe that both groups (i.e.P1<5d andP15d) present an excess of planet pairs in external circulation (P2/P1 >(p+1)/p).

However, it should be noted that none of the closest systems (P1<5d) are inside the resonance (P2/P1(p+1)/p0) whereas there is a sig-nificant number of farther systems in resonance. Moreover, the excess of systems in external circulation seems less significant in the second group. When using a threshold at 15 days, we still observe the excess of planet pairs in external circulation for the closest systems (P1<15d) but not anymore for the farthest systems (P115d). For this last group, the number of planet pairs inside the resonance is of the same order of magnitude as (or even greater than) the number of planets in exter-nal circulation. We thus conclude that close-in systems tend to be more often in external circulation and less often in resonance than farther sys-tems.

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J.-B. Delisle and J. Laskar: Kepler near-resonant planets

Fig. 3.Same as Fig. 2 but using the exoplanet.eu list of planets. All our conclusions for KOI are also verified for planets listed in exoplanet.eu.

fect gets more efficient with increasing eccentricities (see Delisle et al. 2014, section 5). Therefore, many systems that were dis-carded by Lee et al. (2013) could actually have evolved from the resonance to there current configuration by tidal dissipation but following this new scenario. Supposing an important initial amplitude of libration in the resonance is not absurd. Goldreich

& Schlichting (2014) showed that during the phase of migration in the proto-planetary disk, many planet pairs that are locked in resonance have their amplitude of libration increased by the dis-sipation induced by the disk.

4. Conclusion

In this letter, we show that the distribution of period ratio among pairs of planets depends on the distance of the planets to the star.

For close-in systems there is not any detected planet pairs in first-order mean-motion resonances (2:1, 3:2), and there is an excess of planets in external circulation, i.e. close to the resonance but with a period ratio higher than the resonant value. For the farthest systems, the number of resonant pairs is of the same order of magnitude as (and maybe slightly greater than) the number of planets in external circulation. Tidal dissipation raised by the star on the planets naturally explain these observations because this effect has an important dependency on the distance to the star and is much stronger for close-in systems.

However, even for close-in systems, the tidal dissipation is a slow process. Most of the planet pairs cannot get sufficiently far from the resonance on a reasonable timescale if they left the resonance with low eccentricities (Lee et al. 2013). In Delisle et al. (2014, section 5), we proposed an alternative scenario that still involve tidal dissipation but in which the planets leave the resonance at high eccentricities. This resonance breaking at high eccentricities is the result of the increase of the amplitude of libration in the resonance induced by the tidal dissipation. This scenario is able to reproduce the observed period ratio of the planets in a much shorter (3-5 orders of magnitude) timescale than in the case of resonant departure at low eccentricities.

Overall, these results give strong evidence in favor of the tidal dissipation explanation of the excess of planets in external circulation inKeplerdata.

Acknowledgements.We thank Stéphane Udry for useful advice. This work has been supported by PNP-CNRS, CS of Paris Observatory, and PICS05998 France-Portugal program.


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Dans le document The DART-Europe E-theses Portal (Page 119-124)