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Negative effects on air quality


6.4. Impact of energy use

6.4.4. Negative effects on air quality

Since 1986, the mean concentrations of gaseous oxidized compounds have increased [6.7, 6.22, 6.23]. These compounds are the main precursors of acid rain and they can have different harmful effects on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, as well as on biodiversity. Emissions from agricultural and industrial sources are primarily responsible for this increase.

There are locations in Cuba where the air quality is seriously affected. In the eastern area of Havana Bay, important urban areas converge with a great concentration of industry (including a thermal power plant, a refinery, food industries, port facilities, construction works and a shipyard). A study carried out in that area in 1999 by Cuesta et al. [6.24], from the Atmospheric Chemistry and Pollution Centre, which is part of the Meteorological Institute, concluded that emissions associated with the refinery process and the rest of the polluting sources are affecting the air quality in the area. The main pollutant is H2S, reaching concentrations ranging between 3 and 27 times the acceptable maximum concentration established by the Cuban Air Quality Standard.

Measurements made in the Mariel area show that concentrations, both instantaneous and over 24 h, surpass the acceptable concentrations in a radius of approximately 25 km, thereby affecting nearby populations. The polluting sources in that area are a thermoelectric power plant and a cement plant [6.7].


The large share of fossil fuels in Cuba’s energy mix results in high emissions of pollutants. There are areas with high concentrations of pollutants and worsening air quality and health and environmental conditions in general.

Sulphur dioxide emissions have increased significantly in the past decade owing to the increase in the use of domestic crude oil to generate electricity. Since 1998, the use of associated gas in electricity generation has enabled a reduction in the growth rate of SO2 emissions. The lack of financial resources has not allowed the installation of emission reduction systems and monitoring systems

have suffered a gradual deterioration. This situation makes it difficult to enforce the environmental standards in place.

With the economic crisis of the early 1990s, the unsustainable use of fuelwood and charcoal increased. The use of these fuels has since decreased as the result of the increase in the use of other fuels for cooking.

An increase in the shares of renewable energy and associated gas in electricity generation would allow a reduction in the emissions from this energy activity in the future. An improvement in the existing air quality standards and their effective application, as well as the introduction of other mechanisms such as an emissions tax, would favour the introduction of renewable energy.

In addition, the introduction of emission reduction technologies for those plants that use domestic crude oil, or replacement of this fuel with one having a lower sulphur content, is also a pressing need.


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