• Aucun résultat trouvé


C. Mayor-Duboisa,∗, P. Maederb, P. Zesigerc, E. Roulet-Pereza


aPediatric Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Unit, University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland 4

bRadiology, University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland 5

cFaculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland 6

Received in revised form 24 March 2010 12

We investigated procedural learning in 18 children with basal ganglia (BG) lesions or dysfunctions of various aetiologies, using a visuo-motor learning test, the Serial Reaction Time (SRT) task, and a cognitive learning test, the Probabilistic Classification Learning (PCL) task. We compared patients with early (<1 year old,n= 9), later onset (>6 years old,n= 7) or progressive disorder (idiopathic dystonia,n= 2). All patients showed deficits in both visuo-motor and cognitive domains, except those with idiopathic dystonia, who displayed preserved classification learning skills. Impairments seem to be independent from the age of onset of pathology. As far as we know, this study is the first to investigate motor and cognitive procedural learning in children with BG damage. Procedural impairments were documented whatever the aetiology of the BG damage/dysfunction and time of pathology onset, thus supporting the claim of very early skill learning development and lack of plasticity in case of damage.

© 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction


According to the conception of multiple memory systems


(Squire, 1992; Squire, Knowlton, & Musen, 1993; Squire &


Zola-Morgan, 1988), procedural learning is generally defined as


“knowing how” to do things (for review,Knowlton & Moody, 2008).


It is part of non-declarative memory and refers to a progressive


improvement of motor or cognitive performance through practice


or repetition. The procedural learning system includes perceptual


and motor skill learning as well as habit learning, which refers to


the gradual acquisition of stimulus-response associations. It


trasts with declarative memory (“knowing that”), a flexible system


responsible for the conscious retrieval of information (Cohen &


Squire, 1980). These different memory systems are subserved by


distinct neuroanatomical networks (Squire, 1992; Squire et al.,


1993). While declarative memory is clearly assumed by the medial


temporal lobes and the diencephalon, procedural learning is mainly


supported by the striatum (putamen and caudate nuclei), with


the participation of the cerebellum, the frontal cortex and other


cortical areas, depending on the nature of the task (Doyon et al.,


1997; Packard & Knowlton, 2002; Poldrack, Prabhakaran, Seger, &


Gabrieli, 1999).


Dissociations between procedural learning and declarative


learning systems were reported, with normal motor procedural


Corresponding author. Tel.: +41 21 31 435 63; fax: +41 31 435 72.

E-mail address:Claire.Mayor@chuv.ch(C. Mayor-Dubois).

learning being observed despite severe amnesia due to medial 43

temporal lobe lesions (Brooks & Baddeley, 1976; Corkin, 1968; 44

Damasio, Eslinger, Damasio, Van Hoesen, & Cornell, 1985; Gabrieli, 45

Corkin, Mickel, & Growdon, 1993; Milner, 1962; Tranel, Damasio, 46

Damasio, & Brandt, 1994) and impaired procedural learning 47

together with preserved declarative memory in patients with basal 48

ganglia damage like Parkinson’s (Haaland, Harrington, O’Brian, & 49

Hermanovicz, 1997; Harrington, Haaland, Yeo, & Marder, 1990; 50

Sarazin et al., 2002) and Huntington diseases (Gabrieli, Stebbin, 51

Singh, Willingham, & Goetz, 1997; Schmidtke, Manner, Kaufmann, 52

& Schmolck, 2002; Willingham, Koroshetz, & Peterson, 1996). Even 53

if the participation of declarative memory or executive function 54

in optimal skill learning is likely (Curran, 1997; Foerde, Poldrack, 55

& Knowlon, 2007; Knowlton, Squire, & Gluck, 1994; Packard & 56

Knowlton, 2002; Poldrack et al., 2001; Smith & McDowall, 2004), it 57

appears that conscious recollection is not a necessary component 58

of the process. 59

The basal ganglia, which include the striatum, globus pallidus, 60

subthalamic nucleus and substancia nigra, are involved in move- 61

ment control and planning but also in the regulation between 62

motivational, cognitive and motor components of behavior (Bédard 63

et al., 2003; Saint-Cyr, Taylor, & Lang, 1988). Lesions or dysfunc- 64

tion of these structures typically lead to either loss of postural 65

adjustment, rigidity and bradykinesia (as seen in parkinsonism), 66

or to abnormal movements like chorea, athetosis, dystonia and tics 67

(Adams & Victor, 2001). 68

Procedural learning has mostly been investigated in its motor 69

facet with the Serial Reaction Time test (SRT,Nissen & Bullemer, 70 0028-3932/$ – see front matter© 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


Please cite this article in press as: Mayor-Dubois, C., et al. Visuo-motor and cognitive procedural learning in children with basal ganglia pathology.

Neuropsychologia(2010), doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2010.03.022


sequences of stimuli, the participant being unaware of the


tive structure of the task. This task does not depend on declarative


memory since patients with amnesia show preserved learning


skills (Knopman & Nissen, 1987;Nissen & Bullemer, 1987).


tional neuroimaging studies with healthy subjects show striatal


activations in SRT learning in association with premotor cortex


and supplementary motor area (Grafton, Hazeltine, & Ivry, 1995;


Rauch et al., 1997). Performance in SRT tasks is impaired in patients


with Huntington disease (Knopman & Nissen, 1991; Willingham


& Koroshetz, 1993) and in Parkinson disease, although the nature


and extent of the deficit are found to vary across studies (Doyon et


al., 1997; Jackson, Jackson, Harrison, Henderson, & Kennard, 1995;


Muslimovic, Post, Speelman, & Schmand, 2007; Pascual-Leone et al.,


1993; Smith & McDowall, 2004, 2006; Stefanova, Kostic, Ziropadja,


Markovic, & Ocic, 2000).


Procedural learning was initially thought to support only motor


learning but progressively, its role in cognitive learning, such as


associative learning has been recognized (Packard & Knowlton,


2002). This cognitive procedural component has been


gated with a probabilistic classification task (Shohamy et al., 2004)


adapted from the original«Weather Prediction»Task (Knowlton,


Mangels, & Squire, 1996), in which the participant has to learn


the association between a combination of cues and a given result


(=outcome). Healthy subjects show increased activation in the right


caudate nucleus in this associative learning compared to baseline


(Poldrack et al., 1999). Patients with focal (Keri et al., 2002) or more


diffuse degenerative lesions of basal ganglia (Knowlton, Mangels, et


al., 1996; Knowlton, Squire, Paulsen, Swerdlow, & Swenson, 1996)


perform poorly in this task, unlike patients with medial temporal


lobe or diencephalic pathology (Eldridge, Masterman, & Knowlton,


2002; Knowlton, Mangels, et al., 1996; Knowlton et al., 1994),


bellar disease (Witt, Nuhsman, & Deuschl, 2002) or frontal lobe


lesions (Knowlton, Mangels, et al., 1996).


Studies of procedural learning in children are sparse and


cern either infants in their first year of life or school-aged children.


It has been suggested that during development, children move from


a largely procedural to a more declarative knowledge


Smith, 1994). Automatic, non-conscious learning, acquired through


repetition, is thought to be very important for the acquisition of


motor and language skills and is viewed as a more primitive


tem from the phylogenetic and ontogenetic point of view (Nelson,


1987; Reber, 1993). A simplified SRT task – the visual expectancy


task – has indeed shown reliable anticipatory responses in infants


as young as 3 months old for simple sequence patterns (Haith


& McCarty, 1990) and from 5 months old for longer sequences


(Smith, Loboschefski, Davidson, & Dixon, 1997). This indicates that


sequence learning is already present very early in development and


possibly increases during the first year of life. Studies with SRT tasks


show no evidence of age-related improvements from 4 to 10 years


old (Meulemans, Van Der Linden, & Perruchet, 1998; Thomas &


Nelson, 2001), as well as no difference from childhood to adulthood


(Meulemans et al., 1998), suggesting age invariance of procedural


learning skills beyond infancy. If learning performance is similar


across life-span and if the neural structures underlying these


ing skills are the same in adults and children, then it would imply


that basal ganglia lesions would affect procedural learning in


dren just like in adults. However, procedural learning has never


been studied in children with basal ganglia pathology in order to


test this hypothesis.


The few existing paediatric studies on procedural learning have


focused on children with diffuse brain pathology like traumatic


brain injury (Ward, Shum, Wallace, & Boon, 2002) or various kinds


of brain development disorders: in genetic syndromes, such as


Japikse, & Eden, 2006; Stoodley, Ray, Jack, & Stein, 2008; Vicari et al., 140

2005). Procedural learning impairments – but preserved declara- 141

tive memory – has been reported in Williams syndrome and in most 142

studies on children with autism or dyslexia, whereas the reversed 143

pattern of performance has been found in children with traumatic 144

brain injury. These results indicate that both memory systems can 145

also be dissociated in children. 146

The only studies addressing procedural learning in a develop- 147

mental disorder involving the basal ganglia, were carried out on 148

patients with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. This syndrome is 149

thought to arise from a fronto-striatal dysfunction and consists of 150

a severe and chronic tic disorder starting during childhood, and 151

frequently associates cognitive and psychiatric disturbances (for 152

review:Leckman, Bloch, Scahill, & King, 2006). Results obtained in 153

children and adults showed preserved perceptivo-motor learning 154

(Marsh, Alexander, Packard, Zhu, & Peterson, 2005), but impaired 155

cognitive procedural learning (Kéri, Szlobodnyik, Benedek, Janka, & 156

Gadoros, 2002; Marsh et al., 2004). Children with chorea due to con- 157

genital or acquired conditions or children with focal basal ganglia 158

damage have never been studied. 159

We investigated 18 children aged 8–15 years with lesions or a 160

dysfunction of the basal ganglia, by giving them a classical SRT task 161

and a probabilistic classification task. 162

The first aim of our study was to investigate procedural visuo- 163

motor sequence learning and cognitive (classification) learning 164

skills in children with basal ganglia pathology by comparing their 165

learning skills with those of healthy, control children. We expected 166

learning deficits in the clinical group compared to the control group, 167

and similar procedural learning deficits in children as in adults with 168

basal ganglia damage, since their procedural memory system is 169

considered to be already differentiated early in development. The 170

second aim was to investigate a possible plasticity of the proce- 171

dural learning system, by comparing congenital or early acquired 172

pathologies with later acquired ones in terms of their impact on 173

the SRT and classification tasks. Finally, we wondered if dissocia- 174

tions between visuo-motor and cognitive skills could be observed, 175

as shown in some adults (Foerde et al., 2008). 176

2. Methods 177

2.1. Participants 178

Eighteen patients (9 girls, 9 boys) aged 8–15 years (mean = 11.5) were recruited 179 via our paediatric neurology outpatient clinic. Criteria for study participation was 180 a minimum age of 8 years, normal cognitive development (see below) and either 181 combined neurological and radiological, or only clinical signs of uni- or bilateral 182 basal ganglia pathology of various aetiology (Table 1). Neurological signs included 183 choreic movements, dystonia, hemiparesis and tics. Five patients with clear neu- 184 rological signs at initial consultation were included, although abnormal movement 185 had disappeared at the time of neuropsychological assessment, because of sponta- 186 neous evolution or medication. These 18 patients constituted the basal ganglia (BG) 187

group. 188

Age of pathology onset ranged from prenatal to 13 years old. Four patients had 189 early acquired damage (before 1 year old) and five had a neurodevelopmental dys- 190 function. These 9 patients were defined as the early acquired lesion/dysfunction 191 group. Seven patients had a lesion/dysfunction acquired after the age of 6 years 192 and constituted the late acquired lesion group. Two children had progressive dis- 193 ease (clinical onset at respectively 7 and 9 years old) with a diagnosis of idiopathic 194

dystonia of unknown etiology (DYT1 negative). 195

Two patients had unilateral lesions of basal ganglia; the 16 others had clinically 196 or MRI documented bilateral involvement. Only four patients had additional lesion 197 outside basal ganglia. All MRI were reviewed by the radiologist (PM). Six patients 198

had no MRI (no clinical indication or refusal). 199

Fifteen patients had comprehensive neuropsychological testing for clinical pur- 200 poses (Table 2). All patients had normal intelligence, defined by a Verbal Reasoning Q2 201 Index superior to 85 at the Wechsler Intelligence Scale, 4th edition (Wechsler, 2007), 202 or based on a single subtest of logico-deductive reasoning for a few children (3), who 203 had no academic difficulties and were recruited for research purposes only (Table 1). 204

Please cite this article in press as: Mayor-Dubois, C., et al. Visuo-motor and cognitive procedural learning in children with basal ganglia pathology.

Neuropsychologia(2010), doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2010.03.022


testing/sex presentation b) at testing (if different)

T2/spectrography Scale (WISC IV) and behavior

1 9/M Choreic movements,


Not done Meningitis (neonatal) VCI = 118, PRI = 104 Normal

2 9/F Choreic movements,

mild dysarthria

Not done Hyperbilirubinemia


PRI = 92 ADD, dyslexia, dyspraxia

3 15/Ma Choreic movements, (b) None

Normal Broncodysplasia, severe

neonatal pulmonar hypertension (neonatal)

VCI = 110, PRI = 88 ADD, executive dysfunction, poor visuo-spatial skills,

VCI = 99, PRI = 77 ADD, poor arithmetic skills

5 15/M Choreic movements,

(b) None

Normal Unknown (Adopted child) VCI = 99, PRI = 65 ADD, executive dysfunction, dyspraxia, conduct disorder

6 10/F Choreic movements Not done Neurodevelopmental VCI = 94, PRI = 77 ADD, dyscalculia, dyspraxia

7 12/Ma Tics Not done Neurodevelopmental VCI = 116, PRI = 107 ADD, OCD

8 8/M Tics Not done Neurodevelopmental Matrices: SS = 12 Normal, OCD

9 8/M Tics (b) none Not done Neurodevelopmental VCI = 116, PRI = 102 Dyspraxia, autistic features

10 9/Ma Choreic movements,

VCI = 155, PRI = 132 Normal, limited social skills

11 11/Fa Choreic movements (b) none

Normalb Sydenham chorea (7 years) VCI = 116, PRI = 104 Dyslexia, episodic dyscontrol syndrome, OCD

VCI = 86, PRI = 92 ADD, dyslexia, dyscalulia

13 13/F Dystonia Lesion of L caudate, L

putamen (head), and R thalamus

Lyme disease (8 years) VCI = 99, PRI = 99 Dyscalculia

14 15/Fa Dystonia, dysarthria Bilateral atrophy of caudate nuclei (heads) and putamen

Wilson disease (13 years) VCI = 99, PRI = 92 ADD, poor arithmetic skills

15 14/M Right motor paresis Lesions of L pallidum and L capsula interna

Infarct L choroidal artery (13 years)

Matrices: SS = 13 Poor verbal declarative memory

16 12/F Right motor paresis Lesion of L caudate, L lenticular nucleus, L thalamic atrophy, L frontal lobectomy

Infarct L middle cerebral artery (10 years)

PRI = 88 Mild conduction aphasia, deep alexia-agraphia, dysexecutive signs

17 15/Ma Dystonia Normal Idiopathic progressive, DYT1

negative (9 years)

VCI = 135, PRI = 96 Normal

18 13/F Dystonia Mild bilateral atrophy

of ant.

F: female, M: male, L: left, R: right, NAA:N-acetylaspartate, VCI: verbal comprehension index, PRI: perceptive reasoning index, SS: standard score, C: percentile, ADD: attention deficit disorder, OCD: obsessive compulsive syndrome. * Standard Raven Progressive Matrices (PMS 47).

aPatients with medication.

bPET showed hypermetabolism of caudate (left > right) and of bilateral frontal cortex.

Results were compared to a control group of 72 healthy school-aged children 205

(39 girls, 33 boys) aged 8–12 years (mean age = 10) (Mayor-Dubois et al., in prepa-206

ration), recruited from the same mainstream school. They had no developmental 207

problems, no learning difficulties and no medication, according to their teacher and 208

to a questionnaire filled out by their parents.


This research project was accepted by the medical ethical committee of our 210

institution and informed consent was obtained by the patient’s parents.


2.2. Measures 212

The E-Prime software version 1.1 was used to run both procedural tasks.


2.2.1. Serial Reaction Time (SRT) 214

The experimental paradigm developed for children and adults byMeulemans 215

et al. (1998)was chosen. The child sat at a comfortable distance from the computer, 216

and placed his middle finger and forefinger of each hand on four keys (X, C, N, M 217

on the Swiss French QWERTZ keyboard). He was instructed to respond as quickly as 218

possible to an asterisk appearing in one out of four possible positions displayed on 219

the screen by pushing the corresponding key. Four arrows, indicating the possible 220

locations, remained displayed during the whole session. Five blocks of 84 trials were 221

administered (total of 240 trials). In each block, a sequence composed of random 222

trials alternated with a repeated sequence (C-M-X-N-M-C-X-M-N-X) of 10 positions.


In this task, we expected a decrease of reaction times for the repeated sequences 224

but not for the random stimuli as the trials proceed.


Learning was measured by computing the median reaction times for correct 226 responses for both the repeated and the random sequences in each block. Accuracy 227 was also taken into account, by computing the number of errors in each block for 228

each type of sequence. 229

A recognition test was administered at the end of the learning phase in order 230 to check whether some declarative knowledge of the sequences had been acquired. 231 The child had to judge if a given sequence was displayed or not in the learning test 232 by giving a yes/no answer. Sixteen sequences of four positions were proposed, eight 233 sequences belonging to the repeating sequence («known»), and eight sequences 234 not presented in the learning phase («new»). The known and new sequences were 235

presented in a random order. 236

2.2.2. Probabilistic Classification Learning (PCL) 237

We used the paradigm described inShohamy et al. (2004), designed for adults. 238 Participants were instructed to predict the flavour of ice cream (vanilla or choco- 239 late) that the presented figure was going to choose. The figure consisted of a basic 240 shape (head with black eyes, red nose, mouth, arms and feet) on which one to three 241 out of four different attributes (=cues) were added (hat, sunglasses, moustache, tie), 242 for a total of 14 different figures. Each cue was associated with a flavour (=outcome) 243 with a distinct level of probability. Over the whole test, each outcome occurred 244

equally often (50% vanilla, 50% chocolate). 245

The figures were presented one at a time (total of 200 trials) on a computer 246 screen, in a randomized order (but fixed for all subjects). Once the prediction was 247 done, feedback was given (the correct ice cream appears together with the figure 248

Please cite this article in press as: Mayor-Dubois, C., et al. Visuo-motor and cognitive procedural learning in children with basal ganglia pathology.

Neuropsychologia(2010), doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2010.03.022


The number of correct responses was computed in 4 blocks of 50 trials over the 252

whole test (200 trials). Following previous PCL studies, the participant’s response 253

was judged correct if it corresponded to the most probable outcome for that figure 254

(if the probability for this outcome is superior to 0.5).


At the end of the 200 trials learning phase, a questionnaire was adminis-256

tered in order to evaluate the declarative knowledge developed by the participants 257

(for instance: what cue was associated with vanilla?) with a maximum score of 258

10 points.


2.3. Statistical analyses 260

Analyses were carried out using the SPSS statistical package, version 15.0. The 261

level of significance was set atP< 0.05, unless otherwise specified.


Descriptive data instead of statistical analyses were provided for the basal gan-263

glia patient subgroups (early versus late versus progressive pathology; bilateral 264

versus unilateral) because of the small number of participants.


2.3.1. SRT 266 Reaction times (RT).An analysis of variance (ANOVA) with sequence type 267

(repeated versus random) and blocks (5) as repeated measures was performed on 268

the median reaction times of the BG group, in order to see whether a learning effect 269

for the repeated sequence could be observed. A comparison with the control (C) 270

group was then performed, with an analysis of variance (ANOVA) with group (BG 271

versus C) as the between-subject variable, Sequence (random versus repeated) and 272

blocks (5) as repeated measures.

273 Errors.Analysis of accuracy was measured through the numbers of errors 274

committed in random versus repeated sequences. The number of errors in each 275

block was too low to perform an analysis of variance. Therefore the total number of 276

errors was computed and the differences were evaluated through paired-samples 277


278 Declarative knowledge.We tested whether participants developed explicit 279

knowledge of the repeating sequence with a singlet-test for each group, by com-280

paring the number of correct Reponses to the chance level performance (8 out of 281

16 = 50%).


2.3.2. Probabilistic Classification Learning (PCL) 283 Learning phase.In order to judge whether the scores were different from 284

chance level, we used single samplet-test in each group. Then, the number of correct 285

responses were compared with an analysis of variance (ANOVA) with blocks (4) as 286

repeated measures and groups (C versus BG) as a between subject variable.

287 Declarative knowledge.Scores of declarative knowledge on the question-288

naire were compared with independent samplet-tests in each group. Bivariate 289

correlations (Pearson) between explicit knowledge of the cue-outcome associations 290

and learning scores in the different blocks of the test were performed.


3. Results


3.1. Serial Reaction Time (SRT)


Fig. 1 shows the evolution of reaction times (RT) for both


repeated and random sequences across the 5 blocks, for the BG


group and the C group.


Fig. 2indicates the mean RT gain (in ms) for repeated sequences


compared to random stimuli at the end of the test (block 5) for the


BG, and C groups.


3.1.1. Basal ganglia group (BG)

300 Reaction times (RT). Results are given for 14 children


only since four patients (cases 4, 13, 15, 16) with severe


motor dysfunction could not perform this task. These patients


had unilateral lesions and/or additional lesions which thus


allowed no comparison for subgroups according to extent of the




Reaction times were obviously slower in the BG group


pared to the C group (Fig. 1). Individual analysis showed that the


patients with choreic movements at the moment of the testing had


the slowest reaction times together with participants with


tomatic dystonia (case numbers 1, 2, 6, 10, 14). Patients with tics,


Fig. 1. Mean of the median reaction times (RT) in SRT task of basal ganglia (BG) and the control (C) groups. Unlike the C group, the BG group displays no decrease of

Fig. 1. Mean of the median reaction times (RT) in SRT task of basal ganglia (BG) and the control (C) groups. Unlike the C group, the BG group displays no decrease of