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Fuel failure analysis


4.5. Fuel failure analysis

It is now relevant to consider in more detail a further search for root causes and contributing factors in relation to fuel failures. Failure analysis has some similarities to criminology. Few failure categories can be easily clarified by fuel examination, i.e. mainly external mechanical damage. In most other cases, the identification of the failure mechanism may require substantial efforts beyond fuel examination, and a full clarification of root causes and all contributing factors can take months or years of criminal type work. Good examples of this are some corrosion type failures and grid–rod fretting, as will be discussed in Section 5.

Several attempts have been made to develop decision trees in the search for root causes. This may be helpful in a limited number of cases, but for general applications it is of little use and can be sometimes misleading. The best approach in complex situations is to list all conceivable root causes and to produce evidence for and against them until the cause has been identified and attributed to a specific area such as manufacturing and handling, plant operation and maintenance, or fuel and plant design features. Determining contributing factors from all these areas

is essential to define effective counter measures and to optimize future fuel designs. In some situations, it may be necessary to perform supplementary laboratory tests for final verification.

Some general aspects for performing analysis in different areas will be discussed in the following sections.

4.5.2. Manufacturing and handling

For all failures which are not obviously caused by external or operational effects alone, it is mandatory to look for possible manufacturing or handling influences. The first step is to identify the specific field (e.g.

clad/pellet/rod/spacer fabrication, assembling, handling, transportation, and repair) where potential deficiencies could lead or contribute to a given type of failure, and to examine related quality documentation. Normally, results are disappointing, since routine documentation must not contain deviations which could lead to fuel failure; thus the chance of finding the root cause in this way is extremely small. Nevertheless, this routine check must be done in case something has been overlooked.

Usually a much deeper analysis is required including, for example, the examination of available documents and notebooks at the manufacturing plant, the evaluation of statistics on quality data and rejected materials, and interviews with the people involved in respective manufacturing and quality control steps. Occasionally, the root cause is found. More frequently, the exact cause of a suspect manufacturing failure cannot be finally clarified.

However, the chance of finding and eliminating a specific root cause for a given failure is not the only benefit of this tedious work. Another advantage is that during such analyses, it is possible to find previously unnoticed weaknesses in manufacturing or quality control procedures, and to take adequate counter measures to prevent potential deficiencies in later manufacturing. This latter effect has significantly contributed to lowering failure rates from manufacturing causes. A good example is the search for the root cause of mid-grid fretting in earlier B&W fuel with Inconel grids [4.4].

Sometimes, an even more complex, unknown situation arises if the root cause of a problem is a deviation from specified quality or there is an inadequate specification. In such cases, specifications themselves have to be thoroughly analysed for potential weaknesses. Another example is the identification of ‘manufacturing flaws’ in GE cladding, which could equally influence primary and secondary failures [4.50].

4.5.3. Operation and design

The most important operating information for failed fuel is the power/burnup history, and the related influence of ‘control history’ if applicable, particularly in BWRs and CANDUs. Power/burnup histories are not only relevant to PCI failures, for which reconstructions of local power histories have been traditionally performed.

For many types of corrosion problems, power histories are equally important, together with thermal hydraulic operating conditions and potential effects of water chemistry and crud depositions. Assembly bowing is strongly influenced by power/burnup and the respective gradients throughout an assembly cross-section (see Section 5.10).

Evaluation of respective data should be a standard part of analysing fuel failures taking note of correlations to operation.

Beyond power histories, exact core positions — as well as the design and operating data of neighbouring assemblies — can be relevant for failure analysis. Trivial examples include some problems with assembly bow, where the gap (or interference) between neighbouring assemblies, i.e. the difference of neighbouring bow vectors, determines the consequences. Fretting problems can be influenced by cross-flow and thus be related to the design features of neighbouring assemblies. Peripheral core positions require particular attention in PWRs since (besides baffle jetting failures) an increasing number of fretting problems have been observed in recent years in these positions.

Fuel failures sometimes bring into question design adequacy. A classic example is PCI, for which early operations revealed that failures could occur in normal operation and manoeuvring guidelines were required. Since specific design and operation features can be part of the root cause of, or at least contribute to, many failure mechanisms, checking adequacy should also be a routine part of fuel failure analysis in relevant categories.


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