• Aucun résultat trouvé

4. Méthodologie pour une revue de littérature étoffée

4.5. Démarche d’analyse et stratégies de recherche

Flow Chart de l’histoire des recherches utilisées

Inspiré de PRISMA 2009 Flow Diagram de Moher et al. (2009)

Etudes identifiées par recherches

dans les bases de données

(n =629)
















ion Etudes supplémentaires identifies

dans les bibliographies

(n =6)

Etudes examinées

(n =42)

Etudes exclues

Après lecture du résumé

(n = 20)

Etudes examinées et

évaluées pour éligibilité

(n =22)

Etudes exclues en fonction

des critères d’inclusion et


(n = 7)

Etudes incluses dans la

revue de littérature


(n =15)

Etudes Quantitatives


Etudes Mixtes


Etudes Qualitatives


Tous les résultats de recherche sont issus de la banque de données Pubmed via internet.

Pour chaque recherche, des termes Mesh différents ont été entrés dans l’onglet de façon

à cibler davantage la recherche. Les résultats ont par la suite, été renvoyés dans la

banque de données Pubmed.

4.5.1. Stratégie n°1 :

(« Sibling » [MeSH Terms] AND « Child » [MeSH Terms] AND « Social Support »

[MeSH Terms])

Résultats : Sur un total de 62 articles, 3 ont été retenus.

 Barrera, M., Fleming, C. F. et Khan, F. S. (2004). The role of emotional social

support in the psychological adjustment of siblings of children with cancer.

 Von Essen, L. et Enskär, K. (2003). Important aspects of care and assistance for

 Sidhu, R., Passmore, A. et Baker, D., (2005). An Investigation Into Parent

Perceptions of the Needs of Siblings of Children With Cancer.

4.5.2. Stratégie n°2 :

(("Child"[Mesh] AND "Social Support"[Mesh]) AND "Neoplasms"[Mesh]) OR

"Disabled Children"[Mesh] AND "Needs Assessment"[Mesh]

Résultats : Sur un total de 207 articles, 4 ont été retenus.

 Ballard, K. L. (2004). Meeting the needs of siblings of children with cancer.

 Hinds, P. S., Pritchard, M. et Harper, J. (2004). End-of-life research as a priority

for pediatric oncology.

 Kerr, L. M., Harrison, M. B., Medves, J. Tranmer, J. E. et Fitch, M.I. (2007).

Understanding the supportive care needs of parents of children with cancer: an

approach to local needs assessment.

 Von Essen, L. et Enskär, K. (2003). Important aspects of care and assistance for

siblings of children treated for cancer: a parent and nurse perspective.

4.5.3. Stratégie n°3 :

Résultats : Sur un total de 16 articles, 3 ont été retenus.

 Donnelly, J. P., Huff, S. M., Lindsey, M. L., McMahon, K. A. et Schumacher, J.

D. (2005). The needs of children with life-limiting conditions: a

healthcare-provider-based model.

 Hutchinson, F., King, N. et Hain, R.D. (2003). Terminal care in paediatrics:

where we are now.

 Robinson, M. R., Thiel, M. M., Backus, M. M. et Meyer, E. C. (2006). Matters

of spirituality at the end of life in the pediatric intensive care unit.

Puis en se référant à la bibliographie de ce dernier article, 3 articles ont été retenus.

 Meyer, E. C., Ritholz, M. D., Burns, J. P. et Truog R. D. (2006). Improving the

quality of end-of-life care in the pediatric intensive care unit: parents' priorities

and recommendations

 DeVeber, L.L. (1995). The influence of spirituality on Dying Children’s

Perceptions of Death.

 Davies, B., Brenner, P., Orloff, S., Sumner, L., Worden, W. (2002). Addressing

spirituality in pediatric hospice and palliative care.

4.5.4. Stratégie n° 4:

En inscrivant les mots suivants dans la barre de recherche de PubMed : « children

experiences with cancer qualitative study» 180 résultats sont apparus. Le serveur a

identifié les termes Mesh suivants:

("child"[MeSH Terms] OR "child"[All Fields] OR "children"[All Fields]) AND

experiences[All Fields] AND ("neoplasms"[MeSH Terms] OR "neoplasms"[All Fields]

OR "cancer"[All Fields]) AND ("qualitative research"[MeSH Terms] OR

("qualitative"[All Fields] AND "research"[All Fields]) OR "qualitative research"[All

Fields] OR ("qualitative"[All Fields] AND "study"[All Fields]) OR "qualitative

study"[All Fields])

6 articles ont été retenus:

 Wiener, L., McConnell, D. G., Latella, L. et Ludi, E. (2013). Cultural and

religious considerations in pediatric palliative care.

 Shepherd, E. J. et Woodgate, R. L. (2011). A journey within a journey: the lived

experience of parents who do not live near their child's tertiary cancer center.

 Gibson, F., Aldiss, S., Horstman, M., Kumpunen, S. et Richardson, A. (2010).

Children and young people's experiences of cancer care: a qualitative research

study using participatory methods.

 Alderfer, M. A., Long, K. A., Lown, E. A., Marsland, A. L., Ostrowski, N. L.,

Hock, J. M. et Ewing, L. J. (2010). Psychosocial adjustment of siblings of

children with cancer: a systematic review.

 Monterosso, L. et Kristjanson, L. J. (2008). Supportive and palliative care needs

of families of children who die from cancer: an Australian study.

 Rollins, J. A. (2005). Tell me about it: drawing as a communication tool for

children with cancer.

Puis en se référant à la bibliographie de l’article : « Children and young people's

experiences of cancer care: a qualitative research study using participatory methods. »

(Gibson, Aldiss, Hortman, Kumpunen et Richardson, 2010), qui a été retenu dans un

premier temps puis exclu en raison du manque de concordance avec les critères

d’inclusion définis, les 3 études suivantes ont été retenues :

 Mitchell, W., Clarke, S. et Sloper, P. (2005). Care and support needs of children

and young people with cancer and their parents.

 Coyne, I. (2006). Consultation with children in hospital: children, parents’ and

nurses’ perspectives.

 Shields, L. et O’Callaghan, M. (2003). An examination of the needs of parents of

hospitalized children: comparing parents’ and staff’s perceptions.

4.5.5. Stratégie n° 5 :

En inscrivant les termes : « sibling’s needs of child with cancer » dans la barre de

recherche de PubMed, un résultat de 94 articles est apparus. Les termes Mesh

ci-dessous ont été sélectionnés par le serveur :

("siblings"[MeSH Terms] OR "siblings"[All Fields] OR "sibling"[All Fields]) AND

("health services needs and demand"[MeSH Terms] OR ("health"[All Fields] AND

"services"[All Fields] AND "needs"[All Fields] AND "demand"[All Fields]) OR

"health services needs and demand"[All Fields] OR "needs"[All Fields]) AND

("child"[MeSH Terms] OR "child"[All Fields]) AND ("neoplasms"[MeSH Terms] OR

"neoplasms"[All Fields] OR "cancer"[All Fields])

6 articles ont ainsi été retenus :

 Ballard, K. L. (2004). Meeting the needs of siblings of children with cancer.

 Murray, J. S. (2001). Social support for school-aged siblings of children with

cancer: a comparison between parent and sibling perceptions.

 Murray, J. S. (2002). A qualitative exploration of psychosocial support for

siblings of children with cancer.

 Nolbris, M. et Hellström, A. L. (2005). Siblings' needs and issues when a

brother or sister dies of cancer.

 Sloper, P. (2000). Experiences and support needs of siblings of children with


 Wilkins, K. L. et Woodgate, R. L. (2005). A review of qualitative research on

the childhood cancer experience from the perspective of siblings: a need to give

them a voice.

4.5.6. Stratégie n°6 :

("Spirituality"[Majr] AND "Palliative Care"[Mesh]) AND "Child"[Mesh]

6 Résultats dont 3 ont été retenus :

 Davies, B., Brenner, P., Orloff, S., Sumner, L., Worden, W. (2002). Addressing

spirituality in pediatric hospice and palliative care.

 Hexem, K. R., Mollen, C. J., Carroll, K., Lanctot, D. A. et Feudtner, C. (2011).

How parents of children receiving pediatric palliative care use religion,

spirituality, or life philosophy in tough times.

 McSherry, M., Kehoe, K., Carroll, J. M., Kang, T. I. et Rourke, M. T. (2007).

Psychosocial and spiritual needs of children living with a life-limiting illness.

4.5.7. Stratégie n°7 :

((("Spirituality"[Mesh]) AND "Palliative Care"[Mesh]) AND "Child"[Mesh]

 Davies, B., Brenner, P., Orloff, S., Sumner, L. et Worden, W. (2002).

Addressing spirituality in pediatric hospice and palliative care.

 Kamper, R., Van Cleve, L. et Savedra, M. (2010). Children with advanced

cancer: responses to a spiritual quality of life interview.

 Knapp, C., Madden, V., Wang, H., Curtis, C., Sloyer, P. et Shenkman, E.

(2011). Spirituality of parents of children in palliative care.

 McSherry, M., Kehoe, K., Carroll, J. M., Kang, T. I., Rourke, M. T. (2007).

Psychosocial and spiritual needs of children living with a life-limiting illness.

4.5.8. Stratégie 8 :

En inscrivant les termes : « Needs of children with cancer at the End of life » dans la

barre de recherche de PubMed, un résultat de 43 articles est apparus. Les termes Mesh

ci-dessous ont été sélectionnés par le serveur :

("health services needs and demand"[MeSH Terms] OR ("health"[All Fields] AND

"services"[All Fields] AND "needs"[All Fields] AND "demand"[All Fields]) OR

"health services needs and demand"[All Fields] OR "needs"[All Fields]) AND

("child"[MeSH Terms] OR "child"[All Fields] OR "children"[All Fields]) AND

("neoplasms"[MeSH Terms] OR "neoplasms"[All Fields] OR "cancer"[All Fields])

AND End[All Fields] AND ("life"[MeSH Terms] OR "life"[All Fields])

4 articles ont ainsi été retenus.

 Jones, B. L. (2006). Companionship, control, and compassion: a social work

perspective on the needs of children with cancer and their families at the end of


 Heath, J. A., Clarke, N. E., McCarthy, M., Donath, S. M., Anderson, V. A. et

Wolfe, J. (2009). Quality of care at the end of life in children with cancer.

 Hinds, P. S., Pritchard, M. et Harper, J. (2004). End-of-life research as a priority

for pediatric oncology.

 Monterosso, L., Kristjanson, L. J. (2008). Supportive and palliative care needs

of families of children who die from cancer: an Australian study.

Puis en cliquant sur ce dernier article, la base de donnée a proposé 3 articles et 2 revues

systématiques de littérature dans son onglet « Related Citation ». Les revues

systématiques ont été exclues.

 Hechler, T., Blankerburg, M., Friedrichsdorf, S.J., Garske, D., Hübner, B.,

Menke, A., Wamsler, C., Wolfe, J. et Zernikow, B. (2008). Parents' perspective

on symptoms, quality of life, characteristics of death and end-of-life decisions

for children dying from cancer.

 Monterosso, L., Kristjanson, L. J. et Phillips, M. B. (2009). The supportive and

palliative care needs of Australian families of children who die from cancer.

 Monterosso, L., Kristjanson, L. J., Aoun, S. et Phillips, M. B. (2007). Supportive

and palliative care needs of families of children with life-threatening illnesses in

Western Australia: evidence to guide the development of a palliative care
