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Vibrational contribution to the surface specific heat of a fluid


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1982

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Vibrational contribution to the surface specific heat of a fluid

B. Djafari-Rouhani, L. Dobrzynski

To cite this version:

B. Djafari-Rouhani, L. Dobrzynski. Vibrational contribution to the surface specific heat of a fluid.

Journal de Physique, 1982, 43 (3), pp.523-529. �10.1051/jphys:01982004303052300�. �jpa-00209422�




Nous donnons des résultats analytiques pour la contribution vibrationnelle à la chaleur spécifique 0394CV(T) de basse température d’un liquide


visqueux. Il est montré par


méthode de fonctions de Green

qu’en présence d’ondes capillaires de surface



MT4/3 + NT2 + PT8/3 + QT3 + O(T10/3).

Les coefficients M, N, P et Q sont donnés analytiquement


fonction de la densité du liquide, de la tension super- ficielle et de la vitesse longitudinale du


dans le volume du liquide.



We report analytical results for the vibrational contributions to the low temperature surface specific

heat 0394CV(T) of


non viscous liquid It is shown by


Green’s function method that when capillary




the surface of such





MT 4/3 + NT2 + PT8/3 + QT3 + O(T10/3).

The coefficients M, N, P and Q


given in closed form


functions of the density of the liquid, the surface tension and the velocity of the longitudinal bulk


Vibrational contribution to the surface specific heat of a fluid

B. Djafari-Rouhani and L. Dobrzynski

Laboratoire des Surfaces et Interfaces (*), I.S.E.N., 3,


F.-Baës, 59046 Lille Cedex, France (Reçu le 23 juillet 1981, accepté le 24 novembre 1981 )

Classification Physics Abstracts




1. Introduction.


The surface contribution to the

specific heat of a finite crystal has been studied exten-

sively [1] and its low temperature T2 behaviour is well established both theoretically and experimen- tally. Although Atkins [2] has shown that a T4/3 contribution to the low temperature surface specific heat ACv(7) of a liquid may be due to hydrodynamic capillary waves, he established this result by taking

into account only the existence of these capillary

waves, without considering the corresponding per- turbation of the bulk density of states. Recently

losilevskii [3] reported that LBCy(1) behaves like T2

at low temperature, without any mention of the T 4/3 behaviour predicted by Atkins [2].

Therefore a thorough examination of this question

was needed We report here such a study that takes

into account the effect of the capillary waves as well as

the perturbation of the bulk waves due to the existence of the surface. We use for this purpose a Green’s function method [4]. Different formulations [3, 5-8]

of this method were already used for the study of other

vibrational properties of liquid surfaces, namely

surface modes and Brillouin scattering.

In section 2 we outline the derivation of the Green’s function for a semi-infmite liquid The ‘fluid will be assumed compressible and viscous. The general for-

mulation of this problem is similar to that of an iso-

tropic solid [9]. Going then to the limit of an inviscid

liquid, we give the contribution of the surface to the

density of states and to the specific heat (Section 3).

-This last quantity contains terms with different powers of the temperature T, coming from different contri- butions to the density of states. We give here all these

terms up through the one in T3 which has the same

power as the contribution of the bulk waves to the

specific heat.

2. Formulation of the Green’s function.


The motion of the bulk fluid is governed by the Navier-

Stokes equation

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01982004303052300



where v is the velocity, p the density, p and y’ the coeffi- cients of shear and dilatation viscosity and p the pressure. For small velocities, the equation (1) can be

linearized by neglecting the term (v.V)v. Assuming

that the fluid excitations execute harmonic motion with a time dependence e-irot, the velocity v is related

to the displacement u by

Finally, we assume that the pressure term in equa- tion (1) is due only to the density fluctuations giving

rise to dilatation and compression of the fluid That is,

we neglect the contribution due to the thermal fluc- tuations. Then

where A is the compressibility of the fluid which is related to the (longitudinal) sound velocity C

With the above assumptions, the stress tensor in the

liquid can be written as

with a, fl


1, 2, 3.

This form of the stress tensor is completely analo- .

gous to that obtained in elasticity theory for an isotro- pic solid. The following correspondances should be


where C1 and Ct are the velocities of longitudinal and

transverse sound waves in the solid

The derivation of the bulk Green’s function can be done step by step along the same lines as for an isotro- pic solid [9]. Let us recall the equation satisfied by this

Green’s function, after making a Fourier analysis parallel to the plane of the surface (plane X3



and a rotation of the X,l X2 axes which brings the xl axis along the wavevector kll parallel to the surface

where gij stands for gi,(k 11 W’ I X3, x3). Let us also recall that equation (7) leads to g12 =g21 =g23 =g32 =0,

that is to a decoupling between sagittal and transverse polarization. The solution of equation (7) for the bulk fluid is exactly the same as for an isotropic solid [9],

when we make use of the relations (6). In the presence of a free surface, equation (7) has to be solved subject

to the boundary conditions expressing the absence of

the stresses at the surface. These boundary equations

can be written in correspondence with those for the

solid [9], but it is necessary to take into account the effect of the surface tension and the possibility of

surface viscosity [10]. The general contributions of these two effects to the surface stresses are of the

form, [10]

where yo is the surface tension of the unstretched surface, s = 07 (where S is the liquid surface

O(Log S)

area) give the variation of the surface tension under

stretching, and p,, ,us


take account of the surface

viscosity. Using the notation

the boundary conditions at the free surface can be



Let us define, as for the solid, the quantities

and separate in the Green’s function the bulk term

g(o) from the surface contribution g(S)

The solution for g(S) can be written in the following

form [9]

Insertion of these solutions into the boundary condi-

tions (10) yields the unknown coefficients A,, A,, A’, A;,

B. The full expressions for these coefficients are given

in the Appendix.

Let us just mention that the frequencies of the

surface waves are given by the poles of this Green’s function, and are then solutions of the equation

In the simpler case of a non viscous liquid with s



we obtain the usual capillary wave solution

3. Surface density of states and specific heat of an

inviscid liquid.


The above Green’s function will be used in this section to study the surface contribution

to the density of states and then to the low temperature specific heat of a liquid We limit ourselves to a simpler

case than that of section 2 by assuming s


0 and by neglecting viscosity, but by keeping the surface tension yo and the liquid compressibility.

The variation due to the surface of the bulk density

of states follows from the imaginary part of the trace of the surface contribution to the Green’s function

Since the dependence of the Green’s function elements

on X3 and x; is of the form e-(aiX3+ajX3), where i, j



or 1 (see the Appendix), the integration in (15) is straightforward Then we go to the limit of E


0 and zero viscosity which leads to the following simple


We have to point out that on taking the imaginary part in equation (16), the quantity W2 should be replaced by W2 + itl where ’1 is an infinitesimal

positive number. We then get three different contri- butions to An

An(l) results from the first term in (16)

It represents a discontinuity in the density of states

at the threshold of the bulk bander


C, k 11 ; a similar

result was obtained [11] at the longitudinal threshold

in isotropic solids.

The second term in equation (16) gives rise to the two

other contributions to An. The first of these contri-

butions is


where mo(k jj) is the frequency of the surface capillary

wave, the solution of the equation (14&), that appears

as a pole of the second term in equation (16). Let us point out that rearranging equation (14b) by means

of the definition of ai (Eq. (11)) leads to the following

third order polynomial in kj

Standard resolution of this equation shows [12] that

it has only one real root



Fig. 1.


Surface density of states (in arbitrary units) for


given wavevector kil. The two vertical straight lines


respond to two delta functions of weights 1 and - 4 respec-

tively. The first


gives the position of the surface capillary

wave, the second


is situated at the threshold of the bulk band. The figure is drawn for the parameters corresponding

to liquid mercury (neglecting viscosity) and for k 11 1-- 10’ m - ’.



For a given k the frequency mo of this surface mode is below the threshold of the bulk band C, k I I*

Finally there is a variation of the density of states

inside the bulk band that for m > C, k is

An example of this density of states is given in figure 1. Now, we can evaluate the change in the specific heat due to the surface, calculating separately

the contribution of each part of the density of states

Let us recall that the surface contribution to the free energy is given by

where S is the surface area, and

Then, by using the relation

we obtain the following formal expression for the surface specific heat

The contribution of ån(l) to the specific heat results directly from equations (27) and (18)

where we have defined

where C(u) is the Riemann zeta function.


The second contribution to AC«n comes from ån(2), that is from the surface capillary wave

In the equation (30) mo is a function of k through

equations (20)-(22), which give the dispersion of the

surface wave.

Since the low temperature specific heat is governed by the low energy excitations of the system, we develop equation (21) in powers of (oo to obtain

Inserting this result into equation (30) one finds (with the aid of the relation k dkjj II -L d(k 2))

The term T4/3 in (32) is the one obtained previously [2]

for the contribution of the capillary wave to the specific heat while further corrections are of the form

T2, T8/3, T10/3, T14/3, T16/3,... Let us note that the

AC term is partly compensated by the T2 term appearing in AC.

The last contribution to åCy(T) results from ån(3).

In the denominator of An (Eq. (23)), let us rewrite

the term k’ ’ in the new form

pointing out that the region of interest for k II is 0 k COICI. As the low lying excitations are the most important for our calculation, we can keep in

the preceding expression the p2 W4/ YÕ as the leading part, the remainder being considered in a Taylor

series expansion

Then we get immediately

Finally the surface specific heat of a non viscous

fluid can be obtained by adding the contributions of

equations (28), (32) and (33). Let us write it in the

following form


where the coefficients are

The function I(u) was defined by equation (29) and

the arbitrary temperature To was introduced just in

order to get for M, P, N and Q quantities with the

same dimension (m- 2). The contribution in T 4/3 is the same as the one predicted by Atkins [2]. Iosi-

levskii’s [3] result for the specific heat of a free liquid

surface is the same as our contribution AC(v) (Eq. (28)) coming from the threshold at Cl. He did not take into

account any localized surface mode below the bulk bands and obtained finally that the creation of a free surface decreases the density of vibrational states.

In principle the creation of a free surface produces the opposite effect, as in our present calculation.

The last term in equation (34) is of the same order in T as the contribution of the bulk waves to the

specific heat, that is [13]

where V is the volume of the liquid



Let us illustrate the above calculation by the example

of liquid helium, comparing the magnitude of the

different coefficients M, N, P, Q. For the liquid 4He,

the velocity of sound and the density are [3]

and the surface tension is [14J yo = 3.5 x 10 - ’ J. m - ’.

Taking To


1 K one finds in units of 101’ m-2

We can also compare the AC( 3) contribution, which behaves like T , to the bulk specific heat

The above quantities enable us to find for liquid

helium the relative importance of the surface specific

heat for a given ratio of the surface to the volume.

Finally, a different example is given by liquid mer-

cury for which [7]

It is more convenient to take To


300 K in this case.

Then in units of 102° m-2 M = 14.8, N = 2, P - 5, Q = - 5.3 and

The higher terms play a more important role here

than in the case of liquid helium.

4. Discussion.


We present in this section a

summary and discussion of the results obtained above.

The Green’s function of a liquid with a free surface has been calculated taking into account the surface tension and the viscosity. Various forms of this Green’s function were recently used to discuss the intensity of

the light scattered from a liquid surface [6-8]. The expressions derived here are shown to be formally

identical with those for an isotropic solid. Therefore, they put the solid and the liquid on the same mathe-

matical footing. Also, they can easily be generalized to describe interfaces between liquids or between solids

and liquids.

The contribution of the surface to the density of

states and to the specific heat are then derived for an

inviscid fluid For a given kil the density of states is composed of three components : a delta function

(of weight one) at the frequency We of the surface

capillary wave, another delta function (of weight - 4) yielding a loss of states at the threshold of the bulk

band, and finally a continuous variation inside the bulk band. Adding the viscosity to the problem enlar-

ges the two delta peaks which are the more important component of the surface density of states. In parti- cular, at the limit of low viscosity, the delta function

corresponding to the capillary wave yields a lorentzian

centred at Wc of width Ao) -- I p --I’ - P for typical values

of k in scattering experiment, let us say 101_107 m-1,

We is given to a good approximation by (oc - Yo p k 3/2 11 P


i.e. the result for an incompressible fluid (C - oo).

As the relative width Aw/we of this lorentzian is an

increasing function of kjj, the viscosity plays a more important role for higher wavevectors.

The surface specific heat of an inviscid fluid AC,,

was calculated as a series expansion in the temperature

T up through the term in T 3. The capillary wave gives

the main contribution to ACv which is in T4/3 and then correction terms of type T2, T8/3,


T10/3, etc...

The term in T2 is partially compensated by the

contribution of the delta peak in the density of states

situated at the bulk threshold Finally the variation of the density of states inside the bulk band only

contributes to ACv by a term in T 3 which has the same

power dependence as the bulk specific heat.

Obviously ACv as a whole is proportional to the

surface area while the bulk specific heat is proportional

to the volume. The examples given above show that

even for droplets of micron size the determination of ACv needs good precision (about 10-4) as well as

low temperatures. Finally we should stress that for

very small droplets (1) the surface area is not planar, (ii) the wavevectors are limited by a minimum cut-off

of the order of the inverse of the droplet radius, and (iii)

the viscosity may play a role at these wavevectors.

Then further studies of the properties reported here including viscosity and different geometries are needed



We would like to thank Pro- fessors A. A. Maradudin and R. F. Wallis and Dr.

V. Velasco for their interest in this work.


Expression of the Green’s function for the semi- infinite liquid.


We do not give here the bulk

Green’s function of the liquid which have exactly the

same expression as for an isotropic solid [9], once the

values of C, and C, given by equation (6) are used.

The coefficients At, A,, At, A’, B appearing in the

surface part (Eqs. (12)) are given by





[1] See for references, MARADUDIN, A. A., WALLIS, R. F.

and DOBRZYNSKI, L., in Surface phonons and pola- ritons, Handbook of Surfaces and Interfaces,

Vol. 3, Ed. L. Dobrzynski (Garland Press, New York) 1980.

[2] ATKINS, K. R., 1953 in Statistical Physics ;

LANDAU, L. and LIFSHITZ, E. M., (Pergamon Press) 1959, p. 460.

[3] IOSILEVSKII, YA. A., Phys. Rev. B 20 (1979) 1473.

[4] DJAFARI-ROUHANI, B., Thesis, Université Paris-Sud


[5] GARCIA-MOLINER, F., Ann. Phys. (Paris) 2 (1977) 179.

[6] PLATERO, G., VELASCO, V. R. and GARCIA-MOLINER, F., Phys. Scr. 23 (1981) 1108.

[7] LOUDON, R., Proc. R. Soc. London A 372 (1980) 275.

[8] BOUCHIAT, M. A. and MEUNIER, J., J. Physique Colloq.

33 (1972) C1-141.

LANGEVIN, D. and BOUCHIAT, M. A., J. Physique 33 (1972) 101.

[9] MARADUDIN, A. A. and MILLS, D. L., Ann. Phys. 100 (1976) 262.

[10] HANSEN, R. A., AHMAD, J. A., Prog. Surf. Member Sci.

4 (1971) 1.

[11] BURT, M. G., J. Phys. C 6 (1973) 855.

[12] Handbook of Mathematical functions, Eds. M. Abra-

mowitz, I. A. Stegun (Dover Publications, I.N.C.

New York) p. 17.

[13] See reference [2], p. 200.

[14] American Institute of Physics Handbook, 3rd Edition,

Ed. D. E. Gray (Mc Graw Hill) 1972, p. 2-207.


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