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A note about the effect of surface states on the stability of the Si (110) surface


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1988

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A note about the effect of surface states on the stability of the Si (110) surface

M. Tomášek, Š. Pick

To cite this version:

M. Tomášek, Š. Pick. A note about the effect of surface states on the stability of the Si (110) surface.

Journal de Physique, 1988, 49 (1), pp.99-102. �10.1051/jphys:0198800490109900�. �jpa-00210678�


A note about the effect of surface states on the stability of

the Si (110) surface

M. Tomá0161ek and 0160. Pick

J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences,

Máchova 7, 121 38 Prague 2, Czechoslovakia

(Reçu le 15 juin 1987, accepté le 29 septembre 1987)



Nous étudions le rôle éventuel des états de surface de Shockley


la stabilité de la surface (110)

du silicium à l’égard de plusieurs modes de déformation. La fonction d’onde des liaisons pendantes est

construite à l’aide d’une généralisation de l’approche simple d’Harrison, tandis que les autres liaisons sont considérées grâce à des termes élastiques phénoménologiques. Nous trouvons


net ramollissement de

phonons pour le mode antisymétrique des atomes de surface des chaînes individuelles,


analogie apparente


la déformation de Peierls des systèmes quasi-linéaires.



The possible role of Shockley surface states in the stability of the Si (110) surface with respect to several deformation modes is investigated. The dangling bond


function is constructed by




generalization of the simple Harrison approach, whereas the remaining bonds


accounted for by phenomenological elastic terms. A pronounced phonon softening is found for the antisymmetric mode of

surface atoms of individual chains, in apparent analogy with the Peierls-like deformation of quasi-linear systems.


Physics Abstracts




1. Introduction.

From the theoretical point of view, little is known about the geometrical structure and reconstructions of the Si (110) surface. The existence of quasi-linear zig-zag chains of atoms on the ideal (1 x 1 ) surface [1,2] suggests a sort of analogy with the Pandey


bonded chain model [3] of Si (111) (2 x 1 ) in which

such chains also appear, exhibiting comparatively large stability. An important experimental fact [1, 2]

helping to guess possible types of the Si (110) surface

reconstruction is the existence of the energy gap

(about 0.2-0.4 eV wide) in the surface state (SS)

band. Contrary to the Pandey model, the ideal Si

(110) surface displays a symmetry element (glide plane ag parallel to the chains, see Fig. 1) which

prevents formation of a gap. Two simple deforma-

tions can remove this symmetry operation and open the gap : a) the buckling mode shifting the alternat-

ing atoms of the chains perpendicularly to the (110)

surface but in opposite direction, and b) the Peierls- like deformation in the surface plane, in which the bond to the left of an arbitrary chain atom differs in length from that on the right.

Namely, the glide plane o-g invokes the appearance of a double degeneracy [4-7] along the X-M direction

Fig. 1.


Left, the chain formed by Si surface atoms (open circles)


the Si (110) surface is shown, together

with their nearest subsurface neighbours (full circles). The

atoms belonging to


and b sublattices are labelled and the

numbering of bonds b, ( j = 1-3 )




the glide plane ag


also displayed. Right, the modes A1 and AZ together

with the mode N suggested in [2]



of the surface Brillouin zone of the Si (110) surface,

the wave functions of the degenerate branches being Oa and Ob, where cPa and Ob are Bloch functions

localized on a and b sublattices (Fig. 1), respectively [7]. The wave functions show that with respect to a-b interactions, the two SS levels exhibit the unsaturated character of dangling bonds [8]. This

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198800490109900



effect arises from symmetry reasons, since lateral interactions in the chain cancel mutually. The




saturation between neighbouring chains

is unlikely because of long distance between them (third nearest-neighbours). Hence, saturation can occur by either charge disproportionation between a

and b sublattices (the buckling mode), or by dimeri-

zation (the Peierls-like distortion). The latter mechanism takes place for the A2 distortion (Fig. 1), antisymmetric with respect to a- g’ for which the

electron-phonon matrix element lfJa I wi lfJb) is

non-zero along ff-R as a result of suitable symmetry

(a sort of a selection rule [9], where w is the electron-

phonon (deformation) potential [10], exhibiting

same symmetry as the deformation mode). The

above reasoning explains the suggestion of the degeneracy splitting pointed out a long time ago [5].

Naturally, the real Si (110) surface displays [1, 2,11] a number of modulated structures (e.g.

(4 x 5 ), (2 x 1 ), (5 x 1)), a successful theoretical

explanation of which by means of our simple dangl- ing bond based approach is hard to expect since even

in realistic calculations [4-6], the SS band shows a small dispersion in the direction perpendicular to the

chain. However, one can hope that modes important

in our local chemical approach will be similarly important in more complicated modulated structures

where the interaction with subsurface layers, the geometrical strain, steric and mismatch effects etc.

have to be inherently included.

2. The generalized Harrison model.

Contrary to our recent qualitative approach [10] to

surface reconstruction, based mainly on the role of surface states from the vicinity of EF in the electron-

phonon coupling, the present paper emphasizes

more the chemical point of view and tries to get

qualitative conclusions on total energy differences for particular surface deformation modes or on

phonon softenings. Naturally, main emphasis is again put on surface states, half-filled on the ideal surface in agreement with simple SS theory. To get SS energies and wave functions in simplest possible

way, a generalized Harrison model [12] is used as the starting point. This approach is based on the be-

haviour of the dangling bonds during the defor- mation. The possibility of a charge transfer (appear-

ance of a surface ionic structure) is a priori excluded.

Consider a surface atom on the Si (110) surface (Fig. 1). It is attached to its three nearest neighbours by bonds bj, j


1-3. According to Harrison [12], a


bond-orbital »

is associated with bj, where the p-orbital Ipj) is

directed along bi. To these three orbitals, the

dangling bond orbital I 0) of an analogous form is

added. The a j as well as the orientation of

[ 0 ) are determined by the orthonormalization condi- tions (i I j)


5 ij, i, j


0-3. The orbitals change during the deformation and therefore, their proper

use helps to discover the surface instability.

The matrix elements between nearest-neighbour dangling bond orbitals are computed using the

Harrison parametrization [12], including the d- 2 dependence on the distance. The orbitals 0) are

not directed along the nearest-neighbour surface bonds, however, their interaction is responsible for

the SS band formation and has to be considered. Let

us denote as vl and V2 the matrix elements between the dangling bond orbitals connected by bonds bI and b2, respectively, and further let us put



vl - v2, D


via + v2, eo


(0 I H 0) . For the

SS bandwidth one obtains - 2 D, the width of the gap which appears when A =A 0 being 2 I L11.


The dispersion relation for the SS band energy reads

The one-electron theory gives the covalent energy

gain (E -- 0) [13]

associated with the dangling bond band. Let us show in more detail that the value Eo does not play any essential role in the total energy, supposing that the

local charge neutrality is conserved. With 4 valence electrons per atom and with bonding states filled (the orbital Ij) half-filled, j


0-3), one has nj



for the corresponding occupation numbers. On the other hand, in the first order perturbation theory, a change 5 Ej of diagonal matrix elements E


(j I HI j) leads to the change of the total energy 6E


Xnj 5 Ej


5 (-v Ej). Since ’VEi


es + 3 ep

holds by definition of the orbitals ij), one has



0. In other words, during the deformation the valence state electronic configuration of the surface atom remains 3s1p3, irrespectively of the amount of

s, p character contained in each orbital. Therefore, any deformation changes the total electronic energy

only as much as it leads to the broadening of the SS

band via the interaction between the resulting hyb-

rids. In the original buckling model [12, 14], the

violation of local charge neutrality by the charge

transfer (no


1 ± An) is crucial for the stabilization.

According to more recent analysis [3, 15], however,

this stabilization is counterbalanced by Coulomb

effects arising from ionic configurations.


As a matter of fact, the SS band is modified due to the interaction with the bulk states (especially at the

lower edge) [6]. Nevertheless, it is correct to use the


bare » bandwidth - 2 D when evaluating (2) and (3). Namely, let us write the Hamiltonian of the

occupied states in the form

where Hd is the bare dangling bond Hamiltonian based on equation (2), Hb describes bonding bulk

states and Vbd is an interaction term. Ignoring the

inessential constant term XEj = £S + 3 Ep per atom

discussed above, the energy is given by the trace Tr Hocc of equation (4). Since below, Tr Hb is replaced by a phenomenological elastic Hamiltonian and since Tr V bd


0 (a matrix with zero diagonal elements), the evaluation of the energy of the

dangling bond band is based on the bare parameters of Ha, i.e. on equation (3).

The integral (3) is transformed into the complete elliptic integral of the 2nd kind E(K) and is easily

evaluated by the expansion in the small parameter

K’2 - 1- K2 = (4/D )2 [16, 17]. Note that for

A =A 0, the expansion contains a particular term


K 2InK’, which, in principle, destabilizes the surface for any values of the remaining parameters.

Nevertheless, it appears that the respective deforma-

tion is quite negligible if it is not enhanced by physically significant effects.

Instead of computing the contribution from the

orbitals I j) , j = 1-3, in a way similar to equation (3),

the deformation of bonds bi is taken into account by

an empirical elastic Hamiltonian [12, 14]. Namely,

the contributions 1/2 CO(5bjlbj )2 and 1/2 C 1 5 09?.

describe the change of length 5bj and the change of

angle 8 eij between particular bonds, respectively.

Whereas a reasonable guess should be obtained in this way for contributions quadratic in deformations,

the description of an important feature is missing :

the energies associated with bi contain linear terms for fully symmetric modes. Here, we have those

linear terms [18] in mind, which cancel in the bulk due to a higher symmetry. Because of lower coordi- nation on the surface, one can expect that these linear terms will cause a certain shrinking of the

surface bonds (cf. [3]). Hence, in the present ap-

proach we expect an underestimation of the surface relaxation as well as the fact that one can not rely on

the prediction of the surface bond bl, 2 lengthening (see below).

Finally, for a deformation of magnitude 6f, one

defines the


frequency » w by the equation

where m is the mass of the Si atom and AE is the energy change per surface atom with respect to the equilibrium energy, evaluated for small 5f -

Although generally is not an eigenfrequency, it is helpful in discovering surface mode softening.

3. Results and discussion.

Let us describe the numerical results obtained. The model predicts a relaxation and an A1 mode defor-

mation, giving the bl,2 bond lengthening (sbl,2


0.05 d ) and a small b3 shortening (- 0.01 d), where

d is the bulk nearest-neighbour distance d


2.35 A.

The energy gain is 0.05 eV per surface atom. We believe that the bond lengthening is an artifact of the method discussed above. (The A mode causes also a

considerable s - p transfer for the 1 ) and 2)

orbitals, which is probably an energetically unfavour-

able effect not described correctly by the elastic term.) In the new equilibrium, the surface is stable with respect to the A2 mode, although the frequency


is not too high :


= 7.3 THz. For comparison,


(A2 ) evaluated with bulk elastic constants only [12] amounts to 9.7 THz.

If we freeze the geometry with respect to the A, mode, we still get a mild relaxation 5b3 -


0.02 d accompanied by a small energy gain


= -

0.01 eV. The surface (as well as the unrelax- ed one) allows only a negligible A2 deformation

6&i 2


± 10-3 d, åE - - 10-3 eV. Although this

can be an unphysical effect having its origin in the logarithmic term of equation (3) (see the respective

discussion in Sect. 2), there is undoubtedly a soften- ing of the A2 mode : the evaluation of equation (5)

for 5 = 0.01 d gives w


3.6 THz. Further soften-

ing is obtained when a shortening of 612 by the A, mode is allowed. Note that the energies of order 10- 2 eV decide here about the stability or instability

of the surface with respect to the A2 mode - a quantity which can not be reliably grasped by our approximate model. Nevertheless, small deforma-

tion (5bt,2 - :i: 0.03 d) is sufficient to open the

experimentally observed gap of width 0.2 eV [2], leading to no essential s


p charge transfer in the individual orbitals (a more favourable dangling bond

orientation takes place). All these facts show that the A2 mode deserves attention for its possible participation in the (110) surface reconstruction or at

least, for giving rise to a low-frequency surface phonon.

There is a difference with respect to the Si (111) (2 x 1) surface, where the gap in the SS band opens due to a small inequality in the effective charges on adjacent atoms in the chain (as well as on subsurface atoms) [3]. The latter effect comes from the necessity

to match the wave function of the surface and subsurface layers with differing geometrical struc-

ture. The fact that the A2 mode might be less important on the Si (111) (2 x 1) surface originates

from the absence of the o-g glide plane there.

The recently suggested model [2] of the Si (110)



(2 x 1) reconstruction (denoted by lV in Fig. 1) does

not seem to be realistic for two reasons : a) it

assumes a non-negligible interaction between dangl- ing bonds on adjacent chains, the distance between

which is rather large for a direct chemical interaction, b) it preserves the glide plane o-g which prevents the opening of the experimentally observed SS band



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