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Sensitivity experiments to sea surface temperatures, sea-ice extent and ice-sheet reconstruction, for the Last Glacial Maximum


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Sensitivity experiments to sea surface temperatures,

sea-ice extent and ice-sheet reconstruction, for the Last

Glacial Maximum

Gilles Ramstein, Sylvie Joussaume

To cite this version:

Gilles Ramstein, Sylvie Joussaume. Sensitivity experiments to sea surface temperatures, sea-ice extent

and ice-sheet reconstruction, for the Last Glacial Maximum. Annals of Glaciology, International

Glaciological Society, 1995, 21, pp.343-347. �10.3189/S0260305500016049�. �hal-03011873�


.-ll1l1all oJ (;Iaciolog), 21 1995

C International Glaciological Societ\'

Sensitivity experiIllents to sea surface teIllperatures,

sea-ice extent and ice-sheet reconstruction, for the

Last Glacial MaxiDluDl



Laboraloire de .Iiodel/salioll d" Chl1wl el de l'EIIl'irollllelllenl CE \. Sad(~)'. Bal. 709. GiFl'1Ir-Jioelle 91191, Frallce




La/Joraloire de .l/odel/salioll dl! Cl/owl 1'1 de l'EIIl'irollllclI7enl alld LOD1(;, C\RSjClliz'ersile P. & ill. CllriejORSTO.I/, Parij, Prallce


For the Last Glacial .\laximum, (LG:'l: 21 000 BP). simulations

using atmospheric general-circulation models \AGC\ls arc I'ery sensilil'C to the

prescribed boundary conditions. \lost of the recent numerical experimenls halT used rhe CLI\IAP (1981) data set for ice-sheet topography. sea-ice extenl and sea surface

temperatures (SSTs). To demonstrate the impact of ice-sheet reconstruction on the LG\l climate, \\'e performed tl\'O simulations: onc using CLI\IAP (1981) ice-sheet topography, the other using the nel\' reconstruction pro"ided by Peltier. " 'e shol\' thal, although the geographical structure of the annually a\'C'J'aged temperature is not modified, there are important seasonal and regional impacts on the temperature

distribution. In a second step. to analyze the efl(~cts of cooler SSTs and sea-ice extent, \\'e performed Cl simulation using CLr~IAP (1981) for the ice-sheet topography. but I\'ith present SSTs. We find that the cooling due to ice sheets for the LGi\1 climate is one-third of the global annually a\Traged cooling, and that the south\\'ard shift of the

~orth Atlantic 101\' in \I'inter is not due to sea-ice extent, but is an orographic eflect due to the Laurelllide ice sheet. This set of sensitil'ity experiments allo\\'s us also to

discriminate bet\l'een thermal and QI'ographic forcings and to sho\,' the impact of the ice-sheet topography and cooler SSTs on the pattern of planetary \I'al'es during the

LGi\I climate,



Atmospheric general-circulation models (AGC:'I[si are important lOols [or recollstructing past atmospheric circulations and studying the physieal mechanisms of climate change. To illl'Cstigate the role of the difTerent

components (or boundary conditions of'the Last Glacial \Iaximum (LG\I) climate, we performed a set of (QUI'

numerical experiments, using the Laboratoire de i\Ietc

or-ologie Dynamique (L~ID) AGCi\1. i\Iany simulations

hal'C been done \\'ith difTerent !\GCi\Is to quantify the cflect of' boundary conditions on the global temperature

decrease during the LG?lI. For example, Broccoli and ~lanabe \ 1987). using an AGC:--I coupled \\'ith a slab ocean model, emphasized the role of lo\\' CO2 partial

pressure, especially for the Southern Hemisphere. \I'hile Rind (1987) sho\\'ed the impact ofsno\l' feed-back and of the topography of the ice sheets,

2, lee-sheet reconstructions (ISRs) for which (\\'0 data

sets are ClI'ailable, CLl\IAP (1981) and a rel'ised one

prm'ided bl' Peltier (199+),

Our approach focuses on the role of t\l'O major boundary conditions:

I, Sea surf~lce temperatures (SSTs) as gil'en by CLI-~I:\P. (\lclntyre and Cline, 1981; hereafter called CLl ~lAP (1981)) in \lin ter and summer for the LG "'I and modern climates,

Some sellsiti\'ity experiments \I'ith SST and ISR halT already been performed, Rind (1987) studied the impact

orCLI\IAP (1981) LG\] SSTs under present climatic conditions, and Rind and Peteet (1985) made a sensitil'ity experiment uniformll' lowering the CLIMAP (1981) LGi\l SST by 2cC to impro'T the consistency of' 1011' -latitude temperatures deduced from data and from models; bu t there is still no st ud y of presen t-c1ima te

SST impact on LG\! dynamics,

On the other hand. Shinn and Barron 1989 i hal'e

studied the sensitil'ity of the LG\I climate to extreme continental in>-sheel size and configuration, In their experimenl, the difTerences bet\\'een maximum and minimulll ice sheets are huge in comparison \I'jth our simulation; yet some interesting comparisons. especially

about the splitting of the polar jet due to the Laurentide ice sheet, can be made, ~Iol'Co\'er. the fact that all the

modellers il1\'oh'Cd in the Paleoclimate \[odeling Inter-comparison Project (personal communication from S, Joussaume and K. Taylor, 1994) will use the ne\\' ice


Ralllsleill al/d ]ollSSallll7e: SfIIsilil'if)' njJerilllelllsJor Ihe Lasl Glacial .I/rl\imulI1

intelTst in \\'hether changing the ISR has an important

impact on the LC\( climate,


All the simulations were performed with the Li-.1D \'ersion


J\CCi\L (Le Treut and Li, J991) which is a grid-point

model. \\'e used the low-resolution \'ersion, corresponding

to 48 points regularly spaced in longitude and 36 points

regularly spaced in sine or latitude, At the equaror. the grid spacing is 830 km of'longitude


270 km of'latitude.

and at 45 of latitude it corresponds to 590 km longitude


530 km latirude. The model has II !c\'e!s in normalized

pressure coordinate (a), The mode! soh-cs the dynamic

and thermodynamic equations, and the continuity

equation for mass and water \'apour (Sadourny ane!

La\'al, 1984), The predicted clouds arc considered for the

radiati\'e-transfer calculations (Le Treut and La\'al,

1984). Each experiment includes the [ull seasonal cycle

and lasts 6 years; a\'erages arc made o\'er the last 5 years.

(Laurentide), The ,hape and sizc or these ice sheets ha\'e

an important impact on the atmospheric dynamics O\'Cr

the Northern Hemisphere during the LC.\!. Delllon and H ughes (1981) pro\'ided for CUJ\ [i\ P (\\'0 reconstructions

referenced as J\IIi\' and J\IAX, corresponding to a eLlstatic

sea-b'c1 rise or 127 and 163 m, respecti\'e!y. Peltier (1994)

sholl's tha t e\'Cn the 1\ 11 N reconst runion was excessi \'e, and

proposes a new reconstruction bascd on a gra \'i ta tionall y self~consistellt theory or relati\'e sea-Ie\'C1 changes \\'hich

corresponds to a eusLatic sea-le\'c1 rise of 105 m. and to a

55'10 reduction of the ice \'olumc in comparison lI'ith the

CL TJ\IAP J\IAX reconstruction. Figure I a and b sholl' the

change in ele\'ation betll'een the LCJ\1 and the present

climate [or the CLIJ\[AP and Pcltier reconstructions. The

extent oj'ice sheets is not \'Cry difTcrent, but the ele\'ation is

1500111 higher O\'er Lau rentidc and about 1000 m higher

over Fennoscandia in the CLI J\IAP reconstruction. The

The first of the four simulations (E~PI) is the control

run lI'hich simulates the present climate. The second

(EXP2) is a simulation of the LC:'I using the CLli\[AP


(1981) data set [or SST and lSR. The third (EXP3) is a j

scnsiti\it)' experiment with the ice-sheet tOpography in

which 11( ' replaced the CUl\lAP (1981) reconstruction by

the nell' reconstruction prO\'ided by Peltier (1994): all rhe

other boundary conditions are identical to EXP2, The

fourth simulation (EXP4) is a sensiti\'it)' experiment with

SST in II'hich the CLl \IAP (1981) reconstructed SST [or

the Last Glacial :-'Iaximum has been replaced by the present climate SSI' of the cOlltrol run, lI'ith all the other boundan'

conditions remaining identical to EXP2 (Table I),

Comparing EXP3 and E~P2 lI'ill gi\'e us the

sensitivity of the LCJ\I climate to thc differences in ice

-sheet reconstruction, Comparing EXP4 and EXPI which

both have the same prescribed SST will gi\'e us the impact

of' thc ice-sheet topograph)'. Finally, comparing EXP+

and EXP2, \\'hich both ha\'(' the same CLIl\IAP (1981)

[SR, will gi\'e us the SST impact on t1w LC\l climate,

3. CHANGES IN BOUNDARY CONDITIONS 3.1 Ice-sheet reconstruction

A major difTerence between present and LGJ\I climate is

the huge ice sheets co\'Cring northwestern Europe

(Fennoscandia) and the northern part of' North America

·Ieo ·120 ~ 0 60 120 180


b ·'80 ·120 ~ 0 60


120 180



I, DiJfereJlces


elel'alion (111111) belu.'een /he presenl

( EXP l) alld Ihe Le:, I J, using (a) CLLILIP (1981) Jar

U;.I/ ice-sheellojJograJ)/~)' (EXP2), (b) Pellier (199-1) Ior I,G,I! ice-sllfl'l lojJogmjJII)' ('~·.\'P3), Dark gr~)'

(orresj)ollds 10 elevalioll differences qf 1I10re Ihall 2000 Ill,

l/IediuIII grl!)' 10 elel'alioll differences oJ more /hall 1000 Ill, fighl grq 10 Ihe emerged lallds al Ihe Le:,\[, /sol/lies Jar 1500 alld 500 m are also drm('II,

Table 1, Jlain jJarameler differences Jar Ihe SI'/ oJ 1/l/llIerica/ el/Jerill1enls




ppm EXPl control run 320 EXP2-LG:-.[ CLL\lAP (1981) 200 EXP3-LG:-'I Peltier (1994) 200 EXP4-LCl\l (SST present) 200 [molalioll 1950 21 ka BP 21 ka BP 21 ka BP

SST dala sel [SR dala .1'1'/

Present Present

CLIJ\IAP (1981) CLIi\IAP (1981)

CLTMAP (1981) Peltier (1994)



Ll .\

[A P (I 98 I )


Ralllsleill alld ]Ollssallllle: Smsilil'il), el'periJl1f17lsfor Ihe Lasl Glacial JIrlli1ll1l17l

10\l'er sea-level rise in Peltier's reconstruction. compared Il'ith CLE1AP, leads to a reduction of the emerged lands.

\\·C take this into account and use difTerent sea/land masks

ror the lll'O simulations,

3.2 Sea surface te:rnperatures

l\Iost or the recent simulations of' the LGl\I climate.

perlormecl \I'ith AGCl\Is and prescribed SSTs. hal'c used

the reconstruction 0(' the sea-ice e"tent and or the sea

surface temperatures, for summer and winter seasons. prO\'ided by CUl\lAP (1981), These data are still

contrO\'ersial, e.g, in the tropical area (\\'ebster and Streten. 1978; Rind and Peteet. 1985), bu t no global -180 a -120 ·80 0 80 120 180 LONGITUDE re\'ision or LG'\I SST is I'el al'ailable. ancl \I'e use


CLIl\LAP (1981) to rcconstruct daily cI'olution 01' SST


and sea-ice e"ten t. j

The SST differences between the LG 1\1 and the

present climate are about 4° to 6"C for Southern and Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes. and reach ahout

10-C for the Nonh Atlantic, during \I'inte!'. The cooling ol'er tropical areas is reduced to 10

or 2"C. with large

areas of the Pacific Ocean where temperatures el'en

increase slightly





to 2c


Because of the Bering Strait, the difference in sea-Ice

e"tent between the LGl\r and the present climate is small in high latitudes [or the North PaciIie. but there is a huge equato[,lI'ard shirt or the sea-ice extent rrom 70 lO 50

latitude for the North Atlantic and SOllthern Hemisphere.

The seasonality of the sea ice is \Veakened during the

LG1\l, and the sea-ice extent is only slightly reduced

during the summer season,


4.1 Orographical i:rnpact of the ice sheet for the LGM cli:rnate

As with most or the ACCl\(s' simulations of' the LG'\l (Rind, 1987; Joussaume, 1993), the main features are

reprocluced in EXP2 and EXP3: shin oC the storm tracks southward ol'the ice sheet, deepening of'the North Pacific

10\1' and southll'<lrd shirt or the Nonh Atlantic 10\1'. and

splilting or the jet around the Laurentide ice sheel. Comparison or EXP4 and EXPI, which both hale the same present SSTs and sea-ice extent. displays the impact



the ol'ographical forcing of the ice sheets, In EXP+,

there is no enhancement of the Aleutian low (not shown). thus prm'ing that this enhancement. during the LGl\l, is

mostlv due to changes in SS']'s. In contrast. the

southll'ard shift or the Atlantic loll' is obsen'ecl in EXP2, EXP3 and EXP4; it is clearly related to the

presence of' the Lauren tide ice sheet.

In Figure 2a (EXP4 minus EXP]), we illustrate the efTect of orogra phical forcing on the geopoten tial heigh tat

500 hPa, for the lI'inter season. The impact of' the orographical f()JTing is rather local, leading to anticy

-clonic circulation westward or the ice caps, in agreement \lith Held (1983) and Cook and Held (1988), These

major changes in atmospheric circulation are also dependent on the size and configuration of' the ice sheel. as illustrated in neXl paragraph, -180 -120 ~o ~ 120 100 b LONGITUDE -110 -120 ~ 0 &0 120 180 c LONGITUDE

Fig, 2, (;eojJolflllial heighl (ill 11/) al 500hPa dijprmre5

Jor December. j allllalJ alld Febmal), (a) belu'eeJl EXP.f.

alld EXPI. (b) belu'CClI E.\P2 alld EXP3, al/d (e)

bell('el'll r;;XP2 alld t:_\.P.f., ill (a) {(lid (b) dark gr~]' is

liSI'd Ior dijJi'rence" /Iighl'/ tltall 200111, light gr~]' Jor

difji'/"('II!'e.l higltn I//{{II 100 Ill; i_Iolilles {(re drawlI Ior

differellm eqllal la 50 alld ljO 1/1 .. ill (() dark gr~l' is IIsed

Jor differellces lower Ihall -200 111. lighl gre),Jor dijJerfllces

lower lIiall lOO 171; i,wlille,l (Ire drau'IIJor dijjereJlccs eqllal


4.2 Sensitivity to different ice-sheet

reconstructions for the LGM cli:rnate

The comparison bct\lTcn EXP2 and EXP3 re\Tals the

changes in LCl\( atmospheric circulation due to the

difTerenccs in ice-sheet reconstructions, Although the globall\' anci annually a\Tragecl cooling is identical for the t\l'O LG;\1 simulations (l},T = -3.3"C) and the geographical structure or the annllal mean cooling is also l'erY similar. there arc important differences in the

seasonal c)Tles. In Figure 3a, \l'e depict the temperature

diflerences bet\l'een EXP2 and EXPl for the SUlllmer

season, A \I'armer region appears clearly in EXP2 and

extends southward or Fennoscanclia, from the north

-eastern .\leclitcrranean coast to central Russia, This

\I'arming is se\'erely damped in EXP3. as sl1o\l'n in


Ralllsteill alld ]oussallllle: Sensitil'i~)' nperimentsJor the Lasl Glacial .IJarimum Jol



j:: -<


Jol c:. P


j:: j IX> eo 30 ·30 .eo .go ·1B() ·120 -60 0 eo 120 a LONGITUDE IX> eo 30 ·30 .eo -iIO ·1B() b ·120 -60 LONGITUDE 0 eo 120 C ·1B() ·120 -60 0 eo LONGITUDE 120

Fig. 3 . . -1ir temperature differences ( C) Jar June, Ju£l'

alld AllgllS/ (aJ be/ween E.\P2 and EXPt, (b) be/wee/{

E. \P3 alld E. tP J. (c


be/wem EXP4 a/{d E. \P J. Dark

grr:)' is llsed Jar temjJerature difJerences Izigl/er than


Light gr~JI Jar tem/malllre difJerences higher thall


IsoLilles are drawn Jar










sensiti\'C to the Fennoseandian rec0l1StruClion. This broad

warmer region still exists in EXP4, as shown in Figure 3c, which pro\'es that it is not induced by the CLDIAP

SSTs. The warming obtained using the CLI?dAP lSR corresponds to an increase in temperature or



to SaC, contradicting the data synthesis providcd by Peterson and

others (1979) and more recently by 'vVebb and others (1993). These data are in better agreement with the

results obtained with the Peltier (1994) reconstruction. [n

the winter season, the same phenomenon is obsen'ed OWl' Alaska westward or the Laurentide (not shown). In both

cases, the differences in temperature patterns demonstrate the impact or the ice-sheet reconstructions on the

mid-latitude atmospheric dynamics. We now illustrate this reature with the winter circulation.

Figure 2b shows the difference or geopotential height at 500 hPa, in winter, between EXP2 and EXP3.

Isocontours indicate changes in the mean Oow. The

warming O\'Cf Alaska cannot be a direct orographical effect: there is no difference in ice-sheet ele\'ation O\'er Alaska between the two reconstructions. The higher 346

e\cnltion or the Laurentide in EXP2 intensifies the planetary \\'a\'es and heat transport, leading to an

increase in temperature and geopotential height. As

mentioned in the previous paragraph, the higher

elevation of the CLlr-lAP [SR induces an enhancement of the anticyclonic circulation westward of' the ice sheet. The wind at 850 hPa during winter (not sho\yn) confirms

the enhanced deepening of the Aleutian low, leading to greater transport of warmer air rrom the North Pacific to

Alaska rol' CLIl\1AP ISR (EXP2), which explains the

development or a warmer region oyer Alaska in winter.

Another \\'ay to illustrate the impact of ice-sheet ele\'ation on \\'inter atmospheric circulation for the LG;\[ is the splitting or the jet. As Kutzbach and \ \'righ t (1985)

noted, this splitting is a fllllction of ice-cap size and distribution. In this sensitivity experiment, the ice-cap configuration modifies the structure of the sp[i tting, \V e

find, for the simulation using CLIMAP ice-sheet reconstruction (EXP2), the same results deseri bed by

COH]\lAP (Anderson and others, 1988): a splitting orthe

jet with a northern branch at the edge orthe ice cap and a southern branch on the southern part or l\orth America (Fig. 4a), With Peltier reconstruction (EXP3), I\T find

the same intensity but a more zonal circulation for the




j Jol § t:


j 00 ·00 -60 ·00 -180 ·120 -<10 0


120 100 a LONGITUDE ·100 ·120 .eo 0 .., 120 180 b LONGITUDE C IX> eo 30 ·00 ~ -iIO ·180 ·120 -eo 0 eo 120 180 LONGITUDE

Fig, -I. a. Wind speed a/ 200 ItPaJor EXP2 ill December,

Jal111al), and Febn(([I)" b, Tile same JOT EXP3. (.

DifJerences ill wind sjJeed between a and b,


Ramsleill alld Joussaume: Sellsililli!), e:rjJerimel1ls /or Ihe Lasl Glacial ,Ha,lill/uIII northern branch oC the jet (Fig, 4b), Because o[ the lower

ele\'ation of the Laurentide. the westerlies are streng th-ened O\'er the ice cap. as shown in Figure 4c,

corresponding to the wind-speed differences between EXP2 and EXP3, The impact of the ice-sheet topogra -phy is, in our case, weaker than in Shinn and Barron's

(1989) extreme-sensiti\'ity experiment, [or which they found a more defined structure of the splitting using their maximum reconstruction.

4.3 Change in SST for the LGM

Comparing EXP2 and EXP4, lI'e can analyze the effect of the change of SSTs on the LG\I climate. The global annuall>' a\'t'l'aged cooling reaches only 1.1 cC in EXP4. implying that the ice sheet is responsible [or 33% o[ the global cooling during the LG;\l. The diITerence of geopotential height at 500 hPa between E:\:P2 and EXP4 [or the \I'inter season. shown in Figure 2c, demonstrates the extensi\'e thermal forcing due to the SST \'ariations, A st rong trough de\'elops o\'Cr the cold l'\ orth Atlan tic, co\'ered bv sea ice, as a rcsult of' the decrease of the surface heat Ouxes, Howe\'er, the major difference in winter sea-ice extent between the LGM and the present climate is not responsible for the southward shift of the Atlantic low II'hich is \'ery similar in both simulations.


The approach de\'eloped 111 this paper aIlO\<\·s a better understanding 0(' the orographical and thermal fOl-cings. These sensi ti\·i ty experi men to sho\\' the im pact oC ice-sheet orography and SSTs with emphasis on the eITect o[ diffcrent ice-sheet reconstructions on the LGf-1 climate. \ \' e fi nd that the tempera tures si m ula ted for Pel tier reconstruction do not show the important warmer regions for the LGi\I that many other models found using CLI1\IAP (1981) reconstruction (Rind, 1987), and \I'hich contradicted to data. \Vc also sho\\' that thc deepening of the Aleutian low is due to the LG"'I SSTs but that the southward shift of the Atlantic low is due to the circulation induced bl' the Laurentide. Finalh', we illustrate the diITerent contributions of SSI' and ISR on thc pattern of planetary wa\'cs o\'Cr thc :\forthern Hemisphere during the LG1\1.


\ ,. e gra tefull y acknowledge the Laboratoire de ~li:teor­

ologie D),namique (CNRS, Paris, France) [or pro\'iding

us with the \'Crsion 4 of their GCM, Dr Peltier [or providing the new ice-sheet reconstruction, ~1. Dou tria ux (L1\1D) for participating in the simulations and



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If, in contrast, the surrounding area remains coherent on the interferogram (i.e., if the lava flow is emplaced on bare rock or soil), the lava flow will appear on

Stepanov Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus 90 National Scientific and Educational Centre for Particle and High Energy

MPK and MKK families encoded in the genomes of key Triticeae species (wheat (Triticum aestivum; ABD genomes), barley (Hordeum vulgare; H genome), rye (Secale cereale; R

Les essais de Montpellier SupAgro et de l’INRA Pech Rouge, montrent que, moyennant la maîtrise en amont de la puissance des ceps à un niveau moyen (le recours à

The devices currently employed to increase the skills or performance of the human body can be divided into two broad categories: tools and wearable systems. power

Source of the 1693 Catania earthquake and tsunami (southern Italy): New evidence from tsunami modeling of a locked subduction fault

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