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The K(π,1)-property for marked curves over finite fields


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The K(π,1)-property for marked curves over finite fields

Philippe Lebacque, Alexander Schmidt

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Philippe Lebacque, Alexander Schmidt. The K(π,1)-property for marked curves over finite fields.

2013. �hal-00926253v2�


The K pπ, 1 q -property for marked curves over finite fields

Philippe Lebacque and Alexander Schmidt


We investigate theKpπ,1q-property forpof smooth, marked curvespX, Tq defined over finite fields of characteristic p. We prove that pX, Tq has the Kpπ,1q-property if X is affine and give positive and negative examples in the proper case. We also consider the unmarked proper case over a finite field of characteristic different top.

2010 Math. Subj. Class. 11R34, 11R37, 14F20

Key words: Galois cohomology, étale cohomology, restricted ramification

1 Introduction

In [1],[2],[3], the second author investigated theKpπ,1q-property forpof arithmetic curves whose function field is of characteristic different top. As a result, the Galois group of the maximal unramified outside S and T-split pro-p-extension of a global field of characteristic different topis often of cohomological dimension less or equal to two. In this paper we consider the case of a smooth curve over a finite field of characteristic p. We prove that pX, Tq has the Kpπ,1q-property if X is affine and give positive and negative examples in the proper case. We also consider the unmarked proper case over a finite field of characteristic different to p, which was left out in the earlier papers.

The authors would like to thank the referee for his valuable suggestions.

1.1 The marked étale site and the K pπ, 1 q-property

LetX be a regular one-dimensional noetherian scheme defined overFq (withq“pf) and let T be a finite set of closed points. In [3], the second author defined the marked site pX, Tq of X at T considering finite étale morphisms Y Ñ X inducing isomorphismskpyq – kpxqon the residue fields for any closed pointyPY mapping to xPT. LetM be ap-torsion sheaf. The resulting cohomology groups are denoted by HipX, T, Mqand they satisfy the usual properties we expect from étale cohomology groups. He also proved (see [3] for more details) that these finite marked étale morphisms fit into a Galois theory and (after choosing a base geometric pointsxRT) we denote byπ1pX, Tq the profinite group classifying étale coverings of X in which the points ofT split completely. We denote bypX, TČqppqthe universal pro-p-covering


of pX, Tq. The projection pX, TČqppq Ñ X is Galois with Galois group the maximal pro-p-quotient π1pX, Tqppqof π1pX, Tq.

LetM be a discretep-torsionπ1pX, Tqppq-module. Consider the Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence:

E2ij “Hi1pX, Tqppq, HjppX, TČqppq, T, Mqq ñHi`jpX, T, Mq.

The edge morphisms provide homomorphisms

φi,M :Hi1pX, Tqppq, Mq Ñ HipX, T, Mq.

We say that pX, Tq has the Kpπ,1q-property forp if φi,M is an isomorphism for all M and all i ě 0. The following Lemma 1.1 implies in particular, that pX, Tq has the Kpπ,1q-property for p if φi,Fp is an isomorphism foriě2.

Lemma 1.1. (cf. [3] Lemma 2.2) φi,M is an isomorphism for i “ 0,1 and is a monomorphism for i “ 2. Moreover, φi,M is an isomorphism for all i ě 0 if and only if



HipY, T1, Mq “0 for all iě1,

where the direct limit is taken over all finite intermediate coverings pY, T1q of the universal pro-p-covering pX, TČqppq Ñ pX, Tq.

1.2 Notation

Unless otherwise stated, we use the following notation:

- pdenotes a prime number.

- F is a finite field, Fs an algebraic closure of F, Fr its maximal pro-p-extension insideFs and GF the Galois group of sF{F.

- X is a smooth projective absolutely irreducible curve defined over F.

- k“FpXqthe function field of X.

- gX the genus ofX.

- Xs “XˆFsF,Xr “XˆFrF.

- S, T are two disjoint sets (possibly empty) of closed points ofX.

- if x is a closed point of a X, Xx denotes the henselization of X at x and Tx “ txu if xPT and Hotherwise.

- kTS denotes the maximal pro-p-extension of k which is unramified outside S and in which all places ofT split completely. If empty, we omit S (or T) from the notation.

- GTSpkq “GalpkTS{kq “π1pX´S, Tqppq.

- HipX ´S, Tq denotes the i-th étale cohomology group Heti pX ´S, T,Fpq of the marked curve pX´S, Tq.

- for a pro-p-group Gwe set HipGq “ HipG,Fpq.

- for an abelian groupA and an integer m we write Arms “kerpAѨm Aq


1.3 New results

Let X be a smooth projective absolutely irreducible curve defined over the finite field F and let k “ FpXq be the function field of X. Let S and T be finite disjoint sets of closed points ofX. In this paper, we prove the following result:

Theorem 1.2. Assume that p“charpFq.

(i) If S ‰ H, then pX´S, Tq has the Kpπ,1q-property for p and cdGTSpkq “1.

(ii) If T “ H, then pX´Sq has the Kpπ,1q-property for p and cdGSpkq ď2.

In the remaining cases, we have the following results.

Theorem 1.3. Assume that p“charpFq, S“ H and T ‰ H.

(i) If PicpXqrps “ 0, then pX, Tq has the Kpπ,1q-property for p if and only if T “ txuconsists of a single point withp∤degx. In this caseπ1pX, Tqppq “1.

(ii) If PicpXqrps ‰0 and ÿ



p#Fqdegpxq{2´1 ągX ´1,

then π1pX, Tqppq is finite and pX, Tq has not the Kpπ,1q-property for p.

Finally, we consider the unmarked proper case over a finite field of characteristic different top, which was left out in the earlier papers.

Theorem 1.4. Assume thatp‰charpFq. Then X has the Kpπ,1q-property for p if and only if µppFq “ 1 or PicpXqrps ‰0.

In the remaining case µp ĂF and PicpXqrps “ 0 we have π1etpXqppq –π1etpFqppq –Zp.

In particular, Hi1etpXqppqq is always finite and vanishes for ią3.

2 Computation of étale cohomology groups

Proposition 2.1(Local computation). LetK be a nonarchimedean local (or henselian) field of characteristic p. Let Y “ SpecOK, y P Y the closed point and let T be H or tyu. Then the local cohomology groups HyipY, Tq vanish fori‰2 and

Hy2pY, Tq “

#H{nr1 pKq if T “ H

H1pKq if T “ tyu, where H{nr1 “H1pKq{Hnr1 pKq.

Proof: We use the excision sequence:

¨ ¨ ¨ ÑHyipY, Tq ÑHipY, Tq ÑHipY ´ tyuq ÑHyi`1pY, Tq Ñ ¨ ¨ ¨ .

SinceY is henselian, HipYq –Hipyq “ Hnri pKq, henceHipYq “0foriě2. SinceY is normal, H1pY, Tq Ñ H1pY ´ tyuqis injective, hence Hy1pY, Tq “0. Furthermore,


HipY ´ tyuq “ HipKq and this group vanishes for i ě 2 since cdpK “ 1 (see [4], Cor. 6.1.3). It follows that HyipY, Tq –HipY, Tqfor iě3.

ForT “ H we obtain HyipYq “0 for iě3 and the short exact sequence 0ÑH1pYq Ñ H1pY ´ tyuq ÑHy2pYq Ñ 0

implies the result forHy2pYq.

IfT “ tyu, the identity of pY, Tqis cofinal among the covering families ofpY, Tq, henceHipY,tyuq “ 0for iě1. We obtainHy2pY,tyuq –H1pKq and HyipY,tyuq “ 0

foriě3. l

Proposition 2.2. (Global computation) LetX be a smooth projective and geomet- rically irreducible curve overF, k“FpXqand S and T finite, disjoint sets of closed points of X.

Then HipX´S, Tq “0 for iě3 and H2pX´S, Tq “0 if S ‰ H. We have an exact sequence

0ÑH1pX´S, Tq ÑH1pX´Sq Ñ à


Hnr1 pkxq Ñ H2pX´S, Tq ÑH2pX´Sq Ñ 0.

Proof: In the case T “ H we have HipX´Sq “0 for iě3 and H2pX´Sq “0if S ‰ H by [5] exp. 10, Thm. 5.1 and Cor. 5.2. Moreover, the sequence is exact for trivial reasons.

Now assume T ‰ H. Consider the excision sequence for pX ´S, Tq and pX ´ pSYTqq:

¨ ¨ ¨ Ñà


HxippX´Sqx, Txq ÑHipX´S, Tq ÑHipX´ pSYTqq Ñ ¨ ¨ ¨. Proposition 2.1 shows that HipX´S, Tq – HipX´ pSYTqq “0 for iě3 and the exactness of the sequence

0ÑH1pX´S, Tq ÑH1pX´ pSYTqq Ñà


H1pkxq Ñ H2pX´S, Tq Ñ0. p˚q

Comparing this with the excision sequence forpX´Sqand pX´ pSYTqq 0ÑH1pX´Sq Ñ H1pX´ pSYTqq Ñà


H{nr1 pkxq ÑH2pX´Sq Ñ0, we obtain the exact sequence of the proposition.

IfS ‰ H, the Strong Approximation Theorem implies that H1pX´ pSYTqq ÝÑà



is surjective (see [4] Thm. 9.2.5). Using p˚q this shows that H2pX ´S, Tq “ 0 in

this case. l

Corollary 2.3. If GTSpkqis finite and nontrivial, then pX´S, Tq does not have the Kpπ,1q-property for p.


Proof. In this case we havecdGTSpkq “ 8but HipX´S, Tq “0for iě3.

Corollary 2.4. We have the Euler-Poincaré characteristic formula ÿ2


p´1qidimFpHipX, Tq “ #T.

Proof. If S “ H, all groups in the exact sequence of Proposition 2.2 are finite and we obtain

ÿ2 i“0

p´1qidimFpHipX, Tq “#T ` ÿ2 i“0


Recall that H1pXq “s HompPicpXqrps,s Fpq (every connected étale covering of Xs comes by base change from an isogeny of the Jacobian of X). Hences

H2pXq “ H1pF, H1pXqq “s H1pF,HompPicpXqrps,s Fpqq “HompPicpXqrps,s FpqGF.

Furthermore, we have an exact sequence

0ÑH1pFq ÑH1pXq Ñ HompPicpXqrps,s FpqGF Ñ0.

Thus Lemma 2.5 below shows ÿ2


p´1qidimFpHipXq “1´dimFpH1pFq “ 0.

Lemma 2.5. We have PicpXqrpss GF “PicpXqrps and

dimFpPicpXqrpss GF “dimFpPicpXqrps.

Proof. The first equality follows from the Leray spectral sequence E2ij “HipF, HjpX,s Gmqq ñ Hi`jpX,Gmq

and the vanishing of the Brauer group of a finite field:

H2pF, H0pX,s Gmqq “H2pF,sFˆq “0.

The equality of dimensions follows from the exact sequence of finite-dimensional Fp-vector spaces

0ÑPicpXqrpss GF ÑPicpXqrpss 1´FrobÝÑ PicpXqrps Ñs PicpXqrpss GF Ñ0.


3 Proof of Theorem 1.2

Assume S ‰ H. From the computations in the last section, we know that HipX´ S, Tq “0 for i ě2. By Lemma 1.1, pX´S, Tq has the Kpπ,1q-property for p and cdGTSpkq ď1. But GTSpkq is nontrivial, which follows from the exact sequence

0ÑH1pX´S, Tq ÑH1pX´Sq Ñ à


Hnr1 pkxq Ñ 0 together with the fact thatÀ

xPTHnr1 pkxqhas finiteFp-dimension whereasH1pX´Sq is infinite dimensional.

Now assume that S “ H and T “ H. Let rF be the maximal p-extension of F in sF. Then H2pXFrq “ H2pXFsqGalpsF{rFq “ 0. Hence XrF is a Kpπ,1q for p and the Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence for XrF{X shows the same for X. This finishes the proof of Theorem 1.2.

4 Proof of Theorem 1.3

Proposition 4.1. Assume thatPicpXqrps “0andT ‰ Hand let prbe the maximal p-power dividing gcdpdegx, x PTq. Then

GTpkq “π1pX, Tqppq –GalpF1{Fq,

where F1 is the unique extension of F of degree pr.

Proof. LetrF be the maximal p-extension of F inF. Using Lemma 2.5, we haves H2pXq “ H1pF, H1pXqq –s HompPicpXqrps,Fpq “ 0

and Corollary 2.4 shows that H1pXq is 1-dimensional. Hence π1pXqppq is free of rank1 and therefore the surjection


is an isomorphism (cf. [4], Prop. 1.6.15). The maximal subextension F1{F of rF{F such that all points inT split completely in the base changeXbFF1 ÑX is exactly the unique extension of degreepr of F.

Corollary 4.2. Assume that PicpXqrps “0 and T ‰ H. Then pX, Tq is a Kpπ,1q for p if and only if T “ txu consists of a single point with p ∤ degx. In this case the fundamental group π1pX, Tqppq is trivial.

Proof. By Proposition 4.1,π1pX, Tqppqis finite cyclic. Ifp|gcdpdegx, xPTq, then π1pX, Tqppqis nontrivial and pX, Tq is not a Kpπ,1q forp by Corollary 2.3.

Assumep∤gcdpdegx|xPTq. Thenπ1pX, Tqppqis the trivial group,H1pX, Tq “ 0 and pX, Tq is a Kpπ,1q if and only if H2pX, Tq “ 0. By Corollary 2.4 this is equivalent to#T “1.


Lemma 4.3. Assume that π1pX, Tqppq is finite and PicpXqrps ‰ 0. Then pX, Tq is not a Kpπ,1q for p.

Proof. By Corollary 2.3, pX, Tq is not a Kpπ,1q for p if π1pX, Tqppq is nontriv- ial. Assume that π1pX, Tqppq “ 1. Then pX, Tq is a Kpπ,1q for p if and only if H2pX, Tq “ 0. But by Proposition 2.2, H2pXq – HompPicpXqrps,Fpq ‰ 0 is a quotient of H2pX, Tq.

The following theorem is due to Ihara, see [6], Thm. 1 (FF).

Theorem 4.4. Assume that T ‰∅ and let q“#F. If ÿ



qdegpxq{2 ´1 ąmaxpgX ´1,0q,

then π1pX, Tq is finite. In particular, π1pX, Tqppq is finite.

Summing up, we obtain Theorem 1.3.

5 Proof of Theorem 1.4

LetrF be the maximal p-extension ofF inFs and Xr “XˆFF. Thenr X is a Kpπ,1q for pðñX˜ is a Kpπ,1q forp and we have

Heti pXq –r Heti pXqs GpsF{rFq

for all i. Hence Heti pXqr vanishes for i ě 3 and Het2pXq “r µppFqr ˚ “ µppFq˚. We conclude that X has the Kpπ,1q-property for p if µppFq “ 1. In the following we assume that F contains all p-th roots of unity. For every tower of finite connected étale p-coverings Z ÑY ÑX the natural map

Z{pZ“Het2pY , µr pq ÝÑHet2pZ, µr pq “Z{pZ is multiplication by the degreerZr :Yrs. Hence, by Lemma 1.1,

Xr is a Kpπ,1qfor pðñ#`

π1etpXqppqr ˘

“ 8.

Note that

π1abpXq{pr – Het1pXqr ˚ – `

Het1pXqs GpsF{rFqq˚ – PicpXqrpss GpsF{rFq and by Lemma 2.5

PicpXqrpss GpsF{rFq “0ðñPicpXqrps “r 0.

Furthermore, sinceGprF{Fq is a pro-p-group:

PicpXqrps “r 0ðñPicpXqrps “PicpXqrpsr GprF{Fq “0,


and therefore, PicpXqrps ‰ 0 ðñ π1abpXq{pr ‰ 0. Hence it suffices to show the equivalences


πet1 pXqppqr ˘

“ 8 ô#`

π1abpXqppqr ˘

“ 8 ô#π1abpXq{pr ‰0.

Elementary theory of pro-p-groups shows that it remains to show the implication π1abpXq{p˜ ‰0ùñ#`

π1abpXqppq˜ ˘

“ 8.

SettingT :“TppXq “s πab1 pXqppq, we can write this implication in the forms pTGpsF{rFqq{p‰0ùñ #pTGpsF{rFqq “ 8.

The group GpsF{Fq˜ is pro-cyclic of supernatural order prime to p. Furthermore, T –Z2gp and the kernel of the reduction map Gl2gpZpq ÑGl2gpFpq is a pro-p-group.

Hence the action ofGpsF{Fqr onT factors through a finite cyclic group of order prime top. We conclude that Theorem 1.4 follows from Lemma 5.1 below. l The following Lemma 5.1 and its application in the proof of Theorem 1.4 were proposed to us by J. Stix. We thank the referee for suggesting the short proof given below.

Lemma 5.1. Let G be a finite group of order n, p a prime number with p ∤n and T a finitely generated freeZp-module with a G-action. Then

#TG“ 8 ðñ pT{pqG ‰0.

Proof. Since the Tate cohomology of ZprGs-modules vanishes, we obtain the split exact sequence of ZprGs-modules

0ÝÑkerpNq ÝÑ T ÝÑN TG ÝÑ0, where N “ ř

gPGg. For B “ kerpNq, Hˆ´1pG, Bq “ 0 implies BG “0. We obtain TG –TG and pT{pqG – pTGq{p. Hence both assertions of the lemma are equivalent toTG‰0.



[1] A. Schmidt, “Rings of integers of type Kpπ,1q”, Doc. Math. 12 (2007), 441–471.

[2] A. Schmidt, “On the Kpπ,1q-property for rings of integers in the mixed case”, Algebraic number theory and related topics, 2007, 91–100, RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu, B12, Res. Inst. Math. Sci. (RIMS), Kyoto, 2009.

[3] A. Schmidt, Über Pro-p-Fundamentalgruppen markierter arithmetischer Kurven, J. Reine Angew. Math. 640 (2010), 203–235.

[4] J. Neukirch, A. Schmidt, K. Wingberg,Cohomology of Number Fields, 2nd ed., 2nd corr. print., Grundlehren der math. Wiss. 323, Springer 2013.

[5] M. Artin, A. Grothendieck et J. L. Verdier, “Théorie des topos et coho- mologie étale des schémas”, Tome 3”, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol.

305, Springer-Verlag 1973.

[6] Y. Ihara, “How many primes decompose completely in an infinite unram- ified Galois extension of a global field?”, J. Math. Soc. Japan 35 (1983), no. 4, 693–709.

Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Besançon, 16 route de Gray, 25030 Besançon, France

INRIA Saclay - Ile-de-France, Equipe-projet GRACE email: philippe.lebacque@univ-fcomte.fr

Universität Heidelberg, Mathematisches Institut, Im Neuenheimer Feld 288, D-69120 Heidelberg, Deutschland

email: schmidt@mathi.uni-heidelberg.de


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