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Construction Technology Updates: new technical series launched by NRC's Institute for Research in Construction


Academic year: 2021

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Publisher’s version / Version de l'éditeur:

Construction Canada, 39, Jan/Feb. 1, p. 20, 1997-01-01



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Construction Technology Updates: new technical series launched by

NRC's Institute for Research in Construction


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Const ruc t ion T e c hnology U pda t e s: ne w t e c hnic a l se rie s la unc he d by

N RC's I nst it ut e for Re se a rc h in Const ruc t ion

V I S I - 3 6

J a n u a r y 1 9 9 7

A version of this document is published in / Une version de ce document se trouve dans:

Construction Canada, 39, (1), Jan/Feb., pp. 20, January 01, 1997

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Les renseignements dans ce document sont protégés par la Loi sur le droit d'auteur, par les lois, les politiques et les règlements du Canada et des accords internationaux. Ces dispositions permettent d'identifier la source de l'information et, dans certains cas, d'interdire la copie de documents sans permission écrite. Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements : http://lois.justice.gc.ca/fr/showtdm/cs/C-42



Construction Technology Series

A series of technical articies


construction technology and related subjects attributed

to research and deueiopment actluities at NRC's Institute for Research in Construction

Constmction Technology updates:

New technical series launched by

NRC's Institute for Research







Construction Technology

Updates, a new technical series on construction science and technology, has been launched by the National Research Council's Institute for Research in cons truction.

Targeted at architects, engineers,

technologIsts, specifiers, property

managers, builders and building officials, the new series is designed to provide valuable technical information these practitioners need in order to improve building perfonnance and solve problems. "Construction Technology Updates are similar to Our Canadian Building Digests that were so popular,o said Jim Gallagher, head of IRC's Publication Service. "They are practical, easy to read and are written

by leading researchers who are

investigating the problems the

construction industry faces every day. " The new series deals with buildings and structures, covering such topics as leaking roofs, moisture in walls, design of air barriers, heat ioss, rehabilitation of old buildings, deteriorating concrete, indoor air quality, fire protection and noise control. At only four to six pages, Updates are long enough to inform but short enough for a busy person to read in a single sitting.

"Each Update covers a single topic and contains enough fundamental infonnation to enable practitioners to understand the science underlying a particular problem and its solution," Gallagher said. "ThiS will also help them explain to their clients why they are recommending one solution over another."

With numerous diagrams, lIiustrations and tables, the new series will help

practitioners resolve performance

problems, improve their designs,

understand code requirements and apply building science principles.

Construction Technology Updates are available by subscription. For a brochure and order form, call toll·free 1·800·672· 7990. (In Ottawa·Huli and outside Canada, call 6 I 3'993-2463.) Or visit our Web site at http://www.nrc.ca/irc/ctubrochure/ctubr ochure.htmV. Or use our AutoFax system by calling 6t3·990·4101 and folloWing the voice prompts to order document number 3095.

Forfurther infonnation, please call:

Jim Gallagher, Head, Publication Service Institute for Research in Construction 613·993·4114


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