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SLAB-D: service life analysis of bridge decks - decision support tool for life cycle management of bridge decks


Academic year: 2021

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SLAB-D: service life analysis of bridge decks - decision support tool for life cycle management of bridge decks


http://irc.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca S L A B - D S e r v i c e l i f e a n a l y s i s o f b r i d g e d e c k s – d e c i s i o n s u p p o r t t o o l f o r l i f e c y c l e m a n a g e m e n t o f b r i d g e d e c k s , v e r s i o n 1 . 0 2 0 0 6 I R C - O R A L - 8 4 9 D a i g l e , L . ; L o u n i s , Z . F e b r u a r y 1 3 , 2 0 0 8

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Decision Support Tool for Life Cycle Management of Bridge Decks


• Buried Utilities

• Concrete Structures

• Centre for Sustainable Infrastructure Research (CSIR) in Regina Construction codes and guides Urban Infrastructures Building Envelope and Structure

Indoor Environment Fire



Institute for Research in


Concrete Structures – Research Thrusts

• Performance of damaged and

rehabilitated concrete structures


• Development of innovative high performance concrete

infrastructure systems

• Development of decision

support tools for life cycle management of concrete structures


Life cycle of a Bridge


Design Construction Use Deterioration

Inspection Maintenance Rehabilitation Replacement Demolition/ Failure Deterioration Disposal Deterioration


Bridge facts

– in Canada 45% of our 80 000 bridges are older than 40 years

– bridges deteriorate with time – more than 50% of bridges are

structurally/functionally deficient – investment backlog ≈ $10 billion

– typically owners have thousands of bridges/structures


• Causes of deterioration & failure

– increased truck load & volume of traffic – inadequate design, construction and


– aggressive environment/corrosion


• Consequences of deterioration/failure

– reduced safety, serviceability and service life – increased risk of fatalities/injuries

– increased maintenance and user costs – increased environmental impact


Example of a severely damaged RC bridge deck slab due to corrosion


– identify critical bridges/components

– identify optimal maintenance strategies – optimize the design of new bridges

– extend service life of bridges

– determine required funding over life cycle – minimize life cycle costs

Life Cycle Management

of Bridges



Service Life Prediction


Life Cycle Cost Analysis

SLAB-D: Decision Support tool for Service Life

Analysis of Bridge Decks

Life Cycle Management

of Bridges


SLP Module

Based on physical models that describe the three stages of concrete deterioration due to corrosion Concrete contamination by chloride (de-icing salts) TIME Corrosion of reinforcing steel Concrete deterioration (cracking, spalling, delamination)


SLP Module - Models

Chloride contamination

Cl- Model is based on modified

Fick’s 2nd law of diffusion

Chloride content in concrete at (x,t) depends on diffusion coefficient and surface


Corrosion of reinforcing steel

Cl- Corrosion resistance of rebar defined by Chloride

threshold value

Fick’s 2nd law of diffusion

with two set boundaries

Cl- = Cth


SLP Module - Models

Concrete deterioration

ƒ Based on thick-wall cylinder modelling of

concrete cover subjected to internal pressure induced by accumulating corrosion products

ƒ Damage accumulation depends on corrosion

rate, cover, bar spacing/diameter and concrete tensile strength

ƒ Failure modes: Internal cracking, surface


SLP Module

Service Life model in SLAB-D can predict the time it takes to reach anyone of the six limits states:

• Critical chloride contamination of deck

• Onset of corrosion

• Onset of internal cracking

• Onset of surface cracking

• Onset of spalling


SLP Module

Corrosion propagation Corrosion products Internal Cracking Surface Cracking Spalling Delamination


SLP Module

•Two types of analyses :

All parameters are entered as average values (or other) → Result is the average time to reach each limit state


SLP Module

•Two types of analyses : Probabilistic

Load R el at ive F re q u e n c y Load Resistance Resistance

Mean Load


Mean Resistance

Probability of Failure


Environmental exposure

Loading (magnitude, time of occurrence)


material properties


Norm al C o n c ret e Norm al C o n c ret e

SLP Module

Norma l Con c rete Norm al C o n c ret e


Main Features

ƒ Calculate Present Value Life Cycle Cost (PVLCC) for RC decks: construction, maintenance, repair and

rehabilitation costs of different options

ƒ Includes Users’ Costs in the PVLCC

Life Cycle Cost

Analysis Module

Life Cycle Construction Rehabilitation Repair Residual Value Routine Inspection Time (years) Expenditures ($)


LCCA Module

Users Costs

Delay Costs

Vehicle Operating Costs



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