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Hello everyone,


Academic year: 2022

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Hello everyone,

Since a lot of you decided to recommend me not to watch Riverdale, I will follow your advice and not watch it. But I thought it was interesting to make an audiovidual comprehension on this TV Show since many among you have seen it. A pupil from 4D sent me this link

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7lW52LmRgM) and I thought it was interesting (although a bit hard at first) to work with an English-speaking media using an accent which you may not be familiar with (English with an Indian accent) but which is very common: in terms of the amount of people speaking English, India is the 2


country in the world right after the USA!

Here are some questions about the review. Feel free to :

 Try to do this exercise as we do it in class, without breaks, 3 listening sessions.

 Pause it whenever you want and rewind it whenever you want.

 Last instance, if you really don’t understand a word the guy says, use the automatic subtitles.

Use French to answer the questions and show your good understanding, use English for vocabulary questions and to prove your point with linguistic examples.

If you really want to, you can answer it all in English.

Oh, and don’t forget, you don’t have to understand everything the reviewer says to be able to answer the questions: you actually have to only focus on the questions, which you should read before the first listening session.

The reviewer’s name is Nikhil, so I refer to him as Nikhil. I suggest you do the same (instead

of using longer words).


Questions: /13

1) De quoi Riverdale est-elle l’adaptation ? /1



2) Pourquoi Nikhil était-il désemparé, au départ, lorsqu’il a découvert l’univers esthétique et le genre de la

série ? /3





3) Qu’ont en commun The Flash, Supergirl, Arrow et Riverdale ? /1


4) Qu’est-ce que Nikhil veut dire, lorsqu’il parle de « character upgrades ». Explique en toute

compréhension. /2





5) Explique en profondeur 3 points différents qui ont dérangé Nikhil dans Riverdale. /6









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