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Partager "W O R LD H E A L TH O R G A N I Z A T I ON"


Texte intégral






A4/Prog/20 ^ 22 May 1951



During the seventh, eighth and ninth meetings of the Committee on Programme, held on 21 and 22 May, the Committee agreed to recommend to the Fourth World Health Assembly the adoption of the following resolutions:^

1 . Tuberculosis Research Office, Copenhagen The Fourth World Health Assembly

Recognizing that the work undertaken by the Tuberculosis Research Office is of great importance to the World Health Organization and to international health;

Recognizing that, in order to ensure definite results, such work should be continued for a reasonable period,

1 . DECIDES that the Tuberculosis Research Office should be maintained, subject to review of the situation by the Executive Board every two years;

2 . REQUESTS that special emphasis be given to control studies for determining the value of BCG vaccination, the duration of its effect, and related technical field and laboratory studies, limited to those bearing directly on evaluation and practice of vaccination;

3. REQUESTS the Director-General to review the budget in the light of the above considerations, and

4 . THANKS the Government of Denmark for its generous support of this activity.

At its eighth meeting the Committee on Programme recorded its general approval of the supplemental programme for 1951 related to obligations of WHO to the United Nations


2 . Prevention and Treatment of severe Malnutrition in times of disaster The Fourth World Health Assembly

1 . NOTES the report on the Prevention and Treatment of Severe Malnutrition of Civilian Populations during the War Periods,

2 . NOTES with pleasure that it was the result of a joint study organized by FAO and WHO, , :•; : :• • .?- ' >

3. THANKS the experts for their work,

4 . REQUESTS the Director-General.-.when arranging for the publication of this report to change the title to read "Prevention and'Treatment of Severe

Malnutrition in times of disaster",: and

5 . REQUESTS the Director-General to draw the attention of : Governments . and • the International Committee to the Red Cross to this, report, ,

3 . Technical discussions at future World Health Assemblies The Fourth World Health Assembly

1 . DECIDES, on the basis of the experience, g a i ^ d .during its present_§sfisina,...

that technical discussions should take place at subsequent Health Assemblies]

and '

2. REQUESTS the Executive Board and the Director-General to select the subjects to be discussed at the Fifth Vforld Health'Assembly, taking into

consideration the views expressed during 'the'discussions at the present Health Assembly, and to take the necessary preparatory steps as far in advance as possible.

4 . Concentration of effort and resources of the United Nations and Specialized Agencies

The Fourth World Health Assembly

1 , NOTES that the resolutions of the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations on the subject of the concentration of effort and resources and the suggested criteria, for priorities between programmes"1" are in general accord with the policy of the Organization;

1 Off«Reс.World Hith Org, 32, Annex 6, p.48


2, POINTS OUT, however, that quantitatively demonstrable results are not always obtainable in any public-health programme;

3. REQUESTS the Director-General to be guided by the resolutions on the

subject of concentration of effort and resources in preparing the programme and budget estimates of WHO for 1953 and the years following, and in the execution of the programme ;

4 , REQUESTS the Executive Board, in commenting on the proposed programme of budget estimates of WHO for 1953 and the following years, to be guided by the

same resolutions and

5. REQUESTS the Director-General to send Official.Records No, 30 to 34 to the Economic and Social Council together with decisions affecting these documents as taken by the Fourth World Health Assembly

5. TOO proposal concerning reorganization of the Work of the Economic and Social Council

The Fourth World Health Assembly

Having in mind the constitutional responsibilities of WHO and Articles II and IV of its Agreement with the United Nations ;

EXPRESSES its appreciation of the Secretary-General's efforts, in co-operation with the World Health Organization, in arranging schedules and otherwise facilitating the participation by WHO in appropriate meetings of the United Nations, and the hope that these efforts will meet with the necessary


6. Active support for Specialized Agencies by all Governments The Fourth World Health Assembly

Noting the resolutions adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 20 November 1950, and by the Economic and Social Council on 20 March 1951, concerning the development of a twenty-year programme for achieving peace through the United Nations,


Noting the views concerning more vigorous use of the specialized agencies set forth in the Secretary-General's memorandum of 12 February, 1951» to the Twelfth Session of the Economic and Social Council,

1 . AGREES with these views ; and

2 . RECOMMENDS to Member States that they take action to support the programmes of the World Health Organization by appropriate national measures to render these programmes effective, and to use their good offices to increase the membership of the World Health Organization.

7 . Permanent Secretariat for the International Pharmacopoeia; Assumption of Functions by YfflO in Application of Article 72 of the Constitution!

The Fourth World Health Assembly

Noting with satisfaction that the Belgian Government, depositary of the Agreement revising the agreement respecting the unification of pharmacopoeial formulae for potent drugs, signed at Brussels on 20 August 1929, has, in

application of Article 35 thereof and on behalf of the parties thereto, agreed that the World Health Organization shall henceforward ensure the functions of the Permanent International Pharmocopoeia Secretariat in accordance with Article 34 of the said Agreement;

1 . PAYS TRIBUTE to the spirit of international collaboration shown by the Belgian Government ; and

Considering Articles 2(u) and 72 of the Constitution of the World Health Organization;

2 . APPROVES the taking over by the World Health Organization with effect from 1 January 1951 of the functions of the Permanent International Pharmacopoeia ' Secretariat previously entrusted to the Belgian Pharmacopoeia Commission".

It should be noted that when this is considered by the Health Assembly in plenary session a two-thirds majority vote will be necessary for the approval of point 2 of this resolution.


8. Regulations for Expert Advisory Panels and Committees The Fourth World Health Assembly

Having considered the Regulations for Expert Advisory Panels and

Committees adopted by the Executive Board at its sixth session"'" and amended by the Executive Board at its seventh session, 2

ADOPTS these Regulations with an additional amendment to Article 15 (Entry into Force), the said Article to read as follows:

"These regulations shall apply as from the date of their approval by the World Health Assembly and replace the former regulations and provisional appointment regulations for Expert Committees and their sub-committees".

9. Relations with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWAFRÑI) :

Whereas on 29 September 1950 an Agreement was concluded between the Director- General of the World Health Organization and the Director of the United- Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East on the basis of principles established by the Third »'orld Health Assembly; and

Whereas the Executive Board at its seventh session approved the extension of the duration of this Agreement until 31 December 1951, or until the

3 • dissolution of the Agency, if this should take place before that date; and

Considering that the World Health Organization should continue the

technical direction of the health programme administered by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East,

The Fourth World Health Assembly

AUTHORIZES the Director-General to extend- the duration of the Agreement until 30 June 1952, or until the dissolution of the Agency, if this should take place before that date".

2 Off.Reс «World Hlth Org. 29, Annex 9

3 Resolution EB7/R82, Off ,Rec .World Hlth ,0rg. 32, 34

J Resolution EB7/R42, Off ,Rec~.World Hlth Org. 32, 16


10. Long Range Activities for Children and Relations with UNICEF The Fourth World Health Assembly

Considering that the relevant programmes of the United Nations, including those of the Department of Social Affairs and UNICEF, and of IL0, FAO, UNESCO, and WHO would, when fully co-ordinated, constitute a reasonably comprehensive and coherent plan for international assistance to national programmes for the benefit of children;

1 . APPROVES resolution EB7/R60 on continuing Needs of Children and Relations with UNICEF, adopted by the Executive Board at its seventh session

2 . APPROVES the report on Long Range Activities for Children and Relations with UNICEF, submitted to the Executive Board at its seventh session by the Director-General

3 . NOTES the decision of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination to establish a Working Group on Long Range Activities for Children which will bring together the technical competence of the several agencies concerned in this field and recalls in this connexion resolution 324 (XI)B of the Economic and Social Council concerning Concentration of Effort and Resources;

4 . REQUESTS the Executive Board to appoint the W O members of the Joint Committee on Health Policy; and

5 . REQUESTS the Director-General to strengthen and further develop activities of TffiO for assistance to national programmes for the benefit of children and, to that end, to continue co-operation with the United Nations, including UNICEF, and the other responsible specialized agencies, both directly and through the mechanism established by the Economic and Social Council for that purpose.

11. Development of Arid Land and International Co-operation in Water Control and Utilization

The Fourth World Health Assembly

Noting resolution 402 (V) on the Development of ürid Land adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 20 November 1950 and the resolution

2 Off«Rec.World Hlth Org. 32, 24

Off.Rec.World Hlth Org. 32, Annex II


on International Co-operation on 'dater Control and Utilization adopted by the Economic and Social Council on 9 March 1951

1 . RECOMMENDS to Member governments that plans for the control or utilization of water and the development of arid land should be so framed as to include measures to prevent the introduction or aggravation of disease;

2. REQUESTS the Director-General:

(1) to provide technical assistance to governments on request in planning projects relating to the control or utilization of water and the development of arid land;

(2) to co-operate with the United Nations and other specialized agencies concerned with such projects.

12. Rehabilitation of the Physically Handicapped The Fourth world Health Assembly

Having in mind Resolution ША3.34 of the Third World Health Assembly concerning rehabilitation of the disabled, including the blind; 2

Noting the information presented by the Director-General on participation by VJHO in the Working Group of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination on Rehabilitation of the Physically Handicapped;

1 . APPROVES the part played by ?JHO in the Co-ordinated Programme for the Rehabilitation of the Physically Handicapped, in conformity with the general programme of work of AHO for a specific period and with the priorities

recommended by the ECOSOC; and

2 . REQUESTS the Director-General to continue to co-operate in the development and execution of this programme.

2 U.N.Document E/1945

Off.Rec.World Hlth Org, 28, 27


13. Improvement of Environmental Hygiene and Sanitation The Fourth World Health Assembly

Recognizing the supreme importance of providing, as an essential part of the public health programme, for the improvement of environmental hygiene and sanitation, including the development of urban and rural planning and of housing schemes on sound lines,

1 . RECOMMENDS to all Member States that appropriate provision should be made to train, and to employ in their health administrations, adequate numbers of public health engineers, town planners, architects and other allied

personnel ; and

2» REQUESTS the Executive Board and the Director-General to give to Member States all possible help to create the necessary training facilities.

14. The Role of Hospitals in World Health The Fourth World Health Assembly:

1 . BELIEVES that, among the many services essential for the care of health, hospitals through their facilities, trained personnel and organization,

contribute effectively to world health;

2. NOTES that it is difficult as well as undesirable to draw a definite line of demarcation between curative and preventive medicine; and

3. RECOMMENDS that, so soon as funds may become available for this purpose, the Director-General, in co-operation with appropriate non-governmental

organizations, • prepare a study on the work being done in Member countries to promote the health of their people through good hospitals and other facilities, including domiciliary services, for the care of the sick in order to further the objectives of the World Health Organization.


Documents relatifs

" ATTENDU que la délégation italienne, dans une lettre du 12 juillet 1948, adressée au Président de l'Assemblée Mon- diale de la Santé, a proposé que "le Conseil

La publicité hâtive faite sans discernement autour de ces médicaments peut, par ses effets sur l'opinion publi- que, avoir des conséquences nuisibles pour la santé des populations

Aware that many of these drugs are still under experimental trial, Cognizant of the harmful effects of inadequate treatment, the masking of symptoms and the creation of resistance

Lorsque 1'utilisation d'un nouvel additif est proposée, les avantages qui en résulteront pour le consommateur doivent être clairement établis. Comparé aux substances déjà en

1. De réélire par acclamations le Dr Fred L. Soper comme Directeur du Bureau Sanitaire Panaméricain pour la période commençant le 1er février 1955. De notifier au Conseil Exécutif

action en faveur des enfants physi- quement diminué s préoccupe nécessairement l 1 existence de services adéquat s de santé, d'enseignement > de protection sociale et de

En dépit des résultats satisfaisants qui ont été obtenus à l ' a i d e de l a procédure actuellement en vigueur, on admet que ce système pourrait être amélioré si

When a question or a dispute cannot be settled by the Director-General the case w i l l be referred by the latter to a Jurisdictional Commission consisting of seven members: