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Establishment of an African institute for economic development and planning : resolution 58 (IV) adopted by the Commission at its 76th plenary meeting on 1 march 1962


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1 March 1962 MGLISH , ..


Addis Ababa? -February :- :March-.1962 Agenda item 6.,


Resolution 58(IV) adopted by the Commission at itsT6th Plenary

■:" ■■' ■"' ■ Meeting on 1 March; 1962 ■-. . . ,;' .;...- The Economic Commission for Africa, ■ ■ " ■ ■ ■ ■

Recalling General Assembly resolution 1708 (XVI) of 19 December 1961 ? and its own" resolutions 16 and 17 "('II), '-}-::': ~-'^r ■■-. :;;-^:.V.^^V ■■■■

Noting moreover with satisfaction, document ^/CN.14/128 on the'

establishment of an African Institute for Economic Development and

... ,( . ■■■

Planning. ": - '■ -'■' ■ ■ ■■ ■' ■ >'. ... ■■■":

Considering the urgent needs for the establishment under the auspices of the' EGA'of aii African Institute- for Economic- Development^atfct Planning to train the staff indispensable for the economic and social advancement of the Afriqaai; :Statess in: accordance- with the studies of the ,pan.e|,^of ...

Considering that the work of such an institute ou^ht'to:embrace-.:-J research and training in several disciplines9 in particular those re

lating to planning and national accountancy, and that it ought also to act in a consultative capacity for the benefit of,all African Stat.ee,

Considering the decision taken by the Commission at its 73rd meeting held on 28 February 1962 that the headquarters of the Institute should

be at Dakar?

62-568 . 64-4371


Page 2

that there exist at Cairo a university infra-structure andan Institute of Rational Planning which could act as a sub-regional


A, Decides that .■■ j.-^/; ,-. - ■., ;

1. An African Institute of Economic- development,■■■an&J Planning.-. •■/.■ ..

shall "be established this year with headquarters at Dakar § "'' 2. Advantage shall be taken of the facilities offered by the

United Arab;:-Republic-as the .site of a future; Mb-regional institute, and of^an^H-other iub-regionai facilities that\ . "•

mayLbe offered by:; other opunjriesj .... i^-^ji-j.: i r: i-.;.'.■-,.; ■.■:jxo^y.

3. A standing coimittee;iMi.dl^fe^iMl^feM^;l^:,set up? tobe .com posed of six Member States.., eiected*;,;b#, the^ Commission;for two .

years?. . '. ... _ ... ■'. _ .

B. Instructs the Executive. .Secretary,.to^ appoin.t. a panel of experts to 1. Draw up.,a, preliminary draft statute, and- a preliminary ■ draft -;

convention for1accession by Statesj ^ ^

2. Study forthwith the material conditions of the installation

and operation of the Institute at Dakar§ .:, :■'>■' .■.

to ^h

C. i

its fifth session in 1963 on the extent to which the foregoing


Documents relatifs

Requests the Executive Secretary to take, in agreement with the Administrative Secretary-General of OAU, all necessary measures for an agreement or arrangement that defines in a

Considering the Willingness expressed by the Government of the Republio of Senegal to spare no effort to provide appropriate faoilities for the IDEP projeot in order to enable it

.en t b7 tho Direct or at

The 10 members of the Governing Council who serve as representatives of African Governments shall be appointed by the Economic Commission for Africa Conference of African

104. As is seen from Section A, exchange rate depreciation has been used by a fairly large number of African countries, particularly in connection with Fund-supported programmes.

5. The Governing Council shall meet once a year; it may hold an ., extraordinary session on the request of the Chairman or of three of its members. It shall adopt its own rules

Noting also that while IDEP, as an integral part of the Commission's programme structure, provides training programmes to all African countries free of charge,

Under the Junior Research Fellowship Programme, research fellows are expected to carry out, under the supervision of IDEP staff, practical research on the problems of development