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Revue de Littérature lanquetuit.cyril@gmail.com, Université de Cergy Pontoise


Academic year: 2022

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Revue de Littérature

lanquetuit.cyril@gmail.com, Université de Cergy Pontoise


[1] George A. Akerlof. The market for lemons. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 84 :488500, 1970.

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[23] David Louapre. L'aversion au risque. 2011.

[24] Benoit Mandelbrot. How long is the britain coast ? Science, 156 :636638, 1967.

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[26] John Forbes Nash. Non-Cooperative Games. PhD thesis, Princeton, 1950.

[27] Guy Lacroix Pierre-André Chiappori, Bernard Fortin. Marriage market, di- vorce legislation and household labor supply. Journal of Political Economy, 110 :3772, 2001.

[28] Gary S. Becker & Richard A. Posner. Uncommon Sense. University of Chicago, 2009.

[29] William J. Rucklidge. Comparing image using hausdor distance. IEEE, 15 :850863, 1992.

[30] Michel Serres. Petite poucette. les nouveaux dés de l'éducation. discours prononcé au Palais de l'Institut, Paris, 1 er mars 2011.

[31] Roger N. Shepard. Mind Sights. Macmillan Learning, 1990.

[32] Adam Smith. La richesse des nations. GF-Flammarion, 1776.

[33] Joseph E. Stiglitz. Pareto ecient and optimal taxation and the new new welfare economics. Elsevier, 2 :9911042, 1987.

[34] Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein. Nudge : la méthode douce pour inspirer la bonne décision. Chicago and Harvard University, 2008.

[35] Priscille Touraille. Hommes grands, femmes petites : une évolution cou- teuse. Les régimes de genre comme force sélective de l'évolution biologique.

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[38] Peter P. Wakker. Explaining the characteristics of the power (crra) utility family. Health Economics, 17 :13291344, 2008.

[39] Peter P. Wakker, Veronika Köbberling, and Christiane Schwieren. Prospect- theory's diminishing sensitivity versus economics' intrinsic utility of mo- ney : How the introduction of the euro can be used to disentangle the two empirically. Theory and Decision, 63 :205231, 2007.

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