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Study of the anharmonic resonance between ν2 + ν±1 4 and ν2 + 3 ν± 1 6, and between ν3 + ν±14 and ν3 + 3 ν±16 infrared bands of CH3Cl35


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1981

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Study of the anharmonic resonance between ν2 + ν±1 4 and ν2 + 3 ν± 1 6, and between ν3 + ν±14 and ν3 + 3

ν±16 infrared bands of CH3Cl35

N. Bensari-Zizi, C. Alamichel, G. Guelachvili

To cite this version:

N. Bensari-Zizi, C. Alamichel, G. Guelachvili. Study of the anharmonic resonance betweenν2 +ν±1 4 andν2 + 3ν±1 6, and betweenν3 +ν±14 andν3 + 3ν±16 infrared bands of CH3Cl35. Journal de Physique, 1981, 42 (6), pp.827-834. �10.1051/jphys:01981004206082700�. �jpa-00209068�


Study of the anharmonic resonance between 03BD2 + 03BD±14 and 03BD2 + 3 03BD± 16,

and between 03BD3 + 03BD±14 and 03BD3 + 3 03BD±16 infrared bands of CH3Cl35

N. Bensari-Zizi (*), C. Alamichel

Laboratoire de Photophysique Moléculaire du C.N.R.S. (**), Bâtiment 213, Université de Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France

and G. Guelachvili

Laboratoire d’Infrarouge associé au C.N.R.S., Université de Paris XI, 91405 Orsay, France

(Reçu le 18 décembre 1980, accepté le 3 jévrier 1981)

Résumé. 2014 On a identifié environ 500 raies de 03BD2 + 03BD4 et 1 300 de 03BD3 + 03BD4 sur un spectre obtenu en très haute résolution (0,007 5 cm-1). La résonance anharmonique, déjà observée entre 03BD±14 et 3 03BD±16, a été trouvée également

entre 03BD2 + 03BD±14 et 03BD2 + 3 03BD±16, ainsi qu’entre 03BD3 + 03BD±14 et 03BD3 + 3 03BD±16: son influence sur les centres de bande, et

donc sur la mesure des constantes d’anharmonicité x24 et x34, n’est pas négligeable. Dans les deux cas on a donné

une explication partielle du spectre, ne tenant pas compte des autres résonances dépendant de J.

Abstract. 2014 About 500 lines of 03BD2 + 03BD4 and 1 300 of 03BD3 + 03BD4 have been assigned on a spectrum obtained in very

high resolution (0.007 5 cm-1). The anharmonic resonance, already observed between 03BD±14 and 3 03BD±16, has also

been found between 03BD2 + 03BD±14 and 03BD2 + 3 03BD±16, and between 03BD3 + 03BD±14 and 03BD3 + 3 03BD±16: its influence of the band centres, and thus on the measurement of the x24 and x34 anharmonicity constants, is not negligible. In both cases

a partial explanation of the spectrum has been given, not taking the other (depending on J) perturbations into



Physics Abstracts .


1. Introduction. - The anharmonic resonance

between vi 1 and 3 v6 ’ has been studied by different authors [1-5] who found a coupling constant about

3.5 cm-1. The same resonance of course happens

between 2 v+4 2 and v+41 + 3 v6+1 [2, 6, 7] : however

the coupling constant should be /2 bigger, which

does not seem to be experimentally confirmed [7].

The same resonance should also exist, with the same coupling constant around 3.5 cm-1, between V2 + vi 1

and V2 + 3 v61, or between V3 + v41 and V3 + 3 v± 6

it is the subject of the present work, which is only

concerned with the isotopic species CH3C135.

2. Experimental conditions. - The spectrum has been obtained in a single recording from 3 500 up to 6 000 cm-1 with a Fourier transform interfero- meter [8-11] ; only two parts of this spectrum have been used for the present work : the 3 690-3 870 range

for v3 + V4 and the 4 310-4 450 range for v2 + v4.

(*) Detachee de l’Universit6 Mohammed V, Faculte des Sciences, Charii Ibn Batouta, B.P. 1014, Rabat (Agdal), Maroc.

(**) Laboratoire associ6 a l’Universit6 Paris-Sud.

The source is an iodine lamp and the detector used in our case is a PbS cell. The pressure, the optical path and the resolution are respectively 0.8 torr, 28 m and 0.007 5 cm-1.

3. The v2 + v4 band. - 3 .1 ASSIGNMENTS. - The v2 + vi 1 band is presumably submitted to many other interactions than the anharmonic resonance with v2 + 3 v: 1. As a matter of fact, the v2 and vs modes being coupled by a strong Coriolis resonance

[12], therefore the v2 + v4 band is linked to both components of the v4 + v5 band. For the same reason

the V2 + 3 v+61 band is coupled to both compo- nents of v. + 3 v6+1. Besides, the study of v2 + V6 and v5 + V6 [13] has shown that it is necessary to take into account a Fermi resonance between

with a coupling constant W’ - 0.6 cm - 1 : so, we

must expect a similar coupling between vs 1 + 3 v6’

and 2 v3 + 3 v61. The corresponding scheme has been drawn on figure 1, where the l(2,2) resonances

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01981004206082700



Fig. 1. - Scheme of interaction. The (v2 =1, V4 =11, K) level is coupled to the (vs =1-1, v4 =11, K -1) and (v5 = v4 =11, K+1)

levels by a Coriolis resonance; at low K, it is beneath these two

levels; when K increases, it remains under the second one, but overtakes the first one at K - 9. The (v2 =1, v4 =1-’, K ) level

is coupled by the same resonance to the (v5 =11, v4 =1-1, K + 1)

and (v5 = v4 =1-1, K -1 ) levels; at low K, it is also beneath these two levels; when K increases, it remains under the first one, but overtakes the second one at K N 10. We remind that K is the absolute value of k.

of the v4 and v6 modes have been omitted to make it more simple. We did not intend to study all this

very complicated band system, but wanted only to explain the Fermi resonance between v2 + v+41 and

v2 + 3 v+61; so we have only considered the central part of the spectrum of v2 + V4’

As a matter of fact, a rough calculation shows that the two centres of v2 + v¡ 1 and V2 + 3 v: 1 are close

and that a level crossing is expected for a low value

of K, i.e. in this part of the spectrum where v2 + V4 is well separated from V4 + v5, whose centre is 100 cm -1 above (see comment of fig. 1). It is exactly

what we observe on the spectrum where the Q branches stop being regularly spaced between 4 358 and 4 379 cm-1, which obviously is the sign of a Fermi

resonance with level crossing. The positions of the

different Q branches are given in table I, with their assignments we have obtained according to the

method explained just below.

As the B", D"j and D"JK constants of the fundamental level are well known [13-15], we have been able to confirm our assignments with the combination rela-

tionships connecting the three RK(J - 1), QK(J)

and PK( J + 1) lines of the same K and AK. For

instance the relationship between the wavenumbers of the RK(J - 1) and the PK( J + 1) lines can be

written :

Table I. - Positions of the Q branch heads of V2 + V4’

With this method it is easy to identify the value of J without ambiguity; but it is impossible to distinguish

the values 0, 1 and 2 for K, because the quantity (4 J + 2) D"JK K2 is too small for these low values of K. Generally these values of K are identified by continuity : for example, in case of a perpendicular band, we follow the Q branches, starting from a higher value of K. It is what we have done for RQ2,

’Q 1 and RQo (1), which have been assigned just after RQ4 and RQ3. On the AK = - 1 side, the combina- tion relationships helped us to assign the K = 5

and 4 sub bands and also two K = 3 sub bands;

but there were four Q branches between these two

’Q3 branches and the RQo branch : therefore these four Q branches were necessarily two PQ2 and two PQ1 1 branches. The figure 2, corresponding to the

Fig. 2. - Crossing of the v2 + v+41 1 and V2 + 3 v+61 1 bands.

(1) For K = 0, only the relationship RK(J - 1) - PK(J + 1) can be used ; because of the strong Coriolis resonance between v2 + V4 and v4 + vs, and because of the 1 doubling of the v4 mode, the QK(J) lines cannot be connected to RK(J - 1) and PK(J + 1).


already mentioned table I, give the positions of the

heads (2) of the different Q branches and their assign-

ments. Several Q branches are shown on figures 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Fig. 3. - The RQ3 branch of vz + V4-

Fig. 4. - The RQo branch of V2 + v4.

Fig. 5. - The PQ1 and PQ2 branches of the interacting bands.

(2) We call « Q branch head » the first line PQK(K ) or RQK(K + 1), head and the sub band origin, considering that (B’ - B") J ( J + 1)

of low J, for which we consider the Coriolis interaction negligible; is negligible for these low values of J.

as we shall explain it later, we do not distinguish the Q branch



Fig. 6. - The PQ, and PQ3 branches of the interacting bands.

3.2 INTERPRETATION. - a) When two energy levels E1 and E2 are only coupled by a Fermi resonance, the

perturbed energy is given by :

where W is the coupling constant.

If vi and V2 are the unperturbed transitions between the same lower level and respectively E1 and E2,

then the perturbed transition is given by :

Except of course for very high values of J, all the lines of the same K sub band give more or less the

same information about the Fermi resonance; so, we can only consider the hypothetical J = 0 levels

in equation (1) or the sub band origins in equation (2).

And in the present case it was absolutely necessary to follow this method in order to get rid of the strong Coriolis interaction between v2 + V4 and V4 + v5 :

we do not pretend that the sub band origins are not

shifted at all by the Coriolis resonance, but, at least if we consider K sub bands far enough from the cross- ing of V2 + V4 and v4 + v5, the influence of the Coriolis interaction is certainly very small at low

Fig. 7. - The RQo branch of v3 + v4.

Fig. 8. - Tbe RQ3 branch of v3 + v4.


values of J. Then, using the relationship (2) for the Q

branch heads as if they were sub band origins, we

can take :

with in both cases :

In these conditions the equation (2) is that of an hyper-

bola whose asymptotes are the straight lines given by equations (3). It is what we observe on the figure 2,

where the b1 and b2 asymptote slopes are quite close

to those expected for V2 + v4+1 and V2 + 3 v+61.

Besides; the figure 2 gives W - 2.65 cm-1, while

the value 3.5 is expected.

b) The preceding interpretation may be easily improved because our « Q branch heads » are not

exactly sub band origins, and because in reality the equations (3) of the sub band origins are not linear;

thus, to be more accurate, we have dealt with the Fermi resonance between the hypothetical J = 0

upper energy levels, using this time the equation (1).

For this purpose we have fitted the upper energy levels of the different lines of the same K" sub band with the following empirical formula :

It is quite possible to do this fitting, since we know

the values of the constants A ", B", Dj’, D"JK and D"

of the fundamental level, which is the lower level of the involved transitions. In equation (5) we have used

up to six parameters, but only the first three of them have a physical meaning : for unperturbed levels,

CK, is equal to - D’J, BK, is the quantity B’ - D’JK K’2,

and ÈK, is equal to

For each sub band a least squares calculation has given

the optimal values of the parameters involved in the

equation (5) ; the results are gathered in table II,

.while the observed wavenumbers are given in

table III (3).

(3) The observed wavenumbers, with their assignments, of

tables III and V have been deposited as supplementary publication

No. SUP 90054 with the British Library at Boston Spa, Wetherby,

West Yorkshire, LS23 7BQ, England. Copies are available as

microfiches or as Xerox copies directly from the British Library

on a prepaid flat unit coupon basis.

Table II. - BK and EK parameters of V2 + V4 band.

and for V2 + 3 v6 the expected value of B’ is

So, if the anharmonic resonance was the only pertur- bation, the parameters Bx of table II should be bet-

ween these two values. In fact we can see that the values of hK are in the range 0.435 0-0.438 3; these particularly low values, which correspond to the spreading of the Q branches towards the low frequen-

cies on the spectrum (Figs. 3, 4, 5, 6), are caused by the

Coriolis resonance with V4 + vs. It is indeed well known that, when two levels are coupled by a Coriolis

resonance, the B constant of the upper level seems to be increased of AB, while the B of the lower level

seems to be decreased of the same quantity. This fact explains why the BK parameters of table II are so low,

since the upper levels of v2 + V4 are below the upper levels of V4 + v5 to which they are coupled (see com-

ment of figure 1).

We have considered that the parameters EK,,

i.e. precisely the hypothetical J = 0 upper energy levels, were not shifted by the Coriolis resonance.

With this assumption, the parameters Ex- are the eigenvalues of the secular equation :

where EE is the part of the unperturbed energy which does not depend on J :

We have processed the 13 EK, levels of table II in a

least squares calculation, according to equation (1’);



for both bands we held DK and D& fixed at the value

8.342 x 10-5 [13]. The following results have been obtained with a standard deviation of 0.016 cm-1 :

A " is given in [13] and B" in [13, 14, 15] ; we have

taken a6 and a6 at reference [16], at and a4 at refe-

rences [1, 3, 4] ; we have obtained a2 and af by com- bining the results of [16] and [13].

The values obtained for A’ must be compared to

those obtained for the fundamental bands : 0.319 for A’4 [4] and 1.310 0 for A’6 [16]. For (A’-B’) the agreement between expected and observed values is

quite good for both bands. On the other hand, as it

has been already said, the value obtained for W is lower than expected; this fact is not modified if

we take into account the weak z Coriolis resonance

which accompanies the anharmonic resonance, hold-

ing fixed its coupling constant at the value of refe-

rence [1].

4. The V3 + v4 band. - 4.1 ASSIGNMENTS. - We have assigned six sub bands (from K" = 1 up to K " = 6) on the AK = - 1 side and ten sub bands (from K" = 0 up to K" = 9) on the AK = + 1

side. All these sub bands look unperturbed ; the Q

branches are regularly spaced and spread towards

the low frequencies, as it is expected since B’ = 0.439 7

while B" = 0.443 4. We have assigned about 1 300 lines,

all belonging to the CH3C135 species, using the combi-

nation relationships (except of course for the RQo

series because of the 1 doubling).

4.2 INTERPRETATION. - We know that the V3 + v4 ’ 1

band is coupled to V3 + 3 v+61 by an anharmonic

resonance; an approximate calculation shows that the band centres are respectively around 3 772 and 3 759 cm-1; on the AK = + 1 side, the upper level of V3 + v4 is expected to be always above the corres- ponding upper level of V3 + 3 v6, the distance bet-

ween them increasing from 15 cm-1 up to 20 when K’ increases from 1 up to 10. But on the AK = - 1

side, a level crossing is expected for K’ = 7 or 8,

i.e. for ’Q8 or ’Qg we have unfortunately not observ- ed, because they are weak and overlapped by vi + V3

(Fig. 9).

As we did for V2 + v4, we have processed the lines

of each sub band in a least squares calculation accord-

ing to equation (5); when this equation is used with three parameters, the standard deviation may reach 0.019 cm-1; but when this equation is used with six parameters the standard deviation is always below

0.005 cm-1. The table IV gives the values of the

BK and EK parameters when the equation (5) is used

with three parameters. It can be noticed that the Bx

parameters are always smaller than the expected value B’ v,+v4 = 0.439 7; the difference

increases with K on the AK = + 1 side, and reaches 0.040 cm-1 for K = 10; this fact involves a shift

AB.J(J + 1) around 1.6 cm-’ at J = 20 on the spectrum. It reveals a strong Coriolis interaction : the perturbing level would always be above its homo-

logous level of V3 + v4 ; the strong variation of BK,

for K N 9 or 10 on the AK = + 1 side, would mean

that a level crossing occurs in this range. The simplest

scheme would imply a single perturbing band centred above v3 + v4 ; the perturbing (vx = ?, K - 1) level

would be overtaken by the (V3 = 1, v4 = 11, K) perturbed level at K = 10 or 11. As we have not

Fig. 9. - The PQ6 branch of v3 + V4 overlapped by V1 + v, [18]. CH,C]31 lines are marked with an asterisk.


Table IV. - BK and EK parameters of V3 + V4’

seen any perturbing band on the spectrum, we have sought this perturbing band only by calculation.

Among the different possibilities that we have consi-

dered, only the (v2 = 1, v5 = 11, V6 = 1-’, K - 1)

and (V3 = 2, v5 = 1-1, V6 = 11, K - 1) levels can

cross the (v3 = 1, v4 = 1’, K) level for K - 10.

The first one must be excluded, because the (v3 = 1,

v4 = 11, 3) level would be strongly perturbed, which

is untrue on the spectrum. In these conditions the

only perturbing band should be 2 V3 + vs + v6, which is coupled to 2 V3 + v2 + V6 by a Coriolis

resonance. We have then built the corresponding

model but we did not succeed to obtain a good fit.

More details about these trials will be given in the

thesis of N. Bensari-Zizi, that will be submitted at

Paris-Sud University. As we could not find this strong resonance, depending on J, which mainly perturbs the AK = + 1 side of V3 + v4, we have tried to determine nevertheless the parameters of the band by a least squares calculation, either over the

EK levels, as we did for v2 + v4, or over the low J lines of the AK = - 1 side.

a) Least squares calculation over the Ex levels. -

Two calculations have been done according to the

method already applied to v2 + v4 (Eq. ( 1’)), one over

the 16 EK levels, and the other over the six levels of the AK = - 1 side. The results are the following :

(a) Fixed value.

OCA 3 and CXB 3 are taken at reference [171, at and a6 at reference [16].

In both calculations the coupling constant has been

held fixed at the value :

As we have not observed the crossing between V3 + v4 and V3 + 3 v6, our information about the perturb- ing band is poor, and it has been impossible to leave

the coupling constant free in the least squares cal- culation.

b) Least squares calculation over all the lines of

the AK = - 1 side with J 20. - Only the anhar-

monic interaction is taken into account. This calcula-

tion, over 233 lines, has given the following results

with a standard deviation of 0.012 cm -1.

As in the preceding calculation we have fixed W = 3.535 + 0.02 K AK. For the three levels we

have held fixed the centrifugal distortion constants at the values :

If the same 233 lines are processed in the least squares calculation, holding this time W fixed at 0 (i.e. neglect-


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