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Thermodynamic theory of saturation of the impulse magnon excitation


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1989

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Thermodynamic theory of saturation of the impulse magnon excitation

Yu.D. Kalafati, V.L. Safonov

To cite this version:

Yu.D. Kalafati, V.L. Safonov. Thermodynamic theory of saturation of the impulse magnon exci- tation. Journal de Physique, 1989, 50 (10), pp.1157-1161. �10.1051/jphys:0198900500100115700�.



Short Communication

Thermodynamic theory

of saturation of the


magnon excita- tion

Yu.D. Kalafati and V.L. Safonov

Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, 123182 Moscow, U.S.S.R.

(Reçu le 16 janvier 1989, accepté le 17 mars 1989)

Resume. 2014 On développe une théorie statistique quantique self-consistante de magnons excités pa-

ramétriquement par une impulsion puissante et courte. Dans cette théorie, la fonction de distribution des magnons excités contient deux parties: 1) le "condensat", la distribution des magnons cohérente

avec la pompe externe 2) le "surcondensat", la distribution thermique des quasiparticules dans le systeme de coordonnées en rotation.

Abstract. 2014 Self-consistent quantum statistical theory of magnons parametrically excited by a short powerful impulse is developed. According to this theory the distribution function of excited magnons

can be written in two parts : 1) "condensate", the distribution of magnons, coherent with the exter- nal pump ; 2) "overcondensate", the thermal distribution of quasiparticles in the rotating system of coordinates.


Physics Abstracts

76.50 - 05.30J


The study of the parametric excitation of magnons by a microwave field h.cos wpt yields im- portant information on the properties of spin systems in ferro- and antiferromagnets. Above the

threshold h,, the number of parametric magnons of the frequency cvp/2, with equal and oppo-

sitely directed wave vectors, increases exponentially with time until a balance is reached between the energy supplied to the system from the pump and the loss of energy due to the relaxation of the excited magnons. Zakharov et al. [1] developed a model theory of turbulence of parametric spin

waves a number of the conclusions of which permit a satisfactory interpretation of many observed

effects for the region hlh, - 1 1.

In this paper we consider a theoretical model to study the behavior of magnons parametrically

excited by a shot powerful (h » h,) microwave impulse (see also [2]). The impulse duration (T)

should satisfy the following conditions : Tm T Tph, where Tm, Tph are the characteristic times of magnon-magnon and magnon-phonon interactions respectively. The fact that in a coor-

dinate system rotating with the half frequency of the pumping field the Hamiltonian of parametric

magnons is independent of time enables us to use thermodynamic methods.

Here we obtain self-consistent equations which determine the distribution of excited magnons. Then we study the exact solutions of these equations and analyze the collective os-

cillations of steady state.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198900500100115700



Principal equations.

The Hamiltonian of magnons in a coordinate system rotating with the half frequency of the pumping field is (see Ref. [3]) :

where Ek is the magnon spectrum ; ak and ajb are the Bose operators; Yk is the coupling coefficient of the magnon system with the pump field ; V ( ... ) is the four-magnon interaction amplitude.

The diagonalization of the Hamiltonian (1) by means of Bogolyubov’s transformation



is the energy of the coherent magnon state (condensate),

is the spectrum of new quasiparticles, and H4 is the four-quasiparticle interaction (all notations

will be explained below).

So we can describe an evaluation of magnons as a relaxation of the Bose gas of quasiparticles

to an equilibrium state with the effective temperature 0 and the density matrix of the form


The value of the chemical potential p is determined from the maximum of entropy : p = min (Ok)

for e > 0 and M = max (Ç2k) for e 0. -

Theequationsforuk, Vk can be written in terms of Nk = Sp(atak.p) anduk = Sp (aka_k.p) .

So they are


and nk = lexp [(S2k - J-l) 18] - 1}-i is the thermal population of quasiparticles.

The effective temperature 8 can be determined from the initial conditions in the cases of adiabatic and abrupt switching of the pump impulse.

Exact solutions.

Equations (7, 8) can be exactly solved (Ref. [2]). Here we consider a simple case Vx = V, Tkq =- T and Sk9 - S. Then Ak = 0 and Ek = Ek - -k., where ko E Ko is defined from the condition of resonance

Solutions for uq and Nq at q ft Ka are

The respective solutions on the resonance surface Ko have the form



where 1 is the measure of this surface.

One can write the equation for ko by substitution of Nq by Nko in equation (9). The obtained

equation can be easily solved by means of iterations beginning from


defining by the equation 2 = éko.

The equation for 0 in the case of abrupt switching has the form

where po, Oo are the initial chemical potential and temperature of magnons. For the adiabatic

switching of pumping the effective temperature of quasiparticles is 0 N 80.

We have found the equation for the spectrum À of collective oscillations of steady state

The frequency of collective oscillation in the single mode (A = 1) approximation is

One can also estabilish the criterion of dynamical stability of excited magnon system


The coming of quasiparticle system to the thermodynamical equilibrium can be observed

through the saturation of microwave power absorbed by the sample. Such a behavior of absorption

has been discovered in some experiments (Refs. [4, 5]) in antiferromagnets. However, this picture

was unstable and periodically reiterated. According to our theory these parametric magnon sys- tems hâve oscillated in the vicinity of the unstable point in k-space.

We suppose that the thermodynamic theory of parametric magnon excitation will permit us to

describe powerful impulse experiments in real magnetic systems. In principle, the thermodynamic


approach in the rotating system of coordinates can be generalized to the cases of small energy

flows. This will allow us to describe the phenomenon of parametric magnon resonance in a wide region of microwave pump.


We wish to thank Dr. AK Hitrin for helpful discussions.


[1] ZAKHAROV VE., L’VOV VS. and STAROBINETS S.S., Usp. Fiz- Nauk 114 (1974) 609 (Sou Phys. Usp.

17 (1975) 896).

[2] KALAFATI Yu.D. and SAFONOV V.L., Fiz. Tverd. Tela 29 (1987) 3189 (Sou Phys. Solid State 29 (1987) No.10).

[3] VINIKOVETSKY I.A., FRISHMAN A.M. and TSUKERNIK V.M., Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 76 (1979) 2110 (Sov. Phys. JETP (1979) No. 6).

[4] ANDRIENKO A.V. and PROZOROVA L.A., Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 78 (1980) 2411 (Sov. Phys. JETP 51 (1980)1213).

[5] GOVORKOV S.A. and TULIN V.A., Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 82 (1982) 1234 (Sov. Phys. JETP 55 (1982) 718).


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