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Industry : resolution 203(IX) adopted by the commission at its 153rd plenary meeting on 14 February 1969


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E/CN,14/HES/2O3(IX) 25 February 1969


Addis Ababa', 3-14 February 1969

' INDUSTRY . . ■■■■■■ - ,

Resolution 2Q3(lX) adopted byL the Commission, at its 153rd. plenary meeting

The Economic Commission_foivAfrj^a,

Having noted with satisfaction the activities of the ;ECA secretariat

.in industrial development during the biennium 1967-1968 tE/4497-E/CN.14/413

and E/CNri-14/445)» ■

Having considered, with appreciation the report o£ th.e.. Executive Secre tary on the activities of ECA in industrial promotion in the last decade

..entitled. 'U.-. Venture in Self-reliance11 (e/CN-14/424), " '

Having examined the draft programme of work and priorities in industrial development for the period 1969-1970 with projections to 1973,-..

Noting with appreciation the efforts made .by the secretariat W conclude

the prefeasibility reports, inter-industry "balances and harmonization studies

in the various branches of industry at the national, multinational, sub*

regional and regional levels s : ■ =■ ' ■

-■■ ' Conscious! of .the fact that the coming decade will be the implementation stage requiring from member States great consideration and appreciation,

Aware of the fact that certain industrial, development projects will be comparatively large-scale projects that would best be implemented on a multinational or sub^-regional level to take advantage of economies of scale,

, -A^are of the >fact that infrastructure facilities such as 'transport, energy and communication are complementary to" industrialization projects and

that their requirements in investment capital may influence the viability of

certain-industrial projects? •' ' ■ ■ . ■-■



E/CN,14/KES/2O3(IX) '

Page 2 V—u,,;; " . -. . ,

'•■:'.'./■■"■■'"'[ Mindful.' of the fact that the economies of most African countries depend mainly on agriculture.and of the importance of-harmonizing industrial devel opment projects with agricultural development schemes.

Recognizing the fact that the implementation of viable industrial pro jects necessitates more consultation and deeper feasibility studies, prior to execution combined with preparedness on the;part of concerned governments to undertake a major role in the execution stage, , ■ ',-■ . "

Noting the agreement concluded between UNIDO and EGA, .

Aware of the importance of the assistance UNIDO could render to African countries at this stage of industrialization,

,.r.;,,, ,, .,%*.. , .Requests .the ■Executive ..Secretary to, contact. UpDOj. the: African

—^EsVelo^M'enf 3a^^ "financial and 'technical assist

ance for implementation11'of thV'prbject's 'covered by the programme of work pro posed by the secretariat for 1969-1970$.;. .-.- .-,.=,

, ...;,(... ■ .,V7 2.. . -Requests, the .Executive Secretary to,, consider increasing the share

-> ;,,■, - ,'oit,- fiends -allocated,. for indus trial promotion in. the budget of' tHe,-secretariat

to enable the secretariat to carry out its tasks more adequately?; ;..;„ ■;

..-■■i.j' .-•'- 3*.. ...Further requests the, .Executive Secretarys, ■ • . '. >.-.■,■.■

(a) To complete and- disseminate -the.prefeasibiiity and harmonization

studies to member States before the end of 1969;

(b) • To present; to mepber States, .a ;study .on the.■pre"requisi'iee,,,-on their side, of the implementation stage in .manpower, organizational and administra—

.-,: . ..^tiy© skills. i,&P$- executive, .machineryj ■. ■ ■.■ . .; •■■ .; . ■ ■ ■■■;■-..

*"__.'■ ,'.'■* * \ \0. i"foj''ad.yi"se. anji assist owiber' .States;-in .the. mobilisation-.of ^requisite

'technical 'and financial resources;' >■•■'■- ■ . - ' ■,- ■ ■,-;■-,-.■-■■■, ■ .■

,: ■.'- .(i) >$9 harmonize industrial, development plans, with, agripulture develop ment, schemes, and.,, to. report to th.e Commission at its- tentKr'sessibn the-measures 5 taken' to implement this harmonization}

"... : .. \£.).:, To .present in. the harmonization studies ...under preparation by the

,' i _"' s.epretailat |pro je.ct' li) the .repercussions, of. taking into • account -/the,; invest- '• ' ■' meiits1 needed for complementary'infrastructure facilities on the viability of

important industrial..projects5 and in .9asespf.multinational.-projects the

''benefits accruing,t9,,each'particular country; ,,:. ,. ., 'i-"." .,-.,.«■

- , ., .(, ,, ., .1. .,

'" (.f) To incorporate in the harmonization studies an evaluation-of the extent to which the trends of external trade in Africa will influence the implementation of industrial projects and recommendations for an action pro gramme and priorities thereon based on.this concept.


Documents relatifs

Noting with satisfaction the results achieved, thanks to the devo- tion, diligence and dignity with which all the officers of the se~enth. session ha~e carried out

Recalling its resolutions 86(V) of 2 March 1963, 100(VI) of 28 Februar,y 1964 and 142(VII) of 22 Februaro 1965 on economic integration in Africa; resolutions 103(VI) of 29 Februar

Reiterating the importance which the rapid establishment of adequate telecommunication facilities will have in supporting the economic development of the African countries,

Commends the Executive Secretary for the fruitful co-operation that he organized with ITO by setting up a joint ITU/ECA Mission at the Commission's headquarters and requests him

cheap sour-ce of potro r &#34;Go pr-omote their indus

Recalling its resolution 64(lV) of 3 March 1962 pertaining to the establishment of sub-regional offices of the Commission,. Supporting the action taken by the Executive Secretary

Taking into account the expressed desire of African countries to see the creation of an African common market and the efforts made in this direction by the Executive Secretary, with

economic cc-operation jn Africa, at both regional and sUb-regional levels, most especially ~he East African Common Market, Senegal, Niger and Chad Basin Commissions; the