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Final performance report 1978-1979 programme budget


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197S - 1979




M7 9-23H


Section 9 Economic Commission for Africa Section 15 Regional Advisory Services Section 22 Staff Training Activities

Section 26 Major Maintenance

Section 27 Transnational Corporations Extrabudgetary Resources

PAGES 1-10







Annex I

Tables for Section 9 Economic Commission for Africa

(i) Table I (ii) Table I (a) (iii) Table I (b) (iv) Table I (c) (v) Table I (d)

<vi) Table I (e)

Regular Budget accounts

Analysis of increase (decrease)

Summary by organizational unit, all


Summary by object of expenditure, organizational unit as a whole

Analysis of increase (decrease): Summary by organizational unit, all programmes Analysis of increase (decrease): Summary by object of expenditure, organizational unit as a whole

Annex II Section UNH-15 Regional Advisory Services

Annex III Section UNH-22 Staff Training Activities

Annex IV Section UNH-26 Major Maintenance

Annex V Section UNH-27 Transnational Corporations Annex VI Extrabudgetary Resources

Table II

Table II (a)

Table III Table III (a)

Global extrabudget accounts

(substantive and administrative)

Details by programme, source of funds and projects

Global operational projects

Details by programme, source of funds and projects

(operational projects)



'The Economic Commission for Africa was appropriated ky tne Getiera'l Assembly $US23,679,000 to meet its regular budget requirements for Section 9

for the biennium 1978/1979. Allotments amounting to $US11,4O7,1GO were

provided to ECA for .the year 1978. These allotments were later on reduced by

$US 773,260 due to anticipated savings from post adjustment. At the same time, ; t-:

SCA. successfully applied for reallocation of resources from areas where savings was likely to occur to finance those objects of expenditure whose

allotments had been much lower than the requirements. The reallocation was in the amounts, of $US748,000 which have been reflected in the allotments for 1979.

The aliments for 1979 which amounted to $TIS11,4O4,700 brought the total

allotments so,far.provided to ECA for 1978/1979 to $^22,034,000 to be compared

with the above appropriations.

i i ■. .. ■ ..■'■''.'

However, it should be-recalled that certain objects of expenditure had .

been'based on estimated standard costs and other general assumptions^ These, : ,.

may not have proved valid in a dynamic world:and in: particular the developing ,.

countries facing a number of strains and challenges such as the African region, and thus rendering the estimates and consequent allotments for ECA unrealistic.

For example, the petroleum price rise together with the general world wide

inflation which adversely affected trade in most parts of the world has

particularly.affected the African region. This led to higher price rise for

commodities such as supplies and materials than what had been anticipated. On the other hand, Ethiopia,where the Headquarters of the Commission is situated, has been at war which made matters worse. The communication system was

disrupted. Personal effects of staff have had to be air lifted. Furniture and

supplies were1 frequently shipped by air. Correspondence was often communicated

by Cables, kest and recuperation'scheme waSrIntroduced for ECA staff. "Post

adjustment has so far been increased twice this biennium.- Nevertheless, the

ECA staff is; still facing a dilemma of: a -fxesh announcement by the, Ethiopian

Government increasing housiiig rent for foreigners - in. certain cases - by over

300%. This situation could certainly never had been anticipate^ at the time : .

of budgeting, as such, no provision was made available for expenditures involved


Therefore, when preparing the ECA final performance report this background has had to be taken into account to provide for the resources to meet the

unanticipated circumstances whilst on the .other hand, the spirit of economy and strain was being strictly exercised to keep the additional resources required to the bare minimum and above all within the total appropriations voted by the General Assembly for ECA regular budget. .

A brief explanation is by objects of expenditure provided below and comments have been made on those programmes which required special treatment in resource allocation.


1 ■ * - -.:■■■■ ■ ■■ ; ,'

In the ECA first performance report of 30th May 1978, it was indicated that the savings which had accumulated at the beginning of the biennium under this object of expenditure woul4 not continue because active efforts had been then mounted to fill all the vacant posts, and in view of the high inflation in Addis Ababa, it was likely that a higher post adjustment would be paid in the second half of the biennium. Furthermore, it was pointed out that a review of the

salaries of the general service staff members was being conducted and that should the review result in increased salaries more funds would be required to meet the increased expenditure.

The abpye observations have proved true. The vacancy situation consider ably reduced from 20% in May 1977 to about 5% in May 1979. The salaries of the general service staff were increased by an average of about 25% as a result of the review exercise. Despite the reduction in the resources for post

adjustment, it has been found necessary to increase the ECA post adjustment from Class 4 to Class 6.

' Furthermore, as already indicated the Professional staff in Addis Ababa ate facing-the problem of an announcement by the Ethiopian Government to

increase the rent by an enormous amount. This enormous increase will necessitate a higher post adjustment and rent compensation.

Therefore, on the basis of the existing situation and without paying regard

to the increase in rent which the Headquarters is still negotiating with the

Ethiopian Government:, this object code should be increased by $US191,980.


Administrative measures to rationalize the arrangements for holding the meetings to economize on expenditure were introduced. These included working out priorities and holding three to four meetings following each other at one particular place in order to reduce the cost on travel of interpreters to the minlffliim. We have; however, not been able to financially accommodate all the most important meetings. Funds are therefore required to finance these

meetings which cannot be accommodated within our present budget allocation , :

and which cannot be rescheduled to 1980/1981 without adversely affecting the

programme of work: ■■-:■■■,. .

Meetings Travel Salary Per diem Total

1. Regional Symposium on Industrial ization in Africa (September 11-18)

8 interpreters, Nairobi 4770.00 5840.00 1250.00 11860.00 2. Meeting of plenipotentiaries and the

regional management committee - Remote Sensing (October 3-6)

4 interpreters, Ouagadougou 6140.00 3. Follow-up Committee on

Industrialization (October 10-13)

4 interpreters, Addis Ababa

4. Conference of Ministers of Industry (October 17-20) 4 interpreters, Addis Ababa

5. Executive Board Meeting of the African Centre for Engineering Design and Manufacturing

(November 29-30) 4 interpreters, Ibadan " > ]- "

4380.00 ' 1060.00 31580.00

2020.00 1460.00 240.00 3720.00

2044.00 336.00 2380.00


19260 .00



16354 .00




00 00

9860 39400

.00 ,00:



Again, the first performance report drew attention to a number of areas

where we needed strengthening manpower to enable the Secretariat cope with the existing workload. These included Reproduction Unit, Electronic Data Processing

Centre etc.

In the past four years,' the Reproduction Unit has had to do most printing..r :

work internally due to detetiptating standards and unreliability of local : printers. Also the workload of the Electronic Data- Processing Centre greatly expanded. The statistical data indicate that the annual workload of the Centre ;, should have been 343 man-months to be compared with current work performance of ,

153 man-months. The area for cleaning expanded when the new building was

2 2

completed. The floor area increased from 8,300 m to 35,300 m and the glass

- -... . n r\ . . ...

area increased from 2,500 m to 11,600 m . The staffing for cleaners has only

increased from 36 to 45_ and needed to be strengthened, v - • . ; .,

On the basis of the above information, it was agreed to reallocate $US77,OOO to this object code to enable a few staff members to be;employed: but this

information which reached EGA at the end ,of March 1979 was rather too late. . Therefore, as a result of mainly the delayed recruitment of the staff a saving

of SUS78.940 would be made. : ' : :

040 CONSULTANTS (INC. TRAVEL) ■ : ■ ■. i >■]■■■>

Except for Development Planning, Projection and Policies Programme (240) which was overspent by $US8,818.18 the resources available for the rest of thet programmes will just cover the projects which can be. carried Out withinr--the :;

budget allotments I The Transport and Communication, International Trade ,..,<,,.-;

and Education and Training. Programmes;appear to have still got large balances

but steps are Being~taken to recruit the Consultants.


In the performance report prepared last year, the issue regarding high cost of overtime in Addis Ababas which is very well known to the Office of Financial Services (see Gieri's letter of 17th May 1977) was again brought to your

attention. These high costs continued to affect our budget allotments



Also the matter regarding the limitations of staffing to handle the - : increased workload' ¥or the' EDP, Security Services and the Document Service

Reproduction Unit Vas nrOstr exhaustively 'discussed with the Headquarters

Budget Division last'year, ft was" eventually agreed in November 1978' to

provide staiff under general''temporary assistance to help us correct the ■-y!r"■'-

situatibti; But asf o!f thef!ettd of 1978 aii over expenditure amounting to !')'-^-'(,'

$US43,75trhad already beeii Incurred oti overtime object code. !0h the other'

hand, the allotments for 1979 under the general temporary assistance to enable •

ECA, employ the additional staff to handle the increased workload came, a£n£he

end of March 1979. -This delayed, the recruitment of staff. . Vi. ,...

To make matters worse, the policy-making-Organs required ECA t

an elaborate information on the Agenda of Conferences of Minister fcogettfer'wlth an exhaustive annual report by the Executive Secretary. To produce all ■the^ ^ ■- necessary detailed documents for the Rabat Cohference of Ministers in !tifeW With

limited staff of the Reproduction Unit a lot of overtime work had to be cart

Therefore, whilst ECA greatly appreciated the assistance that had been extended to strengthen::Its capabilities to deal with, the increased workload, unfortunately this assistance came rather late. It is consequently proposed that the savings in resources under the ;General Temporary Assistance, which have not been utilized because of the delayed recruitment, be made available for the overtime object code which financed the services which would have been financed by the funds from the General Temporary Assistance.; ... , . ,


The present level of expenditures on Common Staff Costs clearly demonstrate the problems which have been facing the staff over the past few years. In

accordance with the average standard costs, h0% of the provisions for ' "'■■■■■' '- established..posts is provided to ECA. In view of the fact that the, situation has no^. been so normal the expenditures of common costs nature have been, much ,

highejr than budgeted. , -.,;: y-r;\,-r^w


This is due to a number of factors. A heavy recruitment scheme of the professional staff was mounted since the beginning of this biennium to reduce the high rate of vacancies that had existed in the past biennium. This resulted in a high expenditure on payments for travel and installation grant. Furthermore, because of. the>communication system having been damaged by the war and the

personal effects mainly shipped by air, the cost under this object of expenditure greatly increased. A large number of children of staff members are educated outside Ethiopia due to lack of educational facilities which raised the costs on educational facilities.

However, this trend of expenditure is not entirely new. It started coming:■;

into light during the last biennium. In accordance to information available

$US826,350.66 were over spent during the biennium 1976/1977 and the percentage for Common Staff Cost over established posts was not 40% but 45%. In 1978

$US297,939.42 have been over spent and the percentage of common staff costs over established was 49%. The trend of the actual percentage rate of expenditure on Common Staff Costs in terms of established posts over the past three years gives the following picuture:

r ....;■.

(a) 31st December 1977 45.40%

(b) 30th June 1978 55.50%

(c) 31st December 1978 49.08%

: ; <d) 30th June 1979 47,32%

I therefore propose that the present estimated standard cost rate be altered in light of the trend of the actual expenditure incurred. This should be at 50% instead of 40%. On the basis of this forecast we propose an inevitable increase in these resources by $US980,700.


A good number of meetings including the transport decade which is to be held in New York* would be taking place during the second half of this year* •■:

Therefore, although there appears to be large savings on this object code, --this- money should be utilized by the end of the year. In other words, it is

anticipated that the overall account would be evenly spent.



Thanks to the reallocation of resources which were carried out by the

Budget Division to provide more funds to this object of expenditure, it has

been possible for the Commission to carry out more activities than what would

have been the case. On the whole, the travel on official business account should now be evenly spent except for the Executive Direction and Management

Programme which is bound to be over spent due to increased activities

of work and high costs of travel. $US 12,560 only is requested to bridge-up the gap of this programme.

340 EXTERNAL PRINTING AND BINDING .... , . : , ., ..-.,. . , . .

$US112,100 was allocated for external printing and binding expenses.

Only $US12,140 hadbeen spent by the end of May and thus leaving a large balance of $US99,96O. The scarcity of External Printing and Binding Firms in Addis Ababa was responsible for this large saving. However, although ECA faced these difficulties it ensured that work should be done so that

implementation of the work programme is not frustrated. This necessitated intensifying internal printing works. ECA expanded on its printing equipment and recently strengthen on manpower of this Unit. The intensification of work, however, affected other object codes principally the Supplies and

Materials. It is therefore suggested, as provided in the annexes, that part

urn "~ '.'... ™-i . p- 7 ■. . ■ -t

of these savings be utilized on strengthening the Supplies and Materials

object of expenditure which is bearing a heavy burden of this object code.

Also investigations are being made to contract some printing work to firms

in Nairobi. !


Wi,thinrthe 4.00 series of expenditure, attention is drawn only to the

following codes where resource increase will be required: t . :


(b) 420 Utilities (c) 440 Communications

(a) 400 General Operating Expenses (Transport & Communication)

$US11,000 was specifically allocated under the Transport and Communication Programme to meet expenses of general nature for the transport decade. There has been a lot more expenses incurred for the promotion of the transport and communication decade than what had been budgeted as it has been explained under code 440. These expenses include expenditure for communication, local transportation of participants to meetings etc. To enable the Commission to play its due role in support of the communication decade, funds are required to strengthen these resources and accordingly a proposal for $US60,000 is made.

(b) 420 Utilities

With regard to utilities the Ethiopian Electricity Authority increased the cost of electricity since the beginnnng of this year, by an average rate of about 25% per unit. This increased the cost of supply of electricity and to be able to meet the increased cost it is proposed to augment the resources under this code by $US25,OOO.

(c) 440 Communication

The problems of communication system in Africa are very well known and their impact in curtailing the activities of the Commission is clearly demonstrated by the expenditures usually incurred on travel, telecommunica tion and postal services. Indeed in recognition of these problems, the United Nations General Assembly has had to pass a resolution declaring a transport and communication decade in Africa during which period efforts are to be made to find a solution for the improvement of the situation.


network are charged at the rate of 34 cents (US)per word, cables

relayed from a commercial carrier connecting with the UN network are charged an additional 1 cent (US) per word. The relay charge is a handling charge and would be incurred only once regardless of the number of relays required.

Due to the underdevelopment of communication system in Africa, a

number of countries or stations can only be contacted through other cities in Europe or New York, which increase the charges. The Commercial ^ charges via New'torksour main contact, vary from 11.5 cents (US) to

3A cents (US) per word; the average charge for the African continent being therefore 28 cents (US) per word. Neverthelesss if the cable is

sent Etatpriority then the total cost is doubled, i.e. African region

would average 56 cents (US) per word. As a matter of facts, the Division Chiefs would, often, in the existing circumstances, be compelled to send : a number of their cables on priority basis because of the difficulties -

in delays of their cables. Some of their cables sent on basis b'£-LTF"-^ "' or Etat have taken two to three weeks to arrive; another three weeks :i!1-

for a reply. ' ''■ '* "

Apart from the general underdevelopment of the communication system in Africa which renders the cost of the communications much more expensive than in other regions, in Ethiopia, there has been a war and the very limited communication services were seriously disrupted. Quite often, the

Commission found itself having only one method of communicating with the

outside world and that was by cables, an undertaking which as already explained is very expensive. On the other hand, the Commission has met great financial difficulties in implementing the transport and

communication decade without sufficient resources. One of the examples is this object of expenditure. As no funds were specifically provided for communication for this project the cost has had to be met from the usual regular budget of the Commission. The messages sent for the month of May 1979, by the Transport and Communication Programme were in the region of 56,900 words. This expenditure was mainly connected with the arrangements for regional meetings on transport and communication decade.



It has already been indicated that due to scarcity of external printers most of the^work is being carried out internally by t^e Document Reproduction Unit. To enable the Secretariat to carry out this work it is necessary that some resources be shifted from savings at object code 340 External Printing and Binding to 500 supplies and materials in the amount of $US48,060.


The Secretariat is making every effort to finance its replacement programme for furniture arid equipment within the limited available resources.


In conclusion ECA would like to express its most sincere thanks for the co-operation and assistance that have been extended to it by the Office of the Financial Service over the biennium. It was; due povthe timely financial

assistance that was extended to us early this year through reallocation of the resources that we were able to carry out the amount of workload that has been delivered during the 1978/1979 biennium. We reconfirm our determination to

live within the budget appropriations voted by the General Assembly despite the peculiar circumstances that we are living in and look forward for such understanding and cooperation in the future.


economic commission for africa ' regional Advisory services - section fifteen

final performance report

In accordance with the present trend of expenditure, it is clear that there will be some savings on this project. The savings are forecasted to be in the region of $US322,800.

These saving have occurred because of mainly the posts which could not be filled in time. These posts were under the Development Planning,

Projections and Policies, Transport and Communication and Economic Co-operation

Programmes. . ; , .

Efforts are being made to fill the vacant posts and certain advisers have * been already identified. The Regional Advisor for the Development Planning, Projections and Policies is in fact shortly reporting on duty.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the advisory services are important functions of the Commission to provide assistance to the member

States particularly those ones which are list developed in the world. As the least developed countries are mostly found in this region, it is strongly

recommended that the services of all the existing advisors be continued in the coming biennium.





Resources for the training activities of ECA have been provided under Section 22 of the regular budget: These activities are of two kinds i.e.:

(a) Staff Training'Activities for Translators ;

(b) Staff Training Activities for Languages i.e. French, English and Arabic

It has been our view that the resources for these activities be separated so that each kind of activity, as indicated above, is provided with a specific budget. This view was accepted by the Headquarters and the following two

accounts were identified:

(a) UNH-22853 (b) UNH-22855

However, since the beginning of the bienniura, the expenditures incurred for the promotion of the two activities were recorded under one account - as indicated by the May-1979 Computer output. Therefore, in the circumstances, it appears expedient that the separation of the two accounts be implemented with effect from the beginning of 1980.

It would be noted that we have proposed an increase of $US15,000 for the object of expenditure concerning General Temporary Assistance. This is mainly due to the fact that this object code was bound to be over spent because of the training facilities which have been extended by ECA to other UN Agencies and Diplomatic missions. The Agencies and Missions paid a fee for the

training provided to them and the money paid in 1978 was credited to the

miscellaneous account. This over expenditure would be off set by that income.

On the other hand, savings accumulated on the Fellowship and grant object code due to delayed commencement of the course, adjustments have been made to cover the over expenditure incurred in 1978 within this Section.


As for the year 1979, it has been proposed that a fund be created to which this income coming from the■fees can be'credit and utilized to meet

the additional costs for training of the students from UN Agencies and

Diplomatic missions. At Annex III(b) the income and the manner in which

it will be utilized has been indicated.




The Major Maintenance regular budget Section 26 was allocated $US225,00O:.

In accordance with our work programme, this object code will be evenly spent.

It should be further noted that ECA receives income from rental of premises. It was agreed that this revenue be utilized on repairs and

maintenance of the original office building and a portion for the construction costs of common service facilities in the new buildings. Also this income was to be utilized on electricity, water and other utilities. Work has already begun on the renovations and maintenance of the original building and the

income estimated at $US121,000 from the rental of premises in 1978/1979

biennium would be mainly utilized on these projects:

In US dollars

a) Renovation of the 4th Floor 34,823 b) Renovation of the ground floor for

Cartographic Unit 20,137

c) Water proofing of the roof 25,000 d) Utilities, electricity and

cleaning 34,000

Total $US113,960




The programme on transnational corporations which is assisting African countries in; enlightening their knowledge oil the structure, policies and operations of foreign transnational corporations, building institutional

machinery and capabilities for monitoring and evaluating these issues was

introduced in ECA during the biennium 1978/1979.

Steps were immediately taken to recruit suitable staff to carry out

these responsibilities and at the present all the existing posts have been filled. However, there were bound to be a gap between the time when the provisions were made available to EGA at the;beginning of the bienniuta 1978/1979 and when the staff were actually recruited; ■■" It was therefore possible to accumulate savings amounting to $US25,500.

In order to enable this programme to catch up with the time, it is

proposed that part of these savings be utilized on consultancy the service*

urgently required. A provision amounting $US57,900 for consultancy for the balance of the biennium would appear to be on a higher side. But in fact already the consultants have been identified and the matter cleared with Mr. Olivanes, New York Headquarters, (cable MBP 1962-8 of 22nd August 1979

refers). The Common Staff Costs object of expenditure is likely to be over spent due to reasons already explained. This over expenditure should be off set by the savings indicated above.

These proposals for resource utilization for this programme are contained in Annex V of this report.




-''~ Information on extrabudgetary1 resources which are expected to' be made available to EGA 'bnvl978/1979'tb supplement its regular budget

have been provided at Annex VI, This report'has beeri prepared from ;"

project documents, allotments arid Other correspondence papers. It ; indicates the resources of substantive and administrative nature which ECA has been able to raise,to :assist in the implementation of the..

1978/1979 programme ofwork. It further indicates., the resources which

were .provided for operational activities.

Also aii attempt was* made to identify the revenue expected to accrue from overheads by programme'and'project; This revenue Is mainly spent on employment of staff in the fields of administration finance and Secretarial -supports The operational activities connected with . implementation.of extrabudgetary projects are also financed froia these

sources. r ... .



fable I 1973-1979 Performance Report:


Section: UNH09 (Africa) Organizational units United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Programme: Policy-rmaking organs (010) Allotment Advice number(s) s 8-03-05016, 8-O3-O5329, 9-03-05033 (in thousands of US dollars) (5T~


meats 1 June 1979 to requirements (decrease) 31 December 1979 1978-1979 (4) over

ObjectofexpenditureRevisedExpendituresand Appropriationsobligations

1973-1979 1978 1 Jan. to

31May1979 020Temp,Assist.for'Mtgs,

(Supplementary Staff)

050Overtime&NightDifferential 220StaffTraveltoOfficial meeting 440Communications 500Suppliesandmaterials

Total ~

Ui.30 9.30 109.70



U3.15 0,46

33.60 .... 0.20


73.70 17.80



9.30 107.30 17.80 6.00

1.85 (2.40) 2C4.IO 177.41 106.14 2G3.55 (0.55)


TableI 1978-1979'PerformanceReport: RegularBudgetAccounts

AnnexI Page2 Section:UNH09(Africa) Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:ExecutiveDirectionandManagement(110) AllotmentAdvicenumbers):8-03-05016,8-03-05029,9-03-05033 (InthousandsofUSdollars) Objectofexpenditures


Revised Appropriations 1978-1979 .1284.40 -—15.70■—- ,519.20; 19.40 99.10 1937.30

(2) Expendituresand obligations 13781Jan.to .31May1979 991.81 *--'6,30 ,


12.97 101.66 1604.57

(3) Projectedrequire ments1June1979to 31December1979 420.35 9.40 210.18 6.43 10.00 656.36

(4) Totalestimates requirements 1978-1979 1412.16 15,70 702.01 19.40 111.66 2260.93

(5) Increase (decrease) (4)over 127.76 162.81 - 12.56 323.13

010EstablishedPosts 040Consultants ■■■(Inc.Travel)- 100CommonStaffCosts 220StaffTravelto OfficialMeeting 240TravelonOfficial ■Businessi''■■ Total


TableI 1978-1979PerformanceReport: RegularBudgetAccounts Section:UNH09(Africa)

Organizational unit: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa


Allotment Advice number(s): 8-03-05016, 8-03-05029, 9-03-05033


AnnexI Page3


(2)(3) ObjectofExpenditures

RevisedExpendituresandProjectedrequire-Totalestimates Appropriationsobligationsments1June1979torequirements

1978-1979 1978




December 1979 1978-1979


(5) Increase (decrease) (4)over 010EstablishedPosts 020TemporaryAssistance forMeetings (SupplementaryStaff) 100CommonStaffCosts 220StaffTravelto :Official.:Meeting 240TravelonOfficial Business

420.20 21.10 177.50 2.40 23.00

330.30 3.86 126.99 4.80 13.15

145.70476.0055.80 72.85


21. 199. 4. 23.

10 84 80 00

22 2

.34 .40 . Total644.20479.10

£45-64 724-74


TableI 1978-1979PerformanceReport: RegularBudgetAccounts Section:.UN»09(Africa) Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:DevelopmentPlanning,ProjectionsandPolicies(240) AllotmentAdvicenumber(s):8-03-05016,8-03-O5O29,9-03-05033 (InthousandsofUSdollars)

AnnexI Page4 ObjectofExpenditures

(1)(2)(3)(4) RevisedExpendituresandProjectedrequire-Totalestimates Appropriationsobligationsments1June1979torequirements 1978-197919781Jan.to31December19791978-1979- _____31May1979„________

(5) Increase (decrease) (4)over 010EstablishedPosts1158.80720.61379.03 030 040 100 240 340

GeneralTemporary Assistance Consultants (Inc.Travel) CommonStaffCosts TravelonOfficial Business ExternalPrinting andbinding Total

0.60 5.40 466.50 43.60 39.50 1714.40

3.32 14.22 331.18 22.06 6.68 1098.07

189,52 21.54 14.00 604.09

1099.64 3.32 14.22 520.70 43.60 20,68 1702.16

(59.16) 2.72 8.82 54.20

(18,82) (12.24)


TableI 1978-1979PerformanceReport: RegularBudgetAccounts Section:UNH09(Africa) Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:EducationandTraining(260)

Allotment Advice number (s): 8-03-05016, 8-03-05029, 9-03-05033 (In thousands of US dollars)

AnnexI Page5 ObjectofExpenditures

(1) (2)

RevisedExpendituresand(3) Projectedrequire- Appropriationsobligationsments1June1979to 1978-197919781Jan.to31December1979 31May1979^^^_______

(4) Totalestimates requirements 1978-1979

(5) Increase (decrease) (4)over 010EstablishedPosts 040Consultants

261.70176.39 100 240

(Inc.Travel) CommonStaffCosts TravelonOfficial Business

20 104 12

.00 .80 .20

9 87 3

.49 .24 .83

81.06 10.51 40.53 8.37

257.45 20.00 127.77 12.20

(4.25) 22.97 Total398.70276.95140.47417.4218.72


TableI 1978-1979PerformanceReport: RegularBudgetAccounts Section:UNH09(Africa) Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:HumanSettlements(290)



8-03-05016, 8-03-05029, 9-03-05033


AnnexI Page6 ObjectofExpenditures

(1) (2) (3) (4) Revised Expenditures and Projected require- Total estimates

Appropriationsobligationsments1June1979torequirements 1978-197919781Jan.to31December19791978-1979 31May1979--

(5) Increase (decrease) (4)over 010EstablishedPosts 100CommonStaffCosts 240TravelonOfficial Business

170.90 68.90 8.10

107.48 30.78 2.70

55.80 27.90 5.40

163.28 58.68 8.10

(7.62) (10.22) Total247.90140.9689.10230.06(17.84)


TableI 1978-1979PerformanceReport: REGULARBUDGETACCOUNTS

AnnexI Page7 Section:UNH09(Africa)

Organizational unit: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa


Allotment Advice number(s): 8-03-05016, 8-03-05029, 9-03-05033

(InthousandsofUSdollars) ObjectofExpenditures 010EstablishedPosts 040Consultants (Inc.Travel) 100CommonStaffCosts 240TravelonOfficial Business


Revised Appropriations 1978-1979 692,20 23.30 281.80 32.90

(2) (3)

ExpendituresandProjectedreqaire- obligationsinents1June1979to 19781Jan.to31December1979 31May1979 451.24 20.48 168.28 26.15

262.81 2.82 131.41 6.75

(4) Totalestimates requirements 1978-1979

(5) Increase (decrease) (4)over 714,05 23.30 299.69 32.90

21.85 17.89 Total1030.20666.15403.791069.9439.74


TableI 1978-1979PerformanceReport: RegularBudgetAccounts Section:UNH09(Africa)

Organizational unit: United Nations Economic ConnLssion For Africa


Allotment Advice number (s): 8-03-05016, 8-03-05029, 9-03-05033 (In thousands of US dollars)

AnnexI Page8 ObjectofExpenditures 010EstablishedPosts 040Consultants (Inc.

Travel) 100 Common Staff Costs 240 Travel on Official


&' (2) (3) (4) Revised Expenditures and Projected require- Total estimates Appropriations obligations ments 1 June 1979 to requirements 1978-^979 1978 1 Jan. to 31 December 1979 1978-1979


Increase (decrease) (4)over 750.50 23.30 301.30 47.20

577,54 6.00 270.96 36.60

268.23 17.30 134.12 10.60

845.7-7 23.30 405.08 47.20

95,27 103.28




TableI 1978*1979PerformanceReport: RegularBudgetAccounts Section:UNH09(Africa) Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:LabourManagementandEmployment(440)

Albtment Advice number(s): 8-03-05016, 8-03-05029, 9-03-05033


AnnexI Page9 010 040 100 240

ObjectofExpenditures EstablishedPosts Consultants (Inc.Travel) CommonStaffCosts TravelonOfficial Business Total


Revised Appropriations 1978-1979 63.90 14.80 25.60 6.90 111.20

(2) Expendituresand obligations 19781Jan.to 31May1979 43.49 11.02 38.97 2.73 96.21

(3) Projectedrequire ments1June1979to 31December1979 22.59 3.78 11.30 4.17 41.84

(4) Totalestimates requirements 1978-1979 66.08 14.80 50.27 6.90 138.05

(5) Increase (decrease) (4)over 2.18 - 24.67 - 26.85


TableI 1978-1979PerformanceReport: RegularBudgetAccounts Section:UNH09(Africa) Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:NaturalResources(460) AllotmentAdvicenumber(s):8-03-Q5016,8-03-05029,9-03-05033 (InthousandsofUSdollars)

AnnexI Page10 ObjectofExpenditures

(1)(2)(3) RevisedExpendituresandProjectedrequire- Appropriationsobligationsments1June1979to 1978-197919781Jan.to31December1979 31May1979^_^____

(4) Totalestimates requirements W8-1979

(5) Increase (decrease) (4)over 010EstablishedPosts746.00568.49 030 040 100 220 240

GeneralTemporary Assistance Consultants (Inc.Travel) CommonStaffCosts StaffTravelto OfficialMeeting TravelonOfficial Business

11.30 14.80 299.50 3.00 37.60

18.06 14.00 257.99 1.96 26.06

242.88 6.76 0^80 121. 1. 11,

.44 .04 .54 340Externalprinting andbinding4.504.50

811.37 24.82 14.80 379.43 3.00 37.60 4.50

65.37 13.52 79.93 Total1116.70886.56388.961275.52158.82


AnnexI Page11 TableI 1978-1979PerformanceReport: RegularBudgetAccounts Section;UNH09(Africa) Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:Population(480) AllotmentAdvicenumber(s):8-03-05016,8-03-05029,9-03-05033 (InthousandsofUSdollars) 010 100 240

-. ObjectofExpenditures EstablishedPosts CommonStaffCosts TravelonOfficial Business Total


Revised Appropriations 1978-1979 117.80 47.20 6.00 171.00

(2) Expendituresand obligations 19781Jan.to 31May1979 77.09 26.80 0.01 :,103.90

(3) Projectedrequire ments1June1979to 31December1979 37.13 18.57 5.99 ;61.69

(4) Totalestimates requirements 1978-1979 114.22 45.37 6.00 165.59

(5) Increase (decrease) (4)over (3.58) (1.83) (5.41)


TableI 1978-1979PerformanceReport: RegularBudgetAccounts section:UNH09(Africa) Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica iiOgramme:,PublicAdministration(500)■ /

llotment Advice number(s)


8-03-05029, 9-03-05033


AnnexI Page12 010 0A0 100

ObjectofExpenditures EstablishedPosts Consultants (Inc.Travel) CommonStaffCosts TravelonOfficial Business Total


Revised Appropriations 1978-1979 286.10 14.80 ■115.20 21.10 437.20

(2) Expendituresand obligations 1978X.Jan.,to 31May1979 249.48 6.18 11OV96' 10.83 377.45

(3)•■-.' Ptojectedrequire ments1June1979to 31December1979 95.76 8.62 47.88 10.27 162.53

(4) Totalestimates requirements 1978^1979 345.24 14.80 158.84 21.10 539.98


Increase (decrease) (4)over 59.14 - 43.64 - 102.78


TableI 1978-1979PerformanceReport: RegularBudgetAccounts

AnnexI Page13 Section:UNH09(Africa) Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:ScienceandTechnology(520)

Allotment Advice number(s): 8-03-05016, 8-03-05029, 9-03-05033

(InthousandsofUSdollars) ObjectofExpenditures

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


Appropriations obligations ments 1 June 1979 to requirements (decrease) 1978-1979 1978 1 Jan. to 31 December 1979 1978-1979 (4) over

31May1979■ 010EstablishedPosts 040Consultants (Inc.Travel) 100CommonStaffCosts 240TravelonOfficial Business

205.50 14.80 82.30 18.80

149.11 12.14 88.35 16.46

63.65 2.66 31.83 2.34

212.76 14.80 120.18 18.80

7.26 37.88 Total321.40266.06100.48366.5445.14


AnnexI Page14 TableI 1978-1979PerformanceReport: RegularBudgetAccounts Section:UNH09(Africa) Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:SocialDevelopment(530)

Allotment Advice number(3I: 8-03-05016, 8-03-05029, 9-03-05033

(InthousandsofUSdollars) ObjectofExpenditures

(1) ... (2)

RevisedExpendituresand(3) Projectedrequire-(4) Totalestimates Appropriationsobligationsments1June1979torequirements 1978-197919781Jan.to31December19791978-1979 31May1979■.

(5) Increase (decrease) (4)over 010EstablishedPosts 040Consultants •■■;(Inc.Travel) 100CommonStaffCosts 240TravelonOfficial Business 340Externalprinting andbinding

624.20 14.80 253.00 22.00 7.60

450.44 9.79 188.15 14.50


182.77 5.01 91.39 7.50 1.60

633.21 14.80 279.54 22.00 1.62

9.01 26.54 (5.98) Total921.60662.90288.27951.1729.57


;AnnexI Page15 TableI*lr 1978-1979PerformanceReport; RegularBudgetAccounts Section:UNH09(Africa) Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:Statistics(540) AllotmentAdvicenumber(s):8-03-05016,8-03-05029,9-03-05033 (InthousandsofUSdollars)

:-r.;\K, (I)'* (2) (3) (4) (5)

fRevisedExpendituresandFrojectedrequire-TotalestimatesIncrease ObjectofExpenditure?Appropriationsobligationsmerits1June1979torequirements(decrease) ''•

19/8-1979 1978


Dec-mber 1979 1970-1979




May 1979

010EstablishedPosts762.40.617.57252.82870.39107.99 100CommonStaffCosts305.40268.0212.6.41394.4389,03 240TravelonOfficial Business25.807.1018.70 340ExternalPrinting

and binding ■' 53.70. 5*44 25.00 30.44 (23,26)


1147.30 898,13


422>93 1321.06 173.76

870 394



.39 .43 .to .44


TableI 1978-1979PerformanceReport: RegularBudgetAccounts

AnnexI Page16 Section:UNH09(Africa) Organizational:unit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:Transport,CommunicationandTourism(550) AllotmentAdvicenumber(s):8-03-05016,8-03-05029,9-03-05033 (InthousandsofUSdollars) ObjectofExpenditures


Revised Appropriations 1978-1979 (2)(3)(4) ExpendituresandProjectedrequire-Totalestimates

obligations ments 1 June 1979 to requirements

19781Jan.to31December19791978-1979 31May1979

(5) Increase (decrease) (4)over 010 020 030 040 100 240 3'0

EstablishedPosts617.30 Temp.Assist,for Meeting(Supplementary Staff)7.50 GeneralTemp.Assist.8.80 Consultants (Inc.Travel)179.60

Common Staff Costs 248.70

StaffTraveltoOfficial Meeting;■.65.40 TravelonOfficial Business41.00 ExternalPrinting andbinding6.80 GeneralOperating Expenses11.00


376.11 23.05 153.00 206.08 20.08 -28.50

212.80588.91 4.53 811.35

"- 8.80 26.60 106.40 45.32 12.50 6.80 66.47

23.05 8.80 179.60 312.48 65.40 41.00 6.8C 71.00




485.- 69


60.00 110,94


TableI 1978-1979PerformanceReport: RegularBudgetAccounts

AnnexI Page17 "ection:UNH09(Africa)

(rganizational unit: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

rogramrae:ConferenceServices(710) -llotmeutAdvicenumbar(s):8-03-05016,8-03-05029,9-03-05033

(In thousands of US

dollars), ObjectofExpenditures

(1) (2)

RevisedExpendituresand Appropriationsobligations 1978-197919781Jan.to 31May1979 (3) Projectedrequire ments1June1979to 31December1979 (4) Totalestimates requirements 1978-1979

(5) ,Increase (decrease) (4)over *10EstablishedPosts (-30GeneralTemporary Assistance 00CommonStaffCosts 220StaffTravelto :.OfficialMeeting 500SuppliesandMaterials

C00 Furniture



1251.70898.94 147.20 501.30 120.80 11.80 12.20

68.20 311.05 72.10 7.72 *.

407.35 40.00 203.68 48.70



1306.2954.59 108.20 514.73 120.80



(39 13 48,

.00) .43 - .06 Total2045.001358.01





AnnexI Page18 TableI 1978-1979PerformanceReport: RegularBudgetAccounts Section:UNH09(Africa); Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:ManagementofTechnicalCo-operation(790)

Allotment Advice number(s): 8-03-05016, 8-03-05029, 9-03-05033




US dollars)


(1) (2) (3) (A)

RevisedExpendituresandProjectedrequire-Totalestimates Appropriationsobligationsments1June1979torequirements X978-197919781Jan.to31December19791978-1979 31May1979

(5) Increase (decrease) (4)over 010EstablishedPosts 100CommonStaffCosts

189.90 77.00

71.33 22.58

59.29 29.65

130.62 52.23

(59.28) (24.77) Total266.9093.9188.94182.85(84.05)


TableI 1978-1979PerformanceReport: RegularBudgetAccounts

AnnexI Page19 Section:UNH09(Africa) Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:AdministrationandCommonServices(800)

Allotment Advice number(s): 8-03-05016, 8-03-05029, 9-03-05033

(InthousandsofUSdollars) 010 020 030 050 100 240 410 420 430 440

ObjectofExpenditures EstablishedPosts TemporaryAssistance formeetings tSupplementaryStaff) GeneralTemp.Assist. OvertimeandNight Differential CommonStaffCosts TravelonOfficial Business Rental&Maintenance

of Premises

Utilities Rental&Maintenance ofEquipment Communications


Revised Appropriations 1978-1979 3000.20 164.10 256.90 67.90 1193.80 18.00 260.00 171.70 249.40 481.70

(2) Expendituresand obligations 19781Jan.to 31May1979 1822.01 141.18 140.72 113.42 965.81 17.56 212.46 124.33 211.78 543.10

(3) Projectedrequire ments1June1979to 31December1979 926.23 62.32 60.00 100.00 463.12 3.00 47.54 72.37 37.62 160.00

(4) .Totalestimates requirements


2748.24 203.50 200.72 213.42 1428.93 20.56 260.00 196.70 249.40 703.10

(5) Increase (decrease) (4)over (251.96) 39.40 (56.18) 145.52 235.13 2.56 - 25.00 - 221.40



AnnexI Page20 Object,ofExpenditures


Revised Appropriations 1978-1979 (2) Expendituresand obligations 19781Jan.to 31May1979 (3) Projectedrequire ments1June1979to 31December1979

Totalestimates requirements 1978-1979

(5) Increase (decrease) (4)over 450Hospitality 490MiscellaneousServices 500SuppliesandMaterials 600Furniture&Equipment

9.00 167.50 702.80 186.50

4.22 115.76 590.86 150.48

4.78 51.74 111.94 36.02

9.00 167.50 702.80 186.50 Total6929.505153.692136.68

7290,37 360,87


TableI(a) 1978-1979PerformanceReport RegularBudgetAccounts

Annex Page21 Analysisofincrease(decrease) Section:UNH09Africa) Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica ?rogramme»Policy-makingOrgans AllotmentAdvicenumber(3):8-03-05016,8-03-05029,9-03-05033 (InthousandsofUSdollars) ObjectofExpenditureInflationt,_£Decisionsof„,, Ratesof_-...Redeploy- ,Policy-makingfc exchange'°meats .°OrgansOther 020TemporaryAssistancefor Mtgs.(SupplementaryStaff) 050Overtime&Night Differential 220StaffTraveltoOfficial Meeting 440Communications 500.SuppliesandMaterials

1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.21

2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545

1.85 (2.40)


(2.40) 1.85


TableI(a) 1978-1979PerformanceReport RegularBudgetAccounts

Annex Page Analysisofincrease(decrease) Section:UNH09(Africa) Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica 'Programme:ExecutiveDirectionandManagement(110)

Allotment Advice (r.umb-r(s) : 3-03-05016, 8-03-050295 9-03-05033

(InthousandsofUSdollars) ObjectofExpendscure 010 040 100 220 240

EstablishedPosts Consultants(Inc.Travel) CommonStaffCosts StaffTraveltoOfficial Meeting TravelonOfficialBusiness

Inflation 1.10 1,10 1.10 1.10 1.10

Ratesof exchange Decisionsof Policy-making Organs

Redeploy- mauts 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545

Other 127,76 182.81 12.56 Total2.0545323.13


TableI(a) 1978-1979PerformanceReport RegularBudgetAccounts

AnnexI Page23 AnalysisofIncrease(decrease) Section:UNH09(Africa) OrganizationalunitlUnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:Agriculture,ForestryandFisheries(210)

Allotment Advice number(s): 8-03-05016, 8-03-05029, 9-03-05033

(InthousandsofUSdollars) ObjectofExpendituresInflationRatesof exchange

Decisionsof Policy-making Organs

Redeploy mentsOther 010EstablishedPosts 020TemporaryAssistancefor Meetings (SupplementaryStaff) 100CommonStaffCosts 220StaffTraveltoOfficial Meeting 240TravelonOfficial

Business, ,. .*' \ . , . ; ,.

1.10 1.10 1,10 1.10 1,10

2,0545 2;0545 2.0545 2.0545 2,0545


55.80 22.34 ;Total1.102.05452.40



TableI(a) 1978-19/yrertormanceReport RegularBudgetAccounts

Annex Page24 Analysisofincrease(decrease) Section:UNH09(Africa) Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica

Programme: Development Planning, Projection and Policies (240)

AllotmentAdvicenumber(s):8-03-05016,8-03-05029,9-03-05033 (InthousandsofUSdollars) ObjectofExpenditureInflationRatesof exchange

Decisionof Policy-making Organs

Redeploy mentsOther 010EstablishedPosts 030GeneralTemporaryAssistance 040Consultants(Inc.Travel) 100CommonStaffCosts 240TravelonOfficial Business

1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10

2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 1.102.0545

2.72 (18.82)

59 8 54

.16) - .82 .20 Total1.102.0545(16.10)3.86


AnnexI Page25 TableI(a) 1978-1979PerformanceReport RegularBudgetAccounts Analysisofincrease(decrease) Section:UNH09(Africa) Organizationalunit;UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:EducationandTraining(260)

Allotment Advice number(s): 8-03-05016, 8-03-05029, 9-03-05033

(InthousandsofUSdollars) „,..,-Decisionsof

Object of Expenditure Inflation exchange Policy-maki*S mints'7" Other


010 Established Pos ts 1.10 2.0545 - - (4.25) 040 Consultants


Travel) 1.10 2.0545


100 ;Comm6n Staff Costs:' 1.10 2.0545 - - 22.97 22,97

240TravelonOfficial Business1,102.0545--

Total 1.10 ._ 2.0545 _ - - 18.72 18.72


TableI(a) 1978-1979PerformanceReport RegularBudgetaccounts

AnnexI Page26 Analysisofincrease(decrease) Section:UNH09(Africa)

Organizational'unit:' United Nations Economic Commission for Africa


Allotment Advice number(s): 8-03-05016, 8-03-05029, 9-03-05033


thousands of US dollars)




Established Posts



100CommonStaffCosts-1.10 240.Travelon'officialTpusinesa1.10 Total1.10

Ratesof exchange

Decisionsof Policy-making Organs 2.0545 2.0545


Redeploy mentsOther 2.0545

(7.62) (10.22) (17.84)


TableI(a) 1978-1979PerformanceReport RegularBudgetAccounts

Annex1 Page27



increase (decrease)

Section:UNH09(Africa)... Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:Industrie"1Development(.330}•■■; Allotment:

Advice number(s): 8-0^-05016, 8-03-05029, 9-03-05033

:<"'■•(InthousandsofUSdollars) Ob'iectofExpenditure 010EstablishedPosts 040Consultants(Inc.Travel) 100CommonStaffCosts

240 ' Travel on Official


Inflation 1.10' 1.10- 1.10 1.10

Ratesof exchange Decisionsof Policy-making Organs

Redeploy mentaOther 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545

21.85 17.89 Total1.102.054539.74


TableI(a) 1978-1979PerformanceReport RegularBudgetAccounts Analysisofincrease(decrease) Section:UNH09(Africa) Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:InternationalTrade(340) AJb'tment

Advice number(s): 8-03-05016, 8-03-05029, 9-03-05033

(InthousandsofUSdollars) ObjectofExpenditureInflationRatesof exchange Decisionsof Policy-making Organs

Redeploy ments

AnnexI Page28 Other 010EstablishedPosts 040Consultants(Inc.Travel) 100CommonStaffCosts 240TravelonOfficial Business

1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10

2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545

95.27 103.28 Total1.102.0545198.55


TableI(a) 1978-1979PerformanceReport RegularBudgetAccounts Analysisofincrease(decrease) Section:UNH09(Africa) Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:LabourManagementandEmployment(440)

Allotment Advice number(s): 8-03-05016, 8-03-05029, 9-03-05033


AnnexX Page29 ObjectofExpenditureInflationRatesof exchange

Decisionsof Policy-making Organs

Redeploy mentsOther 010 040 100 240

EstablishedPosts Consultants(Iiic.Travel) CommonStaffCosts TravelonOfficial Business

1. 1. 1. 1.

10 10 10 10

2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545

2.18 24.67 Total1.102.054526.85


TableI(a) 1978-1979PerformanceReport RegularBudgetAccounts

AnnexI Page30 Analysisofincrease(decrease) Section:UNH09(Africa) Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:NaturalResources(460) AllotmentAdvicenumber(s):8-03-05016,8-03-05029,9-03-05033 (In



US dollars)

ObjectofExpenditureInflationRatesof exchange

Decisionsof Policy-making Organs

Redeploy mentsOther 010EstablishedPosts1.10 030GeneralTemporaryAssistance1.10

040 Consultants


Travel) 1.10

100CommonStaffCosts1.10 220StaffTraveltoOfficial Meeting1.10 240TravelonOfficialBusiness1.10 340Extennalprintingand binding1.10

2,0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545


65.37 79.93 Total1.102.054513.52145.30158.82


I(a) 1978-1979PerformanceReport RegularBudgetAccounts

AnnexI Page31 Analysisofincrease(decrease) Section:UNH09(Africa) Organizatibnalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:Population(480) AllotmentAdvicenumber(s):8-03-05016,8-03-05029,9-03-05033 (InthousandsofUSdollars) ObjectofExpenditureInflationRatesof exchange

Decisionsof Policy-making Organs

Redeploy mentsOther 010EstablishedPosts 100CommonStaffCosts. 240TravelonOfficial Business

1.10 1.10 1.10

2.0545 2.0545 2.0545

(3.58) (1.83) Total1.102.0545(5.41)


Annex Page TableI(a) 1978-1979PerformanceReport RegularBudgetAccounts Analysisofincrease(decrease) Section:UNH09(Africa)

Organizational unit: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa Programme: Public Administration


Allotment Advice number(s): 8-03-05016, 8-03-05029, 9-03-05033 (In thousands of US dollars) Object of Expenditure Inflation £^ Policy-making ™f Other

iflation 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10


2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545

Decisionsof Policy-making Organs - - -

010 Established Posts 1.10 2.0545 - - 59.14 59.14


100 Common Staff Costs 1.10 2.0545 - - 43.64 43.64

240TravelonOfficialBusiness Total

1 .10 2.0545 - - 102.78 102.78


1978-1979PerformanceReport RegularBudgetAccounts Analysisofincrease(decrease) Section:-UNH09(Africa) Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:ScienceandTechnology(520)

Allotment Advice number(s): 8-03-05016, 8-03-05029, 9-03-05033



Table *<*> Page 33 ; f Decisions of Redenlov Object of Expenditure Inflation "an" Policy-making merits °ther T°tal eXC S Organs . 010 Established Posts 1.10 2.0545 ■■■.-- - 7.26 7.26


100 Common Staff Costs 1.10 2.0545 - - 37.88 37.88 240 Travel on Official Business 1,10 2.0545 - - Total




45.14 45.14


TableI(a) 1978-1979PerformanceReport RegularBudgetAccounts Analysisofincrease(decrease) Section:UNH09(Africa) Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:SocialDevelopment(530)

Allotment Advice number(s): 8-03-05016, 8-03-05029, 9-03-05033


AnnexI Page34 Objectof-ExpenditureInflationRatesof exchange

Decisionsof Policy-making Organs

Redeploy mentsOther 010 040 100 240 340

EstablishedPosts Consultants(Inc.Travel) CommonStaffCosts TravelonOfficialBusiness ExternalPrintingand binding

1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10


2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545(5.98)

9.01 26.54 Total




AnnexI Page35 TableI(a)

"'I 1978-1979 Performance Report ...


Analysis of Increase (decrease) Section:


(Africa) Organizational unit: United Nations Economic Commission; for Africa

Programme:Statistics(540) AllotmentAdvicenumber(s):8-03-05016,8-03-05029,-9-03-05033 .?.(In

thousands of US dollars) t- f Decisions of Redeploy Object of Expenditure Inflation Change P011^""*1^ merits °ther


010 Established Posts 1.10 2.0545 - - 107.99 100 Common Staff Costs 1.10 2.0545, * - 89.03 240 Travel on Official Business 1.10 : 2.0545 .:..- . . -^r


binding 1.10 2.0545 - T r , (23.26) '"':'''"'i" V , " :.;;;i.io. :, :; ^.0545 ~' ■' ' - (23.26) 197.02


TableI(a) 1978-1979PerformanceReport RegularBudgetAccounts

Annex Page Analysisofincrease(decrease) Section:UNH09(Africa) Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:Transport,CommunicationsandTourism(550) AllotmentAdvicenumber(s):8-03-05016,8-03-05029,9-03-05033 (InthousandsofUSdollars) ObjectofExpenditureInflationRatesof exchange

Decisionsof Policy-making Organs

Redeploy mentsOther 010EstablishedPosts 020TemporaryAssistancefor Meetings(SupplementaryStaff) 030GeneralTemporaryAssistance 040Consultants(Inc.Travel) 100CommonStaffCosts -220StaffTraveltoOfficial Meetings 240TravelonOfficialBusiness 340ExternalPrintingandbinding 400GeneralOperatingExpenses

1.102.0545 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10

2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545



63.78 60.00 Total





TableI(a) 1978-1979PerformanceReport RegularBudgetAccounts

Analysis of increase (decrease)


Organizational unit: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

Programme:ConferenceServices(710) AllotmentAdvicenumber(s):8-03-05016,8-03-05029,9-03-05033 (InthousandsofUSdollars)

Annex Page ObjectofExpenditureInflationRatesof exchange

Decisionsof Policy-making Organs

Redeploy mentsOther 010EstablishedPosts1.10 030GeneralTemporaryAssistance1.10 100CommonStaffCosts1.10 220StaffTraveltoOfficial


1.10 500SuppliesandMaterials1.21 600FurnitureandEquipment1.20

2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545

(39.00) 48.06

54.59 13.43 Total1.142.05459.0668.02


TableI(a) 1978-1979PerformanceReport RegularBudgetAccounts

AnnexI Pp.ge38 Analysisofincrease(decrease) Section:UNH09(Africa) Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica Programme:Managementof"TechnicalCo-operation(790)

Allotment Advice number(s): 8-03-05016, 8-03-05029, 9-03-05033

(InthousandsofUSdollars) ObjectofExpenditure 010EstablishedPosts 100CommonStaffCosts

InflationRatesof exchange

Decisionsof Policy-making Organs 1.10 1.10

2.0545 2.0545

Redeploy mentsOther (59.28) (24.77) Total1.102.0545(84.05)




I(a) ;■1978-1979PerformanceReport; RegularBudgetAccounts

Analysis of increase (decrease) Section: UNH09(Africa) .. . ; Organizational unit: United Nations Economic Commission for Afiica Programme: Administration and Common Services


Allotment Advice number(s): 8-03-05016,



,; (InthousandsofUSdollars)

AnnexI ~'Pag€s39 ObjectofExpenditureInflationRatesof exchange

Decisionsof Policy-making Organs

Redeploy ments (56.18) 78.94 -


Other (251.96) 39.40... 66.58 235.13 2.56 25.00 221.40

Total (251.96) 39-40 (56.18) 145.52 235.13 2.56 25.00 221.40

010EstablishedPosts1.10 020TemporaryAssistancefor meetings(SupplementaryStaff).1.10 030GeneralTemporaryAssistance1.10. 050OvertimeandNightDiff.1.10 100CommonStaffCosts110 240TravelonOfficialBusiness1.10 410RentalandMaintenanceof

Prmises 1.10

420Utilities1.25 430Rent&MaintenanceofEquipment1.10 440Communication1.10

450 Hospitality




Miscellaneous Services

1.10 500SuppliesandMaterials1.21 600

Furniture and Equipment


2.0545 2.0545. 2.G545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 Total1.132.0545.22.76

338.11 36C.8?


TableI(b) 1978-1979PerformanceReport: RegularBudgetAccounts Summarybyorganizationunit,allprogrammes

AnnexX Page40 Section:UNH09(Africa) Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica AllotmentAdvicenumber(s):8-03-05016,8-03-05029,9-03-05033 (InthousandsofUSdollars) 010 110 210 240 260 290


340 440 460 480 500

Programmes Policy-makingorgans ExecutiveDirectionand Management Agriculture,Forestry andFisheries DevelopmentPlanning, ProjectionandPolicies EducationandTraining HumanSettlements IndustrialDevelopment InternationalTrade LabourManagementand Employment NaturalResources Population PublicAdministration


Revised Appropriations 1978-1979 284.10 1937.80 644.20 1714.40 398.70 247.90 1030.20 1122.80 111.20 1116.70 171.00 437.20

(2) Expendituresand obligations 19781Jan.to 31May1979 177.41 1604.57 479.10 1098.07 276.95 140.96 666.15 891.10 96.21 886.56 103.90, 377.45

(3) Projectedrequire ments1June1979to 31December1979 106.14 656.36 245.64 604.09 140.47 89.10 403.79 430.25 41.84 388.96 61.69 162.53

(4) Totalestimated requirements 1978-1979 t283.55 2260.93 724.74 1702.16 417.42 230.06 1069.94 1321.35 138.05 1275.52 165.59 539.98

(5) Increase (decrease) (4)over (0.55) 323.13 80.54 (12.24) 18.72 (17.84) 39.74 198.55 26.85 158.82 (5.41) 102.78


520 530 540 550 710 790 800

Programmes -, ScienceandTechnology SocialDevelopment Statistics Transport,Coinmunications andTourism ConferenceServices ManagementofTechnical Co-operation AdministrationandCommon Services Total


Revised Appropriations 1978-1979 321.40 921.60 1147.30 1186.10 2045.00 266.90 6929.50 22034.00

(2) Expendituresand obligations 19781Jan.to 31May;1979 266*06 662.90 898.13 811.35 1358.01 93.91 1 5153.69 16042.48

(3) Projectedrequire ments1June1979to 31December1979 100.48 288.27


4&5.69 764.07 B8.94 2136.68 7617.92

AnnexI Page%l:




1978-1979 366.54 951.17 1321V06 1297..04 2122.08 '182.85 7290.37 23660.40

r■—_ (5) Increase (decrease) (4)over 45.14 29.57 173V76 11Q.94 77.08 (84.05) 360.87 1626.40


TableI(c) 1978-1979PerformanceReport: RegularBudgetAccounts SummarybyObjectofExpenditure,OrganizationalUnitasawhole

AnnexI Page42 Section:UNH09(Africa)

Organizational unit: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

AllotmentAdvicenumber(s):8-03-05016,8-03-05029,9-03-05033 (InthousandsofUSdollars) ObjectofExpenditure 010EstablishedPosts 020TemporaryAssistance forMeetings (SupplementaryStaff) 030GeneralTemporaryAssist. 040Consultants

050 Overtime and Night

Differential■■'■' 100CommonStaffCosts 220TraveltoService meetings 240OtherOfficialTravelof Staff■- 340ExternalPrinting& binding 400GeneralODeratineExpenses

(1) .

Revised- Appropriations 1978-1979 12603.70 334.00 424.80 341.30 .77.2.0 5069.50


463.30 112.10 311.00

(2) Expendituresand obligations 19781Jan.to 31May1979 8679.43 311.24 230.30 262.62 IJ.3.88 3992702 329.90 12.14 4.53

(3) Projectedrequire ments1June1979to 31December1979 4116.25 79-56. 115.56 87.60 108.84 2058.18

.175.1'? ;■■







Totalestimated requirements 1978-1979 12795.68 ,399-,8.P 345.86 350.12 222.72 6050.20 ■320.7C;■





(5) Increase (decrease) (4>over(1) 191;98 .56,80 (78.94) .8.82 145.52 980.70 .i. ,..15.12




AnnexI Page43 Object'ofexpenditure

(I) (2)

RevisedExpendituresand AppropriationsObligations

1973-1979 1973 1 Jan. to 31 Mav 1979

(3) (4) (5)


raents 1 June 1979 to requirements (decrease) 31 December 1979 1973-1979 (4) over

4iORentalandMaintenanceof Premises-

420: Utilities i" ;

430'Rental■andMaintenanceof Equipment 4>0Communications 450.Hospitality 4-30LliscellaneousServices fOQ.;.SuppliesandMaterials £i&

Furniture and Equipment


260,00 171.70 249.40 499.50,... 9.00



198.70 /. \ ,

212.45 124.33 211.7S


::4.22; II5.76 59G.7S !150,43 -■;

47.54 72.37


' :y 177-80 1l^r ■:" 4.73 "" " 51.74

169.38 43.22

26Oe*OO 196.70

249'.40 720.90 9.00




25.00 221.40 Total22034.00






I(d) 1978-1979PerformanceReport RegularBudgetAccounts

Annex Page

Analysis nf increase (deer—»■>: Sugary by organizational unit, all programmes

010 110 210

(In thousands of US dollars)

Decisionsof Policy-making Organs Policy-makingOrgans ExecutiveDirectionand Management AgricultureForestryand Fisheries 240DevelopmentPlanning, ProjectionandPolicies 260EducationandTraining 290.-Humaa.Settlement 330IndustrialDevelopment 340InternationalTrade W0

Labour Management and

Employment 460NaturalResources 480Population WOPublicAdministration 520ScienceandTechnology

1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10

2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545

Redeploy ments _..


- 2.40 (16.10) "— - *. - 13.52 -




78.14 3.86 18.72

'.- (17.84)


198.55 26.85. 145.30 (5.41) 102.78 45.14


Annex Page45 Programmes^InflationRatesof exchange

Decisionsof Policy-making Organs

Redeploy mentsOther 530

549 550

710 790


SocialDevelopment Statistics Transport,Communications andTourism ConferenceServices ManagementofTechnical Cd-operation AdministrationandCommon Services'■■<■■

1.10 1.10 1.10


1.10 ;1U3

2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2 00545 2.0545


9 22

.96) .25)

,06 -







338.11 Total1.12

2.0545 1526.40


TableI(e) 1978-1979PerformanceReport RegularBudgetAccounts

AnnexI Page46 Analysisofincrease(decrease):Summarybyobjectofexpenditure,organizationalunitasawhole Section:UNH09(Africa)" Organizationalunit:UnitedNationsEconomicCommissionforAfrica AllotmentAdvicenumber(s): (InthousandsofUSdollars) ObjectofExpenditureInflationRatesof exchange

Decisionsof Policy-making Organs

Redeploy mentsOthertotal 010 020 030 040 050 100 22Q 240 340 400 410 420 430


Temporary Assistance for

Meetings GeneralTemporaryAssistance

Consultants (Inc. Travel)

OvertimeandNightDiff. CommonStaffCosts TraveltoServiceMeetings OtherOfficialTravelofStaff ExternalPrintingandbinding ■GeneralOperatingExpense RentandMaintenanceof Premises Utilities RentandMaintenance

1.1Q 1.10 1.10 1.X0 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.25

2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545

(78.94) 78.94 (48.06)

191.98 :56.8O 8.82 66.58 980.70 15.12 60.00 25.00

191.98 56.80 (78.94)

8.*82 145.'52

980.70 15.12 (48.06) 60.00 ,25.00 ofEquipment1.102.0545



Page 47

ObjectofExpenditureInflationRatesof exchange

Decisionsof Policy-making or^anp

Redeploy mentsOther 440Communications 450Hospitality 490SviiscellaneousServices 500SuppliesandMaterials 500FurnitureandEquipment

1.10 1.10 1.10 1.21 1,20

2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2.0545 2,0545


221.40 Total1.12

2.0545 1525.40 1525.40


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