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HAL Id: jpa-00229533


Submitted on 1 Jan 1989

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M. Pons, R. Klein, C. Arena, S. Mariaux

To cite this version:



loques, 1989, 50 (C5), pp.C5-57-C5-65. �10.1051/jphyscol:1989510�. �jpa-00229533�



Colloque C5, suppl6ment au n05, Tome 50, mai 1989



D . L E T I / I R D I , C E A , C E N / G , 85X, F - 3 8 0 4 1 G r e n o b l e , P r a n c e

* ~ ~ 2 1 , c h e m i n des

~ r s l e s ,

F - 3 8 2 4 0 M e y l a n , F r a n c e

* * SZMC/CNRS UA-413, ENSEEG, I N P G , B P . 7 5 , F - 3 8 4 0 2


M a r t i n d ' ~ $ r e s , F r a n c e



Les phCnomines survenant a u cours du d6pbt chimique


partir d'une phase vapeur resultent du couplage des transferts d e chaleur e t d e m a t i i r e et d e la rdaction chimique donnant lieu a u dCpBt. La rCsolution du systhme d'dquations differentielles requiert I'emploi d e techniques numeriques. Nous avons au D-Leti utilise Flux-Expert, un logiciel faisant appel aux techniques Clkments finis pour simuler l e comportement des rbacteurs d e D.C.P.V. C e logiciel peut aisCrnent Cvoluer lorsque d e nouvelles Cquations sont ajout6es ; il e s t d e plus t r i s convivial. A I ' h e u r e a c t u e l l e , n o u s n e prCsentons q u e d e s r i s u l t a t s o b t e n u s pour d e s gCom6tries axisymCtriques ; des simulations tridimensionnelles sont e n cours d e dCveloppe- ment. L e but du travail present6 e s t d e montrer que cet outil peut p e r m e t t r e l a conception, 1'Cvaluation et l a prCdiction d e s r6acteurs.

ABSTRACT - Basic chemical vapor deposition concepts involve fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfers associated with both g a s phase and surface chemical reactions. Powerful numerical techniques a r e necessary t o solve t h e relevant equations. Flux-Expert i s a general finite element program which is commercially available ; t h e adaptation of this general purpose software package t o t h e modeling of CVD reactors has been developed a t t h e D-Leti.

The original software c a n easily b e upgraded with additional new equations ; i t i s a fully interactive, menu driven program with built in graphics.

A t t h e present time, our software i s designed t o simulate only t w o dimensionnal axisymmetric p r o b l e m s ( c y l i n d r i c a l c o o r d i n a t e s y s t e m s ) . A t h r e e d i m e n s i o n a l v e r s i o n i s i n progress.

The purpose of this work is t o explore t h e performance of CVD reactors, optimize t h e possibilities of existing reactors, provide users with a helpful tool f o r t h e development of new reactor configurations and t h e prediction of related process parameters.




The design of CVD reactors involves cross-disciplinary sciences which will allow a complete description of t h e phenomena 111. In f a c t , t h e performances of CVD a r e depending on a wide range of variables. The geometric configuration of t h e reactor, t h e opCrating conditions a r e intimately related t o t h e kinetics of t h e film growth 11-91. I t i s important t o note that, for t h e most part, t h e design of t h e industrial equipment h a s been made empirically and cannot guarantee optimum conditions 1'61. For these reasons, t h e c u r r e n t trend is t o develop models t o describe t h e deposition process and t h e interdependence of t h e basic physical phenomena. The predictions which come from these models a r e limited (perhaps except for t h e Si deposition) by a n incomplete knowledge of t h e chemical phenomena (chemical reactions e i t h e r in t h e gas phase or on t h e substrate) 111. In order t o reach some insight, like in others studies 11-161, w e have adapted t h e general f i n i t e element code Flux-Expert 1171 t o t h e h e a t and mass transfers CVD problems. We have chosen a general code because CVD problems a r e numerous; t h e code must b e easily modified and upgraded. A t t h e present time, our software i s designed t o simulate only t w o dimensional problems (cylindrical coordinate systems). The t h r e e dimensional adaptation i s in progress, especially for t h e design of tubular reactors used for t h e low temperature deposition of silicon oxide and for t h e modeling of injector geometries.

The purpose of this work is t o provide users (engineers and even students) with (i) a helpfull tool for t h e development of new reactor configurations, (ii) t h e prediction of optimal operating conditions and (iii) general knowledge of CVD phenomena and problems. With built in graphics and fully interaction, this software may easily b e used by a broad range of users.

After t h e description of t h e used code and of the numerical procedures, we present i t s potential uses f o r t h e design of axisymmetrical reactors. This type of single wafer reactors is very a t t r a c t i v e for numerous microelectronic applications/l8/.

Many powerful and large scale, general purpose finite element or finite difference codes have been Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:1989510



developed and a r e commercially available. In t h e modeling of solids and s t r u c t u r e t h e interactive graphic accelerates popular use of finite element methods because t h e pre- and post- processing give users e a s y access 1191. For fluid mechanics, h e a t and mass transfer coupled problems, t o our knowledge, only few software packages a r e easily available. The Fidap finite element code (USA) allows solution of almost all incompressible fluid mechanics problems even coupled with h e a t transfer. Phoenics finite difference code (G.B.) allows solution of almost all h e a t and mass transfer problems and we think t h a t i t could solve CVD problems. In France, Modulef and Flux-Expert, general purpose finite element codes, allow solution of some chemical engineering problems.

However, t h e equations t o be solved must b e transformed t o a finite element formulation. We have chosen Flux-Expert. In this software package, some chemical engineering equations which a r e compatible with t h e finite element formulation c a n be solved. Consequently, i t may b e used (i) obviously f o r educational purpose, (ii) t o design r e a c t o r s for known chemical phenomena (iii) t o reach general insight about new phenomena.




The CVD process involves momentum, mass, energy and sqecies balance /1,20/. We only consider t h e stationary case-pecause t h e film growth r a t e ( I pm.s- ) is generally slow compared t o t h e g a s 1 m.s ) 1211. As in t h e most cases t h e r e a c t a n t s a r e diluted in t h e c a r r i e r g a s (HZ, is possible t o remove t h e dependence of t h e flow on t h e species balance; t h e field of t h e reactive species involves a negligible e f f e c t on t h e physical properties which c a n b e assumed t o be those of t h e pure c a r r i e r gas. The momentum, energy and mass balance a r e f i r s t solved. We obtain t h e velocities, pressure and temperature fields which become a n input t o species balance equations. The consumption of t h e reacting gas (i.e. t h e deposition kinetic) i s a boundary condition on t h e reacting areas. Generally, for CVD experiments t h e flow is laminar 11-161. Table 1 displays t h e general equations t o b e solved. Because of t h e assumption of dilute r e a c t a n t s t h e h e a t of t h e reaction will b e negligible except in some systems with oxidation (i.e.

SiO deposition). The consumption of t h e reacting g a s by reactions in t h e homogeneous phase is n o t takzn into account in t h e equation (4) but should be for special applications. The deposition c a l c u t a t i o n s w e r e p e r f o r m e d w i t h a n a x i s y m m e t r i c a l g e o m e t r y . T a b l e 2 s h o w s t h e b o u n d a r y conditions. In this example, the reactor walls and t h e wafer susceptor a r e w a t e r cooled. This configuration is desirable to avoid wall deposition. Configurations with insulated walls and/or with inductive heating will not b e presented in this paper for b e t t e r clarity. The wafer


= 5 c m ) i s a t t a c h e d t o t h e heater. The distance between t h e wafer and t h e inlet will b e called


t h e o u t l e t radius 1 and t h e inlet radius L.

The physical and chemical properties of t h e mixture results from experimental d a t a o r from statistical calculations /20,22-231. They c a n generally be expressed a s a function of t e m p e r a t u r e and pressure /see for example 211.





4 4 4 4

p . (


v . g m d v ) = div


p . g

+ +

t 4 + 4

7 = p . ( g r a d v




( W 3 . p . d i v v




div ( p

. +

V . w ~ ) P

P . r v c


&dwAi+ K + . I ~ . & ~ L L ~ T) ) )

-Fickian hC-



diffusion diffusion Table I : General equations


+- +

eq. (R) :


= pDAB (grad W A


DT W A grad LnT)




= 0


Table 2 : Boundary conditions for a stagnation point flow reactor.

The modeling equations, t h e boundary conditions and t h e variable physical properties form a complex s e t of partial differential equations. The Galerkin finite e l e m e n t method was chosen t o solve this problem. Each equation is projected on polynomial basis functions. A mixed order polynomial approximation was used ; for t h e components of velocity, temperature and concentra- tion t h e order 2 was chosen, for pressure t h e order 1. The stability of t h e method depends on t h e element dimensions and t h e characteristic number which is t h e r a t i o of advection t o diffusion. The limit is R e = 2 on each element. This limit is, a t the present time, acceptable for t h e most part of CVD experiments. The complete s e t form of nonlinear algeabric equations c a n be found in Ref.24.

The finite element method is a powerful means of solving complex equations ; no simplifying assumptions a r e necessary, but extensive computation time is required and many simulations a r e necessary t o reach a general insight 151.

Table 3 summarizes t h e resolution scheme for cold wall reactors.


- (a)



E E > I Ryj"b-T (





Table 3 : Resolution scheme for cold wall reactor. I

This sofware allows t o calculate deposition r a t e s from deposited flux under t h g following conditions :


stationary c a s ; laminar flow


isothermal/non isothermal reactors


concentration and thermal gradient driven diffusion


surface reaction o r diffusion controlled deposition


any inlet flow profile


variable physical properties ; axisymmetrical geometry






Our a i m is not t o show results for a special problem b u t t o demonstrate t h a t our s o f t w a r e can solve a wide range of problems, a t t h e present time, for axisymmetrical cylindrical reactors ;'so, t h e results, a s in some recent studies 11-151, will be displayed with dimensionless characteristic numbers.

Although t h e goal of t h e simulation i s t o predict t h e deposition r a t e and t h e thickness homogeneity of t h e film, we have separated t h e thermal gas flow study from t h e deposition r a t e study. Indeed, t e m p e r a t u r e gradient driven recirculations arising from operating conditions must generally be avoided because they limit t h e deposition uniformity and they c a n bring t h e by-products back into c o n t a c t with t h e wafer. We have numerically explored t h e geometric and operating conditions t h a t would lead t o a flow field f r e e of recir'culations. From t h e operating conditions previously defined, w e have calculated t h e deposition rate.

4-1 Thermal e f f e c t s

For hydrogen c a r r i e r gas, Reynolds numbers (see table 4 for t h e definition) from 1 t o 10 have been chosen f o r t h e c a l c ~ a ~ o n s s ; they r e f l e c t realistic CVD conditions. The different geometries presented a r e not always common b u t they a r e technologically possible. Figure 1 shows a n example of recirculation arising from thermal gradients for a n atmospheric pressure reactor. With these conditions, t h e flow is dominated by a buoyancy driven recirculation cell above t h e substrate. The dimensionless number which may c h a r a c t e r i z e t h e magnitude of this e f f e c t i s t h e ratio Gr/Re2 (see table 4) ; it can b e used a s a diagnostic factor/2/. I t represents the r a t i o of natural convection velocity squared t o t h e forced convection velocity squared. The dimensionless number G (see table 4) defined by Jensen and al. 1211 c a n characterize, for a given R e number, t h e magnitude of the thermal e f f e c t s in relation t o t h e inlet-plate distance Z (note t h a t if


~ r = G . ( A p / p ) . According t o Wahl 121, t h e influence of gravity on t h e gas flow c a n b e neglected if Gr/Re2<Co, where Co is a complex function of t h e previously selected geometric parameters ; nevertheless Co seems difficult t o calculate. I t is t h e reason why we have chosen for t h e stagnation point reactor t o present t h e transition between t h e different flow features with t h e number G ; i t may give some insight more easily.

The intent i s t o lower o r avoid thermal recirculation. The first solution would b e t o increase t h e flow r a t e (i.e. t o decrease Gr/Re2) ; at !jmospheric pressure, even with hydrogen carrier gas, high flow r a t e a r e required (more than 5 1.mn STP). The second solution is t o diminish t h e wafer-inlet length (see t h e cubic dependence of C on t h e p l a t e separation 2). We have shown t h a t i t is necessary t o lower t h e a s p e c t r a t i o down t o 0.3 t o avoid recirculation. Figure 2 is an example of existing reactors whose aspect r a t i o have been decreased. The third solution is t o decrease t h e density of t h e g a s and eventually t h e a s p e c t ratio. As hydrogen carrier g a s was chosen, t h e only way t o decrease t h e density is t o reduce t h e pressure (figure 3).

Table 4 : Dimensionless numbers


Fig. 1 ZITypical velocitiy field and i ~ o t h e r m s for H2 flow in a vertical reactor ( I 1.mn a t the mass flow) ; P = 10 Pa

(a) Re = 2 ; A = 1.5 ; IA = 1.1 ; PA = 0.25 ; G = 187000 (b) R e = 2 ; A = 0.65 ; IA = 0.8 ; PA = 0.25 ; G = 12000

Fig. 2 Solution of t h ~ thermal effects : Z is lowered (i.e. G ) 1 1.mn STP ; P = I0 Pa

R e = 2 ; A = 0.3 ; IA = 0.8 ; PA = 0.25 ; G = 1500





Fig 3


Solution of t h e Y e r m a l e f f e c t s : pressure is reduced (i.e. G and Gr) 1 l.mn-' STP : P = 5.10 P a

A diagnostic can b e made using t h e G ratio. For a n inlet flow r a t e of I 1.mn- STP, if t h e r a t i o is 1 lower than 2000 t h e flow is forced convection dominated ; if G i s higher than 2000 natural convection appears. For higher inlet flow r a t e s this critical value is higher. These results a r e in good agreement with t h e literature 11-21.

We a r e able t o predict, for realistic CVD conditions, a flow f r e e of thermal gradient driven recirculation. In general, for low pressure reactors, with low molecular c a r r i e r gas, if t h e aspect ratio i s lower than 1, no recirculation is found. For atmospheric pressure reactors, without using prohibitive flow rates, t h e a s p e c t ratio must be decreased t o avoid t h e thermal effects. It is important t o note t h a t for nitrogen o r argon c a r r i e r gas, i t is much more difficult t o solve this p r o b l e m 1211. T h e t h e r m a l g r a d i e n t i s s t e e p e r a n d t h e i n f l u e n c e of g r a v i t y i s i n c r e a s e d . If t h e substrate i s heated by induction instead of by a heater, thermal e f f e c t s a r e also found in t h e e x i t area. We have shown t h a t by narrowing t h e outlet region (i.e. decreasing t h e magnitude of PA down t o 0.2) recirculation c a n b e lowered o r eliminated. Jensen and al. 121,251 have also shown t h a t t h e thermal e f f e c t s a r e lowered by inverting t h e reactor.

4-2 Film homogeneity

Our a i m i s t o predict t h e condition leading t o a uniform deposition (homogeneity less than 5%) over the wafer. I t - i s obvious t h a t t h e desigi of t h e r e a c t o r - w i l l be all tThe m o r e difficult a s the substrate i s large. Although i t is possible t o obtain a uniform deposition in a mixed flow regime (natural and forced convection) by a proper selection of G o r Gr/Re2, i t is a much simpler task t o specify pure forced convection. The mixing action of the vortices is t o be avoided since mixing will bring t h e by-products of t h e reaction back into c o n t a c t with t h e wafer, r a t h e r than sweeping them out of t h e reactor 161.

The r a t e flow and temperature files acccording t o table 3 scheme, were injected in t h e species b a l a n c e e q u a t i o n s . T h e r e s u l t s h a v e l e d t o o b t a i n c o n c e n t r a t i o n p r o f i l e s a c c o r d i n g t o t h e consumption mode of t h e reacting species. As previous studies /1,10,13/ have shown t h a t thermal diffusion cannot b e neglected in modeling CVD, w e consider only t h e results where thermal diffusion was included. The major e f f e c t of thermal diffusion i s generally t o lower t h e deposition r a t e (i.e. t h e deposited flux on t h e reacting areas).

Numerous kinetic schemes c a n be used (i.e. R i s a function of t h e species concentration; the simpliest form is R = kwA


k is t h e r a t e constant). For diffusion limited deposition, t h e r a t e constant has been chosen s u f f l c ~ e n t l y large ; according t o Moffat and Jensen 1251, i t i s a b e t t e r approach than setting t h e partial pressure of t h e reacting gas t o z e r o a t t h e wafer surface.


When surface kinetics control t h e reaction (generally a t low t e m p e r a t u r e and /or pressure) a n uniform distribution ( 5%) was found. When complex kinetics, involving g a s phase reactions, control t h e deposition rate, homogeneity may b e altered. T h e e f f e c t s of unsaturated species a r e n o t described here. With t h e previous results concerning natural convection, several design guidelines o r rules of thumb may b e developed. For example, a contribution t o t h e optimization of t h e selectivity in a tungsten CVD reactor 161 c a n proceed from these trends ; t h e use of (i) a cold wall reactor, (ii) H c a r r i e r gas, (iii) low pressure, (iiii) high g a s velocities leads t o a r e a c t o r with no wall growth, wi4h no recirculation, thus f r e e of by-products in t h e reacting area. I t must b e noted t h a t f o r t h e most p a r t these rules have already been incorporated in commercial r e a c t o r design. In t h e c a s e of tungsten, t h e s e rules a r e required but they a r e n o t sufficient 1261.

In t h e mass transfer limited regime (generally a t higher t e m p e r a t u r e and/or pressure) non linear interactions exist between buoyancy, viscous and inertia t e r m s ; multiple flow fields leading t o uniform films could b e predicted. Figure 4 shows t h e reduced growth r a t e for typical configura- tions. Reactor (a) leads t o a n increase of t h e thickness near t h e o u t e r edge since (i) buoyancy dominates t h e tranport and (ii) t h e diffusion layer i s thinned at t h e h e a t e r edge by a large flow.

For lower values of R e ( R e 0.1) an opposite profile has been found because t h e reactive gas is depleted along t h e surface. R e a c t o r (b), due t o i t s small a s p e c t r a t i o is forced convection dominated ; t h e film thickness decreases away from t h e c e n t e r of t h e wafer, e x c e p t near t h e edge due t o t h e bending of t h e flow. R e a c t o r (c), a low pressure reactor, obviously leads t o t h e more uniform profile since t h e diffusion coeficient is increased and t h e deposition r a t e lowered.

I t i s important t o note t h a t t h e most p a r t of a c t u a l vertical CVD r e a c t o r s rarely have t h e wide inlets (IA=0.8 t o I ) used in t h e above calculations. Generally, a thin t u b e a s inlet is used and t h e a s p e c t ratio i s o f t e n g r e a t e r than 1. With t h e s e configurations, homogeneity is never achieved /I/.

We have shown, with selected examples, some relationships existing between t h e performances (i.e.

uniformity) and t h e operating conditions (temperature, flow patterns, r a t e limiting process


; o t h e r s technological problems, a s for example t h e t e m p e r a t u r e homogeneity of t h e wafer w e r e n o t taken into a c c o u n t 1261.

Fig 4


Homogeneity of t h e film 5





The presented calculations depict t h e influence of t h e design on t h e technological performances of axisymmetrical reactors. Numerical models may provide a complete description of t h e transport processes. But, even with t h e best numerical models, t h e r e is t o o much lack of d a t a in growth chemistry and in t h e values of physical constants t o r e a c h t h e absolute gro6tth r a t e s a priori.

Therefore, they allow t o r e a c h a general insight i n t o t h e physical processes and t o predict t h e uniformity of t h e film. This c o d e obviously cannot solve all t h e problems found in CVD but i t may b e a starting point for f u t u r e development.






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p : dynamic viscosity

U : kinematic viscosity

: thermal diffusivity : dilatability Variables and physical quantities

o (index) : properties a t 300 K, a t t h e inlet Ai (index) : r e a c t i v e dilute g a s

B (index) : leading g a s


: reactive variable

T : t e m p e r a t u r e W ~ i : mass fraction of Ai

V : velocity vector

Vr : radial velocity vz : axial velocity

g : acceleration due t o gravity

k : thermal conductivity


P : pressure

C : h e a t capacity


AB : binary diffusion coefficient

"T : thermal diffusion coefficient

M : molar mass

R : ideal gas law constant

Dimensionless numbers

Gr : Grashof

R e : Reynolds

Fr : Froude

G : Gravity number

Sh : Sherwood

A : a s p e c t ratio J A : inlet aspect ratio PA : pumping a s p e c t ratio R e a c t o r dimensions

Z : inlet-substrate length

R : substrate radius

L : inlet radius

I : radial length of the o u t l e t


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