• Aucun résultat trouvé

But other substaI;lt,~al.lirnestone formations are also ,known around Lusaka

Tigre and Harar provin,c~s. Lim~stone delJosits.ar.e spread throughout the


width and bre~dth of thej country,.; anci.prelj.nlinaryestimates o~f:: reserves indicate t11at th~re is no li.wit.,to the exparl.~ion~possibi~litie~soft11e cement industry in


.:) 97.

Resources,. of limestone are extensive' 'in I(eny-'a.. T11.·e extensive coral

; limestone .. of ..the .coast 'ar(~ alr·83.dy exploJ.

t,jd.; so also

·are "tho


doposi ts

~qt.st:'of :the::Ri~ft.Val.ley at Athi·'River. Limestones'''are worked'-- for lime in

~~ornbasC)" Turolca and Koru. At Sultan Harnl1d,' drystallirie limestone' is

quar~i-ed'for tIle AthiRiver Cem:ent factorJTe " Other"large "reserves"have been

,.re.C'.ogrti_z,e~d,.in·South .Nyanz,a:andalso 'in

'otlle'r pl:aces;

which, hO~'Jever, are nC)t, e,asi,l.y,·'ac:cess.ible:. By


Uganda:-i's"l1ot:'fj,'s"endowed as Ite~ya with good quality limestone depo:s'it:s


Th"e eXi'sting cement factory rel~.ef3.mai.nly ?n the: Tor.o.re, 'andS:uku ,IIil.1s .deposit,g, but the qu;al.i


of the limest,one is n.ot ,~ltoge..tb~r. sa.t.i.sfac.tory.The:·phcisphate oontent is p:~gh.. Consequently .the~ m~n~f~pt.ureofcemeu.t ·a>tTorore' -and Suku Hills de.positSP'll.t the qual~.ty 2~~.th~ J.im~;sto·ne is:,' not altogether satisfactory •

" \..1 .'-.

: The phosphat~,c.9ntent is hiiSh. ,90l?-~eqtl~nt:J·y.t·he.manufac·t·ure· of cern"ent at Torore demand~.rigC?r.c?us control an.df.91.1P9:rvisi;on·:e ' Besides,:' t:his soUrce, recent reports indica~e possibly s~~~sfapt9~Y l~meston~deposits '~t Kassese in the Western par~ of the c9untry~


In Tanz.ania substarltial

reser:ves of

limes·tone have been recognized.

The Wazz Hill (:te.lJosi~s,~~ar :par-es-Salqq,m~. are.:aoo.n.:to be exploited. In addition, deposits investigated .atT,anga offer strollg','·:po.ssibili


for cement manufact~e in tb.at,,~ pur~ marine .. lirnestoneand<·a-well graded marine

-'~ , .

clay are fO,ur~,..near to. each other,.Others-ources of:limest-bn·e are indicated at IJugoba, Ta;roID.a11da, Ivlb~~ra apdLindi-Kilw'ae HOltJ8ver, sotne of these areas suffer from remotness from ffiC!+k,etcentres.


There are various deposi ts of limestone tllroughout Rhodes'ia. The estimated resery:.~s of hig>~:. grade.-~ate~ia~ are :r,e..ported..,~:~__ ..9ver,-700 million tons. In ?ambia the Cb.~lang.a, l~mestone,depos.i·ts ar.e. already exploited.

But other substaI;lt,~al.lirnestoneformations

are also ,known around Lusaka.

The Ndola deposits are exploited for lime and construction work. The :Jhalugame limestone deposi ts in ilalawi could sustain consicierable

expansions of the existing cernent factory. rr'11e deposi1;8', ':hotJ-eve~, have intrusions of gneiss9 which tends to make expioitation


the limestone


un'econolnic •

100. Besides the Amboanio limeston,e depos,i.ts near I!lE1,~L¥~~f3:?,.i,n !~9-2g~~,£~


which are presently exploited by the cement factory, several other potential depos'its are kno1im. '1'118 more important of these have ':been examined and studied.' The most interestillg deposit from 'the point of


'''o'f setting up


c"em:ent fact'~ry are tho'so of Ibi ty in the Antsira"be' region, on lirhich deta'ii'ed> i'rlve'stigatio"n arebeillg curre'ntly ~pursued. Also o'f" interest are the deposi t s v f Saolara, South

of 'rulJ:ar,

wheret§'sts have established the cluali ty'of' th'e' li:mestone. 'There


indications of g'ood" quality limestone in the regi6\.1. 'of'])'iego-Sharez 'as:


101,. 111 R~~.n.q.a,.: ,f?~"yeral deposit~ o,:fl~E~estone are recog'nized:t~re~ghout

the country. Good quality lirnesto~l.1,\~"s fpU11d at R1Araza. ,l)ut is.,p~:.f,limited quantity. However at Amashiuza, the reserves of limestone of the appropriate

~~al~t~ for th{;~iriufactureof ce~en~ are estimated at over 2 million tons.

By cbntr'ast;'liIri':~st'6nefor" the manuf'actur~ of celTle11t have not beeD found in BurlIndi·.' Th.ie::::'lirn'~'stonedeposits of t'he plal18 of RU.zizi h8.s too hig'h a mag'nesiu.m c6nterit~ There are reports of good quality'linlest~ne deposits

' . . .

near the two" tOWlJ.S of Berbera and Nfogadi"sc'io


Sornalia. Ma'uritius does .' not appear to


the apIJropriate quality of limestone "for"'the manufacture



102. The above a~~.. more indicati.ons, Q~ possi~le, sources of liin~stono.


need for f1l,r,ther.~nt~n~iyeanq. detail.ed.i.gyQJ:Qg';icq,l, physical and chemical

.. , ...~ ". .J._ ..~_ I,; ,:~."., ; ..' . '~,'; - ....- . ' .. : '. :'_~':':.",... '.' '... ; - ...' - .. : "•..~_.

studiE:3~ can. noy b~ ~qye~...en-~p1;lC1Sis~d. ThE3"tenda.ncy. to locate cement factories

. . ' , : . . : ... - \'.' . ; " ~.:•• '.' :~~ -'-~ . . "'. ,.,' ~. f ~:.;'~:_:' . ~-",~" ,,'.

nearer to .. cer}.tres,\pf 90nslpTl:pt~on !;las too often led tp the, utilization of inferior quality raw materials resulting either in inoreased operating costs or in inferior quality final product or both.

" ,..j,;



84 })age 44,

103. Al tb.ougls. g'y:P?UIll constitutes :;a very srnall"J;!ar,t .~Qf direo.tmate.rial inputs, nevertl1~1$,ss its .. abs811ce or inadequacy 1 QcqJrly leaqs. t9 iinlports, w1+ich could t1:1u,sc;ontrib~lte to affeo,ting', l~·:r:OCtll:Ct.io11coStS.adve,r$ely·o

'Tl~e...rn.ajori ty o,f qQuntries in the sub-;::r,~giql1,are


b,.ow~ver, .fq,~oured· j1Wiith tl1eir O1'Jn resources of gYPSU.Ifl or else have the~-Qpt..ion: ·.Q1~ dp.a1ifug ..'on tIle considerable resources of the sub-region as a 1~~ol~~.

104. The TI1q,st extel1sive g:ypsum rese~ves·'knQwn,··,i11~.~_th.e. :$141)-J;.~giO;:Q' ar,e those of lSo~alia. f:llie c~e'p·osi:t is locate~ "at $OJne


kIIl~·;\·fr.9m.~J3e;rbe:('a" and plans

!~+e .now fairly ,vi~~,l aclvan·q.~d to rnalce it,~,::;:·-8X'I1.J.Gi,tatiQn po·ssibl:~:~..


appears tb.at ..the present p~9;j.ect reyolves a~o~u:q.d·:<Gxeq,ting.:an'._GJPPQ~\t..' ·_o.~tl:et·for the mi11eral. In Ethiopia,.."i,sever·a,l gy:pswn~, depo:s:i~t~~have been.c·;J;:8¢o,gn.:ize.d0 J.t Dawale near Dire Dawa,,_- one .~:~l?osit is alr{3a~y:beingexpletted l)y the J);_:re Dawa cement factory.: .'J~t


neaI7~)~$SaiQ,·gYP.SUI11 :.occurs·at :th.e. surface in larg'e sized b10ck:8. In th~ surround~~~$.o£-Addi$__cAbaba, at least tljvO

deposits have been studied - ,and noted to be satisfactoJ;3T from the point . ~.~..~..-_.~..

of view of econ.ornie exploi tatiOll~

G3'p$UJn.,,)depQ$i ts of econonlic SiZE;. QCGur in-fa number of places in

ther occurrences are indicated in tb.e- l\fQ;~~:·flern..:r.rovince. .Recently; g~Yl1sllrIl d-ep~Q:sitS.were discovered near

]1alin.di,£<~n·d. b.av,~ $ince beep ~exploited fOJ? us:e at tbe·,-Bamburi Celnent Factory.

In ,1]~n~q,nia,,~_~~ypsun1.~.de})osi


near 1\·]'(0I11azi ..i;n the ':,.Wshete district is

expJ-oi_1?ed. ' I;~is:p;r~9duction is exported~~tolJga.nda- and l~enJTa. Recelltly, a very large tonnage of good quality gypsum was discovered in the Kilwa district, which 90uld be economically exploit~d for both the home and export markets.

~, " (,~~ c'~, :.:,:~ ,:::I- ,<' ~-, ':~.'-.c. ,,~~ .::~ .~. . : : "

'~".-The Tlalawi .and Zarnbia C8lnent factorie~ impor.t their g'ypsum requirements

,~ , , ';.~ I"~ ~ ~ ,~,.~ .~. ~:, ,~.. '~,~-'{,. ' ~ :~' - , : ~. ,~. ~. _:~ .J..;~-', ..-::". . ...~._.~ -:~.. ~-- -~ , .

from Rhodesia.. I:+"01.tiever, recently~ ..g·y.psum d~~,?_~.~t wC!-s discovered at

:~" \~.5-./ ,~, .~, ....":~' ~... ..._, ,'''~.'...'-. ,....,.. "--,,.;:~, ,~. _. ...~.-. ",. l

~och~n Var Ranch in Zambia whicll i,s expected to ..be exploited soon for the

• . : , , ' '~ ,-, ,1'- - ...~.:.-' ~ .-.~ .

-home market.

-" ...~

.""--.:~ .--:.,- \ ,

."'-106. Tl1e gypsum resouroes of the sub.-.re.gi.(:2:n are thus considerable. The problem in many cases,


is that the cost


the mineral is increased by the great distances over which it is tra.nsported to reach factory si tes from remote deposits.


r ',,,,,-,,· .,


I "'R/Q 1

.i:..J \.)l\j0 .L .L\!..



107. TIle si~tuation:


regards fu.el and power reso'urces presents sound ....pro.spects as lHell. :Besides the pT'o.ved and importa11t. coal reser.ves of

·V~rallk:ie and>Jest Sebun3iiiJe in }·Lb.~~es'i·a, deposits of econolrric interest {laVe

been. studie!i in other countries of tile sub-region as vfell. Notable amonE.~~

these are the Ruhuhu coal fields in Tanzania, the Kandabwe coalfield in

~ambia, tlle SaY~ea deposits in I~Ia~agascar, and the Nej 0, ..qyalfielcis in 3thiopia. A total of over 1 billion tons of reserves are indicated in tile 'whole of the su'b-reg'ion.

108. ~lthough intensive prospebting for oil has been taking place in several countries .of the. sub~regio~n, oil has not yet beenf6uild. But ne1\T oil refin:eries would··soon.becomin.ginto operation in'.tDthiopia, I(erlya, Tanzania and Iihodesia. Consequently, local industries could count on adequate supplies of fuel oil with prospeci!sof reduc,ed prices.!! This would be significant to the ~ast African cement industry in the situation that


finds itself today, whereby supplies of coal from traditional markets have been suspended, and new;- economic supplies have not yet been

, . . ,

established. Switching to fuel oil burning would appear to be justified in tl18se CiI~CWl1stances.

109. Pov1er. develOPment ha~ clo~ely k.ept..uIJ. vii


dernanq. in~ t118 sub-regionG

-I(ariba (Rhod~sia),..,q~fen J.1-:'al1s. (Ug~nda) ansl.l(okq (EthioJ?:~a). dams constituted the l1}ajor efforts in 4ydr9povler:in>r.ecyn~ ;,rears. ()tllers are p~anl1.ed for the near and distant future. The Seyen Forks.scheme, and Awash II and III viJeJ;e recently launched iy.l }~'.ellya and.I:£thio-pi~jrespectiv~ly:. 11. source of

IHiw~J',t4at,is being seriQ'usly considered in Rwanda are the metb.ane reserves

C?fLalce I<:ivu.

(b) ·Costs·QfProduct'ion and F'rices Trends

<t· l~Q.~. :,rrlle comp0.f?i tion of the unit cost of producing, cernent is ing.icatecl in



The figures ~:R.~ intendeq. t():.:giv~ o~d~rs of TI1agnitude· of the

~~l~t~ye ~;.••-~•.. ,- •....I importance of. " , • ' .•' •. " • •,:,'.' . ,,'- the mai.n., ...."-. clas~e~. .:.~".;.,',.~ of.. -". . . lTlanufacturing.' -" '," "~'.'. costs.,: ip both

developed and developing countries. The figures are, therefore, not strictly comparable.

See Problems and J?rospects of the Tetroleum Industry in 'E~ast P...frica, ECA, Addis Ababa, ~;Iay

1965. (E/CN.14!INR/79).

E!Cl~'.~ 14/IJ~R/84



'Table :6.1 COD1positiol1. of U11itCo,stfor..:Ce'I11el1t I'roduct.ion in selected countries(?ercen~~ge of~otal)
