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: Grille d’entrevue en anglais


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Hello! I would like to thank you for accepting to participate in my research. The objective of this study is to better understand the perception of adults with special needs who participate in Special Olympics. More specifically, we’re interested in knowing the perception of people with intellectual disability when it comes to their inclusion in the world of sports. As a result, I will be asking you a few questions in regards to your life and your experiences in sport. There are no right or wrong answers. We simply want to learn more about you. As such, you can choose to answer, or to not answer, any of my questions.

The interview will last between ten (10) to fifteen (15) minutes. In order to facilitate my analysis, this interview will be recorded and then transcribed verbatim. Your contribution to this project will remain confidential. Your anonymity will be assured and your name will not appear at any moment in the research. In the context of this study, a number specific to you will appear on all materials associated with your interview. By participating in this research, you have the right to leave this interview at any moment without prejudice.

* The consent form will be read and explained before starting the interview. In addition, before signing the consent form, or starting the interview, the consent of the participant will be verified by these three (3) questions.

Questions to verify the participant’s ability to consent:

Do you know why I am here?

Can you leave this interview at any moment without prejudice?

Do you still want to participate in this research?

Page 2/3 Theme #1: Getting to know you

1. Tell me a little bit about yourself 2. Describe a typical day for you.

3. Where do you live? With who?

4. Do you work? If so, tell me a little bit about your job. If not, why?

5. With who do you spend most of your time?

Theme #2: Inclusion

1. How do you participate in your community?

a) When do you leave your home?

b) Do you volunteer? Why/Why not?

c) Do you participate in cultural activities that are not specifically organized for people with intellectual disabilities? Why/Why not?

2. How do you perceive people with intellectual disabilities?

a) How do you think others perceive people with intellectual disabilities?

b) How did you come to this conclusion?

c) How do you feel about this conclusion?

3. Where do you form the majority of your friendships?

4. What would you change about your social inclusion?

Would you like to add additional comments about your social inclusion?

Page 3/3 Demographic questions:

Could you please answer a few additional questions?

Name :

Age : Number of years in Special Olympics :

Gender Identity : □ Male □ Female □ Neither

Marital Status : Number of Children :

Check the box that best corresponds with your housing situation:

□ Lives independently

□ Group home

□ Retirement home

□ Childhood home

□ Emergency housing

□ Homeless

□ Autre : _____________________________________________________________________

How old were you when you left your childhood home:


Professional experiences :

Level of independence:

(ie. Do you need to be accompanied by a staff, friend or family member while in your community?)

Other pertinent information :

Thank you for participating in my research!

Page 1/3 Interview #2:

Hello! I would like to thank you for accepting to participate in my research. The objective of this study is to better understand the perception of adults with special needs who participate in Special Olympics. More specifically, we’re interested in knowing the perception of people with intellectual disability when it comes to their inclusion in the world of sports. As a result, I will be asking you a few questions in regards to your life and your experiences in sport. There are no right or wrong answers. We simply want to learn more about you. As such, you can choose to answer, or to not answer, any of my questions.

The interview will last between ten (10) to fifteen (15) minutes. In order to facilitate my analysis, this interview will be recorded and then transcribed verbatim. Your contribution to this project will remain confidential. Your anonymity will be assured and your name will not appear at any moment in the research. In the context of this study, a number specific to you will appear on all materials associated with your interview. By participating in this research, you have the right to leave this interview at any moment without prejudice.

* The consent form will be read and explained before starting the interview. In addition, before signing the consent form, or starting the interview, the consent of the participant will be verified by these three (3) questions.

Questions to verify the participant’s ability to consent:

Do you know why I am here?

Can you leave this interview at any moment without prejudice?

Do you still want to participate in this research?

Page 2/3 Theme #3: Sport

1. Why do you participate in sports?

a) Why did you start participating in sports?

b) For what reasons do you continue participating in sport? / For what reasons did you stop participating in sport?

2. How do you pick which sports you will participate in?

a) Who helps you make this decision?

b) How does this person (or people) help you make this decision?

3. With who do you discuss your experiences in sport?

a) What do these people say about your experiences in sport?

b) How do you think other people perceive you experiences in sport?

c) What are your feelings in regard to others perceptions of your experiences in sport?

4. What importance do you attribute to doing sport with other people who have an intellectual disability? Why?

5. Do you participate in sporting activities outside of Special Olympics? Why? Why not?

a) What do you enjoy or dislike about that experience b) How did you or others insure your inclusion?

6. If you could change any aspect of your experiences in sport, what would you change?

Theme #4: Special Olympics

1. Do you win medals when you participate in Special Olympics?

a) How much importance do you attribute to winning medals? Why?

b) Would you participate in sports if you wouldn’t win medals?

c) How does your community react when you show them your medals?

d) What are your feelings in regards to their reactions?

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2. What importance do you attribute to your experiences within Special Olympics?

a) How does your community react when you tell them you participate in Special Olympics?

b) How do you think others perceive your experiences within Special Olympics?

c) What are your feelings in regards to others perceptions of your experiences within Special Olympics?

3. Why did you choose to participate in Special Olympics?

a) Why not another organisation?

b) Who helped you make this decision?

c) How does this person help you make this decision?

4. Do you think you are capable of participating in sporting activities outside of Special Olympics? Why? Why not?

Would you like to add additional comments about your experiences in sport?

Thank you for participating in my research!

Appendice J : Ressources de soutien pour les participants


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