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Example and Notes

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Change IBM 3270 Host RETURN Nam~: Giant RETURN

Description: First Floor, Rm 1102 RETURN

Enter the Emulated 3276 Controller's address (0-31): 2 RETURN

Enter the number of ports on the emulated 3276 Controller (1-8): 4 RETURN

Enter the RS 232C port name through which the host is accessed: Port 2 RETURN

Domain: Boston RETURN

Organization Name: GemSysCo RETURN

The language supported by this emulated 3276 Controller is:

1 Austrian

2 Austri an (Alternate)

26 Swedish (Alternate) Enter choice number: 9 RETURN

Is all the Emulated 3276 Controller information correct? (YIN): y RETURN

Add another Emulated 3276 Controller to this IBM 3270 Host? (YIN): N RETURN

Confirm this IBM 3270 Host information? (YIN): Y RETURN

Done. Giant (IBM 3270 Host) changed.

CHS >ChangeMail ServiCe RETURN

Name: Mailer RETURN

Network Number: 1-234 RETURN

Processor Number: 2-852-345-678 RETURN

Description: Room 1256 RETURN

Confirm this Mail Service information? (YIN): Y RETURN

Done. Mailer (Mail Service) changed.


There is a Change command for each of the following items:

• Communication interface unit

• External communication service

• File service

Overview: You may change information about a user or any other object in your clearinghouse database using the Change command. For example, a us~r may request a new password, or need a different description if he or she changies offices.

Procedure: The basic procedure for changing information about an object is similar to the Add command.

1., Log on at the server and direct your commands to the ~Iearinghouse service.

2. Type Change plus the kind of object that is being changed (for example, Change User).

3. Respond to the system prompts. For each prompt, the currently registered information is displayed. If that piece of information:

• Remains the same, press




The information will remain unchanged.

• Needs to be changed, enter the new information. As you type, the old information will be replaced. Then press


RETU RN > to terminate the new information.

4. If you change information about IBM 3270 hosts, R5232C ports, or communication interface units, you must stop the external communication service (using its Stop command) and then restart it (using its Start command). The external communication service checks the clearinghouse for information only when it is started. Therefore, if you do not stop and restart

thE~ service, it will not know about the changes you have made.

Comments: The only object that can have its name changed usi ng the Change command is a user (see Task R). If you wish to change the name of a service or other object in the clearinghouse, you must first delete the object (see Task T) and then add it again with its new name.

If you wish to make an existing alias refer to a different object, you must delete the alias and then add it again, naming the new object to which it should refer.

Example and Notes

Example 1:

> File Service RETURN

FS> Delete Mail Folder RETURN

Mail Folder Name: Toni MarangeUa:LA Branch:GemSysCo RETURN


FS> Clearinghouse Service RETURN

CHS> -Change User RETURN (1)

Name: Toni Marangella RETURN

First Name (and Middle Name, if desired): Lee RETURN

Last Name: Marangella RETURN




Description: System Administrator, LA Branch RETURN

System Administrator? (YIN): Y RETURN

"Home" File Service: Rose RETURN

Domain Name: LA Branch RETURN

Organization Name: GemSysCo RETURN

Mail Stored On: Violet RETURN

Domain Name: LA Branch RETURN

Organization Name: GemSysCo RETURN

Confi rm this User i nformati on. (YIN): Y RETURN

Done. Lee Marangella (User) changed.

CHS > Fi Ie Service RETURN

FS> Add Mail Folder RETURN

Mail Folder Name: Lee Marangella:LA Branch:GemSysCo RETURN

Confirm (YIN): Y RETURN



(1) If the user's name is changed, the following warning is issued:

Warning: If this user is to receive mail, there must be a mail folder named <fuILy-qualified name>_

Overview: The Change User command can be used to change any information about registered users .. including their names. However, if you wish to change a user's registered name, you must follow some additional steps before and after you enter t,he change in the clearinghouse service. If you do not perform these additional steps, a user will not be able to retrieve his or her existing (old) desktop or mail with the changed (new) user name. Note: Because a user's distinguished name (i.e., full name, John E. Doe) can appearas a member of any number of groups (as well as his/her desktop that are to be saved. These items can be moved to the file service or copied onto floppy disks.

3. After storing the documents and folders, the user must delete his or her desktop.

4. Delete the user's current mail folder from the file service, (If, the folder is not empty, ask the user to repeat step 1.)

5. Log on at the server and direct your commands to the clearinghouse service.

6. Type Change User, Respond to system prompts, changing the name and other information, as desired.

7, Create a new mail folder for the user in the file service.

8. Remove the old user name and add the new user name to all groups of which he or she is a member. Access lists containing the user's old name must be changed to include his or her new user name.

9. If the user has an 8010 workstation, inform the user when steps 1·8 have been completed so that he or she can log on with the 1/ ne'N" name, create a new desktop, and ('etrieve the items he or she previously stored on the file service or on floppies.

10. If the full name is changed, the aliases regist.ered for that user are automatically re-registered. If you only wish to change a user's alias, you should delete it and then add a new alias.

11. Inform other people on the network of the user's new name so they can address electronic mail properly.


Example and Notes

Member: Hazel Clayton RETURN

Domain Name: South RETURN

Organization Name: GemSysCo RETURN

Done. Hazel Clayton:South:GemSysCo (Member) added to Training (Group) CHS > Add Group RETURN

Done. Dennis Frahmann:South:GemSysCo (Member) added to Training (Group).

CHS >Add Group RETURN.

Done. Training:South:GemSysCo (Member) added to Training/Development (Group) CHS > Add Mem ber RETURN

Member: Development RETURN

Domai n Name: South RETURN

Organization Name: GemSysCo RETURN

Done. Development:South:GemSysCo (Member) added to Training/Development (Group).

CHS>Delete Member RETURN

Group Name: Training RETURN

Member Name: Alice Miska RETURN

Domain Name: South RETURN

Organization Name: GemSysCo RETURN

Deleting Alice Miska:South:GemSysCo (Member) from Training (Group).

Confirm? (YIN): y RETURN

Dans le document ADMINISTRA1-0R HANDBOOK (Page 134-139)