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Effet de la perfusion d’eau froide intravésicale sur la sensation de besoin au cours d’une cystomanométrie : étude rétrospective de 181

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3 Études réalisées dans le cadre de la thèse

3.2 Effet de la perfusion d’eau froide intravésicale sur la sensation de besoin au cours d’une cystomanométrie : étude rétrospective de 181



Introduction : La sensation de besoin d’uriner et celle du froid semblent être médiées au niveau vésical par des récepteurs différents méchanorécepteurs et thermorécepteurs (TRPM8) ainsi que des voies afférentes différentes respectivement Adelta et C. Mais existe- il une influence de la perfusion intravésicale d’eau glacée sur la sensation de besoin ?

Objectifs de l’étude : L’objectif est d’étudier l’effet du test à l’eau glacée sur la première sensation de besoin d’uriner signalée par le patient en comparant la première sensation de besoin au cours de 2 cystomanométries successives à 100ml/mn, avec perfusion d’eau à température ambiante puis à 4 ° C.

Matériel et Méthodes : Les cystomanométries de tous les patients ayant eu dans le service durant l’année 2010 une cystomanométrie à 100ml/mn suivie d’un test à l’eau glacée à la recherche d’une hyperactivité détrusorienne ont été étudiées rétrospectivement. Les cystomanométries ont été réalisées selon les critères de l’ICS, le test à l’eau glacée consistait en une cystomanométrie à 100ml/mn à eau à température de 4°C.Les données démographiques, les pathologies, traitements ont été collectés ainsi que le volume à la première sensation de besoin, la capacité cystomanométrique, la présence d’une hyperactivité détrusorienne et le volume d’apparition de la première contraction détrusorienne. Si aucun besoin n’était signalé par le patient au cours d’une des cystomanométries, le patient était exclu. Les volumes d’apparition des premières sensations de besoin ont été comparés selon un test de student apparié.

Résultats : 181 patients ont été inclus, (93 femmes, 88 hommes) d’âge moyen 50.6 ans (SD 14.4, 16 - 85)) dont 115 patients neurologiques (77 avec une lésion centrale et 25 avec une lésion périphérique). Il existait une hyperactivité détrusorienne chez 28 patients au cours de la cystomanométrie à température ambiante et 42 sur le test à

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l’eau glacée. La capacité cystomanométrique moyenne était de 433.8 ml (SD 103.4; 91 - 831) pour la cystomanométrie à température ambiante et à 380.7 ml (SD 99.9; 78 - 865) pour le test à l’eau glacée (p<0.0001). Le volume moyen d’apparition de la première sensation de besoin était à 279.4 ml (SD 116.5; 16 - 690), pour la cystomanométrie à température ambiante contre 219.3 ml (SD 115.4; 29 - 635) pour le test à l’eau glacée, (p<0.0001). Le volume moyen d’apparition de la première contraction détrusorienne non inhibée est de 292,7 ml (sd 110,9 min 120 max 160) et statistiquement différent de celui du premier besoin (p-value : 0.0025), alors que lors du test à l’eau glacée, le volume moyen d’apparition de la première contraction détrusorienne 202,6 ml sd 104,7 min 70 max 400) ne l’est pas (p=0.2).

Concernant les patients non neurologiques et sans hyperactivité détrusorinne, cette différence persiste puisque le volume moyen d’apparition de la première sensation de besoin chez les non neurologiques était à 267,4 ml (sd 113) pour la cystomanométrie à température ambiante contre 220.2 (SD129.4) pour le test à l’eau glacée (p= 0.001). Discussion

Le test à l’eau glacée est utilisé depuis de nombreuses années pour rechercher une hyperactivité détrusorienne témoignant de la réactivation du réflexe détrusorien au froid, présent chez les enfants de moins de 4 ans et chez les patients avec réactivation des fibres C amyéliniques dans le cadre de lésion médullaire ou d’obstruction sous vésicale. Plus récemment, certains auteurs se sont intéressés à la perception du froid endovésical au cours du test à l’eau glacée, mais à notre connaissance il s’agit de la première étude étudiant l’influence de la perfusion d’eau glacée sur la sensation de besoin. L’apparition de la première sensation de besoin pour un volume moins important lors du test à l’eau glacée évoque soit un phénomène de sensitisation direct au niveau urothélial, soit une modulation du signal sensitif A delta au niveau spinal par les fibres C plus rapides, soit une modification de l’intégration corticale de la sensation de besoin.

Conclusion : Bien que les voies sensitives médiant la sensation de besoin d’uriner et le froid différent, la perfusion d’eau froide intravésicale semble rendre la sensation de besoin d’uriner plus précoce qu’à température ambiante témoignant d’interactions entre ces deux voies sensitives.

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Article original soumis à international journal of urology revue anglophone indexée pubmed Réponse en attente

Influence of ice water on the desire to void during cystometry : a retrospective study.


The objective was to determine if cold water bladder filling could interact with the desire to void during cystometry.


All patients were retrospectively included who, in 2010, in the search for detrusor overactivity (DO), had undergone cystometry at 100 ml/min with room temperature water, followed by cystometry at 100 ml/min with 4 °C water (IWT, Ice Water Test). Patients who had no desire to void during either of these two cystometries were excluded. The volumes at the first desire to void during the two cystometries were compared.


A total of 181 patients were included (93 women, 88 men), of mean age 50.6 yr, (SD 14.4, 16 - 85) of whom 115 suffered from a neurological disease. The mean cystometric capacity was 433.8 ml (SD 103.4; 91 - 831) for RTC, and 380.7 ml (SD 99.9; 78 - 865) for the IWT (p<0.0001). The mean volume at first desire to void was 279.4 ml (SD 116.5; 16 - 690) for RTC, and 219.3 ml (SD 115.4; 29 - 635) for the IWT (p<0.0001).

Conclusion : Cold increased bladder sensibility with an earlier first desire to void compared to room temperature cystometry. This suggests the presence of either direct urothelial sensitization by the TRPM8 cold receptor, or modification of the spinal

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modulation of the A-delta afferent signal by the preceding C-fiber signal, or even modification of the cortical integration of the afferent signal.


The desire to void is a necessary bladder sensation, arising from several urothelial and suburothelial receptors. When transmitted via nervous fibers, this afferent spinal signal is then integrated in several cerebral areas such as the hypothalamus, the cingular cortex, the insula and prefrontal cortex (1). The desire to void can be altered in pathologies such as bladder pain syndrome and overactive bladder syndrome. The role of the urothelium and the suburothelium were recently enhanced by the discovery of several receptors and neuron-like properties, with expression modification of these receptors in some specific pathologies (2). Several thermoreceptors such as TRPA1, TRPV1, and TRPM8 have been described in both animal and human urothelia and suburothelia (3). Their physiological role in bladder tissue, as well as their precise pathophysiological role, are still not clear (4). Bladder cold perception is possible and is altered in neurological disease (5)(6)(7)(8).

Cold is known to modified peripheral sensation as skin tactile perception (9), nociception and proprioception (10) (11) and to induced hypoalgesia and analgesia. Little is known about cold influence on bladder sensation. In clinical practice, the desire to void is mainly studied in bladder diary and during cystometry (12).

The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of cold water perfusion on the perception of the desire to void during cystometry.

Material and Methods

A retrospective study was carried out between January and December 2010 in our department, during which all patients participating in an IWT to detect detrusor

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overactivity were reviewed. All of these patients were given three consecutive cystometries : the first was carried out at a flow rate of 50 ml/min, the second at 100 ml/mn using ambient temperature water perfusion, and finally the IWT cystometry was carried out using water at 4 °C (39 °F) and a 100 ml/mn flow rate. These cystometries were performed in compliance with the recommendations of the International Continence Society (12), and IWT positivity and realisation was established using a published methodology (13). In this study, the mean temperature of the withdrawn ice water 1 minute after the instillation of 400 ml at 100ml/min of water comprise between 0° to 4°C was 8°C (range 2-10°C), a temperature eliciting TRPM8. As the same methodology was used, temperature measure at the end of the IWT was not checked in our study.

Those patients who did not declare a desire to void during any of the cystometries were excluded.

The patients' demographic data, medical history, neurological status and treatment were recorded. Their cystometric capacity, detrusor overactivity, volume at first involontary detrusor contraction, volume at first desire to void, and perception of cold were recorded for each cystometry.

Since the filling rate can modify the desire to void, only the RTC and the IWT, both of which were performed at 100ml/min, were compared.

Statistical analysis

Descriptive statistics were used to describe the population. The Shapiro-Wilk normality test was applied to verify the normal distribution of data. As the Shapiro-Wilk test showed that volumes at the first desire to void during the RTC at 100 ml/min and the IWT were not normally distributed (P < 0.05), these data were analyzed by Wilcoxon

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signed rank. Mann-Whitney test was used for groups comparison. P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.

Ethic considerations

The study was approved by a local ethic committee, as the study was retrospective, no formal signed consent was required. An information letter was sent to all patients informing them their data would be anonymized and used in this study unless they expressly mentioned their disagree to the investigator.


Between January 2010 and December 2010, 251 patients underwent an IWT, of which 181 described an initial desire to void during both cystometries and were thus included in the test population. Demographic data are summarized in table 1. The symptoms of the non-neurological patients are summarised in Table 2, and the neurological disease etiologies are described in Table 3.

Table 1 Demographic data

N = 181 %

Age (mean +-sd) 50.6 yrs +/- 14.4

Sexe ratio F/M 93/88

Neurologic disease

- Upper motoneurone lesion - Lower motoneuron lesion

115 88 27 63,5 48.6 14.9

Non neurological disease 66 36.5

Detrusor overactivity - only on RTC - only on IWT - both 46 18 3 25 25.4 9.9 1.6 13.8 RTC= room temperature cystometry ; IWT= ice water test

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Table 2 Symptoms of the non-neurological patients

Non-neurological patient symptoms Total =66

Voiding dysfunction 28

Overactive bladder 19

Stress incontinence 4

Bladder pain syndrome 5

Urinary tract infection 1

Mixed incontinence 9

Table 3 Neurological diseases

Neurological diseases Total = 115

Multiple sclerosis 25

Cauda equina syndrome / conus medullaris 23/4

Myelitis 22

Traumatic spinal cord injury 12 Parkinson's disease or multisystem atrophia 9 Spina bifida spinalipome 4

Sacral plexic lesion 4

Spinal cord tumour 4

Stroke 2

Syrinx 4

Other (cerebral palsy, congenital rubella, HIV, leukoencephalopathy, dystonia) 4

At the end of the IWT, the patients were asked whether they had noticed anything different during that particular cystometry: 48/181 (26.5%) patients reported cold perception, 125 (69%) patients did not report any cold perception, and no data was recorded for the remaining 8 patients. Patients who reported cold perception not during the filling phase but during the voiding phase were classified as no cold bladder perception.

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The mean volume at the first desire to void decreased significantly (p<0.001) from 279.4 ml (SD 116.5; 16 - 690) during RTC, to 219.3 ml (SD 115.4; 29 - 635) during the IWT.The patients' mean maximal cystometric capacity was significantly lower during the IWT (mean MCC= 380.7ml SD 99.9 ) versus RTC (mean MCC = 433.8ml SD 103.4 ) (p<0.001). The mean volumes at the first desire to void were statistically lower than those recorded at the time of the first involuntary detrusor contractions during RTC (p=0.03), whereas no statistical difference was observed during the IWT (p=0.23). The difference between first desire to void during RTC and IWT and the differences between MCC during RTC and IWT are expressed in function of mean in Bland and Altman plots (figure 1 and 2).

Figure 1 Bland and altman grah for Maximal cystometric capacity (MCC) in Room temperature cystometry and ice water test.

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Figure 2 Bland and Altman graph for First desire to void (FDV) in Room temperature cystometry and ice water test.

Subgroup analyses (table 4 and 5)

To determine if these results were dependant of neurological status and detrusor overactivity induced by ice water test, subgroups analyses were performed. Cystometric data are summarised in table 4 and 5. The difference between first need to void during RTC and IWT did not differed according to neurologic status (p>0.5) pathology or sexe (p>0.5). The presence of detrusor overactivity was not statistically associated to the decrease of need to void volume during IWT (OR=1.2 p=0.65), either the neurological status (OR=0.9 p=1). In the 25 patients having detrusor overactivity during both cystometries, the mean volume at the first involuntary detrusor contraction was lower (p= 0.001) during the IWT, i.e. 180.45 ml (SD 109.8; 70 - 400) than during the RTC, i.e. 279.3 ml (SD 85.1; 140 - 402).

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Table 4 Cystometry data according to detrusor overactivity status

Table 5 cystometric data according to neurological status


Contrary to expected results, the desire to void appeared sooner during bladder ice water perfusion than with RTC. Cryotherapy is usually used in pain release since cold is known to modified peripheral sensation as skin tactile perception (9), nociception and proprioception (10) (11) and to induced hypoalgesia and analgesia. According to this study, bladder cold perfusion between 4 and 10 ° C did not induce bladder hypoalgesia but sensitisation. Visceral afferent pathways involved autonomic nervous

Desire to void mean volume (SD) (ml) Wilcoxon Signed rank test RTC IWT

Patients without detrusor overactivity, n=135 285.0 (114) 232 (120) p = 4.7 E-8

Patients with detrusor overactivity, n=46 263 (124) 181 (93) p = 9.5 E-5

Desire to void

mean volume (SD) (ml) Wilcoxon Signed rank



Patients: non-neurological and without DO, n=59 267.4 (113.5) 220.2 (129.4) p = 0.001

Patients: non- neurological and with DO, n=7 208.8 (82) 179.5 (70) P=0.4

Patients: neurological and with DO, n=39 266.8 (127) 176.9 (94) p < 0.001

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system, and differed slightly from exteroceptive afferent patways, this might explain the unexpected results.

Our results suggests interactions between the desire to void and cold bladder perfusion and their respective signalling pathways. An early onset of the desire to void during ice water perfusion could suggest interactions at different levels: mechanoreceptor sensitization by a cold receptor such as TRPM8 activation, potentiation of A-delta fibers by C-fiber stimulation, modification of the spinal modulation of the A-delta afferent signal by the preceding C-fiber signal, or even modification of the supra-spinal integration of the desire to void signal. Tight junctions, neuromediator release, and the neuron-like properties of urothelial cells suggest that many cell and receptor interactions exist (14). Modulation of the afferent bladder signal may also occur in the spinal cord. Interactions at the spinal level between afferent signalling from colorectal distension and bladder function have been described (15). Spinal interactions between the two bladder sensory pathways can thus be imagined. A supraspinal interaction could also be postulated. Brain imaging studies have provided insight into central responses to bladder stimulation, and consistently involve the periacqueductal gray, the thalamus, the prefrontal cortex, and the Insula and cingulate cortex, which are areas associated with the sensations of bladder filling, the desire to void and the storage phase (5). Some fMRI studies have now reported brain responses to bladder cold sensation (16, 17) . In the study of Matsuura et al. (’16) the distribution of the regions activated by bladder instillation of ice water had no overlap with those observed on bladder distension scans. According to Mehnert et al.(17), bladder cooling led to a supraspinal activation pattern, which was different to the activation observed during bladder distension. The cerebral areas elicited by bladder filling and bladder cold sensation did not appear to be strictly the same,

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however both sensations elicited activation of Insula, a cerebral lobe implicated in interoception and homeostasis. Interactions of this two bladder sensory pathways in supraspinal level can be postulated.

This retrospective study nevertheless suffers from several possible biases. One of these is the absence of randomization of the order in which the cystometries were carried out. Cystometry repetition could have affected bladder sensation volumes through the sensitization of the relevant sensory receptors. But Broekhuis et al. (18) in their study of the reproducibility of repeated same-session urodynamic measurements, have found that the bladder volume at the first sensation and the maximum cystometric capacity were systematically greater during the second cystometry. In the present study, the ice water test was applied during the second cystometry and led to a lower volume at desire to void.

Concomitant medications could also influence these results: most of the patients with upper motor neuron lesions were already under anticholinergic treatment, and several patients were under treatment for neuropathic pain. Both types of treatment could influence bladder sensation and could also explain the weak incidence of detrusor overactivity (46/181; 25%) despite the high rate of upper motoneuron lesion (88/181; 48.6%). The weak incidence of bladder cold perception reported in our study is probably due to high incidence of neurological disease and not to a “not enough cold” ice water test. The alteration of cold perception appears to be linked to neurological lesions (7)(8), including peripheral neurological lesions such as sacral lesion (5)and diabetes neuropathy (6), central lesions and obstructions (19) (7).

Few studies have been conducted on the influence of water temperature on cystometric parameters and only comparing room to body temperature. No clinical

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relevant differences on bladder sensation were retrieved (16) (17). Few studies have focused on the influence of temperature on visceral sensibility. Rectal perfusion with cold bladder is associated with an increase in rectal tone (21). Cold stomach perfusion was associated with a pain sensation in epigastric syndrome patients and induced an increase in intragastric pressure and a decrease in gastric perfusion associated with satiety with alteration of gastric compliance (22).

Somatic and visceral sensibility present some differences who may explained these unexpected results which must be confirmed in a prospective study.


Cold increased bladder sensibility with an earlier first desire to void compared to room temperature cystometry. This suggests the presence of either direct urothelial sensitization by the TRPM8 cold receptor, or modification of the spinal modulation of the A-delta afferent signal by the preceding C-fiber signal, or even modification of the cortical integration of the afferent signal.


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