• Aucun résultat trouvé

Jean-François Mangot1,2,3,4, Isabelle Domaizon1, Najwa Taib3,4, Nemr Marouni3,4 ,Emilie

Duffaud3,4, , Gisèle Bronner3,4 and Didier Debroas3,4,*. 1INRA, UMR 42 CARRTEL, Thonon les bains, France

2Université de Savoie, UMR 42 CARRTEL, Le Bourget du Lac, France

And 3Clermont Université, Université Blaise Pascal, Laboratoire “Microorganismes : Génome et Environnement”, BP 10448, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France

CNRS, UMR 6023, LMGE, F-63177 Aubière, France * Corresponding author:Pr. Didier Debroas

E-mail: didier.debroas@univ-bpclermont.fr

Article en preparation


The short-term variation in the diversity and abundance of freshwater small eukaryotes (0.2-5 µm) was investigated in a mesotrophic lake every 2-3 days over one summer by coupling three molecular methods consisting of normalized 454 amplicon pyrosequencing, qPCR and TSA-FISH. The high-throughput pyrosequencing approach unveiled a much more extensive eukaryotic diversity (1017 OTUs) than has been described previously.. The vast majority of the diversity described was represented by rare taxa (<0.01% of reads) belonging primarily to LKM11, Dikarya and photosynthetic organisms, which were never detected as abundant in any of the samples. The community was characterized by the continual and important reassembly of the small-eukaryote community involved with changes among the 21 ―core taxa‖ (>1% of reads). These changes of dominance were essentially due to a handful of OTUs that were detected in intermediate abundance (0.01-1% of reads) and sporadically in dominant taxa. These


rearrangements were due to putative bacterivorous (Ciliophora and Cercozoa) as well as parasitic

and saprotrophic (Perkinsozoa and LKM11) taxa. This study constitutes the first observation of

a putative infection of microalgae by a perkinsozoan organism (clade 2) in a lacustrine system.

Open questions regarding both the patterns that govern the rapid small-eukaryote reassemblies and the possible biogeography of these organisms arise from this study.


Small eukaryotes (i.e., the fraction of cells <2, 3 or 5 µm in size according to the studies)

play a major role in biogeochemical cycles, especially the global carbon cycle, in marine

environments (Liu et al., 2009) and are likely the most abundant eukaryotes on Earth (Zhao et al.,

2011). Over the last decade, thanks to the emergence of molecular techniques in microbial ecology, the diversity and abundance of these small eukaryotes have been investigated both in

marine (e.g. López-García et al., 2001, Not et al., 2008b) and more recently in freshwater systems

(e.g. Lefranc et al., 2005, Lepère et al., 2008). From these approaches, unexpected diversity has been highlighted with the existence of new environmental clades in lakes belonging, for instance,

to the fungi (i.e. LKM11) or alveolates (i.e. Perkinsozoa clades 1 and 2). Furthermore, these works

have revealed the recurrent presence of parasites and quantitative importance of pigmented groups (Mangot et al., 2009, Lepère et al., 2010).

However, these approaches, which have been performed at specific times and locations, may only reflect a partial picture of the eukaryotic picoplankton community. Because of their rapid growth (cells divide up to once per day or more), picoplanktonic populations (essentially the photosynthetic component) may respond rapidly to environmental fluctuations, such as

variation in cloud cover (Jacquet et al., 1998), vertical mixing (Vaulot and Marie, 1999),

acidification (Meakin and Wyman, 2011) and nutrient pulses (Vaulot et al., 1996, Sime-Ngando et

al., 2008). This variation could also be dependent on biotic interactions including grazing pressure

(Reckermann and Veldhuis, 1997) or the direct and indirect effects of viral attacks (Cottrell and

Suttle, 1995). Chambouvet et al. (2008) recently revealed dinoflagellate-parasitoid successions in a

natural estuary in correlation with the rapid development of their host populations, which may

suggest rapid shifts in in situ parasite dynamics. Such short-term variations could therefore occur

in freshwater ecosystems, where the importance of putative parasitoids has been underscored. Therefore, studies performed over short time scales appear to be critical for obtaining a better understanding of the factors that control and regulate these eukaryotic populations. Several recent investigations performed at an intermediate time scale (1 or 2 weeks to 1 month intervals)

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on the entire protistan community have already revealed the regularity and rapidity with which

the eukaryotic assemblage restructures itself to yield unique combinations of dominant taxa (Vigil et al., 2009, Nolte et al., 2010). According to Caron and Countway (2009), these continual reassemblies among protistan communities may be the result of rare taxa that become dominant with changing environmental conditions. Massively parallel sequencing techniques now provide an in-depth analysis of microbial diversity and the putative ecological role of this rare biosphere (Sogin et al., 2006, Galand et al., 2009).

For this purpose, the short-term variation in the diversity and abundance of freshwater small eukaryotes has been investigated in a mesotrophic lake every 2-3 days during one summer by combining the 454 amplicon pyrosequencing, qPCR and TSA-FISH approaches. However, according to various authors, the amplicon pyrosequencing approach still provides only a limited

comparative analysis across samples (Amend et al., 2010, Gifford et al., 2010, Zhou et al., 2011).

Therefore, in this study, and based on the methodology proposed by Gifford et al. (2010), a

normalized amplicon pyrosequencing approach was employed.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Study site and sampling

This study was conducted in Lake Geneva (46°27‘N, 06°32‘E), a mesotrophic lake

described in detail in Anneville et al. (2002).Water samples were taken at a permanent station in

the 0 to 20 m layer using a sampling bell to carry out the integrated sampling throughout the water column (Pelletier and Orand, 1978). The sampling was performed in the summer every two or three days at the same hour (07:00 h) from 17 July to 18 September 2009. During the entire sampling period, daily climatological data such as the precipitation, wind speed and solar radiation were obtained at the meteorological observatory station of the INRA‘s Thonon station (France). Primary nutrients (P–PO4, N–NO3, N–NH4) were measured in the freshwater samples by the chemical laboratory of the Thonon hydrobiological station according to French

normalized (AFNOR) protocols (http://thononin8.win3.hebergement.com/). The temperature

(°C) and dissolved oxygen concentration (mg.l-1) were measured using a Seabird submersible

multiparametric probe with a CTD SBE 19 Seacat profiler. The water samples were sequentially filtered onto 100 µm and 5 µm membranes, and the filtrate (<5 µm) was concentrated on 0.2 µm membranes and preserved for DNA analyses or counting by TSA-FISH according to our previous studies (Lepère et al., 2008, Lepère et al., 2010, Mangot et al., 2009).


Furthermore, in order to examine the potential association of perkinsozoan with

phytoplanctonic groups, sequential concentration of water samples (20L) were performed by using 160 µm, 50 µm, 20 µm filter membranes, and 0.2 µm CellTrap™ filter cartridges (Mem-Teq, Orrell, UK). Each concentrates corresponded to a planktonic size fraction and was preserved for TSA-FISH observations as previously described.


Small-eukaryote quantification by TSA-FISH

The small-eukaryote community and five phylogenetic groups of freshwater eukaryotes,

listed in Table S1, were quantified. TSA-FISH technique was performed exactly as described by

(Lepère, et al., 2008; see supplementary material). Hybridized cells were examined under blue light

(480/535 nm) with a Zeiss Axiovert 200M inverted and epifluorescence microscope (Carl Zeiss,

Jena, Germany) equippedwith an HBO 100-W Hg vapor lamp at x100 magnification. For each sample, at least 50 randomly chosen microscopic fields were analyzed and counted manually (on average, a minimum of 50 cells were counted).

DNA extraction and quantification of 18S rDNA copies

All of the samples were extracted following the protocol described previously by Lefranc

et al. (2005). Quantification of the 18S rDNA copies was performed in duplicate by quantitative

PCR by using sub-type 7 Blastocystis (accession number: CABX01000000) plasmids as a standard.

For this purpose, 18S rDNA standards were generated by the amplification of DNA extracted

from Blastocystis using the universal eukaryotic primers EukA


TGATCCTTCTGCAGGTTCACCTAC-3‘) according to (Díez et al., 2001a) and cloned using a TOPO-TA cloning kit (Invitrogen, ,

Carlsbad, CA, USA) according to the manufacturer‘s instructions. Quantification was performed using the eukaryotic primers NSF573 (5‘-CGCGGTAATTCCAGCTCCA-3‘) and Ek-NSR951 (5‘-TTGGYRAATGCTTTCGC-3‘), which were chosen in our tag pyrosequencing approach. The qPCR reaction volumes were 25 µl and were composed of 12.5 µl of MESA GREEN qPCR MasterMix Plus for SYBR Assays® (1X, Eurogentec, San Diego, CA, USA), 0.1

µM of each primer (Ek-NSF573 and Ek-NSR951), 2 mg.ml-1 of bovine serum albumin

(Fermentas, Sankt Leon-Rot, Germany) and 1 µl of template (DNA extract or plasmid). For the

environmental samples, the DNA was diluted to obtain 30 ng.µl-1. The quantitative PCR cycling

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(30 s) and 72°C (45 s) using a Mastercycler®ep realplex real-time PCR system. Data were collected

during the annealing phase. A mean standard curve efficiency of 118% was obtained, with a coefficient of variation of 0.08%.


To estimate the fraction of the microbial amplicons that were captured in the sequence

library (i.e., the sample-sequencing depth) based on Gifford et al. (2010), an internal rDNA

standard that was obtained from Blastocystis (accession number: CABX01000000), which is absent

in freshwater samples, was added in low proportions (1% of 18S rDNA copies) before the

amplification of each sample by the following set of barcoded primers.

The V4-V5 hypervariable regions of eukaryotic 18S rDNA were amplified with Ek-NSF573 and Ek-NSR951. This primer couple was selected by an in silico approach because it allowed for the best recovery of richness from the freshwater small-eukaryote sequences available in public databases. To discriminate each sample, a 10-bp multiplex tag was coupled with adaptor A. According to the number of 18S rRNA gene copies estimated by qPCR, a different dilution of Blastocystis plasmids copies was introduced in each sample at the same low proportion. The amplification mix (30 µl) contained 30 ng of genomic DNA (sample + internal standard), 200

µM of deoxynucleoside triphosphate (Bioline, London, UK), 2 mM MgCl2 (Bioline), 0.12 mg.ml-1

of Bovine serum albumin (Fermentas), 10 pmol of each primer, 1.5 U of Taq DNA polymerase

(Bioline) and the PCR buffer. The cycling conditions were an initial denaturation at 94 °C for 10 min followed by 30 cycles of 94 °C for 1 min, 60 °C for 1 min, 72 °C for 1 min and 30 s and a final 10-min extension at 72 °C.

The products from each tagged primer were purified (UltraClean® PCR Clean-Up Kit, Mobio, Carlsbad, CA, USA) and quantified using PicoGreen (Promega, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). Finally, the amplicons of all of the samples were pooled at equimolar concentrations and pyrosequenced using a Roche 454 GS-FLX system (Titanium Chemistry) by GATC (Konstanz, Germany).

Data processing

Phylogenetic affiliation

The pyrosequencing data, representing 348 422 raw sequence reads, were analyzed by a


which is available by download (http://code.google.com/p/panam-phylogenetic-annotation). Briefly, it combines scripts to process raw sequences, parse generated phylogenies built with HMMALIGN and FASTTREE, define clades and describe the taxonomic profile of a sample. To align the sequences, we used a subset of the SSURef database from the SILVA database project including sequences with more than 1 200 bp, with a quality score > 75 and a pintail value > 50 belonging to the main taxa detected from studies dealing with freshwater small eukaryotes.

First, the Blastocystis sequences in all of the samples were selected by the BLAST

approach. This internal standard allowed for the assessement of the rate of errors that occurred during the PCR and pyrosequencing processes and therefore allowed for the determination of a quality threshold (23) and a cut-off for determining Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs). From the clean sequences, the upper cut-off for determining 1 OTU from Blastocystis sequences was 95%. This value then defined an OTU in this study. Finally, after stringent quality filtering and the subtraction of non-picoplanktonic OTUs affiliated with Blastocystis (1.17% of the sequences) and metazoan and streptophyta taxa (20.3% of the sequences), a total of 248 567 sequences averaging > 200 bp in length were selected for studying the small-eukaryote dynamics (on average, 13 307 reads per sample). For quantitative purposes, the pyrosequencing reads were normalized on the basis of the Blastocystis rDNA added to samples before the amplification and PCR.

MOTHUR (http://www.mothur.org/wiki/Download_mothur) (Schloss et al., 2009) was

used to compare the OTUs with the sequences of lacustrine small eukaryotes that have been deposited in public databases (sequences for which the specific region amplified in this study, a part of V4-V5, was provided).


According to the definitions of Pedrós-Alió (2006) and Galand et al. (2009), OTUs were

classified as abundant (>1%) and rare taxa (<0.01%). Between these two classes, a third class for

OTUs of intermediate abundance was defined in this study.The dissimilarity (D) index was

calculated according to Boucher et al. (2006). This is given by D(t1,t2) = 1/2 ∑|xt1_xt2|, where

∑xt1 =∑xt2 = 100, and xt1 and xt2 indicate the relative abundance of a specific OTU at two

consecutives dates. The D value ranges from 0 to 100, and it was used to compare samples from

one date to another date. RESULTS

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The average water temperature during the sampling period was 17.3 °C (coefficient of

variation [CV] = 4.5%), and a constant concentration in dissolved oxygen (11 mg.l-1, CV = 7.9%)

was measured between 0 and 20 m (Table VIII-1). The mean concentrations of P-PO4, NH4–N

and NO3–N were 0.04 µM (CV = 32.5%), 0.62 µM (CV = 44.8%) and 4.48 µM (CV = 17.8%),

respectively. Strong solar irradiance (182.7 KJ.m-2.d-1 on average) and high-wind regimes (mean =

14.6 m.s-1) were recorded throughout the sampling period, with occasional days of cloudy

weather (i.e., the days 24 and 47 of sampling; Figure S1). Finally, despite four weak rainfall

events, the study period was characterized by important dry episodes (Figure S1).

Table VIII-1 Main meteorological and physicO-chemical characteristics (mean and coefficient of variation [CV]) of

Lake Geneva over the study period (from 17 July to 18 September 2009).

Parameters Mean CV (%) Meteorology1 Solar radiation (KJ.m-2.d-1) 182.7 34.6 Wind speed (m.s-1) 14.6 31.9 Physicochemistry2 Dissolved oxygen (mg.L-1) 11 7.9 Water temperature (°C) 17.3 4.5 NO3-N (µM) 0.61 17.8 NH4-N (µM) 4.49 44.8 PO4-P (µM) 0.04 32.5 1 Daily means.

2 Means integrating the 0-20 m layer.

Quantification of the total small eukaryotes by combining different molecular approaches

Read data were significantly correlated with the fluctuations of 18S rDNA copies.ml-1

estimated by qPCR (r = 0.55; p = 0.007; Figure VIII-1); however, without normalization, no

significant correlations were recorded (r = 0.16; p = 0.48). Depending on which molecular tool

was applied, different perceptions of the small-eukaryote dynamics were obtained (

FigureVIII-1). The quantification of the small eukaryote community, which was performed by qPCR and

normalized pyrosequencing, revealed strong temporal changes, with five common and sudden increases in the number of 18S rDNA copies recorded over the study period (days 1, 9, 20, 31,

45 and 52; Figure VIII-1A). Thus, by qPCR, we observed a decrease from 253 740


number of 18S rDNA copies. Finally, the small eukaryotes targeted by TSA-FISH, which varied

from 4 673 cells.ml-1 (day 5) to 20 675 cells.ml-1 (day 14), were characterized by a lower fluctuation

in abundance (a maximum of a 3.5-fold change between two consecutive dates; Figure VIII-1B)

compared to other descriptors. According to the TSA-FISH counting and the SSU rRNA gene copy numbers of eukaryotes as estimated by qPCR or normalized reads, we estimated a mean of 5 to 6.6 copies of SSU rRNA genes by cells.

Figure VIII-1 Short-term dynamics (every 2 or 3 days) of the small eukaryote community in Lake Geneva (0-20 m)

obtained by different molecular approaches (qPCR, pyrosequencing and TSA-FISH) over the 63 days of experimentation (from 17 July to 18 September 2009). (A) Small eukaryotes represented by the short-term variation in the total 18S rDNA genes estimated by qPCR (copies.ml-1; ◊) and by pyrosequencing before (number of reads; ■) and after the application of sample-specific conversion factors that were calculated by means of a quantitative internal standard (number of reads; □). (B) Small eukaryote dynamics estimated by the variations of cells targeted by

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Short-term variations in the richness and diversity of the small-eukaryote community

Over the study period, 1 017 OTUs were determined. The small-eukaryote richness showed moderate variation (CV = 34.2%) marked by serial decrease-increase events in a short

time (Figure VIII-2).The Shannon index fluctuated between 0.76 (day 5) and 4.58 (day 24), and

it showed, in general, the same serial decrease-increase events that were observed for the richness (r = 0.70; p = 0.0002).

The dissimilarity calculations carried out at the community scale showed important temporal changes in the small-eukaryote composition over the time with a mean of 65.5%

dissimilarity between two consecutive sampling dates (CV = 24.5%; Figure VIII-3). Regarding

the abundant taxa, important temporal changes in their composition were recorded over the study period with a mean of 31% dissimilarity between two consecutive dates (CV = 52.4%). However, a relative stability (less than 20% dissimilarity) was reported between days 7 and 26. In the same manner, the dissimilarity calculations performed for the ―intermediate taxa‖ populations fluctuated from 15.2% to 68.9% dissimilarity between two consecutive sampling days (CV= 38 %). Finally, the small rare eukaryote biosphere composition revealed low dissimilarity indexes between two consecutive dates (mean = 1.4% dissimilarity).

Figure VIII-2 Short-term variations in the richness (the number of OTUs) and the diversity estimator (the Shannon


Figure VIII-3 Dissimilarity indexes of the total small eukaryotes, abundant (>1%), intermediate (between 1 and

0.01%) and rare taxa (<0.01% of total reads) over the 63 days of experimentation. Indexes are calculated for each consecutive sampling day over the 23 sampling dates (noted [dx1-dx2], with dx1 and dx2 as two consecutive sampling dates).

Taxonomic composition of the small-eukaryote assemblage

Twenty-seven percent of the OTUs (approximately 50% of the reads) were affiliated with

the alveolates and more precisely the Ciliophora and Perkinsozoa taxa (Figure VIII-4; Table

VIII-2). The number of reads associated with these phyla represented 31.9% and 14.3% of the

sequences, respectively. By using specific probes, the Perkinsozoa clades 1 and 2 were found to

represent a smaller proportion (1.1%) of this assemblage (Table VIII-3). After the alveolates, the

small-eukaryote diversity consisted of fungi and stramenopiles, which represented 29.4% and 20.3% of the OTUs, respectively. Heterokonts sequences were exclusively composed of bacilliariophycean and chrysophycean taxa. Among the fungi, sequences affiliated with the LKM11, Dikarya (Ascomycota and Basidiomycota) and Chytridiomycota groups were primarily

retrieved (Table VIII-2). The fungi and the LKM11 represented, on average, 17.8% of the reads

and 13.1% of the abundance as determined by TSA-FISH (Table VIII-3). Other small

eukaryotes (slightly more than 20% of both the sequences and the OTUs) were composed of cercozoan sequences (10.3% of the reads) and OTUs affiliated with the Chlorophyceae (6.7% of the OTUs). Therefore, the mean abundance of Cercozoa, determined by the FISH method (6.6%), was similar to the proportion of reads, whereas the two molecular methods used were

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divergent for Chlorophyceae. Finally, approximately 3% of the entire small-eukaryote community (up to 3.5% of the OTUs) was still non-assigned. Among these 1017 OTUs, only 5% was detected in other lacustrine ecosystems at a 95% cut-off. This analysis highlighted the presence

of freshwater clades (marked by an asterisk in Table VIII-2) previously defined in Lefranc et al.

(2005) and Lepère et al. (2008).

Figure VIII-4 Rank abundance curve of the small-eukaryote operational taxonomic units (OTUs) for the combined

dataset of 248 5672partial 18S rRNA gene sequences from the 23 samples obtained from 17 July to 18 September

2009 in Lake Geneva. (A)The curve represents the respective abundance of all of the 1021 OTUs defined and (B)

of the 21 ―core taxa‖, which accounted for more than 1% of the total reads. The identification number of the 21 abundant OTUs and their taxonomic affiliation are also mentioned in and on the bars, respectively.

A )


Table VIII-2 Taxonomic composition and diversity (importance relative of normalized reads and number of OTUs)

of the small eukaryote community characterized in Lake Geneva (0-20m) from 17 July to 18 September 2009 by pyrosequencing. The three taxonomic ranks constituted arbitrary rank defined in the sequence database from EMBL. The presence of freshwater clades is marked by an asterisk (*).


affiliation Reads cut-off Number of OTUs at the 95%

Total Abundant Intermediate Rare

Alveolata Apicomplexa unclassified Apicom. 0,8% 4 3 1

Aconoidasida 0,0% 6 6

Coccidia 2,0% 1 1

Ciliophora unclassified Ciliop. 22,1% 79 6 39 34

Alveolate L-1* 2,0% 30 17 13 Alveolate L-2* 0,4% 3 2 1 Colpodea 0,3% 5 3 2 Intramacronucleata 6,6% 60 2 18 40 Scuticociliadida 0,4% 1 1 Dinophyceae 3,3% 53 19 34

Perkinsea unclassified Perkin. 0,2% 9 5 4

Perkinsea clade 1* 12,6% 20 3 11 6

Perkinsea clade 2* 1,5% 5 1 2 2

Amoebozoa Centramoebida Acanthamoebidae 0,1% 3 1 2

Tubulinea Euamoebida 0,0% 5 5 Choanoflagellida 1,5% 29 12 17 Cryptophyta Cryptomonadaceae 0,5% 5 4 1 Cryptophyta nucleomorph 0,0% 4 4 Cryptophyta L-3* 0,1% 3 2 1 Cryptophyta L-4* 0,6% 4 3 1 Euglenozoa Euglenozoa 3,0% 1 1

Fungi Fungi unclassified Fungi 1,7% 51 27 24

Chytridiomycota 1,0% 19 9 10

Dikarya unclassified Dikarya 0,1% 25 4 21

Ascomycota 4,4% 53 1 15 37 Basidiomycota 1,8% 42 13 29 LKM11 5,8% 78 1 19 58 Nowakowskiella clade 0,0% 2 1 1 Rozella clade 0,6% 23 7 16 Tremellales et rel. 0,3% 5 2 3 Zygomycota_1 et rel. 2,0% 1 1 Haptophyceae Haptophyceae 0,8% 5 2 3

Rhizaria Cercozoa unclassified Cercoz. 5,3% 23 2 13 8

Cercozoa nuclear 0,8% 14 8 6

Chapitre III Structure et dynamique à court terme du picoplancton eucaryote


Cercozoa L-2* 0,7% 7 4 3

Stramenopiles Stramenopiles unclassified Stram. 1,0% 33 18 15

Bacillariophyta 4,6% 33 2 11 20

Bicosoecida 1,5% 54 17 37

Chrysophyceae unclassified Chryso. 3,5% 46 28 18

Chrysophyceae L-1* 0,1% 4 1 3 Chrysophyceae L-3* 0,0% 2 2 Dictyochophyceae 0,3% 14 6 8 Eustigmatophyceae 0,1% 4 2 2 Labyrinthulida 0,3% 1 1 Oomycetes 0,3% 15 7 8

Viridiplantae Chlorophyta unclassified Chloro. 2,4% 36 17 19

Chlorophyceae 2,8% 26 1 9 16 Prasinophyceae 0,0% 3 2 1 Trebouxiophyceae 0,0% 2 1 1 Ulvophyceae 0,0% 1 1 Unclassified 3,0% 36 1 8 27 TOTAL 1017 21 404 592

Twenty-one OTUs were designated as ―core taxa‖ over all of the 23 samples (Figure

VIII-4B). These OTUs each contributed at least 1% (and together represented approximately

50%) of the reads. More than half of these 21 abundant taxa belonged to the two alveolates groups Ciliophora and Perkinsozoa. The rest of the abundant groups over the study period were mainly represented by opistokonts (LKM11 and Ascomycota), cercozoan (3 OTUs, among which were the freshwater clade cercozoa L-1) and chlorophycean OTUs. Furthermore, one non-assigned taxon and two OTUs belonging to Bacilliarophyta (a stramenopiles group) were retrieved among these ―core taxa‖. In contrast, 596 OTUs (approximately 58% of the total OTUs and approximately 1.3% of the reads) contributed to less than 0.01% of the pyrosequencing datasets. Between these two entities (abundant and rare taxa), a third class of less abundant taxa was defined as ―intermediate taxa‖ and represented more than half of the OTUs.

Globally, only 8 OTUs (less than 1% of total number of OTUs) were observed in all 23 of the samples, while 28.8% (293 of 1017) of the OTUs were observed only at a single date. Furthermore, only 20% of the described taxa were common to more than half of the samples. We note that some freshwater clades were never recorded in the abundant class (> 1%), such as, alveolate L-1 and L-2.


Table VIII-3 Small eukaryotes abundances (mean and coefficient of variation [CV]) targeted by TSA-FISH from 17

July to 18 September 2009 in Lake Geneva (0-20 m).

The most abundant OTU detected is affiliated to perkinsozoan

Perkinsozoan sequences dominated the pyrosequencing datasets with four OTUs among

the 21 ―core taxa‖ defined (Figure VIII-3), and this group always appeared among the dominant

groups throughout the study (Figure S2). The highest abundances of Perkinsozoa (clades 1 and

2) were recorded on the first day of sampling (17 July) with 215 cells.ml-1. However, there was a

discrepancy between the sequencing and FISH results. The pyrosequencing dataset indicated that clades 1 and 2 represented 12.6% and 1.5%, respectively, whereas the abundances of each clade