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monovalent anions concentration(mol/l)



Earlier it was shown that neutral polymeric hydrogels can be used as a contact medium for ultrasonic diagnostics, for creation of liver cyst model, plastic surgery of soft tissues. In present work these investigations are continued.

4.1. New stimuli-sensitive hydrogels as drug-delivery systems

The possibility to use new hydrophilic thermo- and pH-sensitive hydrogels as controlled drug delivery systems. The main idea is based on ability of such hydrogels to sharply change the swelling degree and permeability in response on environment conditions. Brilliant green (BG) and Malachite Green (MG) were used as a model drug substances. The sorption and desorption processes of BG and MG from hydrogels were studied in dependence on amount of drug in gel, environmental conditions (temperature, pH), hydrophobic-hydrophilic balance of macrochaincs, and initial state of polymeric matrixes.

It has been found that the diffusion rate and amount of released drug from dry AA-VIBE gels sharply increases at elevation of pH from 6 to 7 by the reason of increasing of their swelling rate at these conditions. The increasing of AA content in co-polymers leads to an increase in amount of BG and MG released from matrixes.

Sorption of BG and MG by hydrogels is accompanied by complex formation due to the ionic interactions with additional stabilization by hydrophobic interactions and it induced collapse of networks.

The desorption rate of BG from dry thermo-sensitive hydrogels of VEEG-VIBE co-polymers is decreased in the interval 293–318 K (fig.10). For swollen samples the desorption rate is increased in these conditions. The first case is concerned with slower swelling of gels that disturbs the diffusion of drug. The second case is concerned with forsing-out effect of water molecules and dissolved drug caused of gel collapse [31].

FIG. 10. The temperature influence on the desorption rate of brilliant green dye from polymeric matrixes of PVEEG and VEEG-VBE co-polymers. Load of model drug 10 mg per 1 g dry gel; 1–

PVEEG,D=23.5; [VEEG]:[VBE], mol%: 2–83.8:16.2, D=24.0; 3–77.7:22.3, D=24.5.

Thus, the adjusting of temperature and pH medium can regulate the kinetics of desorption of drug substances from polymeric matrixes.

4.2. Hydrogel PVEEG composition in injection form

Nowadays the hydrophilic polymers are widely adopted in the plastic surgery for the increasing the volume and correction of anatomical organs and soft tissues. Unlike traditional implants, the polymer hydrogels have a jell consistence and they can be injected into soft tissues throughout a syringe and needle in the needed quantity to reach the good prolonged functional and cosmetic effects. The advantages of this method are atraumaticness, absence of postoperation scars and possibility of realization the manipulation under local anesthesia at the ambulatory conditions.

Obtained pre-clinical results showed that PVEEG hydrogel, entered deep into soft tissues through injector, does not change its physico-chemical properties, staying inert and biocompatible. It contains permanently in tissues, organs and systems of the human organism resulted in a stable cosmetic and functional effects. The PVEEG polymer material in injection form can be used in capacity of implant for contour plastics of soft tissues, for increasing the volume of various parts of body ands for obtaining the additional skin surface. The hydrophilic cross-linked polymer PVEEG can be recommended to be used for atrophy of muscles of lower extremities after child poliomyelitis as well as for correction of cosmetological deformities — size and shape of breast, hips, buttocks and other things.

4.3. Hydrogel drainages for application in ophtalmosurgery

New water-swelling absorbing polymer of vinyl ether of ethyleneglycol (PVEEG) in both pure and saturated with silver ions forms has been investigated. Acute and chronic toxicity, pyrogen action of the PVEEG in vitro and in vivo were investigated experimentally [32]. Easy, effective for multiple dynamic research and economical method of the

“implantation test” was offered. The results of researched new absorbing material based on PVEEG were accepted as the basis for its clinical use for the treatment of extraorbital suppurative inflammations.

Surgical treatment was performed on 155 patients. The comparative estimation of rubber turunds, the PVEEG drainages and the PVEEG drainages saturated with silver ions was carried out. The offered method of the treatment of extraorbital suppurative inflamations provides active, long drainaging and fast lowering of the inflammation. The period of treatment reduce to 1.5-2 times in comparison with the control traditional method.


It has been shown that the gamma-irradiation (co)polymerization is one of the effective method for obtaining of various types of hydrogels on the basis of vinyl ethers of glycols and aminoalcohol. Physico-chemical and physico-mechanical properties of hydrogels can be regulated by variation of synthesis conditions. New types of hydrogels derived from hydrophilic and hydrophobic monomers are thermo- and pH-sensitive and they can be used as controlled drug releasing system. The phase and volume transitions of hydrogels can be regulated by varying of the hydrophobic/hydrophilic balance of network, by introduction of ionic groups into the neutral network and by addition of low-molecular-weight salts.

Composition of polymer hydrogel based on vinyl ether of ethyleneglycol has successfully passed the pre-clinical tests for application in plastic surgery in injection form. It was shown that the polymer provides stable functional and cosmetic effects and it is very promising material for injection method in plastic surgery of soft tissues.

The pre-clinical and clinical tests in capacity of drainage in ophthalmology surgery were implemented. Shown, that the using of drainage for surgery treatment of extraorbital purulent inflammations allows to reduce the healing period in 1,5 times in comparison with traditional materials. At the using of polymer saturated by silver ions as drainages, the period of treatment is reduced in 2 times because of more active catchment, aspiration and bactericidal functions.


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